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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I actually like MLP for the same reason young girls do, because I pretty much still am one at heart.

It's just a matter of personal taste, and everyone's different. *shrugs* I try not to judge people for the kinds of shows they like because, well... it really doesn't matter. If something makes people happy and it doesn't hurt other people in the process, more power to them.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't think he's ragging on the men for actually liking it, more the fact they're so vocal about being obsessed over a cartoon aimed at little girls what with the whole putting up a poster to advertise their community. Then there's the men that actually go out and buy the toys and out them on display and go out to cons and whatnot raving about it, or just generally going out in public and being so loud about it.

I'm of the same mind as Sponge, I do see them as being pretty pathetic but so long as they aren't forcing it in my face I'll keep it mostly to myself. Though I did end up almost losing my shit last year when I went into Cardiff with a friend and we saw a group of about 20 of them just making a fucking nuisance of themselves. And these weren't the 'normal' fans, they were the highest grade neckbeards and basement shut-ins.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't think he's ragging on the men for actually liking it, more the fact they're so vocal about being obsessed over a cartoon aimed at little girls what with the whole putting up a poster to advertise their community. Then there's the men that actually go out and buy the toys and out them on display and go out to cons and whatnot raving about it, or just generally going out in public and being so loud about it.

I'm of the same mind as Sponge, I do see them as being pretty pathetic but so long as they aren't forcing it in my face I'll keep it mostly to myself. Though I did end up almost losing my shit last year when I went into Cardiff with a friend and we saw a group of about 20 of them just making a fucking nuisance of themselves. And these weren't the 'normal' fans, they were the highest grade neckbeards and basement shut-ins.

Thank you, SirOni, I appreciate that. That's the same opinion my 50 year old saint-of-a-father had about them, and he's a man who does his research.

I judge them as weird people because I'm a psychologist, that's kind of my job.. There's not a single person I've talked to in my life for more than 10 minutes that I haven't relentlessly analyzed and then decided to pick them apart due to their flaws, then pick them back up again to rebuild them either out of guilt or inspiration.

And I stand by what I said about them because from what I've SEEN, from EXPERIENCE, interacting with them, that's exactly how they are.. (Unless I've been wrather unlucky running into the "Worse" ones)

But no.... Just f*cking wait "you gaise".. It gets even better..

Maybe as some strange cosmic karma, or maybe because I just plain had
it coming.. I woke up today, at 8:54 am, to the sound of a camera taking a picture.. I open my eyes, and what do I see?.. My mom and dad, grinning like 2 kids who just drew a kick-me sign..

My dad then proceeds to show me, a MLP pony doll, still in package, along with a DVD (of an episode or something), also in the package, saying jokingly "Now we have evidence that YOU are a brony! We're gonna show the picture to [relative] and [relative]! Hahahahah!"

Apparently they snuck in my room, put the toy next to me when I was sleeping, and took a picture of it..

What's even worse (or better), I don't even recognize the character from
the series that this doll was made after.. (Since the only MLP characters I've seen, were from memes) But for the record she's yellow, with purple hair, and named "Sunny rays" I think..

So now I've got this MLP doll and a "20+ minute full episode" of MLP neatly wrapped in hard plastic, just staring at me in my room..

The ultimate punishment for my mocking of MLP, and bronies, who I'm pretty sure now have the 2nd last laugh, before my dad.

Troll-Dad Level: Anti-Brony

I think the moral here is, don't make fun of bronies if you have troll-parents, even if they hate bronies themselves. They won't be above humiliating you for a laugh... A laugh that will undoubtedly follow both me and them to our graves..
One last note..

And, unless something truly horrible has occurred, ULMF's prevailing attitude towards named groups of deviants is that "If they don't push their opinions onto others, they can like whatever they want to like". Assess at an individual level, do not make remarks about a group as a whole. As (arguably) all tentacle-hentai aficionados as we are, we should have at least that much respect for our fellow communities.

As oni stated, you don't see pages on conveniance-store walls of naked hentai chicks advertising ulmf with
(apparenlty) a community hotline, do you?
And I'm preeeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure MLP is not a "Fellow community" to ulmf.. Great job defending those "horse freaks" there, buddy..

At least not until they start developing a taste for hentai games and flood the forum with fan-made MLP hentai games..
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I have two responses. I apologise a little for the second, but it's my honest reaction.

My dad then proceeds to show me, a MLP pony doll, still in package, along with a DVD (of an episode or something), also in the package, saying jokingly "Now we have evidence that YOU are a brony! We're gonna show the picture to [relative] and [relative]! Hahahahah!"

