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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

..everyone has different stuffs...I has msn messenger and skype. o.o
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Heh, comic is funny.

And also:
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Wasn't she part of the Titans for a while?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm confused at the suspicion that I'm a she. Before I confirm or deny, guy with Mega Man picture, what makes you suspect I'm a girlie?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Duela is pretty cute. Huh. Wasn't expecting the Joker to have it in him... Wait, so who's the mommy?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I thought that bitch got phased out of existence when all the alternate universes became one again, but now they're doing something else, so who knows.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It's COMICS. They don't know the meaning of the word "canon". They'll retcon what they want, when they want, why they want. You can't expect what comics will do, just as .
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Also, got this some time ago:

You laugh, you lose. 9th January 2011 16:28 You're doing it wrong

Nah, I laughed. Doin' it right, far as I'm concerned.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Duela is pretty cute. Huh. Wasn't expecting the Joker to have it in him... Wait, so who's the mommy?

What? You seriously don't have a clue?
Obviously Batgirl. Where else did she get that red hair?
@Beppo: I dunno. Ask RaptorJesus.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I thought that bitch got phased out of existence when all the alternate universes became one again, but now they're doing something else, so who knows.

I thought she was killed while with the Teen Titans? Though I could be confusing her with another character...

Also according to wiki, Duela Dent is Harvey Dent's (durrrrr) daughter. She's gone around saying she's the daughter of many of Gotham's villains from the looks of it.

EDIT; and the next paragraph has her admitting she isn't his daughter...

EDIT 2: "In Countdown Presents The Search for Ray Palmer: Crime Society it is revealed that Earth-3's heroic version of the Joker, the Jokester, is the father of Duela Dent, and that her mother was Evelyn Dent, Three-Face (the Earth-3 version of Two-Face)."

Goddammit, why can't comic books make fucking sense these days. Apparently Duela Dent is some kind of reality jumper..?
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah, I don't pay a lot of attention these days, I just pray Deathstroke shoots everyone every issue of any comic I read, ever.

And in that regard, Archie is a severe disappointment.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

There has never been a time when I fapped and felt guilty. And in fact, I did fap to Beppo. But it was in a very, very, very special situation.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

About you guys complaining how comic books make no sense, keep in mind that the more popular super heroes are often ludicrous. I mean, we have several people who can fly without any consistent explanation, whether it be some special energy that keeps them airborne or even just magic. We have a man who becomes a ninja and dresses up as a bat to scare criminals. We have a boy that transforms into a super hero simply by yelling SHAZAM. Nuclear radiation does whatever the fuck. And a woman born out of clay can become the Spirit of Truth.

This whole alternative reality issue is but a fracture of how ridiculous comic books can really be. And people always complained that Manga/Anime were really weird. Sure we don't have tentacles that rape. But for the love of all that is omniscient, we were given SNOWFLAME - a villain that is literally powered by crack. BY. CRACK.

And you really want something that's just nonsensical BEYOND reason?

Marvel Zombies. And it's retarded fanbase (I'm shocked it even had fans)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

About you guys complaining how comic books make no sense, keep in mind that the more popular super heroes are often ludicrous. I mean, we have several people who can fly without any consistent explanation, whether it be some special energy that keeps them airborne or even just magic. We have a man who becomes a ninja and dresses up as a bat to scare criminals. We have a boy that transforms into a super hero simply by yelling SHAZAM. Nuclear radiation does whatever the fuck. And a woman born out of clay can become the Spirit of Truth.

This whole alternative reality issue is but a fracture of how ridiculous comic books can really be. And people always complained that Manga/Anime were really weird. Sure we don't have tentacles that rape. But for the love of all that is omniscient, we were given SNOWFLAME - a villain that is literally powered by crack. BY. CRACK.

And you really want something that's just nonsensical BEYOND reason?

Marvel Zombies. And it's retarded fanbase (I'm shocked it even had fans)

Oh I know how ridiculous western comics can be, I read quite a few of them. I'm just amazed at how ridiculous Duela Dent is. Though I do prefer Marvel over DC. And hey, Marvel Zombies is pretty awesome, though I don't think I've read most of the newest series.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Duela Dent just had a clumsy back story that was obviously not very well thought out. I'm not a huge DC fan so I don't know much about her character. I can tell just by reading your post that the creators were really being indecisive about what to do with the character. I can't blame them, I mean how do you give someone who's apparently Joker's Daughter more appeal? So they decided to throw in all this shit and troll us by saying she's actually Harvey's kid, then it turns out she was Joker's daughter just a different one. And then she was a rock.

Marvel Zombies is just retarded in it's concept. I mean, it's super heroes AS zombies. We have powerful people that possess incredible feats and princibles who seek to benefit the world and bring justice. Now we make them into zombies and the whooooooole world has been devoured by these people who once struggled over the immoralities of killing others, let alone innocent civilians. Then they surf through the galaxy and eat aliens.

Magneto quotes that guy from Day of the Dead. Well, that was actually pretty awesome.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Read comics that deal with characters no one cares about. Secret Six(DC villains, largely) is amazing because there is little to no cannon for most of that group of characters outside that book. Exiles(had some X-men in it) was awesome because it played with a rotating roster of members from parallel universes and such, so they basically had free reign to do what they want.

I'm really good about ignoring continuity errors because I did all of my comic reading out of a library for some time, which meant I never got anything in order.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't see it as fair to lump all of western comics in with the majority of Marvel and DC. That's like saying all of anime is like Naruto or something.

There are many great comics that don't fuck around with alternate realities in their own universe just to keep running. Y: The Last Man, The Walking Dead, Witchblade, Spawn, Grimm Fairy Tales, Return to Wonderland, Shrapnel... there's plenty out there that have good solid story lines, and don't turn around every so often to fuck around with them.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I only read Hellblazer and Deadpool. Planning to read the Saint of killers one too.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Nunu used to prefer marvel but with my latest re-inteest into the comic scene DC seems to come across as considerably less retarded (not to mention a greater portion of their characters are voiced by tara strong). All that alternate universe stuff was phased out ages ago.

as for mix ups with Duela, i assmume that is more to do with a writter other than her creator decided he knows what better for her. Apparently the original creator thinks harley quinn has been more of a duela than duela has.
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