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RPG RPG Maker Vore Loli Shota [Toro Toro Resistance] もんむす・くえすと! ぱらどっくすRPG中章 / Monster Girl Quest: Paradox (RJ201109)

Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

technically 1-3 is just MGQ 1 it was just divided and the numeric separation is only use by us English speaker

[Citation Needed]

That aside, stalking Dargoth's blog has given no hope for a Christmas gift.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

[Citation Needed]

That aside, stalking Dargoth's blog has given no hope for a Christmas gift.

MGQ 2 its should be another visual novel, based around the childrens alice & luka will have.

but alas nothing confirmed i cant even link the post about that becouse its all in jap and long lost.....
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

MGQ 2 its should be another visual novel, based around the childrens alice & luka will have.

but alas nothing confirmed i cant even link the post about that becouse its all in jap and long lost.....

i heard MGO2 will be a completely different story + setting, everything in MGO1 will be settled in paradox
also we already have their kids running around in paradox part 1
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

MGQ 2 its should be another visual novel, based around the childrens alice & luka will have.

but alas nothing confirmed i cant even link the post about that becouse its all in jap and long lost.....

that'd work if Luka's kids weren't gods. Paradox is canon but its timeline based so it can do whatever it wants.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Oh my fudging Monster Lord...

MGQ 2 already happened. Can you people stop bumping this thread with your damn stupidity? Seriously. If there were even the slightest possibility that ToroToro were doing a "MGQ 2" now or in the future, there wouldn't just be a post here and speculation, but it would be on the official wikia. Oh, look, it doesn't exist because PART 2 WAS ALREADY MGQ 2.

Paradox itself remains a relative mystery, although speculation suggests there are 3 factions and each has their own interests. One faction wants to rewrite the timeline, one for keeping it the same, and the third for ??? (one guess is that they're the destroy faction). Also, Ilias is slowly becoming a heretic. Wait, is it heresy if you renounce the religion you're the God of?

Anyways, Paradox takes place in the main MGQ timeline and has Luka following the breadcrumbs he left for himself when whatever happened, happened. That's the best speculation I could get from searching around. You even meet their kids in Paradox, so not even seeing where anyone is getting the "HURR DURR KIDS THEY'LL HAVE" thing from, except if you weren't even paying attention. Please, before you post something completely and utterly nonsensical here, play the game and pay attention to the plot. It could not be any easier if someone were spoon-feeding you.

And until there is irrefutable evidence for this supposed "MGQ 2" thing, I would ask it not be mentioned or otherwise referred to. It generates fake hype and distracts from the thread topic when you insinuate something is coming out and then can't even cite a source.
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

And until there is irrefutable evidence for this supposed "MGQ 2" thing, I would ask it not be mentioned or otherwise referred to. It generates fake hype and distracts from the thread topic when you insinuate something is coming out and then can't even cite a source.

Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

i heard MGO2 will be a completely different story + setting, everything in MGO1 will be settled in paradox
also we already have their kids running around in paradox part 1

Yeh that was i thought, also where you find them ? i just played with illias then i got too burned for another run with alice (farming with no CE was a pain).


Can you people stop bumping this thread with your damn stupidity?

Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

To be fair, "Monster Girl Quest 2" is just a temporary name to show that it's 'the next game in the overall series' and the actual content of the game is unrelated to the original Monster Girl Quest. The real name of the game is something different but he's keeping it a secret until it's released.

He did say it would be a parody of a famous game series like the original MGQ though. I think the most prevailing theory was that it'll be Monster Girl (Bio)Hazard since the writer has shown on numerous occasions to be a pretty big fan of that series.

Also I like how someone gave a snide little [citation needed] when someone pointed out that the original releases weren't labeled 2 and 3. Why don't you just look at the Japanese title? You're really going to ask for citation on information that's right in front of your face when you play the game?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Yeh that was i thought, also where you find them ? i just played with illias then i got too burned for another run with alice (farming with no CE was a pain).

Running it through google translate gives me a dev diary of the guy talking about what it's like to make a game and have it get so big that people eventually become impatient. The image that appears is a CG of one of the six great ancestors slated to appear in Paradox Part 2. Nobody except you and your pal got "Rekt" by your own information.

I can't even express myself without putting you both on blast, so I'll let my pal Antoine Dodson say it in the nicest and simplest manner possible so even you two could comprehend.

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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Hopeful Death;912661 Also I like how someone gave a snide little [citation needed said:
when someone pointed out that the original releases weren't labeled 2 and 3. Why don't you just look at the Japanese title? You're really going to ask for citation on information that's right in front of your face when you play the game?

Literally Monmusu Quest! Second Chapter-Loss Means Vamp Devour

Third game was properly named "Final Chapter", and first game was named "Origins". Before you go making snide comments about "information right in front of your face" how about knowing what you're talking about?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Running it through google translate gives me a dev diary of the guy talking about what it's like to make a game and have it get so big that people eventually become impatient.

I'm curious what google translate told you 「もんむすくえすと2(仮)」 or 「もんむす2仮」 mean. Or how it interpreted him saying that it was in development simultaneously with the middle chapter of monmusuquestRPG.


Calling me dumb for providing information that no one else had linked to and that you questioned the existence of seems confrontational. I had specifically made the post as simple as possible in order for it to not be interpreted as insulting.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Yeah, I guess the guy is a troll. Links to English DLSite when what's being discussed is the Japanese title(which for the 2nd release by the way is もんむす・くえすと!中章. See a 2 there anywhere?). When I say in front of your face I mean the literal title screen when you play the game.

