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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Got some work on Awakening skills done today... Memory skill descriptions are probably on hold for a while or might simply be skipped as they're self-explanatory... If I'm lucky, I think I "might" be able to start the game on Wednesday, if not earlier depending on how much I get do tomorrow.

For now though, I need to pass out... night guys.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Okay, night Keylo.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Ok... got some good news, and some bad news.

The good news? I finished a few more "Awakening Skils"/"Spells" today.

The bad news? I am now officially addicted to mabinogi again, meaning that work on the game has slowed down dramatically...

Will try to abstain from logging on for the rest of the night, to get some work done, however I make no guarantees on anything at this point. >.>;;
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

It's Kay, I understand.
I am sure no one can effectively 'quit' Mabi.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Personally, my biggest problem with mmo's is that it is mandatory to team up with other people. I like games where once you can solo at any level and can eventually go rambo on all the enemies in sight. So I effectively like my mmo's without the second m or the o.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Bleh... part of me is sorely tempted to start the game and finish the awakening skills later when we actually get to that part of the game, while the other is telling me to finish everything before I actually start it... >.>

...What do you guys think?... Should I go with the former, or latter?...
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I say, it's up to you.
But stupid cheesy clichéd lines aside, I say it might be better if you neither allow us an option to add in those skills after the game started or relocate skills if we choose to once you finish those skills.
But I say finishing those skills now would be less confusing.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I'd say the ladder as opposed to the farmer. Everyone likes wood instead of people. Especially in the morning.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I say, it's up to you.
But stupid cheesy clichéd lines aside, I say it might be better if you neither allow us an option to add in those skills after the game started or relocate skills if we choose to once you finish those skills.
But I say finishing those skills now would be less confusing.

Err....... you don't get awakening skills till you hit level 5 anyway. Which is about two-three missions in.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I'd be happy to start now, if you're sure you can finish them before we need them.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

If you don't think it'll be needed for a while, then starting now is fine.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Well then, allow me to make an announcement.

Tomorrow, I shall be gone for most of the day, busy with certain things...

However! When I return, the game shall begin! (Provided everything goes according to plan.)

Finish what you need, check over your character sheets one last time, post them if you want to join (you can still join after the game begins, but do note that your introduction scenario might take a bit longer to get started), and anything else you may want to do. The game will start after a general outline of how the game will work has been posted, and then introduction scenarios will soon follow.

Let us all enjoy this most simple and elegant game of Witch's Chess to its fullest! Fufufufufufufufu~
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Ooo ooo!
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I was in the process of writing a massive background, well, actually a story, rather than just a background, and as I was writing it up, and adding the appropriate stats along the way as I went, I noticed something... That I didn't like.

When I started looking at appropriate drawbacks for my character, I noticed something strange in the guidelines, that it actually costs me to get drawbacks...

The first thing on my mind was, "What the fuck? Why in the fucking hell would I BUY a drawback, that would only serve to be a determent to my character?"

Right now, I'm unable to continue to write, due to two things in conflict in my mind. One side is encouraging complexity in my character, and supports pros along with cons, to make a unique character, while the other side is arguing the fact that buying drawbacks is useless due it actually having no point whatsoever, other than to give your character a bit of color.

I'm not tryin' to be an ass, even though I am being one right now, Key, but the problem is, I want to buy drawbacks, but the system I'm looking at is practically telling me, "You can buy the drawback, Lazy, but first you need to fork over, First Aid!"

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not parading in here, and telling your game off... The majority of this post is just me venting a little steam from getting Writer's Block...
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Don't all drawbacks have both positive and negative effects?

The balance is not.... too good though. Like Lazy, I don't think anyone would want to team up with somebody who's only good at ditching works. I suppose the persuasion skill can be used on NPCs to skip some part of quests, but maybe something like faster recovery speed when resting would be more useful.

Generally, since drawbacks actually cost points, you may want to make the pos outweigth cons a little. It's just my not so useful suggestion, so.... do whatever you like *sweatdrop*
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I'm always open to new suggestions/criticism, mainly as this is the very first PbP game I have ever made.

@Drawbacks costing points: As stated, drawbacks give pros and cons, if I made them free or give BACK points, then there would really be no reason not to just spam alot of drawbacks, so long as the combined pros outweighed the cons. I rather detest min/maxing to such an extent thus...yeah.

@Balance of Drawbacks: I do agree, the balance between pros/cons needs revision, mainly as some of them seem rather worthless. Which is why I am constantly on the lookout for criticism and new suggestions. Provide me a reasonable and convincing argument, put it up for debate in the OOC thread, and I'll make adjustments should everyone be fine with it.

On that note, you can "have" a drawback/trait RP wise, and not buy the said skill for it until later on (explained as you do not choose to "draw power" on the memories of such behavior until a further point) when you get more points, and provided you roleplay the character well enough... you'll most likely receive the bonuses from "good roleplaying". (And perhaps more... undecided regarding a few things such as whether or not granting free drawbacks and traits to people who play certain traits well in a believable manner is a good idea or not.)
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Personally, I thought drawbacks had were more like trade-offs in the descriptions, as they implied that they gave positive aspects as well as negative. I didn't understand the memory point system particularly well (which is why I had to revise so many times,) but one idea might be to make them less expensive than the standard traits, since those don't give anything negative.