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ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"69... down to 70? what kinda place is this?!?" she mutters, looking over the sign. At the sound of the growling, she spins arounnd, rifle ready. "Bring it, bitches!"


"Wait, I remember the- CRAP!"

Yelping as her arm is grabbed, she instinctively tugs with her arm to make sure the object is taught before swiping her claws down at it!
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Climbing out of the elevator Michael and the girls would see several monsters, two of the tentacled beasts from earlier grouped together with three beasts that appeared as if they were once human, though now their flesh was a brown colour, they have several large claws sticking out of what used to be their hands and their brain seems to have merged with their head, the top half exposed.


As Sarah turns around she'd see a pack of the wolf-beasts from earlier, about twelve in total with the central one much larger than the rest. This one was most likely the alpha of the pack. Growling, the front four leaps at her.


Sandy's claws manage to cut into the appendage that had grabbed her, but it wasn't enough to completely sever it. Though as she struggles to deal with the first tentacle another two lash out at her, one wrapping around her neck and the other around her right leg.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Ugh. Not nice. Doctor? Are we gonna shoot them?" Suzy grimaces, and calls to Michael, bringing her pistol up to aim at the nearest brown one, squirming a little in Michael's grip to get a better angle.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Giving a roar of fury, Sarah started unloading the clips into the monster, trying to exterminate them.


"Shit shit shit shit!" she hissed, her free arm swiping wildly as she tries to free herself from the various appendages!
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michael looks at the tentacle beasts, then to the brown beings before him "Be careful. I can handle the brown things. But those U-9 samples are quite hard to kill." Michael says, setting the women down on the elevator, freeing all of his appendages to use against the creatures "You may want to get ready for more of what happened earlier. I won't be able to handle all five of these creatures." he says, his hands down at his side as his tentacles open up, revealing the small needles once again. "Well then. Shall we?"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Wonderful. They look it as well. I suppose I can help you a little more than the rest of us. By 'what happened earlier' I assume you mean before we were put in those pods?" Suzy says, grimacing at the memories, but her eyes were cold and hard. Left eye closed, her finger tightens on the trigger, squeezing a shot off at one of the brown things.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

The elevator slides down a little bit further, groaning under the groups combined weight. The shot fired off, and surprisingly it hit the creature, though only in it's left arm and it didn't seem to be affected by it too much.

One of the U-9's move closer towards the group, its tentacled appendages coiling around the various bits of machinery. The other hangs back, though it seems as if its waiting for the right time to move, and the three Lickers bear down on the group, circling them.


As Sarah empties the clip three of the dogs go down, though the other one is left unharmed. Arching its head down the wolf slams into Sarahs stomach, no doubt forcing her backwards and possibly disarming her.


As Sandy struggles in vain to free herself from the tentacled appendages she'd hear a metallic banging sound, and a moment later something large, heavy and very human-like thing falls on top of her, knocking her to the ground. That thing is Sen, one of the scientists of the ULMF Directive.

The two of them are lying on the floor, Sandy below Sen, both of their heads between each others legs.

Before Sen gets the chance to react she too is bound by several tentacled appendages, one around her right arm, another around her left left and the last begins to coil around her waist.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michael notices the lickers moving in, quickly moving three of his tentacles to grasp them by the arm or leg or anything he can get a handle on, to at least immobilize them. He then turns to the one tentacle beast that is moving, staring at it's tentacles and moving his one remaining one in a serpentine manner slowly towards it through the air "You don't want to hurt me, do you? I'm just like you." He whispers, smirking as he turns to looks at the hopefully ensnared lickers
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Do you really think they'll respond to that?" Suzy calls to Michael, her eyes darting around, looking at all of the surrounding hostiles, while walking back to be nearer to Lila and Sam.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

As she struggled with the things held onto her, Sandy gave several curses of annoyence, fighting in vain to stop then- before feeling a large heavy weight ram into her and sending the false demon sprawling.

Getting up only a little bit- tail swishing in annoyence- she finds her head is partly concealed in a labcoat. "What the fu?" she mutters.


The shove sent Sarah skidding back, right on the edge of the stairs, gun clattering down it. "Crap!" she squealed, a look of terror on her face as the creatures neared for another attack
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Landing on the person, Sen utters a rather musical grunt as the air is forced from her lungs. As she is picked up, however, she quickly starts to struggle against the creature holding her, trying to bring one hand to the other so she can use a hand to pull the other free. She does this, however, with as little movement of her lower body as possible, trying not to exhaust herself or make her need to breathe harder.

