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RPG RPG Maker [うんこモリモリ丸] 退魔巫女遊戯 / Taima Miko Yuugi (RJ176344)

Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

When you're traversing a dungeon, there's sometimes holes you can't cross. Double jump lets you jump over 2 holes at once to reach treasure and other paths.

Also, earthquakes suck.

....I meant which is the double jump skill?
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

....I meant which is the double jump skill?

There's only one jump skill in the demo. So if the hole is one tile wide it can be traversed. Two and above and there's no way around it (thus far).

Finally got round to playing the demo. Better graphics than the first game and it's still fun. It seems easier as well since the super move can be executed regardless of her condition allowing for full rejuvenation. Allowing her to get deliberately violated by the monsters still gives stat boosters just like the first game.

A tip for those who might not have noticed: Even if the scene for the monster rapes was unlocked the regular way, it is still worth interacting with the monsters at least once in the gallery since it grants skill points.
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

The first game was pretty great. Surprisingly serious/thought out story. The second game doesn't have the same tension/danger feeling in the first one, but the banter is much better (since there wasn't any in the first game in the first place).

Looking forward to the full game.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

This game it relly nice^^.
This is a Hentai game^^.

CG room


Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I don't even know why I expected anything BUT a necropost.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

edit my bad found a link on another site and assumed sorry
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Looks like a FAQ has been put into the blog.


From what I can gather (not 100% sure)

  • More story/cutscenses
  • Something about the H mechanics? *Maybe more clothes damage states*
  • Events in town?
  • Modifying game balance
  • new game plus
  • Specification of H scene count (total = CG about 400 sheets)
  • Total amount of weapons,armors, and skills

Also, this pic :rolleyes: hxxp://dlsite.blogimg.jp/RG25921/imgs/d/8/d810b441.jpg
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Looks like a FAQ has been put into the blog.


From what I can gather (not 100% sure)

  • More story/cutscenses
  • Something about the H mechanics? *Maybe more clothes damage states*
  • Events in town?
  • Modifying game balance
  • new game plus
  • Specification of H scene count (total = CG about 400 sheets)
  • Total amount of weapons,armors, and skills

Also, this pic :rolleyes: hxxp://dlsite.blogimg.jp/RG25921/imgs/d/8/d810b441.jpg

Translation of blog post:

1. Storyline from prologue to ending now complete. There's a rival exorcist in the storyline (HUGE spoiler in that screenshot for players who have finished the demo). Our heroine's dinner menu eventually progresses to the hamburger she's been begging for in the demo.

2. All but 3 H-scenes (strictly speaking 2 scenes and 1 broad category of scenes) have been completed. The missing scenes are scheduled for completion in early June. If our heroine loses to the rival exorcists, she gets raped by humans instead of demons.

3. The miscellaneous events featuring Mayu during dinner and during missions are approximately 50% complete. Completion scheduled for period June to July.

4. The treasure chest bonus event after defeating the stage bosses has only been implemented as far as stage 3. Because chest configuration is tedious to program, completion for this feature is scheduled for July.

5. Game balance and debugging will follow after the miscellaneous events and treasure chest feature have been completed. Target: July to August.

6. NG+ will be implemented but 0% progress so far. Creator is still deciding if he wants to implement the "Hentai Must Die" feature from the first game.

Final release tentatively set for mid-August.

53 18+ CGs. 400+ character sprites. All regular monsters (30 of them total) will have a H-scene. All but one of the ten boss monsters will have a H-scene. 5 H-scenes featuring humans. All H-scenes will be viewable from the gallery (no scat scenes despite the circle's choice of name).

15 different weapons, 8 different armour types. Approximately 80 accessories. Approximately 70 usable skills. 10 different dungeons if the last dungeon isn't counted. Game completion from the beginning to the end without using cheats estimated at 8-10 hours.

That's it for my rough translation of the latest blog post. I did it by sight and without looking too closely (combined with serious jet lag) so someone else with Japanese proficiency will probably find errors in the above content.
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

New update to the blog dated 8th July. Those not interested in what I write below can machine-translate the information themselves.

1. All H-scenes have been completed. Creator makes a joke about playing the game until release date rather than concentrating on fine-tuning and debugging.

2. The dinner scene conversations have been completed. There are 22 of them in all and the rank is determined by how many treasure chests players find and the number of enemies killed before the stage boss is defeated.

3. Mayu's intercom conversations with the protagonist in the field have been completed. These include hints on how to progress and pointless banter between the two characters. What is NOT completed are the conversations initiated when the boss monsters are first encountered.

High summer in Japan is dehydrating for the creator, but it looks like progress is smooth and there'll be no problems releasing the full version of the game as scheduled.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I can't wait. I don't know whether the rest of the H scenes will have my favorite type of content but there's already enough of it in the trial that it doesn't matter to me
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Another update to the blog dated 23rd July. Machine-translate for those who don't care for what I type below:

2 changes in the retail version compared to the demo:

1. The chest spawn bonus after bosses have been defeated has been made easier as touching the chests is enough to collect their contents. The extra few milliseconds saved from opening chests normally should increase loot gathering efficiency.

Regular chests in dungeons have to be opened the usual way.

2. Players can now sell weapon and armour components picked up in the field. Those who've played the demo will know how easy it is to stockpile components without having much use of them after the desired item has been obtained so the extra cash bonus (however minor) and the cleaning up of inventory is welcome.

As for game status, the developer has finished the game and is currently debugging. There are still quite a few bugs for him to fix but he'll get through them eventually. Hence there's still a while to go before the game is released.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I don't think I've ever seen you post without being incredibly passive aggressive about your ability to understand moon.

I've had lip before when I translate something from blogs, so I've decided to add a disclaimer each time I translate henceforth.

Judging from your post, you don't really care for what I post anyway so would you like me to piss off permanently? For that matter, I can stop impromptu translations since they're clearly not up to your vaunted standards.
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Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Make of it what you will. I don't think I can convince you otherwise anyway.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

Seriously, what the hell just happened here? This is a thread for discussing the game.

Speaking of which, really excited for this one. The first Taimamiko game took my totally by surprise, and is still one of my favorites. Wondering if there will be any references to Satsuki and Kagura.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

New update from the blog there will be out soon.

Picture of sample on Dlsite
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

New update from the blog there will be out soon.

Picture of sample on Dlsite

surprised and happy that the game gonna be released earlier (I THINK), since the dev was mentioning that it was gonna get released mid-late august.
Re: 退魔巫女遊戯 試作体験版

I can't wait