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Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka nodded, and the two of them got the mop and bucket and brought it downstairs. "I'm sure that Shiina can take care of herself, and if Fade is with the master, I'm not worried about either of them. The slimes don't seem to be too dangerous, unless they catch you by surprise." Ayeka begins mopping up the mess in the front hall, working almost frantically in order to get it all clean before their masters guests arrive.

(Athletics seems reasonable, in this case.)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The cream haired girl follow her partner and sigh a little when they get inside the room, she could trap the maid, but she had been so friendly with her and maybe Ariane could turn her her first human friend, there were more of a way to catch a prey and the princess had decided to put all her traps and cunning skills in Zehazael and Kasumi. Looks like they make fall the candalier and get inside that little hole in the ceiling, maybe we must be ready in case that they try to hurt our guests

Then they run to the entrance and the princess try her best to clean all with the others maids, planing her next move against her foes and trying to hide her cleavage with the blanquet.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"I'm sure they'll be more understanding than the last ones, but we don't have to. I can drop you off in my room, but I need to do some work first." Putting the herbs on the countertop she looked around. 'Zeha must still be getting the wine.' She thought to herself. At the mention of mice or rabbits, Kasumi's eyes lit up. "Well, I don't know about either of them. Again, it's just my first day here, but if it's mice you like, that would definatly help us out by keeping them out of sight." She finished talking just as Zehasael entered.

Cocking her head at the girl's strange outburst, Kasumi nodded, and was about to explain Anya's presence when Zehasael continued about the mess. "Oh no! I'll get right on it. I'll meet you there." She left her salad preparations on the counter and rushed out the door.

Making a quick detour, Kasumi stopped off at her room. "J-just stay here for now, I'll be back once I've got some time. Sorry about the hurry Anya." Letting the snake off her shoulders onto her bed she hurried back to the door and, giving Anya a wave, closed it and started getting ready to clean.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

With Kasumi disappearing, Zeha took a moment to let out a sigh and refocus her thoughts. Yes, she would finish the salad first, then go and assist in the cleaning, she decided.

Levitating the blobs away from her hands gently so that she was more free to work, she grabbed the herbs gathered by Kasumi and quickly went to work, mixing up the dressing hastily. Once she had compelted that, she placed both the bowl of dressing and the salad itself into the coldbox, dusted her hands satisfyingly and then brought the blobs back down to them. She'd have to come up with something to do with them, but for now they were with her.

Besides, maybe she could use them to mop up the slime. It was worth a try, at least. And with that thought, she headed out to meet the others at the entrance hall and get to work.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As Shiina walked out of the torture room and down the prison hallway, she noticed that the circular glow in the wall was no longer present. Not knowing much more what to do about it she headed up the spiral staircase, as she did so, she bumped into Gomon as he was stepping down the stairs from the second floor, meeting her just at the first floor landing.

"Shiina. You have been exploring..." His voice seemed to have a touch of reproof in it, but his eyes scanned over her torn and dissolved uniform, and then went down to take in the slime trail at the maid's feet, and his mannerisms became more concerned and less admonishing. "Oh. I see. Something has happened. Are you all right? What... what did you see down there?"

"She's seen the prison and the interrogation chamber, Master," said Fade, appearing behind Shiina from seemingly out of nowhere. "She fought bravely against a large gray ooze as well. It attempted to escape, but I took care of it."

Gomon nodded his head and favored Shiina with a smile. "Well done. You will find a spare uniform in the drawer of your room. I suggest you get yourself and the important rooms and halls presentable for our guests. Then I will take them all for a ride this afternoon to give you and the other maids time to deal with whatever mess the oozes left. Later on, we will discuss what you may have seen. But for now, keep up the good work."

(Shiina gets 1d6 = 6 favor.)

After making her response and taking her leave, Shiina heads out the black door and picks up her laundry basket. She will pass the other maids as they are cleaning the main room, and will find the laundry room currently too oozed to be usable.