Then, taking a breath, she begins singing in the hope that whatever has her has ears.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila looks to the creatures and backs up near Suzy. She looks around to all the strange monsters surrounding her. This reminds her of an earlier situation at the lab she was in. She covers herself as her eyes focus on their hideous eyes.
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Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sam remains quiet for now, simply watching from behind Michael as she waited to see if she could do anything to help.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michaels tentacles seem to hinder the Lickers movements somewhat, though their other limbs make up for the ones that have been ensnared, and as such try to pull Michael towards them. They open their mouths and out shoots their tongue, a tentacle-like appendage that coils around Michaels tentacles, adding the strength of their tongues to their already impressive strength with their legs.

The U-9 seems to ignore Michael's comment, and continues to move towards the girls, arcing around Michael in the process.


As Sen begins to sing the tentacles begin to loosen around the two girls, though as they slowly pull away a thicker tentacle flies towards Sen, penetrating her mouth and forcing its way down her throat. The tentacles re-coil around the girls, though instead of wrapping around Sen's waist it instead ties up her other arm. Her both arms are then pulled behind her.


The alpha wolf let out a howl and two more wolves joined their partner. Growling all three dash at Sarah at once, one sliding underneath her, as it does its head tentacle wraps around one of her arms and pulls it back. The other two attack her, one tearing at the armour covering her chest and the other tearing at the armour covering her legs. Whilst the armour can withstand a certain level of damage the dog-beast's claws and teeth are too sharp, large chunks are torn out of the armour, and it hangs in shreds off Sarahs body.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michael plants both his feet on the ground, pushing back away and trying to hold his ground, withdrawing his fourth tentacle and planting it on the wall behind him, looking around for a way for the girls to escape "These things are too strong! Find a way out and go!" he yells, looking to Suzy "I'll hold them off! Protect the girls at all costs!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"What about you? What are you going to do?" Suzy yells back, before turning to the U-9 and trying to put a round in its face. Regardless of the shots outcome, she stands in-between it and the other two girls, looking around the elevator shaft for anywhere else to escape to, a service shaft, anything to avoid what the creatures wanted...
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Fucking... This is not pleasant! Why'd they make something smart enough to deal with someone on siren anyway? Sen thinks, trying not to choke on the tentacle and also trying to breathe past it. Now worried slightly about a lack of air, she restricts her struggles to merely trying to lift her legs up to the tentacles wrapped around her hands so that she can push down on them, to either force them to let go, or twist her body so that the tentacle in her throat is pulled out.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Fucking... This is not pleasant! Why'd they make something smart enough to deal with someone on siren anyway? Sen thinks, trying not to choke on the tentacle and also trying to breathe past it. Now worried slightly about a lack of air, she restricts her struggles to merely trying to lift her legs up to the tentacles wrapped around her hands so that she can push down on them, to either force them to let go, or twist her body so that the tentacle in her throat is pulled out.

"Nice going ex-lax!" Sandy replied with a snide growl, struggling with her own problems as she tried to free herself some more, the person on top her not helping.


As the creature's claws went to work, she gave a shreak as she finds her clothing rippedd to shreads. "N-no!!! N-not again!!!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

The tentacle implanted into the wall only gives minimal resistance to the Lickers attempts at pulling Michael towards them, though now they're only concentrating on Michael.

The shot hit the U-9, severing one of its many tentacles. Roaring in pain it pulls back, though the second one dives straight in to take its place. Suzy wouldn't notice anywhere in the shaft itself that the girls could escape through, their only means of escape would be back in the elevator itself.


As Sen struggles to force her legs against the tentacles binding her hands she inadvertently rubs herself against Sandy. Whilst she still has her clothes on for now Sen would still likely feel it. She also fails to push her feet against the tentacles binding her wrists. The tentacle starts to pump faster in her mouth, and the tentacles that had grabbed Sandy now snake further along the girl, binding her up more tightly as well as starting to creep underneath Sen's clothes.


Letting out yet another howl to command its pack one of the other wolves ensnare Sarahs other arm, the two of them pull her arms back behind her, and with one fluid motion they pull her down to her knee's.

The Alpha Wolf moves up to Sarah as the remainder of the other wolves circle them, creating a barrier. Stopping directly in front of her the Alpha wolf sniffs at her before running its tongue over her slit once.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michale begins to groan as he can feel his feet slipping on the cold steel of the elevator, then smirks. He releases his support tentacle from the wall, then stops trying altogether, flying towards one of the Lickers and aiming his foot at the creature's face, hoping to just plain crush it's skull.