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VN/TEXT SIM [ルナソフト] Dungeon's Legion-魔王に捧ぐ乙女の肢体- (RJ292145)


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
Reputation score
Torturing myself on middle difficulty right off the bat(currently in the middle of chapter 4), gotta say one thing i have to pick with the game so far is the mob mages in this game are decent, but gets overshadowed quickly by warriors. For example, the orcs has good damage and good armor, on top of that, they have an attack skill and 2 resistance skills at level 4, making them able to take a lot of punishments, deal good amounts of damage, and in the long run, save a lot of resources. The necromancer, on the other hand, has only attack and debuff spells so they get killed rather easily, which isn't ideal when you have to relevel all your mobs if they die. If the mages attacks when the warrior's engaging an enemy I would say that they're worth it, but they only do so when they themselves engage, which kinda makes it a niche. Imo you might as well use the mage when you get their materials for village raiding instead, or else you'll end up spending a lot replenishing them in defense.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Game has a 50/50 chance of being localized hopefully.
I'd like to know where you got that info from.
So far, only 2 game of Lunasoft got translated - all right, the 2 lastest released. But I haven't seen any info on any more translation (of older or newer project) - although I admit I didn't particulary comb the tweet / ci-en or blog of the circle for info. Just casual unfrequent look at ...


Jungle Girl
Aug 1, 2016
Reputation score
I'd like to know where you got that info from.
So far, only 2 game of Lunasoft got translated - all right, the 2 lastest released. But I haven't seen any info on any more translation (of older or newer project) - although I admit I didn't particulary comb the tweet / ci-en or blog of the circle for info. Just casual unfrequent look at ...
It's a guess. I tend to be rather negative about localization chances. Then again it's speculation for me.
I rarely track on eroges getting localized compared to non-h video games getting announced to be released in english.

Also, around 5k sales within 24 hours of it's release.
Still, there is the isekai & 'goblin slayer' hype to boost sales. Heck look at Goblin Burrow.

Supposing this gets DLCs, wonder do we get to bang the goddesses...'finale' was rather anti-climatic imo. Still it be the first game to get DLCs if that ever happens


Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2013
Reputation score
Disappointed again.
Traps are useless and the active dungeon skills are just mindless spam on cooldown with maybe teleport requiring minimal thinking and skill to use. They don't do much too.
No real strategy in monster placement either. You have no control over which enemy units go where so you just spam slimes/ogres/demons everywhere since they're good vs everything. I completely stopped reading enemy/heroine skill descriptions after chapter 2 and just brute forced through the game with almost no thinking.
Gameplay is pretty bad overall and not recommendable.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score

Disclaimer: As noted in post #24, the game is balanced on easy and normal for players to breeze through with the minimum of effort. I'm putting the information down to remind myself what to do since it's not a cakewalk from nightmare difficulty onwards.

General strategy: Raids are the economic lifeline. To increase the chances for items and more cash, better quality units need to be dispatched. In every case, a level 1 unit from a higher tier is worth more in raid calculations than a level 3 unit of the lower tier.
Goblin > Roper > Slime = Imp > Ogre = Lich > Gazer > Demon

Battles: Higher difficulties mean more enemies at higher levels. So if players survive with minimal casualties, that's more red souls to play with. The hard part is minimising the casualties, especially early on when there's nothing much to work with and even villagers can kill goblins. As the game progresses, the invaders come in increasing quantities and with higher quality troops, some of which require specific units at certain levels to counter.

Tech tree: Left to right, top to bottom.

調教1 + 2: Required to train Rayna. Girls from Clare onwards need level 2.
乙女の肢体: Unlocks nude sprite.
レベル上限解放(ヘロイン): Requires 調教1. Increases heroine level cap to 4 and 5 respectively. The last upgrade allows more sex scenes at request starting at 100 red souls, increasing by 100 for subsequent applications. Stat increase is quite minimal (+1-2 for attack and defence and a small HP boost) but is worthwhile if some heroines are not cutting it at later chapters.

レベル上限解放(魔族): Increases monster level cap to 4 and 5 respectively.