Fade and Gomon meanwhile headed back down the stairway without explanation.

Zehasael completed her salad quickly and efficiently, then moved back to the main hall to find Kasumi, Ayeka, and a slightly disheveled looking Ariane scrubbing and mopping up the main hall frantically. She glanced at a rather large grandfather clock set against one of the walls and noted that the guests would be scheduled arrive quite soon. This main hall was almost clean, but that still left the laundry, the cellar, the west wing hallway, the upstairs guestroom, and anywhere else they might not have looked yet to clean.

Plus, if they were to be presentable, Ariane would need to change. Then Zehasael noticed Shiina appearing from the west hallway, the girl's stockings and blouse ruined, and she looked as if she had been wading in a larger form of the gray blobs that she held in her hands.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael raised an eyebrow at Shiina. "Are you okay?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at the damage taken to the girl's clothing, although her voice probably could have used more concern in it. "We don't have much time left," she noted, "But this area is almost clear. The other areas are out of the way for now, as long as we manage to warn the master the state the house is in, and find a change of clothing, he should be able to buy us time with his afternoon ride that we can prepare the rest of the place," she declares, putting the situation in perspective to hopefully rekindle hope in the others; although as she spoke of needing a change of uniform, she unconciously moved one of her hand to run down the muck that had splattered onto her, leaving the slime floating in midair where her hand previously was.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane notice the last maid when both start to talk and soon stop to clean to get more close, with a worried royal tone get said Oh Shiina! They attack you too. They dont hurt you, right? The princess stop to heard the other maid who tried to make a plan. That sound fine, we maybe could find another change of clothes in our rooms. I only hope that our guests dont want to saw their rooms if they decide to change of clothes before take the ride and also im worried by our master
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Heading up the stairs, Shiina suddenly finds herself face-to-face with Gomon at the landing. Her professional side sprung up again, freezing her into a stiff attention in front of the Master. "Well.. I.." she tries to get a reply out, but is interrupted by Fade's surprise appearance. "Mr Fade's got the whole deal wrapped up pretty good there.." the blonde maid finally manages to say, now getting suspicious if the butler was somehow behind the whole deal. She hadn't figured him out yet, and this sudden poof onto the scene was raising her doubts about the man. But she had more important things to do at the moment, so inspecting the butler had to wait. Shiina was not sure if the upcoming discussion with Gomon was a good or bad thing, but she couldn't really help it.

Giving the Master a stiff bow as he went down into the interrogation room, the blonde would-be maid headed up to carry on her part in the cleaning process. Taking the laundry into the washing room, she finds the place in a terrible shape. "Damn those goops.." she curses them before leaving the basket behind, opting to come back for them later. There would be ridiculous amounts of work to do just because a few slimes decided to appear.

With the rest of the crew now there cleaning up the main areas, Shiina is suddenly faced with two other maids. Not really wanting to be the center of attention, she collects herself. "I'm okay, just got my uniform torn up a bit. I was thinking about the same thing, though my uniform can wait until the cleaning has been done. And the Master already knows about the situation, he instructed me do my best in making the house and myself presentable before the guests arrive."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka kept working through the various arrivals, only sparing Kasumi a glance to hand her the mop, and go upstairs to get more mops and buckets, and then to go get more water. When Zehasael mentioned time, and Shiina entered looking disheveled with her uniform torn, Ayeka said; "How much time do we have before they are set to arrive?" She didn't bother looking at the clock herself, as she was too busy working, but if it were five minutes or less, Ayeka would continue; "Ariane and Shiina, you should both go upstairs and change your clothes, quickly. If the entrance hallway is in disarray, it reflects badly on us more than it does Master Gomon. If WE are in disarray, it reflects worse on the master."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

All was getting worse, but the princess know that they still have time to clean all, they only need to work together. She make a curtsy to her partners and said calmed before walk quickly to her room Understood, we still can do it, after change my clothes i will return to help to clean all this mess. And Shinna im glad that you are fine said happily before turn back.

