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Why can't people tag properly anymore?

Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?


Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?

... So did you get it or...?
Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?

Obviously not, I thought it was funny though.

What if it starts out consensual and becomes rape?
Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?

... So did you get it or...?

If you're saying that not including something that is part of the story breaks it, then yeah I got it. And that's hilarious and I love you and you are my favorite. And stop dropping these subtle jokes for me, I know you're already taken
Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?



Ok ok. Check out !

Point is, that certain tags should be there to label consistency. I'm not questioning morals, or I don't mean to. I'm just saying that we should tag things appropriately so people don't waste their time. Tagging a consistent story with rape, but clearly the end of that story is anything but, that's fucked up.

Now for things that don't have that consistency, that's fine. The set of images arn't connected to illustrate a story, thus we can tag image by image.
Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?

This thread is still going? Seriously?

Story contains rape. Obtains rape tag. Make not end in rape, but nothing hentai ever does.

They're not wrong in tagging it rape, deal with it.

Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?

I refuse.


For the record: I'm not saying that anyone is wrong here. I'm simply suggesting that things could be organized a little better.

Technically it's up to the artists to say what their art is and isn't. But how many artists stop by to tag their own content? Minus when they do submit, like at Hentai Foundry. So a lot of misconception is taking place because they don't stop by to tag. The viewers are getting the opportunity to say what is and isn't. But if an artist does happen to lay down what the appropriate tags are, then that's the final authority. Everyone else's opinion (if not in agreement with the artist) is just an opposition.

Having good baselines is a better way to suggest what is and isn't, so we're not having to accept random jerkoff's opinion. I guess the point I'm getting at is that we should try to tag based on what the artist would tag as. It's hard to do this for tons of reasons, but with a steady ground, we can get close - a lot closer than I think we're doing now.
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Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?

Umm... Vuki if your complaining about E-hentai's Tagging system...

Actually do something about it...

NO its not me being a dick, It me pointing out that they have a...

Goddammit! They put up a site blocker!

I can't get to E-hentai to take the pic but they allow you to change the tags that an album has... I remember seeing it before. Even used it on a few albums.
Re: Why can't people tag properly anymore?

You're not being a dick, it's a reasonable response. However, the basis for ehentai's tagging system is just as relevant as youtube's rating system. Anyone can add or negative rep a tag, however, the amount of points they can add or take away is due to the little RPG game ehentai made up 'Hentai Verse'.

It totally destroys the authority of the artist. I can't do anything about it unless I either proposed a new idea for a tagging system (which of course they would reject, no matter hot logical it would be). Or if I wasted my life away playing that mini game to lvl up so I could go around dropping dumb tags. D=
