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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Crappy said:
If you want to move on to the next topic, bring one up. Don't post backless and shallow comments on the OLD one. And for that matter, I was never implying that I was intelligent or well spoken. I was actually talking about Kusanagi and Sinfulwolf, and pretty much every other person involved except Serifyn.

How about we post whatever we want, and you like it? According to you i'm only allowed to contribute to a thread if i have something personal, touching or for that matter relevant to said thread.

Well fuck all that, i'm not going to acquiesce to the implied code of conduct, especially if it is determined by some moron like you.

I just got done counting my negs from yesterday, at first i thought that something was wrong with my monitor or that i had blood in my eyes but as it turns out, people actually don't like it when a new post is made on these forums.

Rep is like a checking account, and you by pay a fee each time you wish to make a post on these forums.

Oh? you'd like to make a spontaneous comment on a thread in the 'Everything goes' section? Alright then, well that will cost you 39 rep.

I think some people get off on the idea that they are the disciplinarian and enjoy punishing people for marginal shit. As i can safely say now that I don't care about rep anymore, being that the entire system is a poorly implemented piece of dog crap, if you are one of the aforementioned people who feels a magical little tickle down there every time they hit that neg button, then go ahead and do it again, right here, right now, but you should first know that FUCK YOU BUDDY.

that is all.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Seriously? You can post whatever you like, and I can not like it if I want, and I can criticize you for it if I want. Stop whining so much and maybe, just maybe, you might be promoted from "Nuisance" to "Slightly Annoying".

You're acting like I'm oppressing you because I negged you once, and now you're whining because I don't like the things you say? Piss off, I'm not going to make my opinions revolve around mindlessly accepted everything just to make you happy. And for your information, people will occasionally neg you just because this, or just because that, stop treating it like a big deal, because GIVING TWO SHITS about reputation is SOOO TWO YEARS AGO~.
"According to you i'm only allowed to contribute to a thread if i have something personal, touching or for that matter relevant to said thread."
To an extent YES. There are actually threads DEDICATED to making bite-sized nothings, or cheesy jokes, or even senseless babble. There's no reason to just, "POST BECAUSE I CAN." I used to do that shit two to three years ago, more than you even, and I was constantly criticized for it. Well I can see why now. And frankly, if your post isn't relevant, or valuable in any sense, then it isn't a contribution to the thread. It's just a blank worthless statement that people will either breeze over or disregard as without worth. If you want to be funny, try doing it in a way that's ACTUALLY FUNNY. Don't go "A-HYUK YEAH I AGREE GUYS, NOW SMELL THIS FLOWER".
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

As entertaining as i'm sure it would be, i'm not going to do this again. As is abundantly clear to all that you are an opinionated, authoritative douche who takes himself way too seriously.

So i'll just continue to stumble into threads and make lame quips and "off topic, opinionated soliloquies", and you can go on believing that your opinion and style is more relevant or productive than mine while simultaneously checking your watch so you neg me 3.5 times per day.

I suppose it is your prerogative to be a petty overcaffinated ninny, just as it is mine to be a whiny obnoxious "asshat".
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Does anyone else find it funny that Cappy off all people is on this side of the argument considering when he first came here he acted in the same way as Sarifyn, except that what set him off was everything, and what set Sarifyn off was a direct attack.

We are a civilized forum, and being civillized is about more than grammar and eloquence. Now, not that I want to deprive other members of the entertainment of watching this trainwreck, but grow up, shut up, and have a nice day.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

So i'll just continue to stumble into threads and make lame quips and "off topic, opinionated soliloquies", and you can go on believing that your opinion and style is more relevant or productive than mine while simultaneously checking your watch so you neg me 3.5 times per day.

I don't have time neg-stalk you, but I trust that when people happen to find you annoying they'll respond in kind, as I will with spontaneity when I happen to have a neg available and you happen to annoy me. Get used to it, that's how the world of reputation works.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

At this point you're both being equally annoying, so fuck off to PMs or stop talking all together.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


What's the sigh for? I'm very confused. I found a picture of the little kids and was horribly confused by one of her statements.

Can someone 'splain this to me? If not, oh well. I'll forget about it in a few hours anyway.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

yellow shouts are bad.

Fair point, fixed.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

apostrophe use

Thanks for the heads up, I make that mistake sometimes. I do hope that your rep doesn't have any ulterior motive though.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm not gonna neg this cuz I don't care enough, but criticizing someone's opinion that has obviously been jaded from where they live when it comes to the generalization of people is hilarious because of all the crap you bring up out of South Africa

You have a point, but at the same time you're essentially comparing me to somebody who is openly saying that every single person fitting into a category is a hypocrite asshole. I admit I certainly have some prejudice, but I don't log onto my account then constantly bring up my unrivalled hate for all Black people of any shape, size, or kind. I won't let my controversial opinion shape my view of individual people. At least not in that regard.

"keep that to yourself unless you want to start arguments" how about using some restraint yourself considering previous comments...

I do bring up controversial stuff that people find offensive, that's true. But I don't remember the part were anyone said, "I find that offensive, can we change the subject before I and other people get angry?". No, instead I get a swarm of negreps, which is exactly what I wasn't wanting to nail Minerve with, although clearly some other folks had other ideas about how to deal with the situation.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


For how I raged on that guy on the nekonomeme thread for not understanding what "rape" is...

Really that's the most recent one so far, but I've been noticing a few patterns..