Ariane run at her full speed when she was out of sight and soon reached her room, after close the door she make a call to her minions in the garden before start to take out her blouse who hide a little her royal ample blossom if she found another change of clothes. Then she close the door and whisper close the window in her natal idiom. My Beloved loyal subjects i need your aid in another quest, in every room i need one of you to learn about our foes, they are dangerous over all that girl named Zehasael and the butler, but we must try to know all of them in order to succed in the mission that our Queen give us and soon this place will be only for Us! She then opened her book and hide her body as her glandules start to produce a large quantity of resistent silk web who she hide in the blanket and then memorized the spell and turn it in a continuos beautifull song who whisper as she walked throught the mansion in her human form with her new uniform, at every room invisible traps get ready to be activated at her comand and she stop before reach the place where the others maids were, now with the blanked empty of silk. She left it in a side and take a mop and start to give her best to clean all that slime.
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"That sounds about right, I suppose..." Shiina replies to Ayeka. She hurried along her way towards her room to exchange her torn uniform to a pristine one, promising to be back as soon as possible.

Once she was done with the changing, the young-looking maid dashes back to the hall in an effort to be of help as much as she could.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The five maids all work at a blistering pace to make the grand hall presentable. The two maids whose uniforms were damaged during the fight with the gray slimes each find a replacement uniform in their room. There is only one replacement uniform, for each maid, so they will have to remember to repair their uniforms in their down time.

With only a few minutes to go before the guests were scheduled to arrive, Fade the Butler appeared amongst them. No maid, no matter how perceptive, had noticed his approach. He was just suddenly there.

"The Master wishes me to convey his compliments to you all for your hard work against this unexpected intrusion to our mansion," the butler said in a voice that was too neutral to itself be praising. "Miss Shiina, the master will want to speak to you privately after the guests are taking their lunch."

(Shiina has already received her favor bonus for her actions. Zehasael, and Ayeka gain 4 favor each. Ariane gains 2 (left the spider webs up in the original guest room) and Kasumi gains 1 favor for her help with the meal.)

The maids then put away their cleaning supplies in a closet and prepare themselves to receive the guests, lining up side by side near the entrance at Fade's instruction.

A minute goes by as they simply stand there, but then, a bell chimes outside. Fade adopts a very statuesque posture and opens the door.

"Good day," he says, "Your letters of invitation, please."

The maids notice Fade take three small parchments and inspect them closely.

"Very good," he said after a small pause. "Please step inside."

Into the main hall stepped three figures. They were each garbed in rich velvet cloaks, one in blue, one in purple, and the last in a rich burgundy. Each figure also wore a mask, and it was mainly be the nature of these masks that the maids were able to discern that the middle figure, the one in the purple cloak, was a woman, for it was a female mask, made of white porcelain with glittering blue details along the eyes and across the mask's cheek. The male in blue wore a plague doctor's mask, identifiable by its long beak like nose that stuck out a foot in front of it. The figure in the burgundy cloak was large and thick, perhaps even portly. Its mask was colored completely in gold and bore the face of what must have been a jovial, cherubic-faced deity.

Between the cloaks and the masks, it was impossible to determine the identities of the guests.

"Please wait here," Fade told the three guests. "I shall inform Master Gomon of your arrival." Fade walked neatly away, past the five maids who stood across from these guests, and walked up the left side staircase and through a door on the upper landing.

Moments later the butler appeared from the doorway and held it open. Out from the door stepped Gomon, and he was holding a leash in his right hand. Attached to that leash was a collar, and wearing that collar was a woman whom four of the five maids had not seen before. The woman was wearing a leather mask that completely surrounded her head. There was a nose hole and a slit for the mouth that could normally be tied up but in this case had been left open. One could not see her eyes for there were blinders over each eye that dramatically narrowed the woman's vision and shadowed her from outside viewing.

