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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Finding out my code for my ME2 downloads still worked, even if the paper said they expired. Huzzah! Now I only have to pay for the other DLC that *didn't* come with the game.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Had a drink and a smoke with one of my brothers. Extremely pleasant.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Jersey Shore is getting canceled.

Also this
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Ahahaha! Dawngaurd for PC is for meeeeee!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

This tub of baked alaska Ben & jerry's ice cream, after a long stressful shift.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Jersey Shore is getting canceled.

Also this

Ought to send that to my friend who is taking "History of Torture" this semester after she informed me that the teacher told them they would end each class with pictures of puppies, or the Inquisition song from History of the World, or something "because you people don't need to walk around with this for the rest of the day."
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


I found this hilarious, and relevant to many of the recent posts in the news thread.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

That's awesome. My nostalgia meter is going crazy right now.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Haha, no way in the world is that real, but quite funny
Re: What made you feel giddy today?


I found this hilarious, and relevant to many of the recent posts in the news thread.

Sad thing is that he's a bit of a male chauvinist, and is really arrogant in person. At least that's what a couple co workers whom have ties to STEM programs tell me.

Still, bravo Bill!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Spotted that one on FB the other day and, aye, sadly, it isn't a real quote, but it is, at the very least, a good read.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Doctor Who is back. I have this problem where the writer writes it like a mystery but it's not because either:

A) What the mystery is is never addressed, so you don't know what you're trying to solve until you get there.


B) The clues given make no sense to anyone who isn't a character on the show because what they're hinting at isn't information the audience has.

On the other hand, it's not a mystery show, it's sci-fi space fantasy, and it's still a lot of fun. So yay, I guess.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

A relaxing Monday <3 Gonna get my homework done and then make some more chainmail to share with you guuuys :3
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

LOL at God Tier level 3 reward.

If I had the money I would donate to at least that level. Though as it stands now I'll at least be putting in $105 for the BROPAK. Would really like to donate $255 though to get a scalemate.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What the hell they made 400,000 bucks in a day!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Finding out that I've won a contest that I entered on FB. Free shirts, cool. Free Atari shirts, even better. It'll go well with my "classically trained" NES shirt.