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What happened in Hong Kong


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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That's not offensive at all. Even American citizens don't trust the CIA not to fuck them over.

What's offensive is when someone comes in spamming propaganda and supporting it with incredulous 'facts' like a blurry photo of some... THING that may or may not be a person sitting in a restaurant.


Nov 10, 2008
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I would be surprised if there was any global event with the CIA uninvolved
They're a global organization and they have agents and contacts all over. They basically get their funding from organized crime(Which they organize) and they don't seem to give a shit about any sort of orders from the US government. So really, saying the CIA is involved isn't actually bringing anything new to any conversation. They do their thing and they do it everywhere
Pretty much nobody trusts the CIA, but if anyone has a conspiracy theory about them then chances are it's at least partially true


New member
Jun 11, 2019
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Ok, I'm back briefly, so I'll make this easy.
To the mod, I didn't see your warning, I wasn't interested in anything other than the fallacies of a certain individual. I apologise to a degree, but frankly your problem was with me, so you should have messaged me.
In regards the creature I'm not allowed to adequately describe, I know you're a propagandist for a number of reasons, one of which is that someone I knew well was murdered at Tianamen, their parents never got over it, particuarly as the body was never returned. If any propagandist says it's all lies re TS, well you've already seen my opinion re certain others.
Now as for HK, I have friends with relatives there, and who have lived there for generations, whicvh apparentely is the only way to be called Hongkongers, by some 'individuals', a relative in HK nas now been missing for a number of days and police refuse to say anything. I'm not sayingwho/when for fear they'll suffer from what 'didn't happen' at TS.
To the proud propagandist who I must not mention, as you said, you're a 'chinese' citizen, how about going home and letting the HKers have theirs, though seeing as you've faslsified 'facts' about TS and studiously avoided any real mention of the cruelty of Tibet, the kidnapping of the child that China thought was the DL, the forced dispersal of he Uighers, the gradual concentration of power by and for Winnie the Pooh, and so on and so forth, I doubt the propaganda puppet will admit anything.
Anyway, I'm going to wrap this up, as I'll never come here again,
Quick comment here 1st, check places like imgur, you'll see some stuff there, also posters have gone missing;
1 To the propagandist, 'may your entire bloodline live in interesting times, until your stain is washed away', (mod, believe me, that was nice compared to what I wanted to say).
2 To the mod, or whoever, I only came here by chance, saw the 'persons' comments, and found this account in the wilderness looking lost, so you need to lock the door behind me, though I do hope you'll at least leave my comments in situ.
3 To everyone else, believe, or don't, I know my truth, I hope Hong Kong survives, and is saved from the likely brutality, goodbye.
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Sex Demon
Jun 18, 2014
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So we have a true propagandist, see that? What makes you think I am lying were you watching everything form TVs, reading things form books, and beliving everyone opposing you were propagandist form China that holds no facts but only saids things like tibet, or TS victim and family got murdered form those propaganda material, not actaully travel to there and get know to the actaul truth by actaully talk with people that had been there and still there.
If that China was that brutal like you said, then how come it grow so large, it should have been like middle east that had been already knock into civil war for not just decade. Think about this, if china was so wrong then china would have been collapse with soviet like how north korean, not grow into a super power and with millions of forigeners family wanted to be immergrent there.
Most fanatics belivers of anti-china ideology having that tibet was victim of large scale of goverment organized kidnapping project, but that is very false claim, which was in fact, most of these people were like died in the wild because those poor souls gone missing due to poor road and near non-existing communications back in the 90s and early 2000s, they don't even have paved roads back then, also hundreds of these people were kidnapped by and sold to ETIM, to raise to be terrorist, many were found on the borders around sinkiang state, and some of them ended up running to the west as immergrent that didn't told to their families. There isn't any goverment organized kidnapping project, it just simply didn't exist, well they really only exist as in forms of material inside the propaganda against PRC goverment. There were, however, crimelords that happens to kidnap thousands of young minors across the whole country to sold them as mail brides and sex slaves, because they had connections with some corrupted goverment officals doesn't mean them were goverment ordered, like how Jeffrey Epstein connection to many american officals, is he ordered by them to do such things? Could you ask yourself?
I could say the same thing about bloodline, if your family weren't all here before 1970s or came through the customs with immergent test passed, then you ain't and shouldn't consider a real citizen of HK, I know its hard standard, but it is how it works around the world, 50 plus years or getting through the paper, you had to get to learn culture and serve as a local, not just rely on one single ID card and claim that you are.
And by the earlier post that claim that blurry photo was not fact, that photo was taken by a rival news to apply daily, by paparazzi, they saids that was a secert meeting just half a year before the first riot, and days after an armor van carrying paper notes through banks mystery losing serveal creates of freshly print money on the highway around the coast without any alarm been reacting, in GTA style. Coincidance? Maybe, but I am too skeptic to belive that, since that team of security was the top of the line G4S company that was funded by and trained in US. It is not really anyway to be able to not touch any alarm without manual tempering. Also there were still millions of those notes missing.

