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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yummy I'll setup some form of offsite this week. Do you have any suggestions?[/QUOTE said:
Yes google drive or mega create your account and done, oh and windows 10 has this feature one drive- it hink you can set up that it is updating directory of your choise dally auomaticly
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

For development, I'd generally recommend setting up a git repository,
and regularly pushing to a git server that allows private repos -
not only do you get an offsite backup, you also get a version history,
in case you DO need to go back to that combat script you threw away 6 months ago...

That said, if you don't want to bother learning a source control system,
the cloud drives seem like a good option, since they'd sync automatically,
and typically allow some limited form of undelete/revert for a week or so.
You'll get some free storage out of any of them, which should be enough for a decent project -
if not, they'll give you way more storage and more features if you toss them a bit of money.

Only thing I don't know is how well rpgmaker plays with version control -
as I understand it, a lot of the scripts are stored in plaintext,
but game data may be somewhat unrecognizable blobs - it'll work, mind,
it's just that "show me the difference between last week and now"
won't be quite as useful as it would normally be...
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@CrazyPerson: *All* of RPGMaker stuff is stored as binary blobs, even the scripts. There do exist some scripts which can deserialise the blobs into things more appropriate for version control (Legend of Garnet used these), but they're pretty slow and clunky. However, if going down the version control route regardless of these issues, I wouldn't recommend Git due to it's learning curve. It behaves in very unintuitive ways (staging area, and commands like "git merge-octopus"), and almost demands a frontend to abstract these issues. I'd personally recommend something simpler, like Mercurial.

Also, and perhaps more importantly, if going down the version control route make sure you're within the terms of use of any host. It would absolutely suck if your computer crashed and then you found out that your project had been kicked from your host due to it violating the ToS. My original recommendation of BitBucket is a bad one, because it has the generic "no pornographic content" rules. There's a similar situation on GitHub and, frankly, most of the free services. The only one I'm aware of that doesn't have this limitation is Assembla.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

A lot of free repos (GitHub, etc.) require your work be viewable by the public, which is probably not so good in this situation. Your best bet is probably a local version control repository on a OneDrive or some other cloud storage system.

Also, be aware that some version control systems work with binaries better than others - git is pretty bad for binaries, subversion is better but has its own problems, etc.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

A small usb HDD or usb stick that you always have on your person like jewelry, a USB-stick necklace perhaps, do encrypt (fx 7zip) the files in case you get pick pocketed.

That solution should be quite cheap and have the best risk vs reward vs work in your case, I would deem. Just remember that it is not laundry -_-'

Many online solutions are very risky at best, especialy because you have absolutely no control.

You could make your own cloud solution or FTP server if you can have a server at you parents or something like that, many solutions... the easiest are often the worst xD
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I'm using Itch.io for the game I'm developing for my masters degree , you have versioning for a game and can set everything to private, can even use them to distribute the game after it's done, and if it's not enough I guess mega is a good option, 50gb for free is really nice.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm checking out Google Drive and think that might work. Mega works for the game itself, I have a few versions up there. But, I want to backup the artwork, the planning, the scripts, the music, etc. I have lots of flash files and those source files are super important. All in all, the game folder is pushing about 4-5gb. So, prepare for a big ass email Thswherizat :D

I've update my Patreon with the final Chapter 1 progress chart. I will keep these updates public and will basically move the turtle as I progress through the final edit, fixing, and polishing. Expect at least 2 weeks for this, but I'd really like to get patrons the game this month. Public release will be 2 maybe 3 days later, unless a crazy bug occurs.

Thanks for waiting and sticking with me so long. The discussions here and the comments are a huge reason I was able to stick with it. Hopefully, things get a lot happier and fewer negreps are given once people get a chance to satisfy themselves a few times :D

Here is the link to the chart:

I'll use the old chart again for chapter 2. This one just allows me to be detailed for the final edit, and the turtle on the board game made me laugh when I thought about it.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Fingers crossed for a Halloween release!
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The next year. :D

Not if I follow my handy-dandy game board. The signs along the way are full of important reminders! Like "Stop checking the forums!" As you can see, it's working :p

Although, if it does not come out until next Halloween, you can rest assured that nobody will lose a single dollar because of it. At some point though, I wonder if Patreon will be like, "Dude, you need to fucking charge these people. We're tired of hosting your dumbass for free."
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Not if I follow my handy-dandy game board. The signs along the way are full of important reminders! Like "Stop checking the forums!" As you can see, it's working :p

Although, if it does not come out until next Halloween, you can rest assured that nobody will lose a single dollar because of it. At some point though, I wonder if Patreon will be like, "Dude, you need to fucking charge these people. We're tired of hosting your dumbass for free."

