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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Basically, don't expect ch.1 to be out before mid-october.
He has to put sound and other effect plus a final playthrough and the beta test for 10$+ patrons and such. Then beta for all patrons and after that he'll release it.

Don't expect it until next year. Even then, i will be very buggy.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Pft, Chapter 1 seems to be closer than you might think if you ask me. Mainly sound effects, misc editing and bug testing remaining, if his latest posts are to be trusted. (@Yummy I think you might have to update the progress chart!)
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Personally with all that i know, i think the first patron version will be out between now and 15 November and after it depend of number of bug but probably something like 1 or 2 week after it will be the second patron version and finally it will be the first public in this time it will be a good idea to create a bug topic for the game because even after 2 release the game will be playable but it will always have some bug.

By the way what is the main info of "Back in town" it is the restart of work ?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

He visited his uncle this weekend, so back in town literally means he's back in town and able to work :)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Yummy do you stop update the char ?:confused:
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Just another day in paradise, in paradise...

YT, would you consider releasing the full Prologue soon? I remember you asked people a while back in summer what they'd prefer, but you also thought it'd be out by now... Just wondering eh
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I think Yummy's busy getting the final touches on Sound done so that he can release Chapter 1 as soon as possible, most likely within the month but who knows.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

two weeks for patron, two weeks for bug fix

the game hopefully will be out in november..
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

YT already stated that he would release the game to his Patreons first ones he's done, that'll be how he receive feedback for various bugs. After 2-3 days as planned he'll release it for public download. I don't really feel that it's impossible for him to finish the game by the end of this month.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Any updates from YT guys? Please don't negrep I think some people just want to catch up on the updates.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

YummyTiger posted Post, Sleep, Proper Update

Who's up for a quickie? Yes? Alright. Quick news is I have scoured the Internets for sounds, found some awesome ones, found some mediocre ones, found a lot of ones that didn't work. Rinse and repeat with music. Either way, I'm starting my major edit of the final chapter Tuesday (Have to go to the soon-to-be ended job tomorrow).

The major edit is fixing and adding any dialogue. One of the big things is to cut back my wordiness. I learned a long time ago that a good edit usually cuts out about 15-20%. Given how wordy I was in the prologue, that should make you shudder to think what it was originally! Editing can be a bitch, because sometimes you hit sentences/passages that don't read right, but damned if I can't come up with ways to fix them. Hard to explain if you have not tried writing, but I just don't want people thinking this is a two day process (really, what is with me?).

I also put in emotion bubbles, will be updating the dialogue to use the new facesets, add any other little nifty things the message script has that fit. I add to bland areas, I add easter eggs, I may do a quick variation to artwork... basically, it is a hardcore playthrough to get things to the final point. I've been working on artwork and finalizing quest lines, making events more structured and efficient, and all kinds of other random things, that this will be the first real playthrough from the start that I've done in almost 3 months. That kind of break is both a Godsend, and a curse. I see things fresh and see a lot more flaws, but I also see a lot more flaws.

Anyways, that's about all I got right now. I owe you guys a proper update on things though, beyond just this little blurb. I'll update the progress chart and post a more detailed update either tomorrow or Tuesday.

Thanks for your support!

Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Thanks ViciousWaffel. You're really going to have to work on being more "vicious." (queue drum roll for terrible joke).

As he said, that's the recent post. I'm going to start making status updates public, since I don't really see why I'm putting them a patron-only. I think I did it because the artwork showed a nipple, but whatever, I doubt it'll matter if they're public.

In terms of the game itself, starting the final major edit tomorrow. Artwork, scripting, eventing, mapping, etc. is done. For the first time, I have the entire chapter in RPG Maker, now it is time to make sure my two years of jumbled working meshes together into a coherent experience.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

uhhm Yummy... For the love of all that is good to us, now is the time to take a backup and put it somewhere it won't die with the original!

That is if you haven't already done it :)
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

That's great news Yummy! Congratulations on your fist incoming Rpgmaker game hahaha :D
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Glad do see your work is coming to fruition Yummy.

"That kind of break is both a Godsend, and a curse. I see things fresh and see a lot more flaws, but I also see a lot more flaws."

I have to ask though, what exactly does this mean? For some people that ends up meaning a complete rework of...everything. If you start obsessing over everything and absolute perfection, the game will never be released. It seems like this is one of the factors that caused a lot of delays initially, and it's something that can become an endless loop. Please put my fears at rest. I just imagine an off center nose delaying the project 6 months.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Glad do see your work is coming to fruition Yummy.

"That kind of break is both a Godsend, and a curse. I see things fresh and see a lot more flaws, but I also see a lot more flaws."

I have to ask though, what exactly does this mean? For some people that ends up meaning a complete rework of...everything. If you start obsessing over everything and absolute perfection, the game will never be released. It seems like this is one of the factors that caused a lot of delays initially, and it's something that can become an endless loop. Please put my fears at rest. I just imagine an off center nose delaying the project 6 months.

The break actually means more in terms of the dialogue and writing. It is really hard to properly edit writing without stepping away from it. When I go back and reread it from the start, I'll probably edit and rewriting some passages (while keeping the same intent). It almost always comes out way better, but it can be hard to force oneself to step away and take that break.

I have not had a three month break from the artwork, so I don't see any artwork revamps coming. I'm happy with my drawings for the first time in a long time. I feel I'm consistent (or at least getting there) and I think I've found a shading technique that works for me.

Really, the biggest timesinks are going to be figuring out how to reword things to flow smoothly, cutting dialogue so that you're not reading pages of text for a simple scene, ensuring the game is not plagued with long dry spells between the porn, making sense of some of the dynamic events based on your choices and ensuring that ALL paths are working. I'm sure there will still be mistakes when I finally release it, but I think it should be fairly polished. At least I hope so!

@Viciouswaffel: I do run multiple backups. I did realize though that I need to setup some form of offsite backups. If I were robbed and my computer taken, that would hurt (I have an external drive that I disconnect in case of malware or something), or if a fire occurred, that would REALLY, REALLY hurt. I'll setup some form of offsite this week. Do you have any suggestions?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Do you have any suggestions?

Yeah, I can give you this email of a guy I know (one that totally isn't me) and if you send him a copy he'll hold on to it for you!
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Do you have any suggestions?

All of the cloud drives (DropBox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, maybe MEGA CloudSync) make for pretty good offsite backups. Source code control sites which allow private repos (e.g. BitBucket) might also be an idea. And while thswherizat's suggestion is a bit superfluous, "friend's computer" is an option if you can get some kind of file sync set up between you (if you use encryption, trusting the friend is optional). Similarly, if you need more space than is available in the cloud drives free tiers, you might either consider either renting a VPS or Amazon S3, both with some kind of app frontend to get files to the cloud backup easily; both of these options are a lot cheaper than paid tiers on a cloud drive.

EDIT: Do not use BitBucket for projects that might fall fowl of an anti-pornography clause. That would not be a good thing to do.
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