Apparently they snuck in my room, put the toy next to me when I was sleeping, and took a picture of it..

Lulz. Just brilliant. I genuinely laughed imagining that. I feel that people who's parents don't have a sense of devious humour like this are somewhat deprived. My dads the same if you give him the slightest material to work with.

I'm a psychologist,

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Hey, hey.. I wasn't trying to be too serious, now..

I'm not a PROFESSIONAL psychologist..

I just happen to have counseled and analyzed dozens if not a couple hundred people for 6 six years straight, and it's been my main interest to learn about the human mind ever since I was 14...

... There's no official document that says I've done any of that, so if anyone wants
to decide that I'm full of shit.. There's not much I can do or say about that.

I also want to make it very clear to any brony-lovers, and to the three people who neg-repped me who all
wrote frilly emotionally distressed hate-notes, that I am NOT a brony-hater..

Much like how we recognize and accept retards usually can't solve a math problem,
and tying their shoe may be an extremely difficult task, simply acknowledging this
fact does not mean we hate them.. It merely means we know who they are.. Such things
have rarely changed our perception of who or what we like, so frankly, anyone who got the
vibe that I hate bronies off of what I said, obviously must think I'm a very shallow person..

Most retards are nice, and fairly shy.. It's easy to get along with them, and it's even easier to like them.
Ironically, they act like stereotypical nerds in behavior. (I've known a few)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Psychologist is indeed a professional occupation. A title even. So if you're not a professional psychologist, you're not a psychologist. Just someone fascinated, and interested by psychology.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Wasn't aware of that, point taken.

I am indeed fascinated by psychology, but I guess I call(ed) myself a psychologist to try and justify all the years I spent trying to help people, and failing a quarter of the time.

I can't exactly say those were happy years for me OR the ones I helped.. But it was something I could
always do fairly well to pass the time, other than gaming.

So in other words, you're not a psychologist. Using that word implies actually knowing your shit.

I guess I made that realization one post too late.. Oh well, progress is progress.
I'm more of a white knight than anything.. Though I gained the title "Monochrome knight"
from most of my friends because once in a while, I'd suddenly turn on whoever I was talking to,
and instead of help them, psychologically torture them, and make them feel horrible.

Why that happens is probably just some imperfection of mine that I'll grow out of..

Either way, I'd like to think 6 years of counseling people has taught me SOMETHING unique about the
human mind.

I mean... Jeez.. What do normal people do with childhoods?.. Go to school, watch cartoons, play games..

All I ever did was talk to people on the internet and watch discovery/animal planet/history channel, back when they were ACTUALLY EDUCATIONAL, and wasn't just red-necks mining for gold and making moonshine.. Never went to school. (But that's a whole other dramatic story)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


That is the most hilarious photoshop I've seen in YEARS.
Something died on my insides, knowing that its going to be hard to laugh harder than this any time for the rest of the year XD +Rep for you RP!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You know what the reflection tells me? That Sinful bit Silthy.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No offense, but there's better ways to honor someone than desecrating your body...

None taken, mysterious Neg-repper! But I don't believe it's a desecration of my body. I feel he's made a huge mark on my life that I wanted to have expressed as a mark on my skin. I have two other tattoos that represent huge changes in my life already.

Its not like I got one just to get one. I do understand where you're coming from though :) I just wish that instead of anonymously neg-repping me, you had messaged me and spoken to me privately where we could have had a meaningful discussion.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I miss him like hell and the pain from getting the tattoo was nothing compared to what I feel every day without him.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No offense, but there's better ways to honor someone than desecrating your body...

I love how "no offense" came before a fairly offensive comment. It's her father, it's her body, so who the fuck does this high and mighty neg-repper think they are?

I think it's the "no offense" part that just boggles my mind.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Even if one doesn't like tattoos, I find it really weird someone would have a morality that believes them to be desecrations, yet is okay with browsing a site that revolves around hentai....
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ok, I had been silent about this myself and only offered some quiet support, but if people are responding, I will as well. Just because you approach someone with a tone of sincerity doesn't make the content of what you're saying portray you as any less of an asshole, and most likely a hypocrite in some rights, as OAMP pointed out.

You couldn't disagree in your mind? You actually had to bring it up to the person who lost someone how you thought their idea of remembering that person was wrong? Do you have any sense of decency or social understanding? What kind of affliction could you have to be so blind to someone's feelings? You're supremely lucky that Chibi is such an amiable person, because some other people would have flipped out, for very valid reasons mind you, to have something so cold spit into their faces.
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