So no, I don't belive you and you don't belive me. Its just back and forth stalemates.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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And by the earlier post that claim that blurry photo was not fact, that photo was taken by a rival news to apply daily, by paparazzi, they saids that was a secert meeting just half a year before the first riot, and days after an armor van carrying paper notes through banks mystery losing serveal creates of freshly print money on the highway around the coast without any alarm been reacting, in GTA style. Coincidance? Maybe, but I am too skeptic to belive that, since that team of security was the top of the line G4S company that was funded by and trained in US. It is not really anyway to be able to not touch any alarm without manual tempering. Also there were still millions of those notes missing.

Let's say I accept your premise that we can just reference a blurry image and make up a story and that qualifies as evidence. If it works for you, then I get to do it too.

This is a group of Hong Kong police maiming defenseless protestors with swords as their Chinese overlords kidnap underaged females as 'sacrifices' in the background.

So no, I don't belive you and you don't belive me. Its just back and forth stalemates.
Feel free to just stop posting if you believe it's a waste of your time.
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Forgotten Light

New member
Sep 11, 2019
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So we have a true propagandist, see that? What makes you think I am lying were you watching everything form TVs, reading things form books, and beliving everyone opposing you were propagandist form China that holds no facts but only saids things like tibet, or TS victim and family got murdered form those propaganda material, not actaully travel to there and get know to the actaul truth by actaully talk with people that had been there and still there.
If that China was that brutal like you said, then how come it grow so large, it should have been like middle east that had been already knock into civil war for not just decade. Think about this, if china was so wrong then china would have been collapse with soviet like how north korean, not grow into a super power and with millions of forigeners family wanted to be immergrent there.
Most fanatics belivers of anti-china ideology having that tibet was victim of large scale of goverment organized kidnapping project, but that is very false claim, which was in fact, most of these people were like died in the wild because those poor souls gone missing due to poor road and near non-existing communications back in the 90s and early 2000s, they don't even have paved roads back then, also hundreds of these people were kidnapped by and sold to ETIM, to raise to be terrorist, many were found on the borders around sinkiang state, and some of them ended up running to the west as immergrent that didn't told to their families. There isn't any goverment organized kidnapping project, it just simply didn't exist, well they really only exist as in forms of material inside the propaganda against PRC goverment. There were, however, crimelords that happens to kidnap thousands of young minors across the whole country to sold them as mail brides and sex slaves, because they had connections with some corrupted goverment officals doesn't mean them were goverment ordered, like how Jeffrey Epstein connection to many american officals, is he ordered by them to do such things? Could you ask yourself?
I could say the same thing about bloodline, if your family weren't all here before 1970s or came through the customs with immergent test passed, then you ain't and shouldn't consider a real citizen of HK, I know its hard standard, but it is how it works around the world, 50 plus years or getting through the paper, you had to get to learn culture and serve as a local, not just rely on one single ID card and claim that you are.
And by the earlier post that claim that blurry photo was not fact, that photo was taken by a rival news to apply daily, by paparazzi, they saids that was a secert meeting just half a year before the first riot, and days after an armor van carrying paper notes through banks mystery losing serveal creates of freshly print money on the highway around the coast without any alarm been reacting, in GTA style. Coincidance? Maybe, but I am too skeptic to belive that, since that team of security was the top of the line G4S company that was funded by and trained in US. It is not really anyway to be able to not touch any alarm without manual tempering. Also there were still millions of those notes missing.

So no, I don't belive you and you don't belive me. Its just back and forth stalemates.
Dude, it's hard. But you can never wake up a sleeper. Now that the wind has begun to change, time will give us the answer. (laizi baudu fanyi)


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Dude, it's hard. But you can never wake up a sleeper. Now that the wind has begun to change, time will give us the answer. (laizi baudu fanyi)
A new challenger appears!

