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ACT Unknown/Hiatus [Zicare] Unforbidden

Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

That makes what, the fifth time now he's re-emerged from the abyss of inactivity? Maybe this time we'll get a new blog post:rolleyes:.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

i look forward to an update
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I look forward to being disappointed when they go back into hibernation for another year.:(
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I've mentioned it in the comments section before, but these are the kind of changes that you make when you are fed up with doing actual work on the game and just want to like try and get back into working on it. This is what happens when you get burned out working on a game.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

re-emergence hath been made :p

Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Too bad that he's not going to actively work on Unforbidden. Not all that interested in "small animation loops" to be honest, but still nice to know where he's been and that he's back.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Usually people just bail on old accounts like that, pretty interesting for him to post anyways. One of the rare projects I'd check back in on every once in a while even though it was pretty clearly dead.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

So tired of all these starving artists and their life woes. If it's not a 'broken computer' its a lack of money. The best way to approach small scale indie development like this is to get a full time job and just put a few hours each night into your game. Living off of your savings is the single dumbest thing you could possibly do. I realize not everyone has a choice, but if you get to that stage, you need to re-evaluate your life goals. Sometimes you need to abandon your dreams.

The Unforbidden alpha wasn't even all that good anyway, the player movement felt slippery and the animations were beginner-level quality.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

So tired of all these starving artists and their life woes. If it's not a 'broken computer' its a lack of money. The best way to approach small scale indie development like this is to get a full time job and just put a few hours each night into your game. Living off of your savings is the single dumbest thing you could possibly do. I realize not everyone has a choice, but if you get to that stage, you need to re-evaluate your life goals. Sometimes you need to abandon your dreams.

The Unforbidden alpha wasn't even all that good anyway, the player movement felt slippery and the animations were beginner-level quality.

That's a pretty woefully naive oversimplification of trying to cultivate artistic talent during times of strife.

There is a pretty obvious correlation between creative talent and going through periods of aimlessness, apathy, and depression. It tends to be borne of an existence that lacks fulfillment -- someone who feels like the world is boring or pointless, or like they don't fit in. So it's no surprise that the guys who are good at articulating their dreams, are the ones whose lives evoked a compulsion to dream.
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Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

That's a pretty woefully naive oversimplification of trying to cultivate artistic talent during times of strife.

There is a pretty obvious correlation between creative talent and going through periods of aimlessness, apathy, and depression. It tends to be borne of an existence that lacks fulfillment -- someone who feels like the world is boring or pointless, or like they don't fit in. So it's no surprise that the guys who are good at articulating their dreams, are the ones whose lives evoked a compulsion to dream.

Its weird that I'm going through one of those periods right now... and I'm not a creative type I'm a logical type.

Maybe its that life isn't challenging enough and my current IT job pays less than a retail shelf stacker, for a lot more stress.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

Its weird that I'm going through one of those periods right now... and I'm not a creative type I'm a logical type.

Maybe its that life isn't challenging enough and my current IT job pays less than a retail shelf stacker, for a lot more stress.

So true... I feel you...
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I hate this stuff too, but only one main part of it: when it takes three years to admit that you can't work on your game. I don't give a damn if a game takes a decade to make, just don't leave the audience hanging!

I'm glad he finally posted that, now I can go back to happily being pissed off at OTHER creators taking people for rides. Hope to see this game reach fruition someday.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

I'm surprised more people aren't frustrated about the "My game idea didn't work so I'm going to go to Patreon" idea. I think that starting up a Patreon following a 3 YEAR disappearance is the exact wrong method of trying to gather supporters... Because I sure as hell won't be pledging anything. Does he expect to have any trust from people when he's come back from a 3 year hiatus without any work finished?

I guess best of luck to him, but if he thinks that patreon will suddenly solve his financial issues I think he's foolishly positive.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

RIP in pieces. Western action hentai games are like half life 3 and star citizen. We will see the heat death of the universe happen before either of them are complete or released.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)


Check his blogs for the updates!
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

yeah i just show! about time he got back into working on his game.
Re: Unforbidden (platformer)

thswherizat said:
I'm surprised more people aren't frustrated about the "My game idea didn't work so I'm going to go to Patreon" idea.
I guess most of the sick worshippers that we were stopped following his ghostly website since he vanished, I'm sure this thread will be full of tears and sweet name-callings in no time. Zikare broke our hearts and now he resurrects with the sick hope we will let him milk us after that :eek: