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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Connor followed along, chuckling to himself at the mention of each new feature. He was a learned man and this was all just too ridiculous, although that parlor trick with the ferret was kind of interesting. He wasn't about to tell the man he was insane, but at least he'd follow for the rest of time through amusement. Although he was still unsure on what their 'selling point' was and when, or if, he could tell them he's leaving.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Actually, Hex, you are correct. This world is filled with evil. So it stands to reason that the box designed to capture evil is empty." Kevin speaks up in response to Hex's question, a seemingly smart-ass tone in his voice
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris turns to Kevin with a slight grin. "Exactly! Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work properly."

He turns to Roger and Akira and answers them as well. "Ah, see some of these artifacts here can cause strange things to occur. One of the ones in here, allows people to literally walk through walls when worn, but also warps the mind in doing so. Let's see ...."

He finds the shelf that's on, and plucks what appears to be a feather off some native american thing. "Alright, now don't try this yourselves, luckily I'm already half fucked in the head so this won't affect me with such short exposure. Watch."

He takes said feather in his hand, then proceeds to move it right through one of the support beams of the warehouse, onto the other side of the beam up to his elbow. After a moment he withdraws it, and replaces the feather. "We think more of this particular one may have been made, but you can see where being able to walk in undetected into a high security building with anything on you would be a problem, yes?"

He shakes his head. "And if that wasn't bad enough, some of these artifacts channel evil through them, and change people. Take Lucrezia Borgia for example, the hair comb of hers we brought in a year ago could cause whoever held it to go absolutely mad and try to kill anyone they deemed a threat to their "loved one", who usually didn't reciprocate. In actuality, they could force mind control over most people as well. However, not all artifacts are dangerous, though it's up to us to decide that. Take the Tesla for example."

He heads over to a table and picks up some kind of gun. "Invented by Nikola Tesla, this was meant to be an alternative to bullets. It has ten settings, though I don't advise going over setting two. Whoever is zapped with this will be render unconcious for a short time, and will have their short term memory erased. Very useful if you have to shoot your way out of things, but it needs periodic charging."

He sets the weapon down and his voice takes a slightly darker tone. "As for the BSAA part of us, if we're called in on that, our job is to contain, and if need be, eliminate viral made weapons created by terrorists. That's the not so fun part about our job, and I won't lie, it can be very dangerous, possibly even more so than these dangerous artifacts. Since the artifacts can't think for themselves, and these viral weapons can .... do you see my point?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Oh, I see your point quite clearly." Kevin says, his head tilting to the right "I've seen what happens when bio-terrorism goes out of control." he says, his right hand reaching up and grasping his hat to hold it on tight "Which is why I was so eager to join when you mentioned the BSAA portion of the job."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger's eyes go wide at the demonstration of the Indian feather, and his teeth clench at the supernatural act. "You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me..." he said under his breath, "Bio-terrorists? And the creation of these... Things?" he shook his head, "This ain't a fuckin' warehouse, it's a little shop of horrors, straight out of some weird ass sci-fi movie." he said, a little on edge due to the apparent dangers around him.

Roger narrowed his eyes, "... Just what the hell do you want us to do? Use these supernatural weapons against other supernatural weapons? And why the hell would you want someone like me to help you do it?" he asked. Roger's heart was beating hard, and he was very uncertain as to why he was offered to take part in this strange counter-bio-terrorist group.

"Why wouldn't government agents or whatever do this, instead of some asshole fresh out of prison? Those guys at Area 51 would have been a better choice than me... Right? God... I'm sweatin' like crazy... I just thought they were gonna toss me into one of their little wars... Not have me fight alien curses and shit..."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris' walkie clicks on again. "What did you do down there? There's at least one person in the group whose pulse is almost a techno beat."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"No god no, we're to neutralize these artifacts and bring them here to remain locked up. Under NO circumstances are you to try fighting artifact with artifact. As for why you were brought in and not someone else ... Well I suppose probably because your more sensible than those idiots they pay at Area 51. And as far as we know, the terrorists don't make the artifacts, just viral weapons. Here, like this one."

He calls up an image on one of the boards there, and the image of a Hunter is shown. "MA-121 Class Beta Hunter, as called by the original group that designed them. Very fast, lethal with their claws, smart enough to follow basic orders. Best way to take them out is with a High Powered Magnum or one of the Tesla's."

He clicks his radio and adds to Sean, "Not much, just showed him the Indian Buckskin Feather robe and what it does."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The only reply from Sean couldn't be heard over the radio...but those up near his desk heard a loud *smack* coming from inside the barrier.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Trying to stay somewhat a skeptic, although growing increasingly difficult due to what he's just seen, Connor could only guess the support is fake or the use of mirrors. He'll just remain quiet for now, deciding to try and subtly feel through the support himself when they pass.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

He calls up an image on one of the boards there, and the image of a Hunter is shown. "MA-121 Class Beta Hunter, as called by the original group that designed them. Very fast, lethal with their claws, smart enough to follow basic orders. Best way to take them out is with a High Powered Magnum or one of the Tesla's."