リサイクル: Dead friendly units refund spent red souls by 20%, 45% and 75% respectively. Pointless in Easy, very useful from nightmare onwards because of the casualties involved and the need for red souls regardless of where players are in the game. Early on, players won't have the funds to invest in red soul cap and captive overflow is very likely. Might as well use the red souls productively.

With this researched, players with maxed out rosters will want to get the levelled obsolete minions killed off instead of dismissed to reclaim some of the soul to investment.

防衛魔法: The spells used during the battle phase.

アーケインビーム: Magic beam from the sky which damages a random enemy unit. Use it when available, only worth holding if there's a chance it will kill an almost dead unit instead of one which is on full health (or players were slow in reacting).
カースタッチ: Random enemy unit is temporarily afflicted by status debuff. Possible candidates include blind, confusion, slow, amnesia (cannot use skills except basic attack) and poison. Use whenever it's available, it really shows its worth when it's just the enemy heroine remaining.
テレポート: All enemy units are teleported from their current position to a random area of the dungeon. This could be anywhere, even the same room but a slightly different position. Can't spam this like the other two, mostly used when a unit is nearly dead and players want to try to save the unit by letting something else in the dungeon handle the intruder. Increasingly effective towards the end of an invasion.
テラーボイス: Units are temporarily stunned and cannot take any actions. Timing for this one is tricky; it is best used when there are multiple enemy units engaged in battle with friendly forces. Getting the timing right means they will be sitting ducks which will keep casualties down if friendly units can dispatch them quickly before the effect wears off. Not a spell to be used lightly, using it early sees the spell used at most 2-3 times a battle.
アーケインブラスト: Magic circles deploy in every dungeon room. After a few seconds, they explode doing massive damage to all enemy units inside the room. Doesn't affect enemies in corridors. Tricky to get this right because of the delayed action and the effect is maximised when all enemy units have been deployed. Try using it early, preferably when a large group of tough enemies enters one room. That way the damage is guaranteed as they're fighting and there might be another opportunity later in battle to use it again.

闇商人: The merchant. Without this researched he won't show up at all. Extremely useful regardless of when he shows up since he allows buying and selling of resources. Only one of each trap or creature resource can be bought per visit. Great for disposing of excess sacrifices in lower difficulties in exchange for cash.
お得意様1 + 2: 15% discount on purchases and 20% increased chance of visit respectively.



HP 84, ATK 22, DEF 20
HP 92, ATK 24, DEF 22
HP 101, ATK 26, DEF 24 Dual Strike
HP 110, ATK 29, DEF 26
HP 118, ATK 31, DEF 28 Critical Attack (15% chance for regular attack to deal +50% damage)

Cannon fodder. Best used to reduce excess sacrifice headcount early on. Only thing going for the very early stages of the game, but not worth improving to level 3 because dual strike is an active ability with a cooldown interval.


HP 100, ATK 22, DEF 22 Armour break (Enemy defence decreased by 20 for 7s)
HP 110, ATK 24, DEF 24
HP 120, ATK 26, DEF 26 Weapon break (Enemy attack decreased by 20 for 7s)
HP 130, ATK 29, DEF 29
HP 140, ATK 31, DEF 31 Critical Attack

Upgrade raiders to this unit as soon as possible. An overall improvement over the goblin and the stat debuffs are surprisingly useful against heroines like Mavis when AOE attackers are in the same room. When raiders guarantee 100% chance of mana potions each turn, this is the unit to turn to for excess captive consumption because it only uses one captive.


HP 150, ATK 21, DEF 28 Protection (Buff defence by 20 for 7s)
HP 172, ATK 23, DEF 32
HP 195, ATK 24, DEF 35 物理耐性 (Physical damage reduced by 30%)
HP 218, ATK 26, DEF 38
HP 240, ATK 28, DEF 42 再生 (HP regenerates by 10 every 5s)

Weaker attack than its lower tier counterparts in exchange for surprising durability, especially at level 5. Nightmare and above will be a decision on how to balance the number of slimes available for dungeon deployment when imps are still not available. Despite the strong defence, they are more vulnerable to magic attacks and HP regeneration isn't much help if they're overwhelmed.


