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- 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Found a download list on another forum. Nice assortment of official and non official games with some translation and update patches where available. The thread was active, so I assume these links are likely being maintained. Also edited this into the original post.
--Official Games--

Touhou 1-5 PC-98 Pack [x] Managed by magicalcrap. Download . Alternate link by ZEROGRAVITY-A01! Download (Note:To use the fonts, unzip the files to the emulator's directory. Run Anex86, select Config and then Fonts from one of the tabs. Locate "anex86.bmp" (without the quotations) and exit the Config menu. Now, your texts shouldn't be gibberish anymore.)

Anex86 has a tendency to create problems with the sound/image quality. Instead of using Anex86 extracted with the .hdi files, you should use instead. To select a game, open T98-Next, click on the "main" tab, select the "disc" tab below it, click on one of the rectangular boxes under "HD Drive" (right next to the the grayed-out "edit" buttons), and then browse for the desired .hdi file. Afterwards, just click on the big power button in the top-left corner to run the game.

6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [x] Managed by SuperScarfy. Download . Pre-patched version with the retexture, english, and hitbox add-ons managed by nothing21 . (English pre-patched) Alt link from me

7 Perfect Cherry Blossom [x] Managed by Mereck. Download . Mirror by rokuak . (English pre-patched) Alt link from me

7.5 Immaterial and Missing Power [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download or .

8 Imperishable Night [x] Managed by 6djme. Download . Mirror by Tsukimoon . 2nd Mirror by ZEROGRAVITY-A01! . (English pre-patched--I don't recommend you set your unicode to Japanese while playing this, as the text may get cut off in the text boxes.) Alt link from me

9 Phantasmagoria of Flower View [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download . Mirror by nothing21 . (Note: This already comes with the v1.50 patch installed. If your game crashes on startup, put the PoFV game folder somewhere in your C:\Program Files directory or rename the game folder as "Phantasmagoria of Flower View" if you want to keep it outside of Program Files. Be sure to create a new game folder to put in the files for nothing21's download.) Alt link from me

9.5 Shoot the Bullet [x] Managed by rokuak. (Requires 7zip) Download . English patched mirror by nothing21 Alt link from me

10 Mountain of Faith [x] Managed by rokuak. Download . (Requires 7zip)
A's Alternate Download:
Alt link from me

10.5 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody [x] Managed by nothing21. Download . English version available. Download and

11 Subterranean Animism [x] Managed by rokuak. Download . (Requires 7zip)

A's Alternate Download:


12 Undefined Fantastic Object [x] grgspunk. Download . (Requires 7zip)

A's Alternate Download:


12.3 Hisoutensoku [x] Managed by noobacc. Download and Another alt from animalbrad

12.5 Double Spoiler [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download Mirror by Argroh Valdios
NOTE: Your TH12.5 save data and replays are stored separately in your C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\ShanghaiAlice directory. This is a hidden folder that's created every time you start the game, so you need to enable your computer to see hidden files to access/delete your save data/replays (To make hidden files visible, go to the file menu, click Tools>>>Folder Options>>>"View" tab>>>Click "Show hidden files and folders").

Super Marisa Land [x] Managed by Eryth. Download .

Super Marisa World [x] Managed by ndesu. Download Mirror by ZEROGRAVITY-A01! .

MegaMari [x] Managed by AsukaKototachi. Download . Mirror by Kizeki . Mirror by ZEROGRAVITY-A01! .

Touhou Koumajou Densetsu ~Scarlet Symphony~ (Touhouvania) [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download the unpatched version Latest patched version (1.04a) .

Sanae's Youkai Extermination Lesson [x] Managed by grgspnk. Download Mirror by spinzaku

Concealed the Conclusion [x] Managed by 6djme. Download Alternate upload by rokuak. , , , .

東方八華閃 (Geometry Wars) [x] Managed by encephlon. Download

東方紅舞闘(仮) -

Mystical Chain [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download .


