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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

*Finding the 2 talking I approach them hearing them saying something about 'Keeping the guns'*
"Well, if you want I can call in one of my copters to see if they can give these things a lift..." He said.
"I blew one of them up, real nasty, almost got killed." He sighed "I got a good idea tho, if we can build something strong enough, we can mount it on a aircraft and we got ourselves some serious air support."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The kicked head would come down and slam Zero on the head, with quite enough force to knock him down
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon barely resisted the urge to snicker about air support. Obviously the poor guy hadn't seen the airstrike from the Daedalus come down. "Airlift sounds good, though if there are anti-aircraft guns from these bots that might pose some trouble for us. Let's see what kind of responses Copper comes back with first before making any calls here."

He blinks as the head comes down on Zero's head, knocking him out. "Well, scratch that, looks like we need a bloody medic to carry you back now." He let's out a sigh, then carefully watches above him to see if any more body parts rain down.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

*Gets up slowly*
"That... hurt... alot."
"As I was saying... we'd be able to get air support only... we will be DRIVING said air support not to mention, we can't be at 5 different locations at the same time, so the air support can handle the small groups while we hit hard on the main group, after all, we all want more action then THIS, right?" He said showing the ruins of the weak battle that wasn't exciting at all.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He shrugs. "Right now the only things I am worried about are getting this thing back to base, and feeding on something, or... one of them."

He indicates the bot head.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Looks like Burrito broke his new toy," she says with a chuckle, strolling up. "They're deliberating." Hands stuffed in her pockets, she listens to them. "Well, the barrage is good, if but a little...how to put this...well, I already did. Overkill. With a manned air support, we'd have a little more precision with the strikes, don't you think?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"At least you get it..." He sighes and suddenly a flapping noise approaches closer and closer
"There's the copters... All who wishes to depart, please go on board now, and please do not push since falling out IS possible thank you."
*Hops on Copter*
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He nods after a moment. "That is true. And if we run into flak cannons or something, Daedalus can clear them for us and then allow a more precise surgical strike, so we're covered there too. I really need to feed soon, starting to slip mentally."

He makes his way over to the copter with the weapon, climbing in and laying back in one of the seats, making sure to leave enough room for Copper if she wants to jump in as well.

"Gotta say, nice copter here."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"It will be even nicer once we take off..." He grins
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Nah, it's cool. You don't have to worry about me." Her hair snaps around in the wind. "I'm a big girl. Can get back okay on my own." She backs off, giving any others that want to hop in room. "I'll see you guys soon, don't worry!"

((About time for CSI and I'm not missing it, so I'll be vanishing for a while, hehehe.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He grins to Zero. "Indeed!"

A moment as he looks back over to Copper, his movements slowed just slightly. "Alright, just be careful, even though it's useless for me to say." He grins then adds, "at least when you get back I'll have had time to feed on something and be a little more responsive. See you soon."

((Enjoy that!))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

*signals pilot to take off*
"Now... lets relex a bit..."
*Gives Siphon food*
"I has food on meh copter!"
*Takes out 2 cans of coke*
"Want one?"
(See ya later Copper)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Bugger bugger bugger..." lurker said as they took off. After thinking for a second, he burrowed into the earth again, a dust trail following him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

She snickers at hearing the Zerg say "bugger," waving to him even though he likely can't see it by now. The only one left was Tsuki, though she might have missed her getting in the copter with the others. She lingered around for a little bit, making certain that if she didn't go, she wouldn't be left out here alone.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Yeah, thanks bro."

He digs into the food, as well as the drink, partially restoring himself with the meal. While it would regenerate him, absorbing electrical energy would do so faster and more efficiently. This he didn't say though, and before long they had made it back to the base. Stepping out, he takes his new toy into his personal space, and then sits down to think for a bit, the sound of something sizzling audible from his corner.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki just watched the other's antics quietly. Well... it appeared they were going. She re-loaded the light board and stepped on, feeling the breeze and such more fun than a helicopter. Not to mention much much quieter. She was ready to follow them, seeing as the board hovered anyway it wouldn't be so hard to follow.

Looking over at Copper, Tsuki wondered how exactly the vampire would get back. With the chopper leaving and Copper just waiting and not getting in, Tsuki still felt obligated to offer. "You sure you don't need a ride?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Nope, I'm good. Thanks though." She gave the other woman a smile and bowed her head, looking as though she were concentrating on something. After a moment, it looked as though her entire body was blured, changing from something solid to a whispy outline. The same outline slowly started to morph into something smaller until finally it solidified again into the form of a large black crow with blue feathers on its wings. Cocking its head at Tsuki, it let out a "Haw!" and stirred, hopping a step or two before taking off, keeping clear of the chopper as it winged its way toward the command center.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"That works." Tsuki's board floated higher off the ground and sped off after the other two flying objects.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito, who had been standing outside the command center, zooms his vision to see Copper flying through the air in the form of a crow "There's our Vampire" he says, holding out his left arm and sighing as he feels the wind on his cheeks "Got to love this weather" he says, smiling as he keeps his left arm held out, a perch for Copper when she lands
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

*And with a roar, the copters close in with their loot attached to the buttom of their hull*
*They dropped the cannons down on a patch of clearing and continued to the heli pads*
*one of them did not however move on to the helipad after dropping the stolen tech, but landed in front of where Burrito was standing and a door slid open and out comes, Zero*
"We are back~"