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ACT Patreon Active [VersusX] Bioasshard


Tentacle God
Jan 2, 2010
Reputation score
Yeah I gotta agree with Kiko on this. DRM typically deters more people away from the game than it actually draws. I can't even count how many games I've skipped because of DRM on the Dlsite alone, not to mention all the obnoxious DRMs on AAA games. I know pirating is usually shitty, but the only reason I ever even found out how good Punished Mai actually was, was because of it being pirated to F95. I enjoyed it so much compared to the demo that I even paid for the Gold Edition. If it was the demo alone, I probably would've never even given it a second thought. There will always be shitty people who will only pirate and never support, but there will also be people who support after pirating a game.


Grim Reaper
Nov 24, 2012
Reputation score
Well it's his work, I've put myself in a the shoe of a dev before and I can understand hating pirates to the point of punishing your own sales and paid customer to do it. Hell I could even empathize with the extreme option of burning your own game down and never releasing it rather then having it get pirated at all (empathize as in understand, not that I would actually do that in that position... maybe). The emotion involved with having your creation pirated can be powerful, certainly more then enough to beat logic.

From the user perspective, a cracked copy > DRM legit copy in usability and clunkiness, it's sort of ironic that the more popular the game becomes the higher chance of a cracked copy appearing, and that DRM on porn game throttles the initial user base (but if it gets popular enough to get cracked despite the DRM throttle then the user base will explode)

I myself am one of the "never buy DRM camp", I broke that rule once for a porn game and it's a constant reminder on why I had that rule. I played thru the game once, deleted it and never had any motivation to redownload it from dlsite even though the porn scenes were pretty hot for 3D stuff, I keep going back to staple non-drm games I have handy in a giant zipped folder. for non-porn PC games before the time of Steam/GoG (damn I'm old) I and all my friends pirated pretty much all our games, but with the ***convenience*** of steam/gog I've built up a massive paid library.

With my own anecdote out of the way, I'd chime in and say that ultimately it's the Dev's call so give the poor guy some slack if you were planning to lambast the decision (not directed to anyone posting previously). I would take an issue of devs not clearly disclosing their DRM status on a game to potential patrons though, that to me is straight up scummy.
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aka the Asian rapper Kikkoman Flowsauce
Feb 18, 2013
Reputation score
I said that it's his own choice, but I'm free to criticise him for that choice. I didn't say anything else, just that it's a shitty move and will probably cost him future (possibly even present) patrons. I hope the dev doesn't take this as a personal attack or something. I'm just criticising his business practice, nothing more/less


Nov 1, 2011
Reputation score
Not disclosing the info is bad enough, but only telling the paying customers that AFTER they pay to find this crap out rather than being up front on a public view post.
I agree with scummy on that one. I understand it is his game at the end of the day, but you get more patrons with honesty tbh.
I support many games on Patreon and I can say this is the only one I saw with this login system.
Let's look at it this way: Bio doesn't have as much support right now and the supposed DRM thing is making people scramble to hack into it. THUS more people will get that hacked copy instead of supporting it. The way they see it is no demo, no play, no pay.
You will ALWAYS have pirates but how you go about how to fight it is make or break in the public's eyes. WildLife knows that people pirate their game and they even went to the forums and asked people if they found any bugs. Thus they got more free advertisement and thus more support. Want proof? Check out the patreon page.
All I am saying is be upfront about things like this, and you will get more support.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 22, 2016
Reputation score
Ok guys, I'll try to clarify this for one last time. I won't try any further because I clearly stated this stuff I'm about to point once again. So it's up to you to understand it or not.

First thing first, I/we (yeah we're two devs, it's not only me) don't care about piracy, it's something we CAN'T fight against. I mean who could even say he/she didn't pirate anything on his/her life because I can't say that, so why would I bother.

Not even triple-A games couldn't fight it, do you think a small team of two devs have the saint grail solution to that? Of course not.

I once got mad because the previous version got leaked, but not because it was pirated, but because it was just a few days away for the public release and that forced us to just get it released early, just because why should the people waiting the public version wait for that date when the pirates have it already? But nothing else. That's all.

This is system which is not thought as a DRM even if it could be seem like that, it's just how we implemented the unlockables system. Nothing else/more.
I did not waste that time trying to protect the game from anything.

And as you mentioned, you got Punished Mai in there, did you saw us complaining? We know that's it's useless, that's why we don't care.

I don want/plan to burn down my own game ffs, that would be crazy. But if ppl is so harsh to the point of breaking to a server where (I'll repeat it again) no sensitive data but the mail can be accessed just to play a game a few weeks earlier, then I can put what I think it's more important (the privacy of our patrons) on top of a development and take drastic measures.

"not clearly disclosing the system"??? The login system was talked about the day after the trailer was released and in a public post. So don't act like this was something unexpected until you run the game or something like that. A login system, has its risks, that's obvious (even if this one is pretty secure). We even said that this post was a "must read"
And maybe we lack on other stuff, but in honesty? ffs...

