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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Picking up MW3 today because Ben is coming home tomorrow!

Also, I have been completely without stress this week. Hoorah.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Picking Up super mario land 3D on friday...Woo..*crickets in background*
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Showed some necromancers how its done in Skyrim. Fucked their shit up nice and slow. Whats weird is, i haven't been trying to be a stealth guy in heavy armor. Ive just been careful and tactful. And so far i have a 50 sneak, lol.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Showed some necromancers how its done in Skyrim. Fucked their shit up nice and slow. Whats weird is, i haven't been trying to be a stealth guy in heavy armor. Ive just been careful and tactful. And so far i have a 50 sneak, lol.

Dan: Hey Joe, do you hear a loud, clanking noise behind us?
Joe: Nah, it's just the wind, dude.
Dan: In a dungeon?
Joe: Yeah, happens all the time.

Been thinking about giving Oblivion another try. Got the GOTY edition for PC, but didn't really have much time the last time I tried it. Still don't have much time, but it's more than I did. Just hope I can remember what I did to get it running without crashing every 30 minutes on my craptop.
I think my only real gripe with it was how leveling up was handled. It could either be reeeeally slow, or too damn quick.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Dan: Hey Joe, do you hear a loud, clanking noise behind us?
Joe: Nah, it's just the wind, dude.
Dan: In a dungeon?
Joe: Yeah, happens all the time.

Anyone else found this terribly funny, specially considering most MMOs?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Dan: Hey Joe, do you hear a loud, clanking noise behind us?
Joe: Nah, it's just the wind, dude.
Dan: In a dungeon?
Joe: Yeah, happens all the time.

Been thinking about giving Oblivion another try. Got the GOTY edition for PC, but didn't really have much time the last time I tried it. Still don't have much time, but it's more than I did. Just hope I can remember what I did to get it running without crashing every 30 minutes on my craptop.
I think my only real gripe with it was how leveling up was handled. It could either be reeeeally slow, or too damn quick.

bwahahaha! That was good man! Another note i should make: The enemies in skyrim, if you sneak up on them in dungeons, you can hear them talking to eachother. Just shooting the shit about their leaders or talking shit about their friends. its kinda funny to stealth around just to hear a story or two.

I also agree about the leveling. So far skyrims leveling is ok, but im worried i wont be able to hit all the perks i REALLY want by the time i hit the level cap. Look at it this wa kusanagi, it could be Morrowind leveling.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Oh yes, Skyrim has his moments.

I fought a bandit who was sitting on a collapsed tree that formed a bridge. Rather high up as well.

I fought him head on. At the end, he collapsed on his knee and said mercy.

So I sheated my sword...

And used lightningmagic with both my hands.

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Bought and playing Super mario 3D land. its freaking awesome! I feel right at home playing this!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Today while showering, I was listening to some music.

Did some silly showerdancing and singing and I noticed...

It's really fun swinging your best friend in the rhytm. I do like that. :D

-Little insight into the male mind, by El Duderino
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

You shower with your dog?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

You shower with your dog?

I'm talking about me personal royalt, sir humpalot, thee baldheaded assailant of yore, master of unarmed, headfirst combat. Always accompanied by his two dashing servants lefty and righty von Nuttingen.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Went to a random Tomb that just so happened to be a quest to get a Queens sword, a quest from Oengal from..what town is it....cant remember. But i got a extra item from the quest. A ghost blade. Its a cool translucent sword o.o
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Yeah, but you found it yesterday.

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I made my first post here after making an account and forgetting about it.

Also, I slept until 15. And ate delicious ham sandwiches.

Today's great.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Stormed through another random fort and accompanied a Mage through the tower,butchering necromancers and mage adepts on our way up. Thy Fell before my Flawless Elven Greatsword of Life-Force, and i Carved my way to the top. I killed the mages mother as she requested,a nd enlisted her services as a follower. I figure with Powerful magic at my Back and weilding a massive Greatsword, we'll be a strong team. The giddy part about that quest? Every mage that i finished, my character chopped their head off in bad-assery stance.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Less giddy, more amusing, but they fit well together.

Went to the funeral of a friend's grandfather (to be support for said friend.) While there, I look over and recognize a girl I know from one of my old gaming groups. After making sure it was her (because, well, if not, AWKward!) I went over and said 'Hi.' Turns out, she's friends with *my* friend's cousin.

Only in my town can you go to a funeral for someone you don't know and see someone you do :p