HP 110, ATK 33, DEF 20 (Magic), Explosion (deals magic damage to one enemy)
HP 120, ATK 37, DEF 22
HP 130, ATK 42, DEF 24 Spark (Magic damage to one enemy, 40% chance to inflict blind)
HP 140, ATK 46, DEF 26
HP 150, ATK 50, DEF 28 Firestorm (Magic damage to all enemies in room)

Glass cannon, but it's the first unit with a magic attack. Against units with high physical defences, this is the unit to turn to. Advise deploying at least one in Rayna's room because of its special abilities until upgrades are available.


HP 200, ATK 28, DEF 30 Dual Strike
HP 238, ATK 32, DEF 34
HP 275, ATK 35, DEF 38 物理耐性
HP 312, ATK 38, DEF 41 魔法耐性 (Magic damage reduced by 30%)
HP 350, ATK 42, DEF 45 Earthquake (Physical damage to all enemies in room, 30% chance to inflict stun)

Upgrade over the slime, it trades the ability to regenerate at level 5 for improved physical damage and resistance to both magical and physical attacks. The most durable unit in the game despite the 45 DEF; deploy this with some way to heal units and they'll remain useful until the end of the game.


HP 140, ATK 40, DEF 22 (Magic), Cold snap (Magic damage to one enemy, 40% chance to inflict slow)
HP 152, ATK 45, DEF 24
HP 165, ATK 50, DEF 25 Spark
HP 178, ATK 55, DEF 26 Firestorm
HP 190, ATK 60, DEF 28 Blizzard (1.01 fix: Magic damage to all enemies in room, 40% chance to inflict slow.)

Highest damage from minions in the roster. Only 40HP improvement from the imp at level 5, so clever deployment is required to keep it alive. Not suitable for prolonged engagements because of its poor HP and DEF, but for battles which require a quick kill and/or fighting almost dead opponents this unit is more than capable of fulfilling its role. Best used for raiding when it's available, swap out when Gazers are available.


HP 140, ATK 26, DEF 26 Mind Blast (Magic damage to one enemy, 75% chance to inflict amnesia)
HP 182, ATK 31, DEF 31
HP 225, ATK 36, DEF 36 Mind Hack (Magic damage to one enemy, 50% chance to inflict charm)
HP 268, ATK 42, DEF 42 Reveal (Passive ability, hidden enemies have a 75% chance of revealing themselves when the room is entered)
HP 310, ATK 47, DEF 47 Area charm (50% chance to charm all enemies in room)

Prime example of a unit which must be upgraded before it can be deployed. Less useful than the lich at level 1, it has to be level 3 minimum to deploy in dungeon. This is the only non-heroine unit with reveal, so deploying them closer to Rayna's room should stop assassins from making it all the way unseen. Charm makes an enemy unit fight for the player for the duration of the effect. Enemy units will engage other hostiles in the same room; if there are no enemies in a room the charmed unit will wander off in a random direction until the effect wears off. For trap heavy dungeons, it's not a bad idea to deploy gazers at the front lines as there's the chance an invader gets sent back to a trap filled room if it has no hostiles to fight.


HP 270, ATK 32, DEF 32 Cyclone (Physical damage to all enemies in room)
HP 292, ATK 36, DEF 36
HP 315, ATK 41, DEF 41 Firestorm
HP 338, ATK 46, DEF 46 Blizzard
HP 360, ATK 50, DEF 50 Earthquake

The all-round unit. Useful even at level 1 because of the AOE cyclone. Because of how expensive and rare it is, might be better off using it to fill raider slots since the lower tier units can do a good enough job with trap help. Always buy the resource from the merchant when it's available, but care should be taken with deployed demon units to ensure the investment isn't wasted.


毒の術式: Poison trap. Enemies entering the trap will be poisoned for a short period. Poisoning removes a % of their total health, so higher tier enemies lose more per interval than villagers. The only trap guaranteed to do damage, so it's useful throughout the game. Best placed at the dungeon entrance as a welcome mat. Poison isn't lethal, but spells can finish the job against stricken enemies.

鈍化の術式: Slow trap. Enemies entering the trap are slowed down. In addition to the decrease in movement speed, they attack slower when in combat (from observation they attack once for every friendly unit's two). The other trap in the roster with a guaranteed effect, this one is best used in conjunction with other traps because it deals no direct damage on its own.

