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Jungle Girl
Aug 27, 2016
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

The Prologue is finished now too! *Fangirl scream*


Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

An update around the corner? Happy days are here again...


Demon Girl Pro
Mar 24, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

By the way i am not sure i have understand in the turtle moving every case is a countdown like everyday it advance one case or the chapter 1 have 9 day and every advance is final check of one of this 10 part since prologue to day 9?


Jungle Girl
Aug 27, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

By the way i am not sure i have understand in the turtle moving every case is a countdown like everyday it advance one case or the chapter 1 have 9 day and every advance is final check of one of this 10 part since prologue to day 9?

Okay I get what you're trying to ask now.

Aylias story Chapter 1 has 9 in-game days, every step the turtle takes marks a day that Yummy has finished his final edit.

Example, since the turtle is now currently on the Prologue sign, that means that he's finished his final editing with that part of the game.

It's not so much a countdown as it is a Progress Chart to help us understand how close he is to completing the game.
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Demon Girl Pro
Mar 24, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Okay I get what you're trying to ask now.

Aylias story Chapter 1 has 9 in-game days, every step the turtle takes marks a day that Yummy has finished his final edit.

Example, since the turtle is now currently on the Prologue sign, that means that he's finished his final editing with that part of the game.

It's not so much a countdown as it is a Progress Chart to help us understand how close he is to completing the game.

Ok i think it what i want ask ;) if yummy can confirm that the question will be close.

Ps almost 100 page of comment :) which will be first the out of chapter 1 or the 100 page ? I think if it the us yummy have to give us a special gift for our support :D


Demon Girl
Feb 12, 2016
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Judging already by the number of days, the first chapter is longer than what I was expecting.

This is gonna rock so much. :cool:


Sex Demon
Oct 30, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Aylias story Chapter 1 has 9 in-game days,
whatt?? chapter 1 only have 9 days??
i thought it will be longer :( (since YT made it almost two years)..

sorry if im wrong, no, i hope im wrong..


Demon Girl Master
Jul 14, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

whatt?? chapter 1 only have 9 days??
i thought it will be longer :( (since YT made it almost two years)..

sorry if im wrong, no, i hope im wrong..
Chapter 1 will be 9 days long. I see no problem with it, since we don't know how much things we can do in a day.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Azope: Mavski is correct, this is not a day countdown. Not sure how you would think that. If it were a day countdown, it would make no sense to have one spot be "prologue," and the numbers should be in reverse. Plus, there were like 3 days before the turtle moved to prologue :p

whatt?? chapter 1 only have 9 days??
i thought it will be longer :( (since YT made it almost two years)..

sorry if im wrong, no, i hope im wrong..
I think you need to taper your expectations. I'm not a game development company, I am ONE person who worked on a hobby game in his spare time. I started working on it part-time in April, so I've made solid progress since then. Yes, I've been at it for over two years, but there were periods of time where I barely touched the game for 2-3 weeks or more.

There are 9 days. If you feel it is too short for two years of work, then I'd recommend not supporting the game. This is a big reason why I don't want chapter 1 to be a pledged update, because I want people to see what they're getting before putting any more money into the pot. I've put thousands of hours into this project, so I believe people will generally like it, but I stress, it is exceedingly hard for any game to live up to the hype. Even AAA titles suffer from being overhyped and falling short. So, pull a few logs out of the hype stove, it's a one-man project.


Demon Girl Master
Sep 21, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Azope: Mavski is correct, this is not a day countdown. Not sure how you would think that. If it were a day countdown, it would make no sense to have one spot be "prologue," and the numbers should be in reverse. Plus, there were like 3 days before the turtle moved to prologue :p

I think you need to taper your expectations. I'm not a game development company, I am ONE person who worked on a hobby game in his spare time. I started working on it part-time in April, so I've made solid progress since then. Yes, I've been at it for over two years, but there were periods of time where I barely touched the game for 2-3 weeks or more.

There are 9 days. If you feel it is too short for two years of work, then I'd recommend not supporting the game. This is a big reason why I don't want chapter 1 to be a pledged update, because I want people to see what they're getting before putting any more money into the pot. I've put thousands of hours into this project, so I believe people will generally like it, but I stress, it is exceedingly hard for any game to live up to the hype. Even AAA titles suffer from being overhyped and falling short. So, pull a few logs out of the hype stove, it's a one-man project.
Only in case of those AAA pieces of junk they themselves dig their own graves by over-hyping and under-delivering.
I haven't seen a truly fun mmorpg for years now, they usually too busy inventing new and better p2w instead of new and better fun so... yeah. :eek:

PS: Still, among the 1man projects i know of, - you're 120% the slowest. :D


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

PS: Still, among the 1man projects i know of, - you're 120% the slowest. :D
You must be new to the h-game scene then. Adventures of Garnet, Violated Heroine, RapeQuest, and pretty much every fan project I followed took years to make significant progress.