Touhoumon - Managed by our foliage4. Download , includes the VirtualBoyAdvance emulator required to play. This English version is far behind the Japanese one, and is compatible with few to no Japanese mods.
For downloads of Japanese versions of Touhou Puppet Play, (which are much better except they're in moonrunes) see .
UPDATE: Newer Merry version available

Touhou Hack and Slash [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download (Japanese unicode/Applocale recommended)

Touhou Mother [x] See for download and information.

Touhou Houkyoutabi (Houkyouryo/Zelda Sakuya) [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download . (Japanese unicode/Applocale recommended)

Touhou Labyrinth & Plus Disk [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download . (Note: In order to play the game in either Japanese or English, you need to copy the provided fonts into your C:\WINDOWS\Fonts folder. Otherwise, the game will crash on startup. Even when using the English patch, you should set still your computer's locale to Japanese to ensure that the font displays properly.)


Touhou Seicross [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download (Japanaese unicode/Applocale recommended)

Touhou Soccer [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download .

Touhou Soccer 2 (Moushuuden) [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download
, scroll to "東方サッカー猛蹴伝" |

Touhou Unreal Mahjong [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download .
v1.6 patch Partial translation patch

Marisa and Alice [x] Managed by Eryth. Download . English upload by nothing 21. Download and .
| separately

Cirno Climber [x] Managed by Eryth. Download .

PatchCon - Defend the Library! [x] Managed by Mecheye. Download . Mirror by rokuak . Mirror by ZEROGRAVITY-A01! . English pre-patched version by nothing21 .
| separately

I Wanna Be The Shrine Maiden - Download Yes, this is similar to I Wanna Be The Guy. You have been warned.

爆 東方幻想郷 Detonate on Sound (Bomberman) [x] Managed by wynber. Download , , and

幻想郷横断るなてぃっくいず (Quiz) [x] From Nyaatorrents. Download

Gyakuten Touhou (Aya Shameimaru Ace Attorney) [x] Managed by encephlon. Download , , and .

Gyakuten Touhou 2 [x] Managed by encephlon. Download , , , and .

Shin Gyakuten Touhou (3) [x] Managed by grgspunk. Download . (Applocale, Japanese unicode/knowledge required.)

I've been wanting a translated version of Touhou Soccer for ages now. Football normally utterly bores me, but this is awesome. I just destroyed a space station kicking a ball into orbit, jumping up, and then kicking it back down to score. If normal football had more giant lasers, I might just take an interest.

I can also recommend the PatchCon game near the bottom of the list. Instantly accessible library defending fun. I'd been enjoying that one without translation for a while now already.

On a separate note, I only just now saw CNN's laughable "report" on Bad Apple. About as accurate as anything else that has ever been reported on internet culture or Japan. Rather amusing. It's really only a time filler part of the show, so wouldn't expect them to take it seriously, but claiming that the video was actually made using stop motion? Lolwut? They simply haven't got a clue what their talking about.

Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Although I didn't want anything from that list that deserves a + rep.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

After listening to some of the music in the classical music thread, I was wondering if anyone here had a link to a complete collection of TAMusic works or something. I think I'm in love with the dream album...
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

I just went to do a bit of research. I've never quite figured out the organisation of the TAMusic doujin circle since I've heard some fairly varried things from them before. Having just had a look at what I believe is their and finding the 'All CD' section, I think you might need to buy yourself an external hard drive if you really want the "complete collection". =)

While I'm sure plenty of that is good music, I think what your looking for is the work of a particular artist within the circle. I don't have a name to put to him, but all his albums seem to follow a title scheme of...
[TAMUSIC] -Touhou Nocturnes For Pianoforte「Album name here」
(or "for piano trio" in one case.)

Looking a short way down that cd list, I noticed this set of five matching familiar cover designs.

