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Thirst (TentariX)

Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 21/47

Stealth: Success.
Pleasure: 6 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 2 = 20 Pleasure = Orgasm. Drains 20 HP and 20 EP.

The woman barely gets out a sound of surprise before Mikos tongue begins its work on her pussy and ass. She moans in pleasure, unable to help herself with her orgasm so near. It's only a few seconds before Miko feels the womans body tense up, her tight asshole forcing Mikos tongue out of her bowels, and screams in pleasure. Her girl cum squirts out of her pussy, and her wobbly legs collapse beneath her as her climax shoots through her. Miko feels rejuvenated as she feeds freely on the climaxing girls soul, and feels that she certainly has plenty more for her to give. The curvaceous woman lies on the ground after her orgasm concludes, her body weak, and her ass is raised in the air, her soaking pussy perfectly vulnerable.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

(OOC: Turning off HP drain and doing full EP drain)

Miko bends over slowly and gently grabs a hold of the naked woman's round shapely ass cheeks before leaning over to whisper in her ear, "Please forgive me, but if I don't fuck I'll die; I need to do this to restore my energy" and then proceeds to slowly bury her now rock hard cock deep into the womans wet sex, just putting the first two or three inches in before slowly sliding the rest of her enlarged member into her vagina letting out a long moan as she is finally able to satiate her needy penis. She keeps her head close to the woman's and begins to softly peck her on the head, giving her little kisses in her hair, ear and neck, moving her hands from her ass up to massage her generously large bosoms, before slowly thrusting in and out of her womanhood.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 1/31, EP = 33/47

Mikos Pleasure: 3 + 10 + 15 + 2 = 30 Pleasure.
Adventurers Pleasure: 7 + 7 + 8 + 2 = 24 Pleasure. Drained 12 EP.

The woman, whoever she is, only moans in pleasure as Miko penetrates her. Her quivering womanhood tightens around Mikos cock as she shoves her voluptuous ass up to meet her attackers thrusts. Though it had seemed like she was going to resist earlier, the woman now fucked Miko back almost as aggressively as Miko fucked her. Her mind seemed to have become possessed by lust as soon as Miko penetrated her.

Miko feels herself quickly drawn toward an orgasm by the womans tight pussy, and she can feel her victim about to peak once more, which would allow Miko to drain the last dregs of her soul.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

As the woman stopped putting up any kind of resistance and started rocking back and forth and bucking her hips along with Miko's cock, Miko began to thrust harder, faster and deeper ravaging the voluptuous warrior's cunt with all her might, causing a torrent of pussy juice to come flowing out from the woman's vagina, trickling down and soaking Miko's legs, as she continued to fuck the woman Miko changed from kissing her head to licking and and suckling on her neck and ears; picking up in strength and ferocity with her fondling of the woman's tits, even removing one hand to assault her ass cheeks, spanking her round buttocks with a newlyfound strength.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47

Mikos Pleasure: 7 + 10 + 15 + 2 = 34 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Adventurers Pleasure: 2 + 7 + 8 + 2 = 19 Pleasure= Orgasm. Drained 20 EP.

The woman only moans louder and bucks back more enthusiastically as Miko pounds into her, her pussy gushing her girl cum and causing it to drip onto the ground and flow down both of their legs. She yelps as Miko delivers a sound smack onto her thick behind, which almost immediately turns into a scream as the woman reaches another orgasm. She throws back her head and screams, her juices squirting freely as she spasms in pleasure, and her soul is perfectly open for Miko to feed off of.

Miko, her mind still controlled by her natural lust, hungrily devours every last scrap of the warrior womans spirit, leaving her empty. Not only that, but Miko can no longer hold back her own orgasm, and she gives a few final thrusts before slamming her cock as deep as it can go into her victims folds and letting her release take it from there. Her own pussy juices join the womans, and her cock releases a torrent of thick potent cum deep into the adventurers womb.

