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Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The snake coiled under itself and "sat up" in a way that only a legless reptile could do. It's forked tongue flicked out in front of it and its yellow and black eyes observed the scattered remnants of Kasumi's collection of herbs.

"You dropped you things," it said. The voice was very human sounding, not containing the hiss that one might expect from a talking snake. It was also a womanly voice, calm and measured. It did not seem embarrassed at having shocked her. Snakes probably got that reaction from young women all the time.

"You are new here. I have not seen you before." The snake's head weaved first left, and then right, looking at Kasumi intently. "Who and what might you be?"
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael took Ayeka's information to mind. "I know where Kasumi is, so that's not a concern. I will see you in ten," she replied, moving off herself.

Given the butler popping in her earlier, perhaps he was overlooking one of the other girls. With that hypothesis in mind, she set off for the laundry where Shiina was last seen at a brisk walk.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"I'm... Uhm, sorry, I've never talked with a snake before... I think anyway." Kasumi mumbled the last part, trying to pick up her herbs again. She was going to wash them anyway. "Uhm, my name is Inoue Kasumi, this is just my first day on the job here. As for what I am, I guess I'm just a regular human. What's your name? Do you live here too?" Kasumi asked the snake, feeling a little strange talking to an animal, but its humanlike tone and gentle voice put her at ease.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

A few passes at the slime show off Shiina's considerable skill with her thin-bladed weapon. Giving the thing a run for it's money, she nonetheless gets caught off guard as the blob leaps over her latest attack. The thing splotches itself on her feet, engulfing her up to the thighs. Seeing her stockings dissolve inside the slime's mass brings a curse on the blonde maid's lips as she reverses grip and attempts to dislodge the offending goop with a downward stab.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zeha walked straight over to the laundry room and looked inside, her nose instantly wrinkling in annoyance. The laundry room was, to put it bluntly, a slick, goo-covered mess. Fortunately, no laundry had yet been washed or hung here, so Shiina must not have arrived yet. Still, the washing basins were coated and dripping with unclean goop.

Now if Shiina wasn't here, then where was she? The demoness wondered.

The gray mound of semi-solid goop held her legs in place as though it were made of some horribly strong adhesive. Shiina could only reverse her grip and hope to pierce the thing somewhere where it truly hurt, but before she could deliver the blow, a gray tendril shot out and gripped her swordarm, holding it in place, then a second tendril shot out, its tip splatting against the maid's chest, and with a rip, the front of her blouse was torn away from her, exposing her breasts.

Her brand new uniform! It was already ruined! Somehow, the loss of her uniform seemed to damage her spirits tremendously. What was she if not a maid loyal to her master?

The creature began to crawl further up her legs, coming dangerously close to traveling beneath her skirt, and she could see it forming another pair of tendrils between her legs. The memory of what it had just been doing to the bound woman was fresh in Shiina's mind.

(Shiina takes 3 more stress, she is now at 7 total stress. Her stockings and blouse are damaged. The slime still is at 12 stress)

Ayeka found Ariane in human form running up to her from the hallway leading towards the west wing. They confronted one another at the midway point. Ariane was covered in a soiled blanket and crying pitifully as she ran up to Ayeka. It appeared that part of the spider-girl's uniform had come undone.

(Ariane is using Cunning to evoke symapthy from Ayeka, any resistance can be done with Will, or something else if you can justify it.)

"No need to be sorry, Kasumi. I am not really a snake," said the snake. " My name is Anya, and yes, I live here. This was and still is my home, though your Master makes claim to it as well. I'm happy to share, but for some reason the last group of maids locked me out. Will you let me back in? The weather will turn cold soon, and that isn't good for me."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael simply let out a sigh at the sight of the room, and the lack of the girl. "Shiina, can you hear me!" she cried out, frustration finally exceeding her desire to appear perfectly in control. "Or Fade, for that matter," she added for good measure.

She gave the room anotehr glance over, to see if there were any more of the slime creatures here, before leaving to search for the missing girl.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"You poor thing." Kasumi reached forward to touch the snake, letting it slide up her arm if it chose to. "Why would they do that? And, if you're not a snake, what are you? If you don't mind my asking that is." Kasumi continued to speak as she gathered up the herbs again.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Before she could stab into the goop with her rapier, Shiina's arm is grabbed by the assailing slime. Struggling against the thing's grip ferociously, the young-looking girl is unable to free herself, much less prevent her uniform from being torn up. Seeing the orange costume she had been proud to put on getting shredded open within the first few hours on the job made her feel bad as soon as it happens. It was her identity after all, the uniform.

Once she notices the twin tendrils forming between her legs, Shiina is starting to get desperate. Flailing like mad, she attempts to make some resistance against the creature, possibly even damage it with her wild struggling. "Get off me!" she yells, not too keen on sharing the tortured woman's fate.