稲妻の術式: Lightning trap. At set intervals, the trap will deal lightning damage to all enemy units within the room boundaries on activation. More damage than the poison trap, but the timing condition means players will more than likely find this trap useless. Best used in conjunction with the slow trap since enemies who enter the room take longer to leave, allowing the trap to do its work. +50% damage to enemies afflicted with confusion.

幻惑の術式: Confusion trap. Enemies entering the room have a 50% chance to be confused. Confusion makes an enemy stop what it's currently doing and wander aimlessly around the dungeon until the effect wears off. Unlike the spell, the trap's effect lasts longer. Combo with the lightning trap for more damage. Unfortunately the 50% effect means this trap will whiff, which limits its effectiveness. If it does work, waves will be drawn out allowing players more time to kill the stray enemies with spells.

隕石の術式: Meteor trap. 75% chance to drop a meteor which will damage all enemies in a room each time an enemy enters. This is the main damage dealer; the 75% chance triggers often enough that a group of enemies pass through risk multiple bombardments. As an added bonus, slow enemies take 50% more damage. The base damage is roughly equivalent to the lightning trap, but the trigger mechanism is probably more reliable because of the sheer number of invaders on higher difficulties.

次元の術式: Dimensional trap. 35% chance to teleport enemies who enter back to the dungeon entrance. A typical staple of tower defence games, players who are reliant on traps rather than minions will probably use this. I don't like the trigger chance, so not worthwhile unless players are desperate and are swimming in cash for some reason.

The trap is best used when there are three rows available between entrance and the first line of defence. Having a row of these backed up by traps on the first two rows is feasible, especially on Nightmare chapter 6 and most of Hell difficulty.

高揚の術式: Euphoria trap. Enemies who enter this room will trigger a stat buff for a random friendly unit in an adjacent room. The buff is +12 to ATK and DEF for 50 seconds. I didn't try this out, but if the effect stacks this can be lethal for invading waves, especially if the room has mages/heroines with AOE attacks. The buff lasts long enough for friendly units to dispatch multiple enemies while the effect lasts. Unfortunately the resources and costs of this trap are very high, so it's not practical to use this en masse.

吸収の術式: Absorption trap. At set intervals, the trap will drain the life out of enemies and heal all friendly units by a small amount. 50% more damage if enemy is poisoned (with slightly better life restoration for friendly units). The damage is surprisingly potent even without poison, while the life heal is a small but useful bonus to increase the survival chances of friendly units. The trap resource is very rare and the mechanics are the same as the lightning trap, so utility is maximised if a lot of slow-moving enemies have to pass through this at higher difficulties.

金庫の拡張1-3: Increases treasury cap by 500, 800 and 1200 respectively. Get this in good time before the research costs start spiralling beyond the treasury cap.
牢屋の増築1-3: Increases sacrificial victim cap by 2, 3 and 7 respectively. Get ASAP, more prisoners to work with is a good thing.
秘薬研究1-3: Red soul cap increases by 150, 500 and 2200 respectively. Almost always top of the list for investment, players will need to time this so that it minimises red soul overflow.

Row of heroine icons: Don't have to do anything about this since entries are unlocked as the story progresses. Players can invest gold to shorten the research time (which I don't recommend except for the final icon).

兵舎の増築1-3: Unit increased by 4, 6 and 10 respectively. Heroines do not count. By the end of the game players should control a maximum of 45 units.
部隊の管理1-3: Raider cap increased by 2,2 and 3 respectively. Research ASAP. More raiders means more resources bar red souls. How quickly players research this will be crucial at Nightmare and up.


Level 1: Area Protection (Everyone in room +20 DEF for 7 seconds)
Level 2: 混沌の抱擁 (All allies in dungeon +10 DEF for 15 seconds)
Level 3: 混沌の祝福 (All allies in dungeon +10 ATK for 15 seconds)
Level 5: 混沌の救済 (Passive, if she receives fatal damage she heals 25% of her total HP and all enemies in room are teleported back to the dungeon entrance. Only triggers once per battle).