He clicks his radio and adds to Sean, "Not much, just showed him the Indian Buckskin Feather robe and what it does."

Her eyes widen at the picture. "I swear I've seen those before... Do you know if they were used in England at all?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"How the fuck did that freak know my heart was beating like that?" Roger growled from the depths of his mind. He didn't know what it was, perhaps the fact he didn't let him in, even after he was invited to this museum of magic tricks. In any case, he just didn't like the man.

"There's always at least one dickhead, I guess that couldn't be avoided, one way or another." he concluded. "I've gotta hide my body language, even my heart beat. I don't know, but maybe Mr. Bleached hair can read my brain waves to... Gotta watch what I think..."

Roger took a deep breath, trying to clear his thoughts, before speaking up, "Look... I know I owe you guys enough that I have to help you one way or another... But how does my debt to you make me more qualified than those agent guys at 51? Hell, they probably got more training in dealing with this alien shit than me..." he told Chris, still uncertain about his position as an, 'anti-bio-terrorist', "I can kill people, but I wouldn't know how to kill one of those aliens."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris nods grimly at her question. "Yes, they were. That was the first time they'd been used, and the agents sent in had never seen them before. Only one lived long enough to report what he'd seen, then died from his injuries. I personally dealt with that situation after wards myself rather than risk losing more good people. It's a day I try hard not to recall."

He leads them further along the Warehouse, and if Conner tried to put his hand through the beam, he'd find it was just as solid as the metal of his car, impossible to put his hand through at all.

He stops long enough to answer Roger. "Well for a start, your more liable to think outside the box. Each one of you I'm guessing has displayed some form of asset that Ms. Frederick saw that made her choose you. I don't conduct the recruiting here, she does, and I ... train you so to speak."

It was at that moment the lights in the warehouse went off, plunging the place into total darkness. A sigh could be heard from Chris, and he clicked the radio. "Claudia, oh Claudia. I thought I told you NOT to plug the holo-projector into the same socket as the computer systems?"

Upstairs, once Claudia had gotten the radio from Sean, all that was heard was an "oops."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The sudden flash of darkness had a profound effect on Sarah, causing her to stiffen up, eyes scanning the darkness as a hand slid for the carpet bag. Then she realized what she was doing, and sighed as she relaxed again. <Stop reacting like that, it's no longer like that...> she thought to herself, a hand going through her hair as she tries to calm down.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Up in the office, a loud sigh followed by a muttered "And they wondered why I insisted on modding this to have battery backup..." came from what was likely Sean's desk.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

In the darkness, if anyone could actually see in the dark, they would notice a shift in Kevin's left arm, then a slight popping noise as something moved back inside his sleeve "I see you have power issues." he says flatly.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger thought back to the phone call he'd received, and the visit he'd gotten from the middle aged woman and her companion. "Hm... Maybe they just wanted cannon fodder for unknown situations... That makes more sense than anything else..." His train of thought was interrupted when the lights suddenly went out. "What, another magic trick?" he said aloud, before the problem was addressed as Claudia messing with the power.

Roger sighed, and remained in place, waiting for the problem to be resolved.

"Christ... Why do I get the urge to call that girl Pandora?" he thought to himself.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

As the power goes off, Dex' hand shoots up her sleeve again before the situation is explained. If anybody would've seen that they might think she has a trick up there - but it's just a small gun, sitting in a forearm-mounted holster.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Connor, still speechless of how Chris worked that fancy beam trick, jumped a bit at the lights going out, but a second afterward, anyone around him could hear him snickering.

Well whether or not these people are for real, they're at least dedicated. This is the most interesting thing I could have done today. Don't know if I'm falling for all this, but at least it wasn't a waste of my time.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira slowly looks around, watching the feather and glancing over at the over artifacts, not appearing to be affected that strongly by the sudden loss of power, mumbling quietly then looking around in the darkness, "I'm an electronics and computer repair person... I have no idea what you want me to bring to the team. Unless you want me to fix the computer system you probably damaged by doing that."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

By now though Chris had a slight worried look on his face. "Hmm, the backups should have already kicked in. I wonder ...."

He was cut off by a sudden humming noise, and then an alarm blared once before going silent. Every single crate in the warehouse began to spark at once as the dampening field he'd mentioned suddenly cut off.

"Oh no, that's impossible."

He grabbed the radio and spoke fast. "Sean hit the regulator room, we just lost containment in here."

He turns to the others. "Stay calm, and DON'T touch anything. Let's see we're in section 31-B so .... good nothing of mass destructive force in here. Except Volta's suit, but that's got to be worn by a person so we should be fine."

During this, he had of course removed his sun glasses, and hadn't stopped to think with the containment, his true eyes now shone. Anyone paying attention to him would now notice his eyes had a semi-glowing red center to them, definitely not the eyes of a human.