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RPG WolfRPG [あせろら / Acerola] 錬精術士コレットのHな搾精物語~精液を集める錬精術士~ (RJ249908)

I'm searching the older Acerola games for Text Hook codes. Unforunately, none of what I've found hook this ver of Wolf RPG properly. Anyone have a functional hook code or, if there is none, a functioning machine translation on any program?
I'm searching the older Acerola games for Text Hook codes. Unforunately, none of what I've found hook this ver of Wolf RPG properly. Anyone have a functional hook code or, if there is none, a functioning machine translation on any program?
Textractor handles is somewhat okay. You just have to switch hook from drop-down menu because normal dialogue and h-scenes have different hooks. Also, menus don't work (you get a translation but it's a pain to read) but somebody already did a partial for that.
I cant find the item in quest #118 to make the "Hyper Mara" the item they give is only used on the lesser recipe not the higher one.

The quest-specific Vitalizing Essence is used in both recipes. The rest of the crafting mats can be gathered in dungeons, from material gathering sites (the glowing points). For Hyper Mara you need bones from Zephyr Plains (1st Dungeon), plus "fluids" and insects from the Demon Lord's Castle (4th Dungeon). Bones and "fluids" can be bought from the left stall located south of your atelier in the city.
English Google Translation. The quest menu, items, craft and something else.
Unzip to the folder with the game, delete BasicData.wolf file.
if you have version 1.09 or higher copy only BasicData folder delete BasicData.wolf file
Partial needs to be updated to 1.15. I keep getting this error after applying the partial.
Welp, I know I'm gonna feel stupid for asking this, but where is the game's gallery located? I can't seem to find it.
That's the exit option for me... Guess the demo doesn't have a gallery function?

Could be. (Don't have the demo to check myself. Also too much trouble to download, sorry.)

In any case, there are supposed to be five options in the full game; New Game, Load Game, Config, Scene Recollection and Quit Game. If you see only four options on the main menu... then yes, I'd say isn't available on your version, sadly.
Could be. (Don't have the demo to check myself. Also too much trouble to download, sorry.)

In any case, there are supposed to be five options in the full game; New Game, Load Game, Config, Scene Recollection and Quit Game. If you see only four options on the main menu... then yes, I'd say isn't available on your version, sadly.
Yeap, I downloaded the full version later, that was it.
I want to buy this game because I loved Claire. I want to know: the quest are easy to understand to someone that cannot read japanese? If not can anyone create a walkthrough like the one in the Claire post?
THere is a machinetranslated partial for the quests, that helps greatly. In fact, if you just scrol up you can find it.
Good news everyone!
Good news everyone!
Eh, it's TBA, and Kagura Games had already confirmed they'd do it (and why wouldn't they, Claire was quite successful from what I've heard). They probably just started the localization process, so I'm not expecting this before December, and only if we're insanely lucky.
Eh, it's TBA, and Kagura Games had already confirmed they'd do it (and why wouldn't they, Claire was quite successful from what I've heard). They probably just started the localization process, so I'm not expecting this before December, and only if we're insanely lucky.
New games from big, known circles seem to have priority so this might come out sooner than expected. We don't know if they just signed a deal with acerola or they've been working on translation for a month. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd stall other projects to push release of Colette since this makes sense from a business point of view. They are a company after all, which makes their decisions a little more predictable than fan translators.
Just for information, the announcement is more than a month old on Kagura discord's.
Considering that they are more or less Acerola official translator (they are nearly always working on the latest and an old release of Acerola at the same time), they'll probably be quick to release the english translation. Especially since they don't put the "incoming work" page up on steam many month before a release. From what they previously did, It should be out before the end of the year. But they don't usually game date ... at least not more than a couple of weeks before release at best...
Announcement tweet in now pinned on Kagura's twitter which means they are starting with social media promotion so release of this game might happen sooner than expected. If I had to guess, it's going to be their next game to release since you don't promote one game and release another.
Hopefully you're right about the release. This game can be quite difficult if you can't read moonrunes and it doesn't help this one focuses more on crafting
Blog post introducing characters for their next game.
Blog post introducing characters for their next game.

"Tear the Mage and the Mysterious Grand Library: The Nymphomaniac Magician Who Saves the World Through Lewd Appraisal and Therapey." It's another cosplay RPG title. (Odd, usually it would be another NTR one, but eh, not complaining.)

(There's a pun in the title there but I'm too lazy to come up with an equivalent.)

Madoushi Tear to Fushigi na Daitoshokan ~ Ecchi na Kantei to Chiryou de Sekai wo Sukuu Inran Madoushi ~

Edit: Oh, wait, found a cringey one. Not as good as "Alcumist", but it will have to suffice.

(The original puns 「恥療」with 「治療」, both pronounced "chiryou" [t͡ɕi.ɾʲoː]. The former is a made-up nonce word roughly meaning "shame treatment" [as in "treatment by exposing to shame"], while the latter just means "medical treatment" or "cure" in the generic sense.)
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