Main heroine and last line of defence. If she dies, it's game over. Highest HP pool of all, but the second worst combat stats amongst the heroines. All of her special abilities are support. It's recommended to upgrade her to level 3 ASAP for the dungeon wide boost. Level 5 comes in handy at higher difficulties when assassins make it through, otherwise it's a last throw of the dice in hopes the room enchantments in front can finish the job.

Level 1: First aid (Recovers HP)
Level 2: Beginner's luck (10% chance damage from normal and special attacks is increased by 100%)
Level 3: Dual strike (Two consecutive physical attacks against target)
Level 5: Learning (Uses a random attack skill in allies' skillset)

The rookie heroine is the worst fighter of all, but she's crucial early on when dungeon minions aren't cutting it against the new invaders. Her ability to heal gives her a semblance of durability, but it is not reliable enough to keep her alive in prolonged engagements. Learning depends heavily on the allies she occupies the room with, my personal preference is to let a Lich/Demon and a Gazer stay with her (the Demon and Lich have all of the AOE attack abilities, while the Gazer has crowd control).

Level 1: Dual strike
Level 2: Braveheart (Passive, DEF increases as her HP depletes.)
Level 4: 物理耐性
Level 5: Cyclone

The warrior is best suited for typing up enemies so that the player can blast them to death with spells. Arguably the most durable heroine against physical attacks because of her passive and the level 4 skill. She's ok on the offensive front once she learns cyclone, but otherwise has to rely on (slowly) hacking enemies to pieces.

Level 1: Area heal (All units in room are healed a fixed amount of HP)
Level 2: Area Protection
Level 3: Area Force (All units in room +20 ATK for 7 seconds)
Level 5: 範囲拡大 (Passive, 50% chance her skills will extend to friendly units in adjacent rooms. Adjacent rooms referring to those which are connected to Jessica's room)

Invaluable for her healing and support skills. She's a slightly better fighter than Claire and will not last long if she's engaged in combat for too long. Her skills stack with Rayna's; the difference between buffed and unbuffed units in combat is quite obvious. Her range extension also applies to the heal spell, however this paradoxically relies on her being placed in a position which will both attract enemy attention (the centre) and impact as many rooms as possible. She won't use the heal spell if she and her room allies are unharmed, so it's not a reliable method to provide healing for multiple rooms.

Level 1: Dual strike
Level 2: 魔法耐性
Level 3: Reveal (75% chance stealthed enemies will break cover when entering the room, forcing them to fight)
Level 5: Area Charm

Decent combat stats, Melwen's utility is in crowd control and as a counter to assassins. Once she's at level 5, she basically plays like a Gazer with physical attacks. 75% chance is usually enough to stop assassins in their tracks, so it's not necessary to deploy a Gazer in the same room as she is. Her skill set in Hell difficulty is very different from her dark elf version.

Level 1: Spark
Level 2: Cold Snap
Level 4: Firestorm
Level 5: Blizzard

The Lich in human form. Comfortably the highest attack of all the heroines, but if she's hit she'll fall quickly because of her abysmal HP and DEF. Upgrading doesn't really help her HP and DEF numbers, so players intending to use her will want her on the same row as Rayna.

Level 1: 心眼 (Same as reveal, but with a Japanese skill name)
Level 2: 疾風陣 (All allies in room are hasted. Hasted units have at least 2 attacks to an enemy's one).
Level 4: 空蝉 (Passive, 25% chance to avoid enemy attack)
Level 5: 首狩り (Passive, 3% chance to instantly kill enemy unit. Skill does not work on heroines)

Another heroine with slightly changed skills after she's converted. Extremely capable attacker and all units in her room will slaughter enemies much faster than their peers. Her DEF and HP are below average because she relies heavily on her passive ability to avoid damage. Definitely put her on the front lines, together with a Demon and an Ogre to rack up the kills.

Level 1: 一閃刃 (Physical attack which also lowers enemy DEF)
Level 2: 逆境 (ATK increases as her HP depletes)
Level 4: 明鏡止水 (Passive, 60% chance she will remain alive with 1 HP when she receives fatal damage)
Level 5: 絢爛舞刀 (AOE Physical attack which lowers enemy DEF)

Lower attack than her compatriot, but superior HP and DEF. Her attack increases in potency as she takes damage, her passive ability allows her to keep fighting at maximum ATK for longer. Even without her attack boost, she's definitely capable of finishing enemies off on her own without requiring long duels. She'll still fall if forced to fight extended battles, so not a good idea to place her in the centre.

