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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hmm. Don't think it'll work, but (C).
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Indeed, im sure than she cant endure it : p
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Well... Did not see the whip coming. Not your usual Shiki, this one...

C, I guess?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Byakuren submits to the yama's punishment, but requests her to leave Komachi out of this. Hearing her plea, Shiki's expression changes to a puzzled one
"You'd take all this punishment for yourself? And relieve THIS worthless servant of her deserved part!?" she says, giving Komachi a quick lash on the chest that she stoically endures with only a flinch
"Hmmmm.. fine then" the yama replies. As soon as she's finished with her sentence, the straps open themselves, releasing Komachi from her bondage. As she flops down on the cold stone floor, Komachi tries to head for the door, but is stopped by Shiki's commanding voice
"Don't you dare leave Komachi, this woman decided to take your punishment for herself. Pay her the respects you owe, and witness."

With a nervous mind, Byakuren steps forward to take Komachi's place. Walking up to the middle of the room, she opens up her long dress and lets it fall off, revealing her womanly figure. Still in her panties, Byakuren spread out her arms, letting the straps secure her from the wrists. The chains lift her up from the ground, with a second pair of straps rising from the floor to restrain her feet. Now suspended in the air, the chains spread-eagle Byakuren's limbs to prevent her from struggling.
"Byakuren Hijiri, your punishment will begin now. Now matter how loudly you scream and cry, I won't stay my hand until this is over. Prepare yourself" Shiki announces, with a terrified Komachi looking on at the back of the room. Done with her speech, Shiki surprisingly puts down the whip to a nearby table and picks up her rod instead. Tapping slightly on it's side, she enlarges the rod to a paddle-like size as she gets behind Byakuren and pulls down her panties to reveal her naked butt.
"Such a cute rear, for an adult woman like yourself." Shiki says as she deals out the first strike with her hand, and pulls the rod back to start the proper punishment time. With a swoosh, the paddle-rod connects with Byakuren's rear, causing a loud smack and a small cry of pain. Clearly not content with just that feeble cry, the yama starts to take more smacks at Byakuren, increasing the power slightly with each strike. As the blows start to hurt more and more, Byakuren's cries increase accordingly.

After a while, Shiki stops spanking Byakuren. Reducing the rod back to it's small size, she picks up the riding whip again. Looking over Byakuren, the yama settles her gaze on her ample chest.
"Why.. can't I have this glory?!" she says with fire in her eyes. Quickly lashing out with her whip, the yama focuses most of her strikes on Byakuren's chest. A few dozen painful lashes later, Shiki stops again.
"Now, we'll play a little game I've invented. It's called "Guess where it'll hurt next?" This is a fun little game, brings out your fear along with the pain" the yama says as she telekinetically manipulates a blindfold. The black cloth flies out at Byakuren, wrapping itself around her head. Now blinded, Byakuren cannot prepare for the incoming lashes. Adding further pain to the game, Shiki starts to aim her swipes at the more sensitive spots of Byakuren's body, causing her tears to start flowing. Stuck in this abyss of darkness and pain for what seems like an eternity, Byakuren feels like she could die any moment now.

Byakuren snaps out of her anguish as she hears Komachi's voice
"Shiki-sama have mercy! She'll die if you carry on!"
"Silence! This is not done yet, there's a part of her body that's yet to feel the punishment." the yama replies as Byakuren can feel herself being flipped upside down. As the blinfold slides itself off her eyes, Byakuren can see Shiki standing in front of her with a steel dildo as thick as her fist on her other hand. Pulling Byakuren's panties up, the yama gives out a sadistic smile
"You can guess where this beast is going in a few seconds?" the judge asks her, lashing her womanhood a few times before setting the dildo on Byakuren's flower petals. Byakuren tries to rebel against the the incoming massive insertion, but her struggles are in vain as Shiki shouts out "PUNISHMENT!", plunging the beast inside her. After a minute or two of furious pumping, the pleasure and pain cause Byakuren to have an animalistic orgasm. As she screams out her pleasure, Byakuren can barely manage to keep herself concious

Unable to fully comprehend what's going on, Byakuren can feel herself being lowered down on the ground. As she lies there, Byakuren can see Shiki walking out, and Komachi coming over to her. As Komachi lifts her up to her embrace, Byakuren can see only Komachi's face before she passes out

As Byakuren returns to her senses, she finds herself aching all over. The first thing she can see is Komachi's tearstained face. Noticing that she's in a bed with a sleeping Komachi gently embracing her no doubt scarred body, Byakuren wonders what she should do now

A. Sleep a bit more

B. Get up

(Spanking scene added as thanks to the_taken. Thanks again for breaking that votelock, Koffing sir)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Resting isn't bad, especially together with a redhead woman.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


No point in rushing, especially without assessing the damage first.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Yay! Spanking! Now I'm interested.

A. Cuddling is always nice.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


This Shiki is really scary, and worryingly sadistic... o_o
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(5 shots already, having a good time with your booze cross?

And Scary Demon Guy Tassadar seems to fighting the power with them rebellious votes. Keep on rollin' :rolleyes:)

"She's such a dear.." Byakuren thinks as she looks at the sleeping Komachi's face. Deciding to take this as an opportunity to heal up from the yama's punishment, she gives Komachi a firm embrace of her own. Holding her close, Byakuren lets herself enter the world of dreams again, with Komachi's steady breathing as her lullaby

As she wakes up again, Byakuren finds Komachi nowhere to be found. But on a nearby table, there's a meal waiting for her. Settling herself down, Byakuren eats the offered meal to relieve her hunger. Who knows how long she's been asleep? Finished with her meal, she looks over the small room she's in. Seeing a full-body mirror, Byakuren pulls her dress down and inspects the damage dealt by the zealous yama. There's marks of lashing all over her, gladly nothing looks like it'll be a permanent scar.

Her thinking moment is cut short by the sound of an opening door, as Komachi steps in. The shinigami drops her ever-present scythe as she rushes forward and grabs Byakuren in her embrace again
"Thank heavens you're up... My inconsiderate drinking caused you all this trouble and yet you take my punishment for yourself w-without a second thought..." Komachi says with a shaky voice as she starts to tear up again
"Can you ever forgive me?" the shinigami asks, as she looks deep into Byakuren's eyes

A. Forgive her

B. Don't do it
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Really now, who wouldn't?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) NEIN! We want to punish you ourself! Sich bücken!
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. We gave her the booze that got her into trouble in the first place, and then voluntarily chose to take on the punishment.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(A) seems to be the clear answer here. B just wouldn't make sense after willingly choosing to take the whole punishment.