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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I just got rep in the Unholy Sanctuary thread. All the comment said was "Unholy Sanctuary"


*edit* Oh what the fuck!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Hate Thread

If you're trolling: Get a better hook, you can do better. Tweens have used better hooks than this. If you AREN'T trolling, please stop posting your awful anti-humour, I've shat out accidents more witty than this. -Cappy

Yo Cappy (or maybe not, that's why this isn't a PM), either you -repped the wrong person or you misunderstood me. Nothing in that post was intended to troll or be anything other than my opinion on the ethics of divorce and the laws governing it in my country.

I really can't see why you'd be against a person who's in a legaly binding relationship being able to exit it when they choose and being entitled to a quick dissolution of said relationship.

Perhaps it's my statement that the law is influenced by the church? If you need any proof of that just look at the U.S. laws that stipulate the sales of liquor, firearms, tobacco and auto-parts (IDK what's up with that last one) on sundays, some aren't allowed at all and others can't be sold before a specific time.

Maybe you're bitching about the edit? I agree it was a bit childish, but it honestly was my 666th post and I wasn't aware untill afterwards, so the coincedence was a little exciting.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Let's see, I think I have some funny ones... After my post about someone repping like my GF, I got one who admitted that they had sent one of them, and I got one saying:

"I like it when you tickle my asshole."

I don't think that's her... Although I can't really be sure. (Have I done this? I think not... But we drink a lot...)

But my definite favorite is:


"You're a woman?!"

for this

I considered playing along, but I guess that'd be hard with some of you having me on Facebook...

For the record, it wasn't me who was sick, and it wasn't my menstruation that was delayed...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Elves rock.

No, DWARVES rock, hence their being surrounded by it at almost all times.

Elves are wretched hippy heathens who would all probably swarm at the chance to watch My Little Pony if they weren't repulsed by technology, and inter-species social intercourse of any kind.

Get your filthy elf loving hands out of my Control Panel, heretic. Those things are meant for the hardened fingers of real men. Or women. Just not the gender ambiguous trash that you people pass for a racial category. *Spits* OFF OF MY LAWN!


Edit: Social intercourse... you haven't lived until you've had sexual intercourse with them ponies on.

Communication or dealings between individuals or groups: "everyday social intercourse".

The original meaning of the word intercourse is completely unrelated to sex, you git. Come back when you're competent enough in diction to actually comprehend what I'm saying.


Dwarves are only good for sweatshop workers.

That is at approximately ten times the amount of good any shape or form of elf could ever accomplish, together or apart. And in the end, compared to people such as yourself, Elves may actually be the lesser evil. Emphasis on lesser.


"You people?!" What do you mean, "you people?!"

Not once have I used the phrase "You people" in my post. Your attempt at a witty reference is a failure, much like your attempt to be witty in general.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, someone left me rep for this thread asking what game I was talking about, but didn't sign it, so I guess I'll answer here.

I picked up The First Templar. 20 bucks at Wal-Mart. Couch co-op possibilities. Looks neat. Now if I could just *play* it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I played the demo for that... meh was my reaction. And the demo came out a year after the game's release.

Cursed Crusade wasn't bad though, for the couch co-op ness of medieval swords and maces and demonic curses.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Played the demo of Cursed crusade, too. Atlus game, so you know it's going to be weird in some way *laughs* Not quite sure how I feel about it. I like the weapons, I like the look. Was a bit confusing at times. Would really help if I had some sort of HD screen so I could read the style of print they're using now. (It's not like I'm playing on a small screen, either. They just plan for HD and it fuzzes up the text. Hate.) Still, if it gets cheap enough, might pick it up. Since I have no idea when or how I'm going to get Warriors Orochi 3.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ah Warriors Orichi 3... I'm so pissed that they won't translate the game. See they could even make it cool if they only translated Achilles and Joan of Arc... even if into Greek and French. And had the Chinese speak Chinese, and play with language barriers for the story as well. Could be awesome as hell.

As for Cursed Crusade, it was pretty fun, though not enough for me to play all the way through. Me and my brother had a lot of fun with it until War in the North came out.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Should say that it's not *dubbed* It has been translated, but I feel the same. Admittedly, the voice acting in those games is not the best, but that's half the fun! And from what I hear, it's annoying as hell in 2-player, since the word bubbles on the screen take up half of the screen for the 2nd player. I'm still willing to get it, because I like the series and I'm *hoping* they'll eventually translate it. (I mean, if you can download the Japanese voice packs for DW6, why couldn't you download the *English* voice packs for this?) The biggest thing is that the PS3 version is 10 bucks cheaper, but only available via download, whereas the 360 version is an actual disc, which I prefer (unless I want a European version. Go no regional settings!) And from what I hear, it's pretty big. Other problem: friend has ps3 controller. I do not have a spare 360 controller and even used ones, you're looking at 30+ bucks if you want a good one. Decisions, decisions.

Bah on the not wanting to finish it. Was it just lack of interest/something shinier came along or was it too frustrating? Friend and I found that situation with one of the old Hunter: the Reckoning games back on PS2.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It was interesting, but there was a part that just got frustratingly difficult. We were thinking of just turning down the difficulty for that part, but then LOTR: War in the North came out, and we moved on to hunting Orc.

And I loved the original Hunter: The Reckoning game on xbox. So awesome!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

This was the second(?) one for PS2. Between the two of us, I don't think there was a game that has been so nearly controller-throwing as that one. Insanely tough battles, sucky combo system, and let's not forget the escort missions with the giant robots. Oi.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah... that series came out weird. First one for Xbox, second for PS2, and third for Xbox. From what I remember, only the first was awesome.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Sounds about par for the course. "Let's release this game only on this system, but we're going to release all it's sequels on a completely different system/all of them." *coughWitcherMEMagnaCartacough*
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well... Witcher at least got the sequel on the original platform as well.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And I loved the original Hunter: The Reckoning game on xbox. So awesome!

Judge for life yo. Until Redeemer came out and let me play as Carpenter, at least.

Edit: Also, should probably move this to game discussions.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread



Also: fuck you photobucket. I had to upload the image a second time, and I used the exact same settings, to get it big enough for the words to be legible.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I wanted to see how long I could go between negreps. 4th May 2011 16:16 to 14th May 2012 16:28, a year and eleven days!


Can you seriously shut the fuck up with that? You're so goddamned annoying now and it was never funny.

Context indicates that whoever that is means for yon panicking, although the WE x NOW meme is probably annoying too, honk. Maybe whoever it is will clarify with another red dot, and I can have a little cap of rep-thread-negreps to cap off each end of this thing.

Also, Dorfs are awesome. Elves are pretty and all, but Dorfs are totally the best.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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