Level 1: 守護のオーラ (All allies in room increase DEF by 15 for 12 seconds)
Level 2: 裁きのオーラ (All enemies in room take magical damage)
Level 3: 衰弱のオーラ (All enemies in room decrease ATK by 15 for 12 seconds)
Level 4: 苦悶のオーラ (All enemies in room are inflicted by Poison, Slow, Blindness or Amnesia. Only one debuff per aura, chosen randomly)

The strongest heroine overall. Same skill set as the Paladins; her auras work like a lightning trap and trigger at set intervals automatically unlike active skills. Her overall combat potential thanks to her abilities is better than anyone else, so park her in the centre to take the brunt of invaders. Good results when paired with a Demon and a Gazer who benefit from the stat buffs and debuffs.
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Jul 13, 2019
Reputation score
On top of it being mostly mindless and RNG based on when the merchant shows up...
Is there just a stock bunch of backgrounds people use? The BGs in this game are identical to ゴブリンの巣穴 (Which I actually prefer over this)


Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2013
Reputation score
リサイクル: Dead friendly units refund spent red souls by +10%, 15% and 35% respectively. Pointless in Easy, very useful from nightmare onwards because of the casualties involved and the need for red souls regardless of where players are in the game. To use this effectively, players can use spare unit cap to summon goblins, raise them to level 2 and then deploy them close to the dungeon entrance. They'll get slaughtered, but the red souls used to upgrade them will be returned with interest. Better to do this than to pointlessly go over the soul cap.
That's Incorrect. Without recycle you don't get back any of your red souls from dead units. Recycle makes you get back only a portion of them so you still take losses just smaller ones. The strategy you describe to get leveled units killed on purpose does nothing but throw away your souls.


Jungle Girl
Aug 1, 2016
Reputation score
That's Incorrect. Without recycle you don't get back any of your red souls from dead units. Recycle makes you get back only a portion of them so you still take losses just smaller ones. The strategy you describe to get leveled units killed on purpose does nothing but throw away your souls.
I fail to see the issue.
If you consider traps as useless then using cannon fodder as trap substitutes is probably one of the few ways since a lvled monster comes with burst damage, debuffs or durability.
I used a lv 4 ogre and have him fight close to the entrance alone on normal, 3 out of 5 times it survives when using all tools available.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
That's Incorrect. Without recycle you don't get back any of your red souls from dead units. Recycle makes you get back only a portion of them so you still take losses just smaller ones. The strategy you describe to get leveled units killed on purpose does nothing but throw away your souls.
When you don't have enough red souls to upgrade the heroines and don't have the cap to fully maximise the upcoming battle's harvest, then it's stupid to let spare captives come in without being utilised. It's fine to play the game on easy and normal without using sacrificial throwaways, but Nightmare is where this strategy comes in useful since cash is hard to come by and the hordes are relentless (everyone starts at level 2 after Clare is active).

I'm going to edit the description. At the base level, level 1 refunds 20% of the red souls spent on upgrades. It works out to 75% refund for every killed upgraded minion at level 3. People can dismiss the game for being mindless at the two lower difficulties, it's all bluster since they have no idea what's in store from Nightmare onwards.
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Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2013
Reputation score
Using level 1 monsters as fodder is great strategy yes but you never have enough red souls to throw away leveled monsters. You can always spend them on leveling up raiding monsters which increases their efficiency and your normal units in proper squads.

I fail to see the issue.
If you consider traps as useless then using cannon fodder as trap substitutes is probably one of the few ways since a lvled monster comes with burst damage, debuffs or durability.
I used a lv 4 ogre and have him fight close to the entrance alone on normal, 3 out of 5 times it survives when using all tools available.
So it dies 2 out of 5 times making you lose a good amount of souls. If it was placed in a proper squad it'd have much smaller chance of dying and be more effective.
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Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
Using level 1 monsters as fodder is great strategy yes but you never have enough red souls to throw away leveled monsters. Placing them solo at the entrance is also not great since they'd have much better effect when properly supported and in a squad.
I do actually, especially early on. Initial 150 red soul cap, excess captives and respective upgrades still being researched. I've already levelled most goblins to 2, so anything earned in the battle is completely wasted if it's not invested somewhere.

