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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Fair enough. Though bullets can't really kill me either, unless it's a really good shot or a fuckton of them." She grins. "But, if you want this, you got it. I hate getting my clothes shot up."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The only response either of them got from Siphon was a brief, "just don't get in the way of my viral weaponry Burrito, or there won't be enough of you left for the techies to piece back together, and we can't have that happen."

He looks back ahead of them, trying to spot where they need to be.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Technically we are there"
*checks his cell phone*
"We are around the center of their camp so if we go up now it will be a tidal wave of bullets coming our way. I suggest we get behind them so we can charge in from behind."
*Takes out Uzi*
"Make your choice now, go up here and I guess I can use a smoke bomb and see how much good that will do us, or sneak attack from the back."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, I don't think they'd suspect us coming up right in their midst, so that might give us the element of surprise there. We'd have a few seconds reprieve before they likely opened fire. Or, we can go the long way around and maybe get a bit longer before they open fire." She chuckles.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Let's go around" Is all Burrito says before sighing and placing his shotgun on his back again "It's better that some of you don't die right away"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon just shrugged, content to go wherever as long as they got to attack and not sit around all day. "Let's do it then."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Been there, done that, got the 'Get out of Jail Free' card." She follows along behind Lurker, slipping one of her knives out to begin playing with it, going through the motions of various thrusts, slices, cuts and jabs as she walks, growing silent as they approach the breach point.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"We gonna be using explodsives sir?
*Taking out a RPG*
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Only on the ad launchers." Burrito says, smiling as he cracks his knuckles "I want at least one of these things left alive for questioning. I want to know why they were sent, and why they are focusing on us, instead of other sites." he says, chuckling to himself "That means go easy on the viral weaponry, Siphon"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He bows his head slightly, reminiscent of a certain person from one of the few T.V shows he had ever been seen watching. His words were also a dead giveaway. "Indeed. Focus on one to bring back yourselves, I will provide cover fire from the rest of them as best as I can."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Agreed" Burrito says, laughing as he stops "This should be the place. Lurker, dig up" he says, pointing up with his right index finger
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"One fast unburrow, coming up!" he hissed, an evil glint in his eyes, as quite quickly he asseneded through the earth.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((*is trying to picture a Zerg with an evil glint in its eye* That, and you want "ascended" though I suppose your ass-end would be going upward, too...[/tease]))

Burrito's got point, so he's going up next, though she's crouched down, ready to spring up directly after him, two of her throwing blades already clutched in each hand. If you've ever seen a cat leap, you can picture the position that she's in right now.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

*He checked his Uzi, loaded, safety still on... and seems to be working*
*He also prepared two granades just in case their plan went wrong*
*He saw Copper readying herself*
*He backed up and gave her some room*
*Room thats very limited*
(And I have no idea why I started most of this with He)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Connect Four! You win! And don't worry, she won't be in the way for long, but Burrito did say he wanted point, so she's giving it to him. For all of about five seconds.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon stands next to Copper, waiting for Burrito to head up. His legs tense slightly, like he was getting ready to pounce, only his gaze was upward now. "Whenever we're ready then."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Now!" Burrito yells, grabbing his shotgun and jumping up the hole, popping out and landing on the ground behind the adbots silently "Oi, Ugly!" he yells, punching an adbot in the back of the head "Okay, I got the prisoner. Hit 'em hard, boys and girls!" he yells, grabbing the adbot laying on the ground and dragging it towards a pile of sandbags, then crouching behind the sandbags and firing his shotgun over them at the adbots "Any time now!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

*Climbs out of hole*
*Starts shooting with Uzi*
"Woo, lets get this party started!"
*And with that, a few granades were throw at the adbots*
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Bartnum launches himself out of the hole with a blast of fire. He lets out a storm of nails as he lands amidst the bots, and begins ripping into them with his Katana.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon simply leaps clean out of the hole, either like some freakish Wraith from his t.v show, or something out of a Resident Evil movie, one couldn't be sure which he was impersonating. Some in his past had said he wasn't human, and they were right it seemed. Landing in a semi crouch, he didn't bother to rise before he simply raised the M249, put it to a bots head, and smiled while speaking and pulling the trigger. "Surprise bitches."

((Couldn't resist the reference there, and yes Burrito, looks like I will have to edit my sheet a bit it seems, but before doing so will chat with ya a little bit.))