(Athletics and all that)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane walked toward the other maid cleaning her tears as she cover her hole in her uniform with the blanket. With her voice altered with her sad state mixed with a worried tone she said Ayane, please wait... a slime monster, it... it attack me, but i close him in the room. I heard a noise from something falling in the floor, maybe there are more Ariane waited the reaction of Ayeka as she get close trying to hug her.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka beheld the crying Ariane with a look of bewilderment, wondering what had so upset the girl. Still, the pink-haired girl tried to put thoughts of sympathy out of her mind. There was work to do, after all. "We're gathering everyone in the entrance hall. Zehasael is looking for Fade and Shiina, and she knows where Kasumi is. Come, Fade clearly isn't up here, so we might as well check downstairs to look for him before we return to the entrance hallway." Without another word, Ayeka turned away and led Ariane back downstairs, but as she did, she spoke again, a hint of concern perhaps creeping into her voice; "You weren't hurt, were you? We'll try to deal with these things, and we'll probably have a much easier time of it working together. Hopefully we can find their source before anyone else gets attacked. And before masters guests arrive."

(Use Will. That's the benefit of balanced stats.)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane nod surprised to heard that this was worse that she had expected and continue acting until hear the action plan of the maids, with still the same tound answer Wait, we must find our Master Gormon first... He could be the target of all this... The princess then follow the other maid and shaked her head when Ayane ask her about if she was damaged Not to much, i take it away and run away, but the room maybe get worse.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane reached out to hug Ayeko, but the pink-haired maid wasn't buying it, at least not enough to hug the spider princess as Ariane intended. The resistance to her cunning ploy upset her a bit further.

(Ariane takes 3 more stress. Please keep track of it in your character sheet, plmnko. She has a total of 6 stress.)

The two girls move down the the floor below, looking for any sign of Fade, Shiina, or more slimes. They see Zehasael walking from the laundry room to the ballroom, to the dining room, and to other various rooms in the central area.

Out of the three of them, they clear the bottom floor of the central mansion, finding nothing out of the ordinary. Thankfully, the mess has been contained to the hall itself, the laundry room, and the cellar. But there is still a slime trail leading to the west wing on the ground floor.

Desperation drives Shiina into a frenzy and she powers through the tendri's grasp, plunging her sword down onto the blob, impaling it. With a shudder, the creature tosses her aside and retreats out of the room, down the hallway with the cages. Shiina goes to pick herself up from the floor in an attempt to cut down her foe, but her legs refuse to obey her and she crumples in place, her body wet and slime covered, but her maidenhood intact.

She gets up slowly after resting a moment and goes to the hallway, her sword raised. The blob is nowhere to be seen. Turning around she looks at the captive woman who is still bound in place on the wooden horse. Her mouth is still hanging open, and after a quick inspection, she notices that a rubber ring has been inserted inside her to keep the jaw separated. The woman is looking shocked and frightened, and as Shiina moves closer to her, she begins to shake visibly.

Sensing what Kasumi meant by offering her arm, the snake slithered up it and perched its heavy body along her arms and shoulders.

"Thank you. You're a very trusting sort. The other maids were not. They saw my form and attempted to hit me with brooms and mops and other hard instruments. I tried talking to one of them, but that made her even more frantic. So I was driven out."

Kasumi finished putting the herbs back into her apron and stood up.

"As for what I am, well... that's more difficult. I suppose you could consider me a spirit? I have lived as a snake for quite some time though, so I suppose it's okay for you to think of me as one too. A snake spirit. Yes." Anya seemed happy with the conclusion she had come to.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Re-joining the other girls, Zehasael looks less than pleased. "No sign of Fade or Shiina," she reports. "And I don't think we've got much more time to waste all searching for them. If you two can start cleaning up this mess, I'll go and get Kasumi, ensure lunch is ready to go, and we'll come to join you," she suggests, still holding the pair of slime balls in her hand as if it were a perfectly natural thing to do. "Agreed?" she added as she spun to return to the kitchen.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Agreed." Ayeka mutters, though she figured that Zehasael didn't really hear her or care. Turning to Ariane, she says; "I suppose you don't want to go back upstairs right now. Why don't you start cleaning up the entrance hallway, while I go and get the other mop and bucket and rush back down here to join you?" Ayeka manages a slight smile at the spider girl, trying to reassure her, even though it didn't seem likely that they'd get everything cleaned up in time.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

A little upset for her fail attemp to earn simpaty of Ayeka, Ariane just give up, she was bad lying and this could reduce her chances to earn this place for her realm. Her next plan was made them her friends without lie, but would she be able to fight them at the same time.?

