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The Weird One is suing WallPaper

Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

Ow, watch the carrot!
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

*Wiggles the carrot inside his bride's bum*
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper


I may have to sue this court for the mental damages it has inflicted upon my brain. Then again, if all court cases end like this... I'll drop all charges and just have myself lobotomized.
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

I think if that happened I'd spend the next three days trying to perfect my signature in snow-banks and writing inappropriate messages on fogged over bathroom mirror to my girl-thing. XD "Hey look what I can do!" *inappropriateness ensues*

eta: and please, you'd be spending the next three days trying to figure out how it worked. XDD So much more complicated and annoying than most males guess.
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

eta: and please, you'd be spending the next three days trying to figure out how it worked. XDD So much more complicated and annoying than most males guess.

Wouldn't we spend more time considering sooner or later we'd go on our period?

*Freaks out as blood comes out of her* AGHHH I'M DIEING!
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

The blood is nothing compared to the vomit-inducing cramps. >:D *prepares to tell horror stories~*
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

The blood is nothing compared to the vomit-inducing cramps. >:D *prepares to tell horror stories~*

Go ahead I annoyed my best friend so much when she was on her period that now I'm no longer allowed to ask her if she's on it... or imply it... in any way at all... (I memorized the time of month... he he he he)
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

Ooh, she's lucky she gets it predictably. XD It's the surprise razor-faeries that are the worst!
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

Ooh, she's lucky she gets it predictably. XD It's the surprise razor-faeries that are the worst!

How should I know if she gets it predictably? After I asked 2 times she proceeded to try to tear me a new one unless I stopped...
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

I'm trying to think of an equivalent for a guy that'd be as annoying. XDD I can't think of one. Maybe "lol, gotta boner? No? How about now? Now? Now? Ha ha, you don't/do!" or something along those lines?
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

We always have boners, sometimes randomly painful. But the annoyance is usually in the testicles. We get absolutely random pains in there too with absolutely no timing which is apparently normal, according to doctors.
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

I'm trying to think of an equivalent for a guy that'd be as annoying. XDD I can't think of one. Maybe "lol, gotta boner? No? How about now? Now? Now? Ha ha, you don't/do!" or something along those lines?

I only asked her at the same time of month every month... <.<
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

Stupid gonads, randomly twinging! D: I think I can imagine what you're talking about. I'm just glad that female-parts have the good sense to be tucked well away from potential accidents. XD The only time they ever get especially intruded upon an annual pap visit and that's only to be poked at from the outside. XP


(Really, I know nothing about male anatomy. XD Your divulgences are entrancing.)
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

We always have boners, sometimes randomly painful. But the annoyance is usually in the testicles. We get absolutely random pains in there too with absolutely no timing which is apparently normal, according to doctors.

Well, you just alleviated some of my concerns there. I've been worried about what that was all about.
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

What the hell? I've never had a painful boner in my life. Then again I have a special circumstance....
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

I remember a comedian commenting on his trip to the doctor about it. The doctor told him it was completely normal and ways to try and alleviate/prevent it are ejaculating more and exercising. To which the comedian responded, "Well then how the hell did I get it in the first place."

Bu yeah, that and the whole kick to the groin thing is completely immobilizing. If you'd like, I can go into specifics of what it feels like, it's actually a long description, not just "your balls really hurt when they get hit"
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

I remember a comedian commenting on his trip to the doctor about it. The doctor told him it was completely normal and ways to try and alleviate/prevent it are ejaculating more and exercising. To which the comedian responded, "Well then how the hell did I get it in the first place."

Bu yeah, that and the whole kick to the groin thing is completely immobilizing. If you'd like, I can go into specifics of what it feels like, it's actually a long description, not just "your balls really hurt when they get hit"

I don't feel as much pain as other guys when I'm drop kicked in the nuts... I can usually walk around although it might look a bit awkward... then again like I said I have a special circumstance....

(Prepares to tell childhood story)
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

Well yeah, individual variances. I will say the testicles are confusing as hell. I can have someone rear back and punch me right in the crotch and get nothing. A common phrase I utter when someone threatens to hit my balls with something is "Go ahead, you'll only hurt your hand/foot/golf club" (whatever they may be using)

But then sometimes, nothing more than a flick, an empty plastic cup that was thrown TO you, not at you, underhand that brushes a nut on the way down, and you're on the ground for the next five minutes screaming "MAKE SURE I'M LOOKING BEFORE YOU THROW IT ASSHOLE!" with tears streaming down your face
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

I was punched in the balls once, didn't feel it for 15 seconds, then collapsed in shock.

Never could quite under stand that one.
Re: The Weird One is suing WallPaper

Yeah, the latent ones are a bitch
And you'd think the pain would be localized like any other hit. Ow you punched my arm, my arm hurts. Ow I stubbed my toe, my toe hurts. Nope, testicles create systemic pains. Oh I got hit in the balls, I can't breathe, my spine hurts all the way up to my neck, my lower ribs feel sore for some reason, my knees buckled, and my testicles hurt, yes my testicles definitely hurt, I can feel them in my stomach.
I never understood how it knocks the wind out of you. I don't breathe with my balls damnit
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