Later on, cash and time are still in short supply. There's a sneaky way to overcome Nightmare and Hell based on the Ci-En comments, not relying on it means players are always going to come up against excessive red soul and captive income for long stretches of the early game.


Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2013
Reputation score
I do actually, especially early on. Initial 150 red soul cap, excess captives and respective upgrades still being researched. I've already levelled most goblins to 2, so anything earned in the battle is completely wasted if it's not invested somewhere.

Later on, cash and time are still in short supply. There's a sneaky way to overcome Nightmare and Hell based on the Ci-En comments, not relying on it means players are always going to come up against excessive red soul and captive income for long stretches of the early game.
You should start researching ropers on first turn of the game. And first soul cap increase is also one of the first upgrades you get. And you have leveled up all your raiding monsters too? If you have souls to waste like that it means you should have prioritized research that allows you to utilize those souls properly.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
You should start researching ropers on first turn of the game. And first soul cap increase is also one of the first upgrades you get. And you have leveled up all your raiding monsters too? If you have souls to waste like that it means you should have prioritized research that allows you to utilize those souls properly.
Actually, my research order is ropers, more raider capacity and then recycle. Soul capacity is number 4 on the list. I don't hit the red soul cap until Mavis starts showing up.
If you're telling me you levelled goblins and ropers to level 3 as raiders on Nightmare, I can only say you're either cheating or bluffing. An increase of 30 to the raiding score when the dungeon badly needs upgraded troops to stave off invaders shows me someone has priorities wrong.
Soul harvesting on Nightmare averages 80-150. The second soul upgrade is over 500 gold when raider loot has a maximum of 300 with other priorities to meet.
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Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2013
Reputation score
Actually, my research order is ropers, more raider capacity and then recycle. Soul capacity is number 4 on the list. I don't hi the red soul cap until Mavis starts showing up.
If you're telling me you levelled goblins and ropers to level 3 as raiders on Nightmare, I can only say you're either cheating or bluffing. An increase of 30 to the raiding score when the dungeon badly needs upgraded troops to stave off invaders shows me someone has priorities wrong.
Soul harvesting on Nightmare averages 80-150. The second soul upgrade is over 500 gold when raider loot has a maximum of 300 with other priorities to meet.
Not saying I did it but I would before wasting souls on leveling up monsters I expect to die. The extra raiding power is not much but it does add up and gives you extra captives which means extra fodder monster. And with fodder quantity > quality.
At the start you just need to focus on keeping your leveled monsters alive. Recycle 1 is a pittance and doesn't change the fact you still lose most of the souls you spent to level up a monster. Only when you get recycle 2 and 3 the souls you get back become significant and you can use leveled monsters more aggressively. Also most often the extra souls from early recycle end up wasted anyway because you go over the cap. It's pointless to get recycle before soul cap increase. Cap increase also allows you to level heroes to level 3 which makes them able to kill much more stuff. Lv3 Heroes do a ton of work early game.

Because damage is just attack - defense. The weak monsters like goblins are pointless to level up, they'll still remain weak. Leveling up a hero on the other hand can like double their power. Invader with 30 atk hitting a hero with 20 def will deal 10 dmg. Increasing that defense to 24 will reduce the damage received to 6 which is 40% decrease and combined with extra HP it doubles the hero effective survivability. For a goblin going from 10 defense to 14 defense only reduces damage by 20% and they don't gain powerful skill on every level like heroes do.
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Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
Not saying I did it but I would before wasting souls on leveling up monsters I expect to die. The extra raiding power is not much but it does add up and gives you extra captives which means extra fodder monster. And with fodder quantity > quality.
At the start you just need to focus on keeping your leveled monsters alive. Recycle 1 is a pittance and doesn't change the fact you still lose most of the souls you spent to level up a monster. Only when you get recycle 2 and 3 the souls you get back become significant and you can use leveled monsters more aggressively. Also most often the extra souls from early recycle end up wasted anyway because you go over the cap. It's pointless to get recycle before soul cap increase. Cap increase also allows you to level heroes to level 3 which makes them able to kill much more stuff. Lv3 Heroes do a ton of work early game.