Her throughts were dismised when she saw the slimes in the hands of the girl and then how she tried to control all, it was clear that she was not human and her attemp to turn into the headmaid, thing that Ariane was not trying to get but maybe that woman could get in her way.

Trying to dont sob more the princess said Maybe Fade is protecting our master, but i doubt that they will need our help if that is the case. Shiina for other hand could be in danger, she is more important than a dirty floor. But im unnable to protect her, please help me to look for her in case that she dont had returned when we had ended to clean

Ariane then saw how the maid go away toward the kitchen, she started to think that maybe she must try to turn Kasumi the headmaid to at least make the life more easy for all.

Her throughts ended when she heard the words of Ayeka and the princess shake her head before answer her Dont worry, im fine. I will go with you, there could be slimes and i will feel bad if something happen to you only because im scared to go there again Said her maybe trying to go against the plan of the plan of Zehasael or only because she want to try her new tactic on this maid.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi took a moment to get used to the weight of Anya on her shoulders before standing up. "Well, I must say you suprised me, but you seem nice enough, Miss Anya. It's a shame the other maids wern't willing to give you a chance." She walked back towards the kitchen with the snake on her shoulders. "We're expecting guests soon though. Maybe you could stay in my room until they leave and we could properly introduce you to the other maids. Would that be fine with you?"
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Her frantic jerking produces results, giving Shiina an opportunity to sink her blade into the creature's mass. With a shudder, the slime discards her to the side like used towel, wet and slimy. Not keen on letting the glob run amok, she tries to go after it but is unable to as her legs feel weak and useless after the slime treatment. Not having any alternative, the soldier-turned-maid rests her legs, feeling bad at having been bested so easily and having her uniform torn apart.

Once she was able to walk again, Shiina went to take a look at the hallway. With no sign of the goo, she turned back to the woman. Noticing the ring in her mouth, the blonde maid removes the thingy before inquiring the tortures female about the reason why she was here, putting up a friendly front to the terrified woman. She was not going to release her until a suitable explanation was given to her.

(Cunning to pry out the truth)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The snake perched languidly on Kasumi's shoulders, its scales cool and pleasing to her skin.

"I would be happy to stay in your room, but... is it necessary to speak to the other maids? I do not fancy being beaten again by a frightened youth. You have been a pleasant exception for me, Inoue Kasumi" Anya said as the maid brought her inside the kitchen.

"Ah yes, the kitchen. Some nice food in here I recall... I don't suppose you might have any nice mice lying about? Perhaps a plump rabbit?" Anya lifted her head, her eyes searching the room.

Then the door opened and Zehasael stepped into the room, holding two gray blobs of slime in either hand.

Zeha and Kasumi stared across the room at her, each holding their own bizarre lifeforms, the ambitious demoness' willful eyes locking with the naive, tabula rasa of the pure-hearted human. Though the day outside was bright and sunny, thunder could be heard rumbling in the distance.
The bound woman coughed and spat out a gob of slimy residue, shuddering in front of Shiina.

"Please... please let me g-go..." she began.

Shiina stared with her one good eye at the woman, waiting her out. The woman's hope seemed to fade. "Oh... I see. Of course. Y-you're one of the new maids. You can't set me free..."

Fresh tears trickled down the woman's cheeks and her shoulders slumped. "Damn you, Yukimura... damn you..." she choked and sobbed bitterly, no longer looking at Shiina.


Ariane tags along behind Ayeka as they went back upstairs again to retrieve the mops preparing to clean the gigantic mess.

(If Ariane wants to try anything else on Ayeka, please specify what it is and an attacking attribute, plmnko.)

They encounter no more living slimes and are able to return back to the main hall undisturbed assuming neither of them tries something out of the ordinary.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael turned and glanced up at the sky, holding her arms wide apart. "What is this?! Stop just barely slipping me into the scenes!" she cried out, perhaps much to Kasumi's confusion, although she moved on from that, addressing Kasumi directly. "Nice snake."

"We've got a problem; the house is a mess. Grab some cleaning tools and meet me at the entrance, we need to fix as much of the place as we can before the master's guests arrive," she explains hastily. Honestly, why did this have to happen on her very first day...
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Fine, be that way..." Shiina thought, having heard enough from the pitiful creature to reach a decision. Sheathing her blade, the youthful maid turned on her heels and left the woman behind, her professional side taking hold of her thoughts again. Exiting the room, she shut the door along her way before making it back to the west wing.

Still quite exposed after the glob encounter, Shiina set her own shame aside for now and closed the other black door behind her. Picking up the laundry from the floor, she would take it to the washing room before moving on to clean the floors from any excessive slime. Her uniform had to wait until the areas around her were clean.