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ACT [ Maken Ansala ] さきゅばすの日記 / Succubus Affection

are defeat scenes by boss replayable?
Yes you can go where the boss are where you fight with him and die then cg apear but U DONT NEED TO HAVE THE SPECIFIC BOSS WITH YOU WHEN YOU ENTER IN HIS AREA WILL BUG ex: you go to siren boss figt you need to disable siren friend if you have her enabled after you can go in and fight
Almost universal Alt+Enter goes fullscreen.

Man this game surprised me on multiple fronts. I came in expecting to enjoy Zell's art and not like Ansala's design decisions.
It's kind of like how I expected but not quite.

Zell's animations are super on point as always, but this game didn't resonate with me sexually like FOBS does. I feel like the ratio of female assertive to male assertive scenes in FOBS is like 9:1. Here it feels half and half and only if you include foreplay, which (outside of a few scenarios) doesn't do much for me personally. If you don't count foreplay then the male assertive scenes dominate the game (pun intended XD.)

From a gameplay perspective you'll also be mainly seeing male assertive scenes as in order to capture the monsters you have to beat them into submission/(horniness?) before fucking them. This means if you play well you'll be seeing maledom. If you play terribly you'll be seeing femdom, but mostly foreplay.

So yeah, sexually Shiro No yakata's definitely more in line with my tastes. Obviously, that's just my personal opinion.

Regarding the gameplay, holy shit the gameplay was involved. Not in a bad way either. Ansala designed the game in a way that incentivized you to have as much sex as possible and to defeat as many enemies as you can. A lot of enemies have multiple animations and unique moves. The ice breathing dragon especially. Ansala really made use of the small amount of assets he was willing to ask Zell. My original gripe about the game was that there weren't going to be enemies that challenged the player enough, but I ate my words, Ansala really designed the combat in a challenging way.

It was super easy until I did the rematch fights with the bosses where they all had new moves though.

Zell stayed Zell as always and put some creativity into the girls.
  • When you cum inside the mermaid, she fills up the water bubbles around her with your cum in the shape of a heart. That was hot.
  • If you let the golemn ride you till you cream and you press up for getting up she has her own unique standup animation. If you don't do anything she'll just re-insert and keep going.
  • It's the same with the wind fairy. If you let her ride you till you cream, and press up, she has her own unique release animation where she pulls herself off of you. Then she'll slowly hover back towards you and if you don't press anything she'll start riding you again.
My favorite enemies in the game are the Golem, Alraune boss, then Bahamut.
I love Bahamut's insertion animation, and I really like her waiting for sex pose.
The Alraune boss plays with herself in a bunch of unique ways so I like her a lot too.

I really hope Zell's going all in on Shiro No Yakata. None of the enemies introduced so far have disappointed me, and I can't wait to see his take on stealth gameplay.

But I have quite a few enemies I dislike though.
If you use that Beastman girl's tether attack on a downed/fuckable enemy, you immediately enter H with them. Though, I'm not sure what he means. You still have to H them. The tether just makes things a bit easier when trying to H a downed girl when multiple are stacked on top of each other, which happens a fucking lot, honestly.

Also, I'd strongly recommend some of you guys here use the Google Translate app for smartphones or a tool like Sharex. You can OCR the onscreen text quite easily. If not for that, I'd likely be asking some of the same repetitive questions others in the thread are asking. Every so often the OCR will hang, though, which is when I use the Google Translate app instead. I hate text hooking shit, so this works for me. Or just use the Unity game translator tool @D44N mentioned.

By the way, the gold kitsune, ice dragon, and the pailoli pink-haired succubus were all my favorites. The way the kitsune's ass jiggles... Outstanding.
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For anyone interested in the CG scenes (the defeat scenes for hitting "give up" after dying to a boss) you can just extract them with your typical Unity asset extractor. 1584658871266.png
Ignore the .gifs, the texture assets are stored as .png. I was just recreating the animations in Aseprite.
Game got updated to 1.04 (1.03 had a game-breaking bug making it impossible to start a new game).
Beside some bug fixes, most notables changes are :
- addition of a signboard next to the entrance of your house telling you where to go next... in japanese, lol!
- Ragna (green hair cat girl) + Iris (white hair succubus) will move around freely like other captured monstergirl after reaching the ending.
Too bad its brown one-piece iris and not sucubus iris -.-


Correction! You can get succubus Iris if you add Iris/ or already have her added to your party after you fight her the second time. She will stay in this form for as long as you have her still in your party, and will revert to the regular iris if you remove her at any point. Kind of a pain in the ass.