Because damage is just attack - defense. The weak monsters like goblins are pointless to level up, they'll still remain weak. Leveling up a hero on the other hand can like double their power. Invader with 30 atk hitting a hero with 20 def will deal 10 dmg. Increasing that defense to 24 will reduce the damage received to 6 which is 40% decrease and combined with extra HP it doubles the hero effective survivability. For a goblin going from 10 defense to 14 defense only reduces damage by 20% and they don't gain powerful skill on every level like heroes do.
There are breakpoints for captives. After finishing the game on easy, I conclude there's no point levelling raiders because the points increase won't change the captives obtained (even if you have level 3 goblins at the start since there isn't enough cash to go around to level the max captives early).

I got the red soul cap after recycle 1 because I wasn't earning enough red souls to get over the cap anyway early on and needed every last bit of firepower I could get before there are any heroines available. Later on, it's better to get the second red soul cap increase first since recycle 2 doesn't add much for its cost and the nightmare waves bring the red soul harvest over the 500 cap easily.

One will have to level goblins at the beginning, since goblins cannot fight more than one level 2 villager without getting killed at stock. Not to mention there's nothing else to spend red souls on once Rayna has been levelled once.

Attack - Defence = Damage is plain wrong. If that was the case 50 defence slimes would be taking 1 damage from sword strikes after buffing. Right now I can see them go from 6 damage to 4 after their defence buff plus Rayna's map wise defence buff. The formula is slightly more complicated than portrayed, especially since magic and physical damage are calculated differently.


Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2013
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Actually, my research order is ropers, more raider capacity and then recycle. Soul capacity is number 4 on the list. I don't hit the red soul cap until Mavis starts showing up.
If you're telling me you levelled goblins and ropers to level 3 as raiders on Nightmare, I can only say you're either cheating or bluffing. An increase of 30 to the raiding score when the dungeon badly needs upgraded troops to stave off invaders shows me someone has priorities wrong.
Soul harvesting on Nightmare averages 80-150. The second soul upgrade is over 500 gold when raider loot has a maximum of 300 with other priorities to meet.
Actually yes once I optimized the start I did manage to do first two chapters almost only using level 1 goblins and heroines (used some lv 1 slimes and ropers for Jessica at the end of chapter 2). Leveled up heroines really can clear most waves by themselves with only few goblins as speedbumps for enemies so they don't come at the same time. Only way you can lose if all the invaders bunch up and go down the same path and swarm Reina at the same time and kill her (which admittedly did happen like 5 times and I had to reload but without changing the layout at all I did pass the second time it was just bad luck, never had to reload more than once the same turn). But if they come one by one Lv 3/4 Reina can kill dozens of invaders solo. And yes this does allow to dump all your souls to level up heroines and then to level up your raiders. This lets you snowball nicely since all the extra gold you get allows you to buy souls from the trader at very good ratio.

Here is a screen from my start of chapter 3. Yes all those raiders are lv 3 imps/slimes.

All research from chapter 2 completed. All heroines maxed out. Plenty of gold stocked for a head start on chapter 3 research. chap3_2.PNG

And yes this is nightmare difficulty. chap3_3.PNG
Can somebody upload save with Hell unlocked since Nightmare is still easy and boring.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
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Full save on Etigoya drive, don't know f it unlock the higher difficulty.

Else wait for someone to upload a complete save on sagaoz or seyga-seyga. Thoses place always got that kind of game save sooner or later (usually sooner on big circle / hype game).


Demon Girl
Jan 25, 2013
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Sagaoz only has 100% scene saves not gameplay unlock ones. Maybe it will have one but not necessarily.


New member
Dec 8, 2019
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This does seem to work really well with XUnity AutoTranslator. But it seems you may have to "untranslate it" (press ALT+T) prior to making some dialogue choices. Otherwise the game may simply freeze.