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Webcomics of win

Re: Webcomics of win

What about this one?

It sounds very dirty.
Re: Webcomics of win

Re: Webcomics of win

Ok, I was looking through the archives of this and came across a rather funny one:

...I mean, seriously, how can you read a title called "How many ways can Robin die?" with a straight face?

What gets me is the "NOT AGAIN!"

Do the confounding covers for the "Jimmy Olsen gets a superpower" drinking game. Fun for the whole famn damily.
Re: Webcomics of win

Whole month. Not a double post.

So, I don't know what possesed me to start reading Krakow. Probably some link. But since then, it's moved on to a second incarnation, Charlie Horse (or "Would you sell your soul for a prom date?") The art's a'ite but I liked the latest posting.

Also, this one from a few strips earlier. My friend claims the idea was stolen from her and her college friends.
Re: Webcomics of win

Re: Webcomics of win

So, I don't mean to brag (well, maybe a little), but in addition to my Richard socks, I now possess the Order of the Stick Board Game :3

I love my bf, he always knows just what to get me :)
Re: Webcomics of win

It's probably not the regular style of this board, but I fell in love with recently. Its plot is meandering and character based, so some things you don't pick up the first read through. XD I like that about this comic. The fact that everything is so in depth is pretty nifty, too.

Derp. X3
Re: Webcomics of win

I posted pictures up for this in the webcomic forum-area-thingy, but I never got around to posting it here, a problem I'm alleviating now.

It's basically a fan sequel to the god-awful TV show, "Captain N: The Game Master". Anyone a fan of the SNES, or pretty much any gamers, will like this comic.

Couple 'o strips, to give you an idea:


This might be a bit long.

Edit: this is no longer quite so long.
Double Edit: Personally I'm voting for one of the other two.
Last edited:
Re: Webcomics of win

Originally Posted by Host
This might be a bit long.

You don't say.

Ah, buggerit. I'll cut it down to one. The rest are in an album on my profile anyway (not to mention the site).
Re: Webcomics of win

Great plot, *AMAZING* Art, quite long... Amazing webcomic.
Re: Webcomics of win

the start is good but after a bit largo (the real one) leaves the comic and it looses a lot of its funny. i eventually lost interest after that.
Re: Webcomics of win

Another zombie one from Sin...
Re: Webcomics of win

She makes me lol. XD Especially the ones in which using cats as euphemisms for shaving pubic hair... and just... the frank lulz about sex and life make me giggle.
Re: Webcomics of win

the start is good but after a bit largo (the real one) leaves the comic and it looses a lot of its funny. i eventually lost interest after that.


The artist obviously can't seem to draw physical differences in the characters as well, making them all blend and making it a workout to try and remember who the fuck is talking.
Re: Webcomics of win

Arise, thread, arise.

(the link goes to the first strip has almost everything you'd want in a comic. Humor, cross-dimensional adventure, lesbians, the shocking but all too possible revelation that we live on "Boring World". It's a weekly and has been updating for about the last year or so.

It is probably NSFW, depending on where you work. ;)
Re: Webcomics of win

This site amuses me, and even has a disclaimer at the front so you know what you're getting into! NSFW, but cool.

Re: Webcomics of win

^Scary, I was thinking of posting that but I was too lazy.
Re: Webcomics of win

I'm already about a dozen or so pages in. It's definitely amusing!
Re: Webcomics of win