TAM3-0031 ●ピアノのための東方夜想曲集「Spirit」
TAM3-0035 ●ピアノ三重奏のための東方夜想曲集「Seal」
TAM3-0039 ●ピアノのための東方夜想曲集「Dream」
TAM3-0044 ●ピアノのための東方夜想曲集「Shangri-La」
TAM3-0057 ●ピアノのための東方夜想曲集「Kwaidan」

You should be able to use that information to help you. I think I'll have a look for some downloads myself . If I find any I'll post em here. If you beat me to it please share. Cheers for giving me an extra reason to look into it. I wouldn't mind having some more of this. =)

According to a website that was talking about the Kwaidan album...
"TAM is 100% impromptu rendition. no score."
Pretty nifty.
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Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Bah! I need to go through and see if theres any good arrangements of Phantom Ensemble. That song goes so unnoticed for its pure awesomeness
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Found some media fire links for 「Spirit」 & 「Shangri-La」.

Found 「Seal」 too. Having trouble with 「Kwaidan」.
And there we go. That's all of em! =D

I believe that's in order of their release as well. Not in a place I can listen to them at the moment, but I've downloaded myself and they all seem genuine. Each includes the cover scans too. Also note that the album information in Kwaidan is oddly varried despite seeming to all belong to the Kwaidan album itself, so might want to fix that if you use album sorting in your media player. Not sure what's up with that. TAM as a whole still confuses me a little. I added links to the wiki page for each album in the name above the mediafire link, for finding translated track names if you'd rather have file names you can read, and for referencing which origianals were used in each track.
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Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Well, I downloaded DREAM from your youtube Unknown, and was gonna rep you for that, but I had already repped you for the umbillical joke, and now I have to rep you even more... DAMN IT! I'm gonna have to go make a list.

Anyways, thank you very much! The Dream album made me want to start playing Touhou again, if I can find a translation-patch that works on my current machine...

Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Hey no problem. Happy to help. I love taking on random quests like this. And you know, Touhou's kinda my thing. ^_^

Speaking of translation patches though, I assume everyones up to date? With Touhou Hisoutensoku now patched it marks the first time the official windows games have been fully up to date regarding translations. Also now I finally know what all the odd new spell cards do.

All the patches are in there. If a patch hadn't been working for you before, it might have been down to not having a needed version patch for the game installed. Some of the patches can be awkward to install correctly due to the moonspeak, but I've managed to get them all to work without too much hassle.

And yeah, despite how much I've seen already, the fanbase still amazes me with the things it produces sometimes. I found a Touhou/Brawndo parody yesterday. I never know what I'll dig up next. One of my favourite things to come from the fanbase lately are the videos this Kinema Kan group are creating. Now there's no end of quality fan made animations in the series already, Mikaze's experimental anime episode for one, but Kinema Kan are really raising the bar for amateur animation circles. Anyone not seen these yet?

I really want to know what they're up to, whether these (epic) short music videos are the real goal, or if they're leading up to something bigger. Remembering that these guys aren't a professional studio or anything, just a gang that meets up on the net, the quality of their work so far is genuinely incredible.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Man, that's some incredibly well-made stuff. I'm eager to see more. Thanks for these links, Squid.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Saw that Batman alignment chart thing again today, along with a few others, and felt like having a go at making one myself. The subject of choice was obvious. Though once I got started, suddenly the choices for each box seemed very much less obvious. It's actually quite hard to pin a D&D alignment on a lot of the characters. I realised Flan for example could be a contender for the CN slot when I thought about her real character over her popular fanon image. Reimu could likely be in CG or maybe NG as well. Shikieiki could easily fill the LG or N slot. I'm considering placing Tenshi in CE... Okuu could do it too...

Was just meant to be a quick bit of fun, but it's somewhat harder than I thought it'd be. ^_^'

Any suggestions or disputes? Alternative art or switch arounds?
I can't for the life of me think of anyone to fill the LE or "Pure Evil" slot.
I'll think of the subtitle text once the pictures/characters are decided.

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Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Remember when this thread was purged and everybody was happy and content with the world?

Good times