Oh and by the way, before this version's release we were getting as much as 600$, sometimes a bit more (never reachin 700) and sometimes less. Before Bioasshard we have made other games with not a single restricting system and you know what? we got even less, around 200$. So I think that's not the problem.
Also comparing us with a game that gets more than 60k is a bit unfair in any matter lol.

And well, that's all I had to say in the matter. I hope this is clear enough. So if you keep ignoring what I just said and treating it like a DRM or an anti-pirate system, I'll just ignore it, sorry.
Also yeah, don't worry, I don't take this as personal.;)


New member
May 4, 2018
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Guys I think we are taking this too far.

VX are just trying to protect their patreons donations (and thus, extra content) by adding a quick login screen to ensure that only Patreons can access the clothing content. If it's going to be released for free at some point (Which it is) then I don't see what anyone's issue is. I mean all the potential hackers could possibly get from this is an email address, which if protected by Patreons server anyway (which it would be using the patreon auth system) then there is nothing to worry about. No hacker will try to crack a login just to access the game 1 month early, with abit of extra content, it's just not worth the risk as they would be hacking into Patreons own auth system which is highly illigal.

If you don't want to support creators that try to do this, then that's your own opinion and that's fine, but atleast stop having a go at them saying they will lose this and this will happen etc when it clearly won't. This guys have spent the best part of a year creating this for us to get for free, and all they ask for is people to just enjoy the game once it comes out and thank them for atleast trying to protect patreons rewards as long as possible.

I'm not having a dig at anyone in particular but it's jujst frustrating to see all this hate towards this project. The devs are new on the scene really compared to some and are just trying to create a game that will give them a decent income through donations.

Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope this makes sense and you don't take this personally towards anyone in particular.



aka the Asian rapper Kikkoman Flowsauce
Feb 18, 2013
Reputation score
it's just not worth the risk as they would be hacking into Patreons own auth system which is highly illigal.
Nobody would actually be able to crack that, I know of someone who's trying to make a "bypass" for the authenticator that VersusX implemented. They won't steal anyone's data, just make the fox patreon version playable without actually logging in.

But Patreon's auth system, just like any other is incredibly prone to leaks. Just recently I found my own fucking email and password in a leaked combolist (email : pass)

I don't judge VersusX for doing this, I just stated my opinion on the system he implemented.

Now without escalating this any further, I wanna ask @VersusX on what possible enemies are we looking at in the future? Is there a possibility of the licker or spider coming in the near future? :)


Tentacle God
Jan 2, 2010
Reputation score
No one is raging or bringing down the hammer of thor. I think you're overreacting on this. No one is giving hate towards the project either. People are expressing their dislike towards DRM in general. I feel like you read 2 words in each of the posts and just assumed that everyone was attacking the creator. This is a forum, this is a place to discuss, and discussing displeasure in choices made for a game is part of that.


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
Well, good drama is the sign of a healthy community and a good game 👌


Grim Reaper
Nov 24, 2012
Reputation score
I said that it's his own choice, but I'm free to criticise him for that choice. I didn't say anything else, just that it's a shitty move and will probably cost him future (possibly even present) patrons. I hope the dev doesn't take this as a personal attack or something. I'm just criticising his business practice, nothing more/less
Ah sorry I didn't make it clear, I wasn't directing it at any previous posters or legit criticism, but rather the cajoling / passive aggressive post that he's certain to get down the line.


Nov 1, 2011
Reputation score
So after the poll was done on his patreon he is getting rid of the login requirements. So huzzah! BUT it will take him a bit to release a fixed up version for everyone, but still no login or internet requirements. (y)


aka the Asian rapper Kikkoman Flowsauce
Feb 18, 2013
Reputation score
That's good news indeed. I'm glad his patrons know that it's a bad thing. Hopefully VersusX doesn't stop responding here, like he did on f95


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Someone let me know when he's hotfixed the dogs not being able to pound you and the login thinger.
I'll gladly toss a bit of money in the ring onve those issues are taken care of!


Active member
May 9, 2018
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Someone let me know when he's hotfixed the dogs not being able to pound you and the login thinger.
I'll gladly toss a bit of money in the ring onve those issues are taken care of!
Just watch the thread like decent citizens.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
I just wrote that in case the Dev doesnt come back to alert us about an update- I'd completely forgotten about the post alert system cause I am not a clever man.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 22, 2016
Reputation score
Hey everyone!
Take a look at this first: (y)
And to let you know, the new version 0.1.18 is already available for FOX and HOUND Patrons! ;)

Ps. I'm not stopping posting, I'm just quite busy ^^. But honestly I'd prefer any bug report and such to be made directly in Patreon, to be easier to track.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Hey everyone!
Take a look at this first: (y)
And to let you know, the new version 0.1.18 is already available for FOX and HOUND Patrons! ;)

Ps. I'm not stopping posting, I'm just quite busy ^^. But honestly I'd prefer any bug report and such to be made directly in Patreon, to be easier to track.
Glad to see such a swift update! I look forward to seein the Cerberus fix as well ^^