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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

Shana Fenix

Demon Girl Pro
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score
I don't know anything about coding, so yeah. that is why I( was asking.
He literally showed you the line to look for. Changing one letter isn't that hard. Even finding the rapey moves is easy by tracing the commands to the states.

Exactly. I have even asked them about it, and they just flat out said no.
Yeah, mugen_ero does not give out his character and many more have been going private recently.
[sarcasm]I wonder why...[/sarcasm]


Jungle Girl
Mar 30, 2012
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well let them keep it private,it's not like it's something that will change the world.


New member
Aug 20, 2018
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Well, will someone please tell me where the hitdef is located. I know it is in a doc file, but I don't know which one. I guess I am just dumb. The one file I found the hitdef in looks nothing like that.
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New member
Aug 20, 2018
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He literally showed you the line to look for. Changing one letter isn't that hard. Even finding the rapey moves is easy by tracing the commands to the states.

Yeah, mugen_ero does not give out his character and many more have been going private recently.
[sarcasm]I wonder why...[/sarcasm]
You might as well be speaking Greek to me. When just given a line of numbers and letters, I don't understand it. I don't even know where I am suppose to be looking in the first place.


Demon Girl
Mar 27, 2010
Reputation score
The .def files specifies which data of the character is in which file. Usually the commands are defined in the .cms file, and the behavior of the character is defined in the .cns file(s).
If you press [CRTL]+[D] in the game you open the debug notifications, press it multiple times to switch to the character.

To find the statedefno in question, either search for the corresponding command in the .cmd file and see which state it specifies; look for that statedefno in the .cns file.
Or, observe which stateno is displayed ingame during the debug notifications.


New member
Jun 27, 2019
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what would you guys want from H content in general (characters, stages, screenpacks, systems)?
I'm an old mugen developer with time to spare and wanted to contribute since the H scene is kinda barren imo.
not an artist but I'm a decent coder and can do virtually anything mugen-wise.


Demon Girl Pro
Aug 21, 2011
Reputation score
A futa character (like morrigan) with the mind control gimmick of psycoraper vega would be awesome.


Jul 22, 2018
Reputation score
what would you guys want from H content in general (characters, stages, screenpacks, systems)?
I'm an old mugen developer with time to spare and wanted to contribute since the H scene is kinda barren imo.
not an artist but I'm a decent coder and can do virtually anything mugen-wise.
if it's true it could be a fortune


New member
Jun 27, 2019
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A futa character (like morrigan) with the mind control gimmick of psycoraper vega would be awesome.
I was thinking bigger, like an universal aggressor/victim system. as it is, incompatible characters just spaz out when they're put in a missing state.
something like that. not saying I'm opposed to the idea of expanding on existing content, but are you guys happy with the quality of H characters in general?

if it's true it could be a fortune
it is true. humble brag, but I know mugen inside out. back in the day I helped creators pull off extreme customizations that were (and still are) unsupported by the engine.
I'm also pretty good at "cloning" characters as that seems to be the current topic of discussion.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
Reputation score
what would you guys want from H content in general (characters, stages, screenpacks, systems)?
I'm an old mugen developer with time to spare and wanted to contribute since the H scene is kinda barren imo.
not an artist but I'm a decent coder and can do virtually anything mugen-wise.
I'd agree with you; I'd like a universal aggressor. Many of my favorites lack functionality with victims, and I think they need to be tweaked to allow for versatility of all H-moves and positions.
Furthermore, something that the newer aggressors (e.g. Gettag's aggressors) lack that the Japanese-made ones have (e.g. Ero Tung, Joker) is a finisher/post-battle KO move.

I'm fairly decent at making victim characters compatible as long as they have the sprites. But I'm having trouble finding aggressors decent enough to warrant compatibility.
My main request is being able to ask questions in order to make the edits myself.
For example, I think adding the aforementioned KO move to TOBF wouldn't be difficult (Kuro even comes with Japanese files that instruct how to include this functionality), and I'd love to make Brian usable by the AI, since Gettag and other creators love using the control pad nonsense to change sex positions but also prevent the AI from using the moves, but I don't know the coding well enough.

Therefore, thank you for your interest; I think you just being here as a resource is enough for me (though if you wanted to actually make an aggressor would be appreciated, lol).


