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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen walks for quite some time before wandering upon the herd of wild cows Leena had told her about the night before. She just smiled, and starting picking some tall grass.

Once she had a good handful, she went and started approaching the bull apparently in charge of the herd, making odd noises. The bull's nostrils flared, and it stamped around a bit, lowering it's head as if to charge her, but she kept getting closer, kept making those feral noises, and eventually it calmed down. She fed it from her hand, taking a quick look around the area, checking to see if anything other than the cows were around.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Chris would be the one to ask about that, I don't know everything about them."

Ellen would find no traces of anything else, it was very quiet out this night it seemed.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sarah nods simply at that. "Good point, worst I had to deal with was tentacles, and sometimes those were self-inflincted," she pointed out. "As they say, experiments tend to go sideways..." she mentioned, rubbing behind her head in an embarrased manner again.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I also need to you compare a bit of the Hunter data to this." Kevin says to Claudia, pulling out a small vial with what appeared to be blood inside "I need you to compare the Hunter data with this blood sample. I need to see if there's a connection."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I'll see what I can do, may take a bit."

She placed the sample to be scanned then looked at Sarah.

"Tentacles huh? Sounds like fun."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

She blushed a tad deeper. "They have... merits..." she mentioned. "Partly told me that serums aren't as useful in my human setup, though further, erm, studies were hampered from disturbing other survivors..."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"You mean to say you were one of THEM back in the day?" Kevin says, crossing his arms and looking at Sarah "Did you develop the stuff that saved lives. Or the stuff that fucked them up?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Kevin's comment made her freeze for a sec as she thought best how to awnser that. "I guess it's best to explain a bit how NecroTech's virus worked first. Importantly, many of the afflicted had both access to revivification solutions as well as constant infection sources, ergo, a constant supply of zombies. Quite a uniqe community actually. The odd thing is, it seems my mom seemed to be planning ahead, thus leading to my own little experiments and my serum work. Still, I wouldn't plan on making one of those... things... if my life depended on it. Then again, RJ would beg differ bout my serums and being monsterous..."

After the long speal, Sarah gave a sigh as she caught her breath, as that was probably the most she's said since coming to the warehouse.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

((Hehe, more of a check for other players, but that works as well ;) ))

Satisfied, Ellen takes another handful of grass, but thins time, she bites open her other wrist, as she did with Claudia, and adds some blood to the handful. The bull snorted and started acting jumpy again, she needed almost a full minute to calm it down once more. Finally, it accepted the tainted meal, and Ellen smiled again, giving it a friendly pat as she stepped to it's side. Taking another look around, just in case, she finally brushed a section of it's neck, clearing any dirt and such, and sank her fangs into its flesh, drinking her fill from the large animal as it made an odd-sounding, drawn out moo.

Sated afterwards, Ellen gave the bull another affectionate pat and started back towards the bed and breakfast.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Trying to bring the dead back to life? Almost as foolish as trying to dominate the world with an army of monsters like those Hunters." Kevin says, a smile on his face hidden under the darkness of his fedora "I won't hold it against you, but, honestly, any kind of work that can be used for evil is wrong. Even if it may serve the greater good."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Well, it kinda worked.... though for some reason the 'cure' they finally got after 10 god-forsaken years didn't work to well for my modifications thanks to dear ol' Mom. They made me into a fuckin' test tube baby for a good few years. Then you guys came and sprang me. Trust me, I'm keeping a good eye on my gear I still got."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Lucky for me, I managed to blend in with humanity. I joined the FBI after the shit the military did to me. They messed with my memories, and I'm trying to find them. I keep finding fragments, but nothing really important." Kevin says, sighing as he remembers his time back during his term of service "What I wouldn't give to be back on those lines, saving lives and taking them, all for country and family."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

She nods, a sympathetic look on her face. "Sounds like most of us here have had quite the uncharmed life..." she notes. "I can actually understand why RJ sorta wigged out when I used one of my serums earlier today..."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Claudia had remained silent until now, unsure of what to say.

Finally the sample beeped ready, and she looked it over.

"Well Kevin, I can say one thing. Whatever they did to you isn't even CLOSE to the Hunters." She showed them both the charts, one was semi-balanced and was the Hunters, the other was erratic and Kevin's scan.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I'm just glad no one so far has had to suffer like I have." Kevins says, then turns his attention to Claudia and the charts "That's about the way it normally is. Back to square one." he says, shrugging his shoulders and then bringing his right hand up to rub his forehead "Whatever was in those Hunter's blood, I don't like the way it made me feel." he says, groaning as he stumbles a bit and then catches his balance "For some reason, my head hurts. Maybe it's just lack of sleep."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sarah looked both them over too. "Hmm, odd. The Hunter one kinda looks similar to NecroTechs, but only slightly, but I've never seen that type before either..." she said quietly, before looking to Kevin. "Maybe you need a liedown? I find that usually helps in post-revivification energy drain too."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Claudia thought for a moment.

"Is it possible that Necrotech developed something Umbrella used for the Hunters? We know that many other companies were unknowingly supplying them with the materials for their bio-weapons, maybe that's why it looks similar?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"To tell the truth, no idea, but those monsters they're making definately didn't compare to what we had to deal with. Most of them looked human still, the only one that didn't I personally dealt with."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean thought for a moment. "He's still going to be able to cause enough trouble with what he's got. We really need to do some major upgrades on systems here."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Yeah, seriously. I'll see if I can get Claudia to help later on."

Mrs. Frederick looked at him.

"How about you get her to help you after setting up everyone else in the system that's still here? Take the DAY tomorrow and do that, I'll have the secondary team answer any immediate emergencies."

Chris nodded, resigned to that.