And when linked to a page that blatantly has the writer discussing Monster Girl Quest 2, ignores it because he apparently can't even read what's posted there(the pertinent line in that entry by the way is さて、今のところ「もんむす・くえすと!ぱらどっくすRPG中章」を製作中ですが、同時に「もんむすくえすと2(仮」の製作も進行しています。)

I didn't know he was just trying to get a rise out of people when I responded to him, my apologies for unnecessarily fueling troll fires. But hey, the information about MGQ2 was probably still useful. Probably.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

yeaaah. anyway MGQ 2 if that ever comes into existence i hope it gives Choices instead of a linear path atleast.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I don't know why you're debating the technicalities of how to properly say the game's name. It's pretty much putting a non-story right now and not relevant to anything important.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I didn't know he was just trying to get a rise out of people when I responded to him, my apologies for unnecessarily fueling troll fires. But hey, the information about MGQ2 was probably still useful. Probably.

Hey asshat, calling someone a troll because they can't read Japanese isn't a legitimate argument. It shows you know you're wrong or can't actually provide substantial evidence to back up your claim. Where is the proof of concept? Where is the artwork, or dev notes to substantiate the insinuation of whether this thing exists or not? Oh, right. There isn't any. Linking to a page in another language and doesn't translate in any part what you claim actually makes you and your pals look like the trolls.

So, unless you have irrefutable, unquestionable, and easy-to-access information that everyone can read and acknowledge, the claim of any MGQ2 game or otherwise "being in development" is wholly fictional. How about instead of bumping the thread to mention something that doesn't even exist yet and then argue like a petulant child for its existence when you don't have any actual proof, you stay on topic? Y'know, like I tried doing in my first response to the suggestion of another series existing.

So, getting back on topic unlike like some asshats...

Can we discuss what the Heavenly Knights might be doing at this point? I recall there being no real mention of them in Part I of Paradox except in passing. We could probably hypothesize Tamamo is in Tamatai Village eating all the fried tofu she could want. I'm thinking, too, that the Four Heavenly Knights are probably building their forces up in their separate villages/regions.

Succubus blitzkrieg, anyone?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Sorry if this has been answered already, couldn't find anything with the search feature. Does anyone have a list of all the basic jobs and how to acquire them?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Sorry if this has been answered already, couldn't find anything with the search feature. Does anyone have a list of all the basic jobs and how to acquire them?

If you haven't gotten your answer i'm going to say each job and what to do to get them (going to be a wall of text due to the list i'm going off of and i'm including class two jobs)

RANK 1 jobs
Warrior, Thief, Magician, Martial Artist, Priest and Hunter: unlocked from the start.

Guard: unlock from saving the guard from the poison swamp area than going to the training area.

Merchant: Complete merchant's request in starter village.

Fortune Teller: trade hard job wrist for it

Flirt: unlocked from start

Scholar: beat BF girl of the Illiasport university 3rd floor.

Engineer: Show any Machina to the engineer in south Illias Tartarus.

Spiritualist: Complete the haunted manor events and beat chrome before talking to a mimic.

Informant:Beat nameless slum quest than talk to Amira.

Cook: Tartarus 2, talk to the chief guy than go out his house out of tartarus.

Nurse: beat BF girl of the same university 2nd floor

Maid: Beat the Slug tower quest.

Noble: trade 3 medals.

A.Hero: unlocked from start.

unemployed: unlocked from start and is completely useless.

RANK 2 jobs
Sword Master: Master warrior.

Holy Knight: Master warrior and priest.

Magic Knight: Master warrior and Magician.

Dragon Knight: Master warror. (Starting from here i'm going to say which class need to be mastered to unlock the jobs)

Power Fighter: Warrior

Berserker: ??? (berserker item not in part 1 only berserker in part 1 is minotaur) warrior.

Tao Swordsman: warrior Taoist (only Kitsune based recruits in part 1 can unlock this)

Overpowering Fist: Martial Artist

Magus Fist: Martial artist magician.

Paladin: martial artist priest

Battle Master: martial artist warrior

Black Mage/Time Mage/Summoner/Taoist: Magician (summoner item is beat page 65537, and Taoist item isn't in part 1)

White Mage: priest

Sage: magician priest

Bowmaster: hunter

Gunner: Hunter (complete pope quest)

Demon/Monster tamer: hunter

Master Thief: ...thief

Ninja: (Check the Taoist for explanation) thief

Palace Knight: warrior guard

Black Marketeer: Merchant

Item User: merchant

Adventurer: hunter thief

Gambler: fortune teller

Card Battler: Fortune Teller

Dancer: Flirt

Minstrel: Flirt

Prostitute: Flirt

Super Star: Minstrel and dancer (AND beat saki)

Battle Fucker: Beat all Battle Fuckers of part 1 and master Prostitute.

Magical Scholar: Scholar

Alchemist: Scholar

Magical Librarian: Scholar

Machina Master: Engineer

Necromancer: Spiritualist

Medium: Spiritualist

Puppeteer: Spiritualist

Smooth Talker: Informant

Three star Chief: Cook

Doctor: Nurse

Master Maid: Take a wild guess...

Lord/King: Noble and trade in 30 medals for item

Pope: Same item, noble and priest

Hero: Story for luka, warrior and A,Hero.

OW my fingers hurt from all that typing. (If possible can someone cram the list into a spoiler thing i don't see the button for it.)
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

If you haven't gotten your answer i'm going to say each job and what to do to get them (going to be a wall of text due to the list i'm going off of and i'm including class two jobs)

Thanks, was only really looking for the beginner jobs but the info is helpful anyway.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

The blog has a new post announcing something Google tells me is called ''Anti-Musume · Kusetto # 1 "Gaiden · Succubus illusion (Fantasy)". It will be released at the beginning of the year.

It seems to be an MGQ movie. Perhaps some animated sex scenes?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Anyone have a complete save for all H-scenes collected in libraries ?

The 2 saves I tried have few scenes missing that I want to translate.