Edit2: She'll revert back to regular iris once you close and load the game - so this is probably a bug,
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I see the golemn. Seems like you're a man of culture as well.

Also, I've noticed something else:
Depending on whether or not you have her panties equipped, Selma will wear it during H. Seems to only be for Selma though.
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Does this game have a gallery mode?
Yes in the map you have some areas where are the gallery eith boss for all areas so you need to go to the specific area or only spawn the girls after you capture them all


The plugin can be installed in following ways:

Standalone Installation (ReiPatcher)

REQUIRES: Nothing, ReiPatcher is provided by this download.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Using this method is a certain way to get the plugin working in most Unity games with two simple clicks. Do note that if one of the supported Plugin Managers is used, this installation method should be avoided as it will cause problems.

  1. Read the VERY IMPORTANT NOTE above.
  2. Download XUnity.AutoTranslator-ReiPatcher-{VERSION}.zip from .
  3. Extract directly into the game directory, such that "SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe" is placed alongside other exe files.
  4. Execute "SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe". This will setup up ReiPatcher correctly.
  5. Execute the shortcut {GameExeName} (Patch and Run).lnk that was created besides existing executables. This will patch and launch the game.
  6. From now on you can launch the game from the {GameExeName}.exe instead.
  7. Due to various considerations, not all text hooks are enabled by default, so if you find that the game or parts of the game are not being properly translated it may be worth going into the configuration file and enable some of the disabled text frameworks! The configuration file is created when the game is launched.

Hi guys,

I have done all the steps above, but the translation doesn't work.
When i execute the {GameExeName} (Patch and Run).lnk, it seems like it is patching the game but it doesn't run the game as it should.
How does the .ini file have to look? I feel like my .ini file is completly wrong but I am really bad at that stuff.
Could anybody help me?

Edit: NVM i got it, my anti virus was blocking the reipatcher for some reason yikes
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Hi guys,

I have done all the steps above, but the translation doesn't work.
When i execute the {GameExeName} (Patch and Run).lnk, it seems like it is patching the game but it doesn't run the game as it should.
How does the .ini file have to look? I feel like my .ini file is completly wrong but I am really bad at that stuff.
Could anybody help me?
When I did it, I just had it do the patch and run thing but it didn't run myself. Just click the original .exe file that came with the game to play it and it'll have the patch applied.
So, I used the MC skill to control a Valkyrie, but now she's constantly in the room and I can't remove her. On top of that, I also used it on the Oppai Loli succubus, and now she just stands in place the whole time. Is there a way to "remove" them, or am I just stuck with it? It's nothing dramatic, just kinda annoying.
So, I used the MC skill to control a Valkyrie, but now she's constantly in the room and I can't remove her. On top of that, I also used it on the Oppai Loli succubus, and now she just stands in place the whole time. Is there a way to "remove" them, or am I just stuck with it? It's nothing dramatic, just kinda annoying.
You have to use the MC skill again, and while hovering their name, press Skill 1. Holding Skill 1 there will remove everyone from the room.
You have to use the MC skill again, and while hovering their name, press Skill 1. Holding Skill 1 there will remove everyone from the room.
Roundabout... but I'll wager I missed the explanation in-game. Thanks a lot for the help, man!
Ok guys.
I'm fighting a giant right now.
I'm working, during my free time, on the txt file of the autotranslator to make the translation a bit readable. Right now I'm reached the Alraune fight.

To be clear I'm not a native english speaker so be clement when I will post it.
I need a full game! Damn website where I can buy a game refuses to take my money!