Below her neckline, the leashed woman was wearing a leather body suit that covered everything except for her breasts and the bits between her waist and thighs. Her arms were wrapped around a bar that had been placed behind her back, with both her wrists chained to either end, forcing her posture to present her ample bust prominently in front of her. Tiny clamps with small bells attached to them had been attached to either nipple, and they tinkled merrily like a jester's cap with every movement the woman made. She appeared to have some sort of tail attached to her outfit, but it became more apparent as she came down the steps that it was likely to have been the end of some device that had been wedged up her butt. Her strides were extremely short, and this was necessarily so, because her ankles were connected together by a very short chain, forcing her to shuffle and make the bells hanging from her nipples jingle even more. It also forced her to hop down each step, to prevent her from falling. The butler stood behind the woman and caught her several times to prevent a nasty fall.

Both maids and guests looked on in stunned silence as Gomon led the pitiful woman hopping down the stairs. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, the woman resumed her shuffling gait and finally the procession made its way to stand in front of the guests.

"Honored guests," began Gomon in a gentle, yet firm tone. "Please allow me to introduce to you my latest project. This is Toy." He gestured to the woman on the leash. "Toy, kneel down."

The woman, Toy, obeyed awkwardly, her tethered ankles causing her to drop painfully down on her knees with a short thud, her body reeling to try and balance itself without the use of her arms, and then failing, she began to tip over on her side. She whimpered, but refused to call out. Gomon sighed and looked up at the butler. Fade was there in a flash and righted the woman back onto her knees. From this close up, the maids and guests could note the large number of red welts on the woman's breasts, upper thighs, and buttocks. It was likely that the body suit was covering more such marks underneath it.

"Toy, it may interest you to know, is a wealthy member of the nobility, not unlike yourselves," continued Gomon as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. "Toy plotted against me, corrupted those close to me, and intended to expose house secrets to my political enemies. Not to mention, she has with her gossiping tongue, attempted to sully my reputation. Toy, show the nice guests your loose tongue. Mmm? Come on."

A slight pull on her leash caused Toy to flinch and hastily she opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue as far as it could go.

"Good girl," Gomon replied, then he returned to addressing the guests. "Now, as you can see, I have taken it upon myself to correct Toy's behavior. She is learning how to keep her eyes to herself and more constructive uses for her tongue. It is a slow process, but I believe Toy and I are coming to a strong understanding. You see, I have no intention of destroying Toy. I could of course ruin her by releasing her identity, but that defeats the lesson doesn't it. My focus is rehabilitation, not destruction. The latter will come only if Toy forces my hand. You see, Toy will be free to leave my estate soon, and in the outside world she is free to call herself by her own name and account herself as the noble that she is. When we meet in public, I address her by her proper station and she, knowing what I could do to her, stays docile and amenable. Decorum is preserved."

Gomon patted Toy's head. The defeated woman was quivering, but stayed silent.

"Now. You three have come to me because you claim to have similar problems. You want certain individuals to receive the sort of training that only I can provide. I am willing to do so, but I want to make one thing clear. This is not slavery. I am not here to make someone disappear. If that was your intent, I must ask you to leave now. If not, please hand in the information I have requested to my butler."

The three guests each took from their robes a wrapped scroll of sealed parchment and handed them in turn to Fade.

"Very well." Gomon said. "I have had a lunch prepared. You will please eat at your leisure while I review your cases. Then after lunch, we will have a relaxing ride through my estate grounds while I discuss the particulars of your arrangements and of course, my fee."

Turning Gomon looked to the maids. Ayeka, Kasumi, Ariane, will you three each lead one of my guests to a separate dining area? One can take the dining room, the other the lounge, and the third can be placed in garden view room, next to the ball room. Zehasael, I've been told you've prepared something delightful for our guests, please see that they are each served and tended to. Shiina, with me please."