Once her cock finishes spurting inside her partners still spasming cunt, Miko regains her self control, her hunger having been sated. The woman is unconscious, her essence having been drained dry. Miko then realizes that they were both in the middle of the street, a very vulnerable place to be in this demon infested city. She could leave the woman to her fate, or try and take her to a place of greater safety.

(Edit: This is my last post as GM of this thread.)
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Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Oh shit! I've lost control of myself and fucked this poor woman silly. Now were both butt ass naked in the middle of the street. Practically demon food. I've got to take her someplace safe. We really need some clothes, but I know that at least now that the factory should be empty and relatively safe. Miko thinks as bends over and uses all of her strength to pick up the woman and give her a piggy back ride back into the factory, to take shelter in the office she just came from. "Ooomph, she's heavier then what I thought she should be." Miko saids as she barely manages to hoist the woman on to her back and makes her way back up to the factory office to take shelter in until the woman comes to. "Hopefully there will be some clothes or something useful in there. Maybe I overlooked something."
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Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 1/47

The woman, her own weight combined with her armor and weapons and other possessions, was heavy, but Miko manages to pick her up and even carry her. With a bit of hard work and luck she is able to carry the woman back to the factory without running into any demons or beasts spotting her and getting in the way. Soon enough she manages to get the woman back into the buildings office, empty of anyone else and relatively safe feeling. The woman, who had remained silent and motionless the entire time, suddenly squirmed slightly and let a small, weak, moan out. She ceased making movement or sound after that though. Likely, she would be out for a while.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko huffed and panted a bit to catch her one breath once managed to get back to the office. Once she got her wind back she looked around all over the office one more time, searching every nook and crannie, fidgeting with every drawer trying to find something useful and at least possibly some clothes for the poor woman she had just fucked into oblivion. There's got to be something around here somewhere, she thought.

((Searching the office - attempting pick the locks of drawers and etc, flipping the carpet, everything. If I find nothing here I will head downstairs and search through the rest of the factory.))
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 1/47

Miko search's the office one again, however all her effort is in vain. One again she was unable to find anything of value in the office, much less clothing. Likely with a bit of frustration Miko heads down to the main area of the building and begins to search for clothing. Ten minutes into her searching and her efforts finally bare fruit! She finds a pair of dirty overalls in a corner along with an old work shirt. The sturdy clothing seemed like would fit the adventurer perfectly.

The woman picks the clothing up and starts to bring them to the woman, however suddenly something falls out of the pockets of the overalls and onto the cold concrete floor below, making clanging sounds. Upon inspection Miko finds that money had fallen out! Twenty Denarii to be exact. This was likely the lunch money of some poor man who had been stripped and taken by the demons.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko bent over and picked up the coins that fell out of the pocket before heading back up to the office with the overalls and shirt she found to dress the woman. Once back in the office she went over to the office chair she had sat the woman down on and attempted to get her to her feet as tried to put the clothes on the naked woman. "I know these are probably dirty and grimy but with all the demons around it's better then going around naked." She said to the woman and herself, but more so to herself seeing as the woman was still out of it. After she finally managed to get her dressed, she sat her back down in the chair and caught her breath from it all before lightly slapping the woman on the cheeks, alternating between left and right in an attempt to revive her.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Collecting the money the young woman makes her way back to the office without any distractions. Upon returning she saw that nothing had changed since she left, the woman was still unconscious, just sitting in the office chair motionlessly.

They were a bit of a tight fit, but Miko managed to get the old factory workers clothing onto the woman. During the time she was dressed and spoken to the woman gave no physical or vocal response. When the ninja tried to awaken the warrior by smacking her cheeks she still gave no response, her skin only going a very slight red from being slapped. It seemed that enough of her soul hadn't build back up just yet and it would be a little while longer before she was up and about once more.
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Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Seeing how her slapping was turning out to be ineffectual, Miko decides to go looking around for some water or something that might give the woman enough of a jolt to wake her up from her sex induced coma.

