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The wish thread.

Re: The wish thread.

Just wish for the Yggdrasil Super-Computer. You'll already have a pre-made world to mess with, so go nuts!

Re: The wish thread.

Just wish for the Yggdrasil Super-Computer. You'll already have a pre-made world to mess with, so go nuts!


Wild ARMS 3? I had a friend who played that recently and that sounds familiar...
Re: The wish thread.

I forget where I saw it, but it was in one of the animes I saw back in High School. Yggdrasil was the super-computer for Heaven, and it let the user affect almost any aspect of the universe they could think of. So changing the laws of physics or introducing new mutations on Earth would be pretty easy of you had access to that computer.
Re: The wish thread.

I don't think they would allow any of us to use that computer because we all know that would just lead to real tentacle monsters being unleashed on the world.

I wish I had a ham sammich. I'm freaking hungry but alas I'm out of lunchmeat and bread.
Re: The wish thread.

Yggdrasil is the world-tree in Norse mythology, I think. Either that or it's the giant serpent that will consume the tree at Ragnarök.
Spell-check has umlauts.
Re: The wish thread.

Correct. All those little spin-off stories about a tree of life, tree of mana, etc etc all stem from the norse world-tree, which was called Yggdrasil. I don't remember what the serpent was called.

I wish it wasn't summer.
Re: The wish thread.

The Midgard Serpent.

And then there was Fenris the wolf.

And of Course Hel, she's a creeper. And these were all Loki's children.

I wish i could remember more about mythology than i do currently.
Re: The wish thread.

Re: The wish thread.

Not a bad choice but I prefer this.

Re: The wish thread.

lol, didn't say i wanted to learn it all again. Just that I wanted to remember everything I've forgotten with no effort.

I wish I could learn by osmosis. Then I could sleep using my books as pillows and never have to study again.
Re: The wish thread.

Don't learn it, make like it's a bunch of stories and enjoy it. I mean if I had to learn it I would just shoot myself in the head, because it wouldn't be enjoyable anymore.

I wish I had a pet wolperdinger or a jackalope or both.
Re: The wish thread.

I wish I had the power to shoot lazer beams from my mouth, or energy beams from my hands

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Re: The wish thread.

I wish I could learn by osmosis. Then I could sleep using my books as pillows and never have to study again.

that would be so fucking cool.

i nominate america sinks our entire defense budget into research in order to make this happen.


Re: The wish thread.

that would be so fucking cool.

i nominate america sinks our entire defense budget into research in order to make this happen.



:'D I'll write a letter to Obama.
Re: The wish thread.

To the removal of military budget into research...

And suddenly without the money to pay the soldiers, clerks, the U.S. military is without personnel. Without any money to spend on new equipment and with no one to maintain old equipment it sits in a hall and rusts. Ships, tanks and jeeps are forgotten or disarmed and sold to the public or made into statues.

Suddenly, the resources of America look mighty dandy to the world. Every citizen must now pick up a dictionary to help them learn their new language while Canada suddenly has to spend every penny they have to keep out their not so friendly new neighbor, as their economy plummets into nothing because their greatest trade partner suddenly vanished.

Hmmm... I'll live without learning through Osmosis.
Re: The wish thread.

To the removal of military budget into research...

And suddenly without the money to pay the soldiers, clerks, the U.S. military is without personnel. Without any money to spend on new equipment and with no one to maintain old equipment it sits in a hall and rusts. Ships, tanks and jeeps are forgotten or disarmed and sold to the public or made into statues.

Suddenly, the resources of America look mighty dandy to the world. Every citizen must now pick up a dictionary to help them learn their new language while Canada suddenly has to spend every penny they have to keep out their not so friendly new neighbor, as their economy plummets into nothing because their greatest trade partner suddenly vanished.

Hmmm... I'll live without learning through Osmosis.

Don't worry. Canada's already working on it. Why do you think our navy is two tug boats and an old steam powered submarine?
Re: The wish thread.

*chuckles* yeah because I actually thought that letting a good percentage of our population suddenly be out of a job, all for the sake of something that's impossible or not going to happen for the next few centuries was a good idea. thanks for pointing that out sin.

the fact that you took that seriously made me smile, but it also made me facepalm a bit. but I know how literal you are and I still love you for it so no worries.
Re: The wish thread.

I wish I had a superpower... And I mean ANY superpower. Flying sounds like fun, invisibility too, but I would be happy with just strange ones. Like having an unlimited supply of marbles, just close my hand and consentrate and have one. Or being able to turn water into wine or something. Being able to shine, y'know, like glow. That would be neat. Or be able to change my appearance at will. Or be able too make food from anything. Or to be able to hover, just a few inches of the ground. Or walk on water. Or control the length of my nails. Or being able to know what's inside a package without opening it. Or being able to read something once and remember it. Or be able to instantly learn languages.

Basically, I wish I was special.

Also, I wish I hadn't fallen on my guitar whilst drunk.
Re: The wish thread.

Nonono, I don't want that... Cumming ants witha little bit of blood on the other hand...