With that, Gomon led Toy down the side hall towards the east wing, leaving the individual maids to sort out and greet the guests, then showing them to the assigned eating areas.
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As instructed, Kasumi lined up with the other maids, nervously smoothing out her uniform as she waited for the guests. As Ayeka had said earlier, if they didn't look good, it reflected poorly on their master, and Kasumi wanted to do everything she could for him. As she waited, she made sure her grey uniform didn't have any smudges or stains from her cleaning. She let out a bit of a cry as she noticed a mark on the hem of her dress and bent over to try to rub it out just as the bell chimes. Giving a nervous squeak, she quickly stood upright again and folded her hands in front of her just before the guests entered.

As Gomon entered with Toy, Kasumi's hand went to her mouth in shock, but she quickly returned it to its proper place. The woman looked like she was in pain, but as Gomon spoke and explained her situation, Kasumi found herself coming to understand. 'This does sound like it's best for her. Master Gomon wouldn't hurt someone for no reason.' She thought, as, in her eyes, Gomon could do no wrong, not to mention she wasn't really sure this wasn't how these matters were to be handled anyway.

After the master left, Kasumi stepped forward to the lone female guest. "My lady." She curtsied deeply for the woman. "If you would like to follow me to the garden view room, I can get you settled there." She waited for the woman to confirm the choice before leading her.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The princess was glad that they have ended the entrance at least, as like she had take this as a personal challenge, but soon she stop to enjoy the moment when she noticed the butler, her mind was with questions about how her supernatural senses were unable to detect that human, he indeed could affect her plans. The maid just stay without any emotion and form with the others when the ring sound and when her eyes were on their guest the master of the house, Gomon, accredited the rumors that she had heard about him by her servants, she tried to act surprised even when she would had made a better work with that girl and maybe turn her into a loyal servant without break her, as she act she peek the others maids expressions to know their impressions about this.

The brief introduction give her another goal, if she earn all this information she could use it in a way to earn control of the house and Gomon, but must be use it with caution or she could end worst that Toy. Then she was ordened to take one of the masked guests to a place, Ariane was ready to choice but the silver haired girl do it first, it could be fun make her fall on a trap, but maybe later after end this easy quest.

She soon choice the gold masked one, the cream haired girl walked toward him showing her grace and modals with a curtsy and her typical royal speak I will be glad to assist you today Sir, please follow me to the dinning room Then she opened the dinning room and make a bow as the masked guy enter and then she help him to sit in his chair. Excuse me a moment as i give the last instructions to our kitchen maid said Ariane trying to dont be heard by anyone else as she bow a last time and walked toward a close place close the lunge where Zehasael would pass with the dishes and after look around she will left fall a slippery transparent substance from her mouth if nobody was in the place or looking her, it certainly will be enough to make the maid of the kitchen fall with all the food, then she walked toward the kitchen as if she come from it and reach the dinning room again and bow a last time Its all ready, please enwait a moment until she come with the dishes, meanwhile i will glad to stay at your side to talk meanwhile

[Cunning roll to the guest and sp maid trap to Zahasael]
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael assumed her place in line as they prepared to meet the guests, her uniform having been cleaned up and the balls of goo deposited in her bedroom for later use; she hoped they would not be too bothersome to control later on but felt the risk was worth it. They had, after all, already proven themselves to be formidable as disruption, something that may come in handy later. Their interest in certain female body parts also captured her interest somewhat, on a purely professional level, of course.

She observed the... ceremony only seemed like an appropriate word, as the guests arrived, and noticeably raised an eyebrow at the appearance of her so-called Master. He definitely took a few steps up both the interest and threat scale in her mind with that little performance.When she was mentioned, she offered a curtsy to the guests as well as giving her best smouldering smile; it never hurt to make an impression. [Affection Roll plx]

As they were shown off to their individual dinning rooms, she made her way into the kitchen to quickly grill up the chicken she had prepared. As it cooked on the stove, she placed out four different plates, she added the dressing to the salad and gave it a thorough toss, while keeping an eye on the fillets and turning them as necessary. Once ready, she dolled out the salad onto the plates, doing her best to neatly arrange it along one side. Then, once the chicken was lightly cooked through, she placed it onto the plates also, and finally poured the creamy sauce over the chicken gingerly, trying to get the right amount and have it flow over the chicken in a natural cascade appearance. Aesthetics were surprisingly important here.