New member
Jan 20, 2019
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i personally want a biohazard edit where zombies, lickers, cerberus*zombie dogs* hunters and spiders come out and rape victims. but that's just my personal want.
cerberus' will obviously do doggy style, also on top of that a random leap attack *not every attack has to be rape* If an opponent is in liedown as the cerberus passes by it'll also lick them *between their legs*
Zombie white shirt will do missionary on liedown opponents but if standing he'll do an arm swipe attack *which can knock you down*
Zombie Green shirt appears on screen and makes a growl noise to summon an undead police zombie who will act like minotaurs assist grabbing victims from behind. If caught Green shirt walks over and forces state 18200 as the police zombie holds them in place. that's all green shirt will do...
Licker, does a tongue attack that stuns, will crawl up on the ceiling and try to wrap it's tongue around victims from above making them a punching bag. if it grabs the victim on the ground it'll jump up on the ceiling force victim into 9005 and plunge it's cock into the victims ass/vagina with it's tongue's strength.
Hunter, does a claw swipe stronger than a zombie arm swipe and sends victims flying back. only rape move it'll do is standing fuck
Black T aka spider will annoyingly shoot webs at you stunning you, giving openings to nearby aggressors...it won't rape at all. like the licker it too can crawl up the sides and onto the ceilings

i tried to make this edit myself and managed to get zombies and cerberus to grab people...but failed, as the victims floated there, frozen forever....i deleted it afterwards.


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
Being honest here, there's a Mugenero video out there where it's Bao vs some Arcana Hearts girls. In that video, there were some commands from the victims where they'd struggle against Bao, the rapist of the video. They weren't exactly strong counters (Akane would elbow jab him), but one thing I've found lacking are struggle mechanics, and how most aggressors have complete control once they grab.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
Reputation score
Being honest here, there's a Mugenero video out there where it's Bao vs some Arcana Hearts girls. In that video, there were some commands from the victims where they'd struggle against Bao, the rapist of the video. They weren't exactly strong counters (Akane would elbow jab him), but one thing I've found lacking are struggle mechanics, and how most aggressors have complete control once they grab.
Actually, lots of the more recent Mugenero vids had simple "struggle" mechanics, though they're limited to exactly what you just described (elbow jabs).
I don't think Mugenero ever implemented anything like struggle mechanics, but rather just coded the victims to perform elbow jabs occasionally.

If you're looking for real struggle mechanics, Gettag's TOBF has some in the most recent version and I think the most recent Birdie on the hentaimugenchar site (or whatever that's called) also includes struggle mechanics too.


New member
Jun 27, 2019
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I'd agree with you; I'd like a universal aggressor. Many of my favorites lack functionality with victims, and I think they need to be tweaked to allow for versatility of all H-moves and positions.
the issue with an universal system imo is that the community would have to adhere to it. for example, from the top of my head, a simple varset could tell players whether they're aggressors and/or victims and what their genitals are. coupled with a quick colision check at the beginning of the fight, this would eliminate compatibility issues and cover a wide range of sexes and positions.
but it's moot if creators continue doing their own thing in a vacuum.

Furthermore, something that the newer aggressors (e.g. Gettag's aggressors) lack that the Japanese-made ones have (e.g. Ero Tung, Joker) is a finisher/post-battle KO move.
you mean like fatalities? truth be told, even though I've spent years playing and developing for mugen, I'm not familiar with this scene. I hope you guys don't mind but I'm still learning about all the nuances of hentai edits- terms, mechanics, creators, etc.
regardless, fatalities are easy to code. same with a struggle mechanic like the one you mentioned a post later, it's just a custom state. although compliance on the victims's part would help a lot, like if they came with the state themselves.

My main request is being able to ask questions in order to make the edits myself.
Therefore, thank you for your interest; I think you just being here as a resource is enough for me (though if you wanted to actually make an aggressor would be appreciated, lol).
hey, no problem. like I said, I just want to contribute and maybe improve the scene a bit.
personally I think H games like Final F (can you curse here? probably, but you never know) cover most of your requests so far, so it'd be as simple as porting their mechanics over. I figure recreating a couple characters, a victim and an aggressor, or maybe just one that acts as both, or even a mob to simulate a beat 'em up, would be a good way to start and show what I can do.
on the other hand, this is all new to me, so maybe that would just be a huge waste of time. I guess I'm looking for directions?

like I said, I'm open to anything, but I want to know what would be best for the community before I set out to do any serious work. I feel like my skills could be put to better use than issuing compatibility patches or catering to specific requests. but if that's what you guys want, I'm game.


Demon Girl Master
May 30, 2014
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i like the idea of a new universal top, like a new kuromaru type character that isn't another clone of existing ones. I have a lot of plans for a new universal top that is like a wolf-based kuro where it is kind of formless but switches between likes of different wolf types (mostly furry/feral oriented) and I will probably never get it done because I still have so much to learn about FF and have no art skills.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
Reputation score
you mean like fatalities? truth be told, even though I've spent years playing and developing for mugen, I'm not familiar with this scene. I hope you guys don't mind but I'm still learning about all the nuances of hentai edits- terms, mechanics, creators, etc.
regardless, fatalities are easy to code. same with a struggle mechanic like the one you mentioned a post later, it's just a custom state. although compliance on the victims's part would help a lot, like if they came with the state themselves.
(Sorry, I might respond to the rest later, but just wanted to focus on this).