Well, at least you have some shame unlike some others. :p
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Well, at least you have some shame unlike some others. :p

You lost me... I don't run an update-based Patreon because of "shame." I do it because I believe it is the fairest way of doing things. I want to work on my own schedule, and never wanted to feel obligated to release monthly updates. As such, letting people know how many pledges they could expect and that they'd only be charged when I planned to release something soon seemed like a fair deal.

So, I'm not really sure what I've got to be ashamed about. I released a free, full translation in July. I'm set to release a free game update hopefully this month. I'm proud of Aylia's Story and what I've been able to accomplish so far.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

You lost me... I don't run an update-based Patreon because of "shame." I do it because I believe it is the fairest way of doing things. I want to work on my own schedule, and never wanted to feel obligated to release monthly updates. As such, letting people know how many pledges they could expect and that they'd only be charged when I planned to release something soon seemed like a fair deal.

So, I'm not really sure what I've got to be ashamed about. I released a free, full translation in July. I'm set to release a free game update hopefully this month. I'm proud of Aylia's Story and what I've been able to accomplish so far.

Yummy, it's time to close the forum tab now :3 Woosh woosh! Respect your turtles' wishes! :p
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

you have nothing to be ashamed of YummyTurtle.
the way you have to charge chapter wise is much better then most of the other patreon creators that charge every month, no matter quality or content.

just take your time, no matter what people say, the importance is that the game gets done with care and not with haste or guilt.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Every time i seen 2/4 page of reply i start to hope of chapter 1 ...

So if i well understand: all art work is done; all music done; the game start to be playable with a lot of bug ?
Or i am wrong ?

ps by the way you are over 9 000!!! even it only dollar
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yummy said the game will be out in 2 weeks more or less and about 2 -3 days just for final testing. So that'll be by the end of October hopefully.

So don't expect the game to be out until then.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

So, I'm not really sure what I've got to be ashamed about. I released a free, full translation in July. I'm set to release a free game update hopefully this month. I'm proud of Aylia's Story and what I've been able to accomplish so far.

He just seems to be the latest rotation of patreon haters. I'd just add him to the ignore list and move on.

Oh, for anyone wondering, this is in reference to some direct attacks that he'd lobbed at YT over in the Alansya Chronicles thread. They've since been deleted when a mod showed up, but I still have a lot of caution about his attitude.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

He just seems to be the latest rotation of patreon haters. I'd just add him to the ignore list and move on.

You do realize it was a compliment he gave, right? The dude phrased it rather poorly but it's essentially "sense of shame" rather than "sense of decency" which is what he was actually talking about (other Patreons lacking it, Yummy having it)

No need to get one's knickers in a twist.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

You do realize it was a compliment he gave, right? The dude phrased it rather poorly but it's essentially "sense of shame" rather than "sense of decency" which is what he was actually talking about (other Patreons lacking it, Yummy having it)

No need to get one's knickers in a twist.

If that's what he meant, then my apologies. His comment reminded me of his reply to me in another thread that in no way left doubt as to the meaning.

@Azope: Yes, the entire chapter is in RPG Maker and working (I think). Yet, in two years of working on it one and off, it is a pretty disjointed, piecemeal effort in places. As I play through it, I'll weave it together and cut back a lot of the wordier places. I also pay close attention to any points I feel are grindy or lack h-content.

To give an example, when I did my final playthrough of the prologue, there was no CG for the scene when Aylia and Bogwort leave the mines, they simply walked to the overlooking cliff and discussed with the sprites visible. It'd been awhile since the searching CG scene in the mine, and I knew that it'd be awhile until the player reached Zalran, so I threw in a scene to keep players excited.

I doubt there will be many, if any at all, of added artwork scenes, but I look for opportunities like that as I play through it. I also look for ways to weave scenes together better and more dynamically. As in making dialogue change based on prior interactions, etc. I did this a lot during creation, and now I need to make sure I have the eventing setup and working right.