With the meals prepared, she placed the silver lids over them to keep the heat and loaded them onto a cart. The master would have to come last, as the stairs made travel inconvenient, which put the dining room as her first visit; it was naturally the closest room the kitchens. From there, she'd head to the lounge and finally the garden view room before heading upstairs.

((And now, I sit and wait, and give people a chance to interact with their guests before I steal the scene :p ))
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

With the ragged uniform still in her mind as she enters the main hall, Shiina made a quick mental note to patch the costume together when opportunity presented itself. Pushing the uniform aside from her mind for the time being, she instead focused on the task at hand and took her position among the neatly ordered line of maids. It kind of reminded her about some drills she had gone through a few years back, still in the training phase of her career, and thus the blonde maid started to feel a bit nostalgic as she stood there.

Waiting there as the group arrived, Shiina was somehow not surprised about the visitors' appearances after the other things she had gone through today. The Master's appearance with the woman from before didn't do much either. Once Gomon comes around to explaining the woman's purpose, Shiina felt a little relieved that she didn't think about releasing the her when they met in the interrogation room, as the woman had been planning to wrong him. Even though she felt the Master's hobbies to be a bit extreme, the former soldier would look after him with the best of her abilities, remaining silent and composed in the line like any good maid or soldier.

Thinking about what she'd need to do for the guests, Shiina is a bit surprised that Gomon wanted to discuss with her this quickly after their encounter at the landing. Going after the Master and the shackled Toy as she is called, the curly-haired girl uttered the words she'd no doubt be saying many, many more times in the future. "Yes, Master."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka did not fidget or shirk as she stood in line with the other maids, waiting patiently after the cleaning had been done, a pleasant but blank smile on her face. She took in the details of the three masked guests reflexively, not staring at them, or sneaking covert glances, but simply looking at all three of them at once. As master Gomon led the woman into the hallway, however, her smile cracked. It only lasted for a heartbeat, unnoticeable to any that weren't directly observing her, which were none, as all eyes were locked on the display of the woman, but for a brief moment, Ayeka scowled as her eyes seemed to blaze, and something altogether unwholesome writhed visibly beneath her skin. Her expression was back to its welcoming blankness once more in an instant, however, before anyone could notice it. Inwardly, however, Ayeka was engrossed in memories of her own captivity......

As such, she only noticed Gomons orders after the fact, when the other two women had already chosen those they would serve. She waited until the master had turned away before curtsying, and then approached the last of the individuals, the man in the blue cloak and plague-doctors mask, and approached him slowly, and offered him a curtsy and a warm smile and said; "Good afternoon, sir. If you would allow it, I will take you to the lounge." Ayekas tone was soothing, but firm, and she waited patiently for the man to give some hint of a response.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Shiina walked along side Gomon, as the three figures strode - or shuffled - down the hall to the east wing.

"You were in a restricted part of the house today Shiina. The interrogation chamber and its environs are a private place where I work. Things are sometimes down there that might be best left unseen. For instance, you know Toy's true face now. This is a breach of my own personal code of conduct. My dealings with Toy were to be private between just myself and her. Now you are involved."

He paused and tugged Toy to a stop, then he held out the leash to Shiina.

"This need not be a bad thing, but it will depend on you. Are you willing to assist me with Toy's training?"


The three guests all readily followed the maids who approached them, nodding their agreements to the choices that the maids decided upon. It seemed none of them was comfortable with the idea of saying anything within earshot of one another.

The man in the burgandy robe with a smiling golden mask was seated in the dining room by Ariane, who affectionately smiled at him, trying to evoke some sense of feeling from him, but through the mask it was impossible to tell what the man might be thinking. He sat down heavily and awaited his food with what seemed to be very little patience.