Evidence, got any?
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Oct 9, 2009
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Well, reading this train wreck of a thread makes me feel less bad about the 13 USD I just lost, so that's nice.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Well, reading this train wreck of a thread makes me feel less bad about the 13 USD I just lost, so that's nice.
If etigoya's still alive and hasn't been hauled off by the Chinese I imagine he'll be really sad to see what happened here.


Oct 9, 2009
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If etigoya's still alive and hasn't been hauled off by the Chinese I imagine he'll be really sad to see what happened here.
Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc. are all working in Hong Kong, so he's probably fine. But if Hong Kong starts banning those then we should start worrying.


Sex Demon
Jun 18, 2014
Reputation score
Ofcourse the cops starts using live rounds, he was under assult and the rebels are trying to rob his gun. The other case it was they set a cop on fire and he drop his gun, so the other cops shot one of the rebel that was closest to the gun to stop him taking away the police's gun.
Those rebels had derailed two trains, set up roadblocks to rob passing by vehicals, pull drivers and beat them to near death if they don't stop, set fire and rob banks and shops, attacking normal citizens, including journalist, and you people still think they were just protesters. They ain't, they were never about independence or what so ever had they claim they were on about, they were terrorist and they just want to do violance activity, many of them thought they were just playing GTAO in real life. Blizzard is doing the right thing to remove that interview, gaming should never about politics, and specially never spreading ideology for ongoing terrorism activity.


Mystic Girl
Jan 10, 2014
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Or we can just accept the simplist reason. Hong Kong citizens just didn't want to be sent to a country whose legal system is known to have a 99% conviction rate. That the overwhelming response further opened old wounds about their political leader and their grievences against her and that in any protest there will be extremists that wish to resort to violence either because either they wish to be heard or are just violent individuals. The fact is that Hong Kong protests are overwhelmingly peaceful not unlike other places. Iraq for example left hundreds dead in their protests. Furthermore Hong Kong is not arguing for sedition, they are arguing for the protection and preservation of their political freedoms, which once taken away, they can never get back.


Nov 10, 2008
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If you think games should never be about politics, you should be hating Blizzard.
A large amount of the things they put in their games these days is about politics, they are donating to political campaigns, and some of their devs are very outspoken about politics on social media
But perhaps you support their action because this time they are opposing an opinion that you are also opposing


Sex Demon
Jun 18, 2014
Reputation score
XSI, that was Activision, and I am hating Activision by all time, form the very beginning,
Devs in personal could outspoken about politics themselves, as long as the cooperate level stays natural, I don't mind devs put political topics in their games, as long as they ain't forcing people to take them as facts, because they are fiction. You can't tell people to belive something fictional as a fact to the real world problems, that wouldn't work, and would only make matters worse.

And the the rebel isn't peaceful, but in a state of false reporting, thousands of innocent people were hurt by these so call peaceful protest and billions of property were damage or even destory beyond repair. They had sabotaged train tracks and traffic lights, release drones and balloons in airports, force the traffic to be close, many shops and business had been close for three days in the past, they had break into MTR stations and set fire on anything they could see, damaging the fire hydrant and use water on electrical machinery, cause hundreds of car crash, just because there weren't many western media to focus on reporting them worldwide as headlines doesn't meant they never happened.
If your leveling of peaceful was by dead or alive, then sure, they were "peaceful", but by damage, they were fall into terrorism.


Nov 10, 2008
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There is no meaningful distinction between blizzard and activision at this point. Blizzard has been bought and integrated into activision years ago. They only keep the name on their products because of good PR Blizzard used to have compared to the Activision name.
The corporate level is very heavily invested in politics and in no way neutral. Nobody who looks at blizzard would ever claim that, they have several times gone on-record supporting political causes and election campaigns
Maybe it's the language barrier stopping you from reading any news about blizzard, or maybe you've just chosen not to look into it. You're making no sense whatsoever and yet you seem to be convinced that you are right about it


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Pretty sure they're working out a way to double down on this:


Oct 9, 2009
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Ofcourse the cops starts using live rounds, he was under assult and the rebels are trying to rob his gun. The other case it was they set a cop on fire and he drop his gun, so the other cops shot one of the rebel that was closest to the gun to stop him taking away the police's gun.
Those rebels had derailed two trains, set up roadblocks to rob passing by vehicals, pull drivers and beat them to near death if they don't stop, set fire and rob banks and shops, attacking normal citizens, including journalist, and you people still think they were just protesters. They ain't, they were never about independence or what so ever had they claim they were on about, they were terrorist and they just want to do violance activity, many of them thought they were just playing GTAO in real life. Blizzard is doing the right thing to remove that interview, gaming should never about politics, and specially never spreading ideology for ongoing terrorism activity.
Spotted some inaccuracies in what you typed out:

>Those rebels had derailed two trains
Not true. The first train derailment (the Hung Hom line) is still under investigation, but the most likely cause is that a railroad switch came loose and tried to divert the second half of the train to a different track, causing the train to decouple. It appears to be a mechanical malfunction, and even the government hasn't claimed it was caused by sabotage. The second train didn't even derail - it took the wrong track and hit a buffer when the track ran out. Again the reason is still under investigation, but again the government did not suspect foul play.

>set up roadblocks to rob passing by vehicals, pull drivers and beat them to near death if they don't stop
It's more complicated than that. They did set up roadblocks and some drivers were assaulted, but there are also videos showing drivers moving the roadblock aside temporarily, driving pass the roadblock, then restoring the roadblock without trouble. Supposedly you do have to explain to the protesters that you are on their side in order to pass through, but they definitely weren't commiting highway robbery.

>set fire and rob banks and shops
Yes, they did break into and set fire to shops. And yes, some people stole from the shops afterwards, but the people who stole from the shops weren't with the group of protesters who broke in. They arrived after the protesters who broke in had left.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Apr 24, 2014
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No wonder HK is on edge, still this could be stage for propaganda and shit. But still wtf china?



Sex Demon
Jun 18, 2014
Reputation score
Spotted some inaccuracies in what you typed out:

>Those rebels had derailed two trains
Not true. The first train derailment (the Hung Hom line) is still under investigation, but the most likely cause is that a railroad switch came loose and tried to divert the second half of the train to a different track, causing the train to decouple. It appears to be a mechanical malfunction, and even the government hasn't claimed it was caused by sabotage. The second train didn't even derail - it took the wrong track and hit a buffer when the track ran out. Again the reason is still under investigation, but again the government did not suspect foul play.

>set up roadblocks to rob passing by vehicals, pull drivers and beat them to near death if they don't stop
It's more complicated than that. They did set up roadblocks and some drivers were assaulted, but there are also videos showing drivers moving the roadblock aside temporarily, driving pass the roadblock, then restoring the roadblock without trouble. Supposedly you do have to explain to the protesters that you are on their side in order to pass through, but they definitely weren't commiting highway robbery.

>set fire and rob banks and shops
Yes, they did break into and set fire to shops. And yes, some people stole from the shops afterwards, but the people who stole from the shops weren't with the group of protesters who broke in. They arrived after the protesters who broke in had left.
Sure sure, kept white washing them more, until they became loose and go to your country. They are derailed those two rails, the media kept saying under investigation and you took them all, since the control hub on the first one had the lock breaked, and the second was under control by a member of the so-called protester, and the so-called protester had just break into that same station and did damage on the platform level by the night before, you tell me how come that was a miss? The media was telling false, the goverment insider that help those rebels were trying to make them looks like accident so there would be no need to call in army, woo-hoo, there is nothing to see around.
They do setup roadblocks to rob innocent people, they had been stopping passing by vehicals and do tolls, 100 HKD per head, and if you don't stop? They will beat you half death and ask for more, I know atleast one had paid 7000 HKD to those rebels.
And they did rob shops, there are serveal shops just in ShaTin district alone were robbed, one CMHK phone shop, two Maxism fastfood joint, one mannings shop, seven banks(that number including ATM sites), and a Youben360 shop were getting smashed, took money and goods away, the CMHK phone shop do have CCTV that still working when they took all the phones and SIM cards away, if you still denied then I couldn't help you, I live in MeiFoo district and the rebels had destory the china bank and half of the MTR station in the plaza, they also remove all the traffic lights and guardrails in the main road, and they had been damaging the highway bridge's piller, I am sick of being bullied by those rebels, they ain't what they were, never, since the first day they were started.
I could tell you blindly trusted people to stop, but you people wouldn't lisent, so go ahead, send more you hard earn money to them, support them like how you people support warlords, its just the other will suffer, like me, and many other innocent people. Just stop support them, you are supporting terrorism, even if they win it will only knock south east asia into chaos and became another africa, or middle eastern warzone. US style democracy when using outside US would not working, just look at Brixit, is it working? Those media were using you people's heart as a puppet, learn more then the very surface of the matter before you talks. Things ain't what they were looking, specially when its geo-political thats outside your reach.