1. I get more positive reps for just being silly/funny than I do for things that are actually useful, like my update on the super-deepthroat thread, which held VERY vital information, but noone seemed to care and the thread was instantly re-buried.. (wtf?)

2. It seems to be like a secret hidden rule of thumb NEVER to talk about your own rep, lest some ner'-do-well spring forth to attack almost instantaneously with his snark-rifle. (This has happened to me pretty much every single time I've even mentioned rep, without fail.. And I'm certain it happens to everyone else)

3. On occasion, when your far down enough, people eventually DO feel guilty for berating you to a degree..
If you're being gang-banged by snarky smartass forum-folk, especially those with respect (somehow), just hunker down, and stay quiet.. Responding only fuels their justification to bark senselessly at you, much like how a troll would behave..

4. Fetishes are controversial.. On one hand, you have all the white knights who want things to be equal and simple, and on the other hand, you have all the creepy hide-in-the-dark types who find the perfect chance to openly beg for a terribly awkward/weird fetish in a somewhat-good hentai game in development, pissing a few people off. In this case, segregation is the best answer.. Put as many fetishes in as you want, just make sure there's a choice of what you WANT to see, like a violence filter on a PG13 game. (ex. "Mortal combat", "Unreal Tournament")

5. No matter how smart you are, no matter what you know, what you think you know, and what you know you think, there will ALWAYS be SOME motherfucker out there who will jump in right in front of you with some quote that will completely undermine, and slightly humiliate you, once in a while.. Instead of starting a flame war or being a wise-ass, just quietly absorb the wisdom he has put on the table, and wait for your chance to shine later on.. Knowledge is merely the ammo.. Tact is what puts it to use
on the forums, and strategy is what helps you time your shots.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You forgot two other trends, people who whine about their neg reps here get more neg reps (not what you're doing but yeah).

secondly when one of these neg rep whining cycles starts i inevitably get drawn into it and have to use my nunu powers.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'd rock you to sleep all night long, if you know what I mean. And by that, I of course mean by on a nice heated blanket in a hammock, while I sit next to you in my chair, humming softly and giving light comforting swings til long after you're out.

<3 ...I think. lol

I always enjoy these long, intricate comments.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

3. On occasion, when your far down enough, people eventually DO feel guilty for berating you to a degree..
If you're being gang-banged by snarky smartass forum-folk, especially those with respect (somehow), just hunker down, and stay quiet.. Responding only fuels their justification to bark senselessly at you, much like how a troll would behave..

Sponge, when you get into an argument with somebody, or multiple people, about something... Of course they will carry on until either you stop talking or they feel they've proven their point. That is how arguments go, or conflicts in general for that matter. "Troll" does not classify anybody who gets into a confrontation with you, it classifies those who attempt to get under people's skin and harass them without regard to whatever they say, do, or think. In short, don't be so sensitive, that's what caused that whole scene you're referring to in the first place. And as for feeling guilty, keep dreaming. People will feel guilt for personal attacks and insults that they feel are unjustified, but that kind of thing doesn't necessarily extend to an internet forum. You've got to develop something of a thick-skin or ego if you're going to survive socializing on the internet, buddy.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


Well, if you ever SAW the picture... at all. You see it's a humanized adult.

Geez, talk about judging a book by it's cover...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Hahaha.. Oh, them silly bronies and their strange fantasies...

I was stopping by a grocery store one day when I saw what looked like
an ad on the glass wall along with all the other posts about the town and

It was a big picture of that pink pony from MLP, along with some text
basically saying.. (partially quoted)

"The brony is an endangered species, come join the community!
Call [an actuall f*cking number] for bla bla bla!"

(There was an actual number)

When I saw that, the first thought in my mind was

"Oh dear god it's finally happened.. They've launched an invasion,
and they're recruiting.."

Unfortunately, my dad was with me at the time, and he noticed the
poster, so I had to explain to him what a brony was..

"Basically it's just a bunch of overgrown emotionally stunted men in their 20's-30's who are addicted to a show that USED to be targeted towards little girls.. Just combine furries with sailor moon fans, cut out the weird perverted humping rituals, but keep the doll-collecting and flamboyancy , and you have bronies.."

Now before anyone goes off saying I'm wrong about that, I don't talk from what I hear or see on the internet from typical trolls.. I've personally talked to, and (attempted to) council bronies.. And that's the vibe I get from them..

I can't say they WEREN'T emotionally stunted, slightly misguided, immoral, and/or just plain closet-cases.. But what I can say is that maybe,
they're not all like that, and I happened to run into some of the worse ones.

I just thought it'd be funny to share this story with you, since now ever since then I have to hear both my hoity-toity parents joke endlessly about bronies,
like 2 clueless 80-year-olds who just heard about rap for the first time.. :rolleyes:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I may have no great love for those creepy horse-fuckers*, but you, Mr "I really don't care about rep, you guise, even though it's the only thing I can post about I MEAN REALLY MY LIFE DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND IT OR ANYTHING", are the last person with any right to call someone emotionally stunted, misguided, or immoral. (The last one being because you're on a tentacle hentai forum.)

And, unless something truly horrible has occurred, ULMF's prevailing attitude towards named groups of deviants is that "If they don't push their opinions onto others, they can like whatever they want to like". Assess at an individual level, do not make remarks about a group as a whole. As (arguably) all tentacle-hentai aficionados as we are, we should have at least that much respect for our fellow communities.

*Horse Is Okay When It's Male On Female Human(oid)
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