((If she finds something she can use she will either spray the woman or splash a cup of water into her face. If I don't end up finding anything I will just wait around a little bit longer for her to come to.))
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Miko leaves the office in search for water, or some kind of liquid that will hopefully awaken the woman she had fucked silly.

Search = Success

After looking around the main factory room she was unable to find what she was looking for, but ended up stumbling upon an employees break room. Inside there wasn't much of anything worth noting, however at the very corner of the room was a metal bucket, and it seemed to be full of relatively clean, cool water. It didn't seem too heavy, and likely could be lifted and carried back to the office.

Perception = Success

It was likely meant to be used for cleaning, as not far off from the bucket of water Miko notices a mop and a few other things.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko takes the bucket of water and a rag (if there is one I can use) and heads out the breakroom and up the stairs back to the office. She sees that the young warrior woman is still out of it from their fucking session earlier, and dips the rag into the cool water before holding it over the womans face and wringing it out on her, hoping the cold water will prove to be enough of a shock to wake her up without soaking the clothes she had just found for her. Once she awoke she would try her best to apologize about what happened and try to explain to the best of her ability.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Miko dunks the rag into the cold water, then proceeds to wring it over the woman's face. The water splashes onto her, and she starts to stir. She does it for a second, but then stops and doesn't make any more movement. It seemed that the woman was still out of it. Likely, her soul hadn't built back up yet, and she wouldn't be awakening for a while. Miko wouldn't be able to force her out of this coma. Perhaps in a few hours she would awaken. Then against, it could take an entire nights worth of rest.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko huffs in annoyance. While it was her fault the woman was out of it and she didn't want to leave her for some other demon or creature to come up and fuck, she also didn't want to waste all of her time in this factory with nothing important to find or anything to do. I really don't want to leave her here as it was my fault to start with...... But I'll never get anything accomplished or anything just staying around here forever. Hopefully It won't be any longer then a days worth of time for her to wake back up. She thought to herself as she sat herself down onto the desk, deciding to wait for her unmeaning victim to come back to.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

Miko sits down on the desk and begins her wait. During the first hour that painfully ticked by the woman still showed little to no signs of awakening, her chest only rising to show that she was still breathing. Two hours then painfully go by, and she is still unconscious, showing no movement aside from her rising chest. From boredom and exhaustion the ninja soon finds herself laying on the desk and about to fall asleep. Her eyes begin to close as she allows herself to fall asleep...

Perception = Success

Miko suddenly hears a loud bang, instantly alerting her and awakening her. It sounds like something been stumbling around and had kicked a bucket. It came from downstairs, the area where Miko had gotten the overalls.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Miko grabs her katana and goes up next to the door leading out of the office and stands on guard with her weapon at the ready, waiting for whatever it was that made the noise to come to her rather then risking leaving the unconscious woman undefended in case their visitor had any friends with it.
Re: Thirst (TentariX)

Mikos Status: HP = 32, P = 31, EP = 47/47

As Miko waits at the doorway she hears some faint mumbling, too faint to make out what was being said. Hearing this she sneaks to take a look and is able to creep out of the doorway and onto the staircase. Hidden by darkness the ninja is able to spot two figures in the dim lighting, standing in the main factory floor. One is shaped like a human while the other looks more like a beast, being on four legs and shorter then the human like figure. They seem to just be standing around, as if examining the area.

" Dumb dog, what if somethings in here? You could of alerted it. Silly doggy. " the ninja suddenly hears from the human figure, the faint voice sounding female, and young.
Re: Thirst (TentariX) (GM = BurningGold)

Curiosity gets the best of Miko as she is compelled to sneak down the stairway and attempt to stay out of sight as she decides to stalk the visitor to find out more about their new guest. Still staying in a defensive stance with her Katana at the ready in case the girl and her dog end up being hostile, not really wanting to harm or kill them but ready to fight the gate crashers off in order to protect the unconscious woman she had fucked silly.