Yeah, I guess an appropriate term would be fatality. However, if you're familiar with the older Kuromaru "finisher" or Fenix's Humpreon, it's similar to that, where the aggressor violates the victim outside of the actual arena of battle.
I'm in particular interested in Joker and Ero Tung's "finisher", since they actually share the same coding for the finisher; Minotaur has a similar "finisher" move.
In those instances, their finisher causes specific CG pictures for each individual victim; I'm used to adding the finisher coding and sprites/anims for each new victim, but I don't know enough coding to actually add the same to allow new aggressors (such as TOBF or Brian) the same functionality.

Therefore, I'm wondering if you'd be able to show exactly what needs to be added to each aggressor to allow "finisher" functionality.
If you need a demonstration, I'd be happy to upload the Ero Tung / Joker characters (as well as a compatible victim) somewhere so that you can test them and see for yourself.


Demon Girl
Mar 27, 2010
Reputation score
what would you guys want from H content in general (characters, stages, screenpacks, systems)?
A top character with the H content being integrated in their game play; the H moves of most characters are simply slapped on an existing move set and are either an almost instant win or make hardly a dent. Tendril comes pretty close to how a top character should play like.
A struggle mechanic would also greatly improve the experience.

I'm currently developing my own top character, but due to lack of artistic talent progress is slow.
P2Power serves as the struggle meter
P2Life serves as the resilience
P1Power serves as the allure / mind break meter
Non H moves hardly deal any damage to the opponent's life, but instead decrease their power.

= The top character hits their opponent with a H move
- Player of the top character can choose which position should be used next with a key press

= Sex starts
- P1Power / mind break meter increases gradually
- Every x seconds a symbol appears either at the top left, top, or top right
- The player of the victim character has ~0.3 seconds to press either LEFT, UP, or RIGHT to increase P2Power / struggle meter
-- The more P2Life / resilience the victim character has the more P2Power / struggle meter is increased for each successful QTE

= Sex move ends; victim orgasms
- P2Life decreases slightly
- P2Power / struggle meter decreases
- Player of the top character can choose which position should be used next with a key press

= P1Power / mind break meter reaches 3000
- victim can no longer struggle

= P2Power / struggle meter reaches 3000
- victim escapes; P2Power is reset to a certain amount

Basically, ordinary moves tire the opponent out (P2Power is decreased), H moves capitalize on it because the lower P2Power is the longer it takes to escape out of a H move.

Also, finishers or after combat rape. E.g. when the character kuromaru_erogirl K.O. an opponent she moves to their body to have another turn.

the issue with an universal system imo is that the community would have to adhere to it. for example, from the top of my head, a simple varset could tell players whether they're aggressors and/or victims and what their genitals are.
There is something like that.
In an old non-H MUGEN forum creators agreed to use certain anim numbers to indicate various characteristics of their characters, e.g. sex. Sadly I do not remember which forum it was.
Using variables has the disadvantages that those are limited.
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New member
Jun 27, 2019
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If you need a demonstration, I'd be happy to upload the Ero Tung / Joker characters (as well as a compatible victim) somewhere so that you can test them and see for yourself.
please do. I'd probably get the wrong version since there are so many. of kuro and minotaur at least, don't know about those specifically.
I'll give it a look later but it shouldn't be hard.

A top character with the H content being integrated in their game play;
like Draculina? I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said but the problem are the sprites. to me that's one of the biggest issues with hentai characters in general, they're all frankensprites with pillow shading. I'm exaggerating of course, and I'm not one to talk since I can't sprite to save my life. but it doesn't look good. serviceable? sure, but that's why I'd prefer porting characters from actual H games.
the guy behind Chi Chi, I forget his name, he's a really good artist. he's actually working on a couple different characters, or at least spriting them. you'd have to comission him (or people like him) in order to expand on movesets and add proper animations.

In an old non-H MUGEN forum creators agreed to use certain anim numbers to indicate various characteristics of their characters, e.g. sex.
Using variables has the disadvantages that those are limited.
I mean, on a forum, sure. everyone's on the same page. but getting an author on the other side of the world to comply is harder.
I'm thinking I'd use variables to refine the system, really. an initial scan of the victim/aggressor should tell the other exactly what they're compatible with, but variables would make things more "organic", like kuro being able to differentiate between a futa and a male character and thus know where to stick his tentacles.


Demon Girl Master
May 30, 2014
Reputation score
I'm thinking I'd use variables to refine the system, really. an initial scan of the victim/aggressor should tell the other exactly what they're compatible with, but variables would make things more "organic", like kuro being able to differentiate between a futa and a male character and thus know where to stick his tentacles.
I would suggest a system more like Humpreon where you can select between options (ie humpreon, pressing taunt changes target from vaginal to anal) without it being automatic for people who uses different kinds of victims but builds them similar to others. As in some male victims are sprited so their animation would work just as well for a female focused victim but now it thinks "OK male, do this differently" and ends up not working at all.