I'm not saying I'm fast (cause I'm not), but it takes time to build a quality product. In 2025 when I release chapter 1, you can determine for yourself if it was worth the wait. I'll merely do my best to distract you with naked elves and women so you don't notice all the game's faults :p


Mystic Girl
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

so much complaining. let the dude take his time darn it.
as a one man amateurish developer i know the pain of doing "big projects".
the brain is melting down, you can't sleep because the brain need to figure out wtf hes doing all day in front of the screen. i have a life that i need to keep floating while immersing myself into the project. a job i need to do well otherwise i loose income and bye bye projects. my social and private life need a bit of loving too. its hell. its not easy at all. if you loose momentum, you need to redo lots of shit. then we have the "perfectionist" ego. its hell. usually i rewrite my code multiple times just because i want it to be "better", and that takes time.

what im trying to say is that everything takes time, a bit of "stress" is good, you want people to get satisfied, but too much "stress" will make it feel not worth it and its easy to loose motivation and just drop the crap down the floor.

what we should do is to be grateful that we have people like YummyTiger that creates good shit for us to play. let him breath, let it take the time it takes. while you wait, go play something else darn it. do motivational post once in a while to boost his ego. thats the only thing that works. to complain is just contra-productive. the brain don't like shit. after a while it will just feel depressed and thats when everything goes poop.


Tentacle Monster
May 21, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I'm confusseled about that 9 days fuzz, are those 9 "in game" days?


Nov 22, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!


I would suggest to start ignoring people at this point. You've been more than patient, clear and reasonable. You've also been extensive enough about explaining your vision of the game, the process of developing it, and that creating good stuff takes time. Therefore I believe it would serve no further purpose than to waste your time to keep feeding the trolls like the ones a couple of messages back. If I had to have a word in the matter (which I don't, you're the only captain aboard as far as this project is concerned), this time could be better used, as working on your fine game (and adding to the story of your adorable heroine).

Another suggestion if I may would be to make your game patrons-only till the final version is released, so that people who complain can just vote with their wallet. If they don't like it, or they don't like the time it takes, they have the option to withdraw their pledge and leave. That should spare you from most bickering, which is, I agree with 1baka, completely counter-productive. Keep the final game free, because it's always good for people to be aware of what you can do with your talents before committing to a pledge on your future games (I discovered your game through a free version of the game, I wouldn't have pledged otherwise).

@at the people complaining about the time it takes

Please click , so that you can get a clue, without further delay, or waiting (and especially whining on your side).
Thank you.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 4, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Uh-huh, among the 1man projects i know of, - you're 120% the slowest. :D
You must be new to the h-game scene then. I'm not saying I'm fast (cause I'm not), but it takes time to build a quality product. In 2025 when I release chapter 1, you can determine for yourself if it was worth the wait. I'll merely do my best to distract you with naked elves and women so you don't notice all the game's faults :p
This is why I was confused at getting negrepped for telling you to ignore this specific individual. It's one of those cases of 'if you don't like the game, don't watch the thread' but instead he just has to be around and post trolling comments in this thread and others, while doing nothing to actually encourage or support development.


Demon Girl Master
Sep 21, 2016
Reputation score
This is why I was confused at getting negrepped for telling you to ignore this specific individual. It's one of those cases of 'if you don't like the game, don't watch the thread' but instead he just has to be around and post trolling comments in this thread and others, while doing nothing to actually encourage or support development.

Right, Mr. White Knight? :D

You must be new to the h-game scene then. Adventures of Garnet, Violated Heroine, RapeQuest, and pretty much every fan project I followed took years to make significant progress.
Maybe, i'm more of a RPG whore. I came to get rpgs in smut community when i ran out of normal rpg's....
Planetscape torment, baldur's gate, icewind dale, etc, etc, etc.
The list is monstrous really.
That's why "i know of" was there btw. :D

Still it's so fun how it never fails to bait your white knights... you know, sayin' anything that isn't praise of you and your game. :rolleyes:
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