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They didn't come to sell cookies...

Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris was not sure what to say. Shiva was right. It was impossible for them to get them all out. They would end up being killed or captured if they attempted to free all of them. But Iris couldn't just lett one hundred woman die like this! There had to be something she could do. Maybe a compromise of some sorts could be made. Emily was going to end up trying to stop Shiva from blowing up the entire thing unless they attempted to save everyone, however this had to be done. If they didn't stop the monsters then more woman would be killed and raped! Iris began saying to Shiva-


" W-what if we saved some of them? We might not be able to save them all but I'm sure we can get some of them out... We can't just let them all die... "

Iris was not sure what she would do if Shiva wouldn't let her help at least one or two of the woman. More then likly she would spiral into depression and end up taking her gun and doing something... Crazy.
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva didn't seem to lift her head, she was still looking to be in deep thought


"Yes... But we can't save them all..."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily saw Shiva's hesitation. "Looks like I have something on her..." Emily thought. She let her arrogance wash away for a second and think clearly. "How could she stop this... Then she heard Iris say maybe we could save a few... Argh that isn't good enough...." Emily thought.
Emily sighed...

"We can't blow this place up.... until we clear everyone out of here."

Emily wouldn't move in her morals. Even though she knew this way was far more dangerous she knew it was the right way.

"Do either of you have anything to say to that? If not I suggest you radio our little dictator and tell her what I just said."

(Intimidation of course <.<)
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris looked down, not saying a word. Her eyes shut and she covered her face with her hands. Iris felt her heart get more and more heavy, she was getting really stressed at the moment. She didn't know what to do anymore. Unless Shiva or Emily decided to agree to save everyone or save half of everyone this mission wouldn't go anywhere. The more time they wasted the more woman who got captured and raped...
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...


"I must plant this bomb, if not, these creatures will gain numbers unimaginable, and we'll be overrun within the week..."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris heard what Shiva then said. Iris got ahold of herself for the sake of the vaptured woman and her team. She got up, got her hands off of her almost crying face and focused on Emily. Iris gently place her right hand on the girls right should and softly began to talk. Iris said-


" Emily. We can't save every single one of them. We'll end up failing and then getting outselves captured then nobody will get rescued. We can save some of them, maybe half, but not all of them. If we don't destroy this place now then even more woman will get captured and raped and killed. Then there won't be anything we can do about it... "
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily was blown away by what Shiva just said. Iris' encouragement just made her seem to want to give up a bit more, but she wouldn't go down easily. "They... are evolving..." she thought, "If... I'm going to give in then I'm not going down without a fight." She thought... maybe she could just squeeze some answers from her....


"If you answer me a few questions... Then I might be willing to make a compromise."
She stared down at her hands and saw they were shaking. She quickly shoved them into her pockets. Trading human lives for information... what was she doing.... but she knew she had no choice. If what Shiva said was true then she knew she would have to give in in the end...

"Tell me.... how fast are these things evolving...."

Emily hoped that she would just give up the information quick...
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...


"We know... The more they breed... The more life they absorb from us... The stronger they become..."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...


"You didn't answer my question... and don't try to dodge it. Exactly how fucking fast are these things evolving? How did this all fucking start as well?" (she started yelling knowing she was better at intimidating) "If I have to kill people then I will at least get some fucking answers now."

She tried to regain composure. Her hands were still shaking but they were in her pockets and unnoticeable. Emily backed away from Iris after she fired off this question. Shoving her hand off her shoulder. She didn't want anything in her way when she did this. She was trying to think clearly. If Shiva noticed the small time period she had her hands visible she knew she would have jumped on it like a lion on her prey.

(( I had another question but I forgot -_- ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva erupted into rage, but didn't yell.


"No one knows how this started, you idiot!!! Don't you think we would have stopped it by now if we did!?!"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...


" Enough!! "

Iris said in anger. She had, had enough of this fighting and debateing on what to do. They all knew what had to be done and the best way to do this. It was time to stop wasteing time and complete the mission. Iris continued to speak to her two team mates. She said-


" We can't waste any more time! The more time we waste the more people who have to suffer! Lets get who we can out of here and blow this damn place up already! "

Iris was getting really stressed and angry at this point. She was trying hard to control herself.

Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva turned her gaze to Iris


"I can't place the bomb while I'm under attack by the monsters! We can't do both!"
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily looked at the two. She knew they were losing their cool. She smiled at both of them used to be yelled at or just in general having someone pissed off at you. "Depending... on how I manipulate this situation I can use it to my advantage," Emily thought, "Then again... If I fuck up I could end up with more bullet holes in my body then I can count." She kept her hands in her pockets...

"How many dens of these things are there.... Give me your best estimate."

Emily knew this was her last question. She tried not to think about what would happen after she had this one answered....
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva looked at Emily with an unbelievable expression.


"What is wrong with you...?"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris attempted to plead with Emily. Iris walkec over to her and in a very frustrated and down tone she said-


" Emily please stop asking questions... We have more important things we need to do right now... "

Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

"Maybe the smile worked..." Emily thought, "Guess I owe my parents and manager something after all." She saw Iris walked over and simply tried to pretend she wasn't there. "My first friend for a long time.... but I'd prefer we know how bad this all is."


"I'd prefer not to tell you my life story. Now lets answer Emily's questions and stop trying to dodge them because if we don't we can be at a stand still when those things come back..."

(Intimidate? O.O)
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(No intimidate, Emily's not being hostile)

Shiva began to grow rage in her eyes.

(Shiva attacks)

With lightning speed, Emily found her self held by her throat in the middle of the air.


"You are the most vile, despicable human being I have ever met. Wanting to ask your precious fucking questions when these women continue to suffer. The fact that you're taking pride in your words sickens me to no end."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Things were getting worse and worse. Emily was being an idiot with her questons and because of that Shiva was about to kill her! Iris had let out a quiet gasp when Shiva took Emily by the neck and held her up. Iris, so far, was a bit fond of Emily, she didn't want her to die. Iris was going to have to try and defuse this situation before Shiva killed Emily and the mission fell apart. Iris walked over to where Shiva and Emily were. Keeping a four foot distance between her and an enraged Shiva she said-


" Shiva... Hurting or killing Emily isn't going to help. I know you're mad but please just put her down... "

Iris hoped she didn't piss Shiva off by what she said and had the same thing happen to her. Iris knew for a fact that in a fight between her and Shiva, Shiva would make quick work of her. Iris had already put her sword back in its sheeth and her gun back in its holster. They wern't going to help in this situation.

Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva let out a sigh, and dropped Emily. She fell to the ground, choking.


"You have to understand, these women cannot be saved... I don't want to do this, anymore than you do..."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily knew she played her cards wrong. When Shiva charged her she wasn't surprised at all. She knew she was lucky being given the luxury of being choked instead of shot through the head outright. As Shiva choked her, her hands came out of her pockets... shaking... "If I die... then at least I died not giving in..." Emily thought. Then Shiva let her go. She went to the ground choking on all fours. She heard Shiva said she didn't want do this.
Still on her fours she looked up at Shiva still slightly choking.

"Yeah... I think that's pretty fucking obvious."
She stood up again.

"Apparently your dictator bitch didn't care though if she was only willing to send two people here, and don't try to tell me that you didn't know about this because at this point it was fucking obvious from the beginning that you both fucking knew."
She sighed.
"She is right though..." Emily thought to herself, "We have to blow this place... I guess one of us can defend her while the other saves as many as she can..."

(( Her hands are still shaking this whole entire time ))