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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Eh. I like Suika. Maybe we can shanghai her into this mess somehow...
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Lets get everyone drunk!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(C) Force feed Shou.


Geh, fine. (A)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) One drink. But not more, we don't need a giant drunk loli tearing the place down. Or perhaps we do?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Suika is awesome, very much so.)

"Thank you kindly!" Suika says as she grabs the gourd and takes a long, hard drink from it. She seems to be carefully measuring the taste of the drink in her mouth.
"I knew it, it was Yuugi's. You've met my good old friend?
Byakuren tells Suika about their recent encounter, from the initial fight to the separation at the bridge
"WHAAAAT?! Yuugi actually has a relationship? She'll never stop hearing from it now.." the smaller oni says with a devious grin "And this dummy tried to challenge Yuugi to a physical fight?" she says, pointing at Shou. "You must be wrong in the head, doing something like that"
Shou almost steams at the small oni's words, but holds herself back, guessing this oni might be even stronger than Yuugi.
"Right, I'll be heading out then. Gotta go see Yuugi again" Suika says, dashing away with her arms held out.

After that brief encounter, the pair head into the final path going down. Reaching a colossal cave, they can see a river flowing down one direction. In front of them is a long tunnel made entirely of traditional shoji doors and a wooden roof. Having no other way across the river, they wade into the tunnel.

Upon entering the door tunnel, the pair soon find out that the place distorts the surroundings. The world is reduced to shades of grey, and light dimmed a great deal. The previously lit path is now reduced to a dark path of long shadows. As the pair advances the tunnel, it starts to take some curves on the way. Seeing a shadow move their way through the paper walls, the pair start to consider their next move.

A. Aproach the shadow

B. Try to sneak past it

C. Retreat from it
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Sounds stupid. But can we help it? Probably not.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Where there's shadow, there's also light.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Shadow man appears!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B : p
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Slight fear creeping over them, the girls still decide to face the shadow coming towards them. Readying themselves, they see a girl in a fancy dress emerge from the shadow. While they are unable to see any colors yet, the girl has some distinguishing features on her. Her hair is tied with bobbles, and looking at her ridiculously well-endowed chest makes even Byakuren slightly envious. As they look at each other for a few passing seconds, the girl facing them suddenly produces a huge scythe from her back. Effortlessly spinning the large blade in front of her, she settles it on her shoulder after a few spins
"It's only eight mon to cross the river" the scythe girl adresses them with a deadly serious face, holding out her hand as she says so

A. Give her the eight mon

B. Give her the gourd

C. Try to force your way through
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Yuugi told us to right? But is there anything left in it?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I've completely lost track of why exactly we're crossing the river of the dead at all, but If that's the plan why not get there with a drunken driver. (B) Give the ferry woman some booze.

[Edit] Oh yeah, that's why, we're looking for a shady mouse.
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I've completely lost track of why exactly we're crossing the river of the dead at all, but If that's the plan why not get there with a drunken driver. (B) Give the ferry woman some booze.

[Edit] Oh yeah, that's why, we're looking for a shady mouse.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B. Lets get her drunk and take her scythe!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Now, let's play a drinking game. For every update before the inevitable "KOMACHIIIIIII!!!" we take one shot of vodka.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Offering Yuugi's sake gourd instead of the money gets Byakuren an interested smirk from the scythe-wielding girl. Taking a few steps back, she turns and starts walking away from them. The pair follow after her, not going too close. As they proceed along the door tunnel, the girl can be seen taking a long sip from the gourd.
"This'll even let you come back" she says, as she hangs the gourd on her belt

Exiting the tunnel at last, the pair are relieved to see color again. The scythe girl turns out being red-haired, and her dress is deep blue with white decorations. They find themselves at a pier, with a boat floating there.
"I welcome you people aboard the Titanic!" the red-haired girl says with pride in her voice
Only barely managing to prevent themselves breaking out in laughter, the pair get on the boat. The scythe girl follows, and they depart for a cruise down the river

An hour passes as they slowly drift down the river. Introductions are exchanged, and Komachi enjoys her drink as she guides the boat. The river is mostly featureless, with a few spirits occasionally passing near them. As they move along, the pair are startled by a sudden thud. Seeing Komachi collapse, Byakuren moves to inspect her. Komachi's face is deep red as she starts snoring loudly. With their navigator out cold, Byakuren starts to worry that they'll drift to somewhere bad. Not having too much time to worry, she's surprised by loud splashes coming nearby. Several ghostly, dragon-like spirits rise from the water around them, hovering menacingly above the boat. Shou once again readies herself for possible combat.

A. Try to wake Komachi

B. Take up Komachi's scythe
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Soul reaping time!