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The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"We got two names. His employer, or... previous employer, and his name. But I'll let Thall fill you out on that. I'm just here to take care of Sharkman." Krysta sniggered.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I see... Alright, it seems like your up Thall."

His eyes never once move off the Ashotur.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Ah, it's the Oilslick-Whale-Bastard thing. Have you come to tell me more lies?" The Ashotur's black eyes fix on the "Bentari". Thall sighs. "Pkaric here doesn't believe the NOVA story. He says he is on a mission from Warlord Vashkur and refuses to tell us anything else."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven snorts, a rather unappealing sound coming from his form. "Suit yourself if you don't believe us. I'd say take a ride over to what little is left of your star system and see for yourself, but I'll be blunt, I don't trust you as far as I could toss you in zero gee. As for this warlord, can't say I've ever heard of him, but then that isn't exactly shocking since you Ashotur never made it into our territories. At least if you did, none of you lived to tell about it. Though I have to wonder, if you were here on a mission, were you the only one sent away from your systems? If not, congratulations, your the only survivor then."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"You will not get any information out of me with your filthy tricks." Thall hmms behind his mask and looks around, finding the containment field generator still sitting on the table next to Pkaric. "Whether you believe us or not, I think we should move you to the brig now. He IS ready for transport, right Krysta?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

She nodded at Thall, "He's healthy enough to be moved." Then she rounded on the Ashotur, "Just make sure you don't do anything to rip those stitches. If you do i might decide to just keep you here where you can't hurt yourself."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

He smiled widely at the Ashotur. "Oh I'll get what information I want, with or without your help, you can bank on that Pkaric."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I look forward to you trying", the Ashotur replies and hisses. "The next time there will be nobody to shoot me in the back." "Right! You can tear each other to shreds later." Thall steps between the two and activates the containment field. Pkaric finds himself in a bubble that allows him to walk, albeit in small steps and at a pace that Thall dictates. The Telarin turns towards Draven. "Keep your composure", he quietly remarks. "No need to agitate him."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

He stares at Pkaric for a moment longer, something in his eye suggesting that he had not been trying to kill Pkaric before, and that had been his mistake, but just as suddenly as it was there, it was gone, and his face became unreadable.

"Of course Thall."

Unspoken to Thall is a shooting look saying that later, the two of them needed to speak, but not in front of their guest.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

All of the talking and the people not shutting up, finally woke Sanya. She peered about, nothing registering and not remembering what had happened earlier. Bright lights... annoying voices... what was going on again? The scientist spent a few moments, as she lay quietly, to get her mind back together.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta noted the wakefulness of her patient, "How are you feeling? Do you need any more sleep?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"Ah? Hm?" Sanya blinked for a few moments before it registered. "Uhm... I'm okay now... I think...."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta chuckled and and preformed the small test she had earlier, "Well you look alright. Go on girl. If you need more sleep just ask."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

A loud thunk on the medical bay doors, and the doors slid open, Vance walking in, his face and arms beet red "This stuff...........Is heavy" he says, setting it down to the side of the door and panting as he sits down on the floor, sweat covering his arms and forehead "Remind me never to try that again" he says, his right hand near his neck checking his pulse
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Draven is about a dozen or so steps behind Vance, walking in and gently setting down the stuff he was carrying. His form flickers for just a moment, and he closes his eyes, concentrating. It would appear that even he had a limit, and he was starting to get there.

He stood next to Vance then said, "how about we take a... three minute break here and slowly walk back for the rest and not push it? We don't need you collapsing, and if I lose solid form, that stuff is gonna pass right through me, and that would be very bad."

It was probably the only time he would admit to anyone that he was a little drained right now, and probably needed to eat something himself, though what Ingrali ate was still a mystery.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

"I'm fine. Just a little worked up and low on glucose" Vance says, his breathing still accelerated "Like I said. I want to find a cure for this so I'll stop getting like this" he says, his right hand moving down to clutch his chest "This kind of blow flow isn't normal for a human." he says, looking down at his reddened skin "Let's hurry" he says, standing and walking towards the door "Get something to eat. I'll be back with the rest of the equipment" he says, leaving medical and heading back towards the hanger
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

After he was gone, a low growl escaped from him. "He's going to blow out his damn heart. At least I don't have one to worry about..."

He heads back off to the bay, intending to stop by his ship first to grab a special something to help him out. Vance had been right when he said something to 'eat' would help, but for Draven, eating was a little different in this case.
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin rolls in a moment later, looking at the two worn out brutes with only a hint of a smile on her face. "Actually, i think they need to go in that lab over there," she says, pointing to the empty room off to the side. "I think that's where Krysta wants them, anyway." She looks around for the doctor, spotting her over by the beds.

"All this in the side room, right? Oh, and here's all the small stuff you needed." Caitlin hands over the box of consumables by tipping it off her chair and standing it up beside Krysta, it being almost five feet tall and two feet to a side. "I hope that's enough, I took everything but the bare essentials off my ship."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Krysta clapped her hands together girlishly, "That's wonderful! Thank you! Do you mind staying here while I go ask Nadia where the food I brought should be stored? I'm sure it's going to be needed soon..." She grinned, "And yes, the boys will probably need to come back and move the equipment to the lab. But that's what men are best for," she winked, "Moving things."
Re: The Dividing Line - Medical Bay

Caitlin lets out a conspiratorial giggle and winks back, then leans in close for a private moment with a grin on her face.

"Sure, I can do that for you, no problem. I've got just the thing to keep me busy too while they're off comparing... muscle sizes."

She leans back in her wheelchair and passes the time by drawing out how she wants the equipment organized in the lab, a small smile still on her face long after Krysta leaves the room.