Ayeka brought the thin man in the blue robes and the plague doctor mask to the lounge, a room that she herself had yet to see. It was adjacent to the dining room and had thick, dark curtains pulled across large windows, making the room darker than it needed to be at midday. Many small tables were set up along the walls and there was a grand piano set up in the middle of the room. There was also a small stage area at the back of the room. It was the sort of area where musicians or performing troupes could be brought to the manor to entertain for some mid-sized function. The room also opened up into the adjoining ballroom through two very large wooden double doors on the east wall. The man inclined his head respectfully to Ayeka once they were alone. "Always a pleasure to be in the company of the fair folk," a delicate and slightly effeminate, male voice said.

The lady in the purple robes and white mask followed Kasumi with a brisk walk and when she was alone in the garden view room - a small corner room with curved windows on the north and east side that had a beautiful full view of the estate gardens and the valley beyond - she took a seat and sat there with impeccable posture. "I would like a spirit of some sort. Do you have any, girl?" Her voice was harsh and to-the-point.


Zehasael smiled. The meal was perfectly cooked, disaster had been averted, and things were looking up. She loaded four dishes onto her cart and wheeled it over to the dining room first. She saw in that room the burgundy robed man, with Ariane standing watchfully beside him. Ignoring Ariane for the time being, she delivered her first luncheon to the guest with grace and dignity befitting of the station she occupied for the time being. The man lowered his face and sniffed at the food as the cover was removed, and nodded approvingly. Satisfied, Zeha left to push her tray towards the lounge.

It was on her way out, just as she reached the doorway that a secret trap was sprung. Ariane yanked on the gossamer thread in her hand, triggering a tightening of perfectly camoflaged yet extremely durable and stick webbing to gather up and clutch at Zeha's ankles, at a moment when the demon maid was simply not prepared or on guard.

With a great CRASH, Zeha and her cart of food fell into a heap, spilling partway through the door into the lounge. Zeha's cute, heart-shaped bum sprang upwards and her panties were immediately available for both the male guests and Ayeka and Ariane to see. There was a strange bump near her tailbone as well... but it was concealed by dark tights and clever placement of undergarments.

(Zeha takes 4 Stress due to falling into a trap...)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Silently, Zehasael climbed to her feet her face one of intense concentration as she silently dusted herself off, barely acknowledging the spilled and now ruined meal across the floor. Mentally, she swept the room, peeking into the surface thoughts of first the other maids, and then the guests, looking for any clues as to who was responsible for this, or what caused it. [Surface scans for all!]

Zehasael's eyes locked on Ariane and for a moment, a savage look of unbridled hatred crossed her face, as a feeling tension began to grow within the room, as she gathered her mental energy for a massive display of raw power. But within a few seconds, she stopped and the tension subsided. "Oh dear," she said softly, almost without emotion. "Lunch is ruined. Ayeka, could you please attend to this mess, and Ariane, I will require your assistance in the kitchen. I do apologise to our other guests, but we will have to make do." She had reverted to a blank and civilised demeanour, using all of her willpower to maintain the mask while her very essence cried out for revenge. Oh, this one would pay...
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Despite her usual cool demeanor, Shiina could barely restrain her nervousness as she walked alongside Master and his little training project, Toy. She was not sure if this particular conversation woulb be a good or bad thing, and waited for the answer as she looked towards Gomon with anxiety-filled eyes.

Much to the blonde girl's relief, Gomon didn't intend to punish her for the unwitting intrusion she had made into the Master's private working areas. But when Toy's leash was offered to her, the curly-haired maid had another brief moral dilemma. She'd be helping in altering another human being's persona... Somehow the concept didn't sit well in her mind. But then again, the despicable woman had been plotting against her dreamy Master, and she had no intention of letting such slights go unpunished.

With a steady, determined hand, Shiina took up Gomon's offer, lowering her gaze away from the Master as she took the leash. "Yes Master. I'll do my best to help you with this task."