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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Spikes came from the earth as Lurker burrowed off to the side, breaking up huge swaths of the bots. For a second, there was silence, then suddenly, another person leaped out of the hole- a blonde in a trenchcoat, fireing twin Magnums.

((When Lurker uses his poweress, the creature summoned takes his spot in the world, so Sarah there is technically lurker here.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Just as the battle got underway, a blue streak flew out of the hole and up into the air. "Load, missile_barrage.exe." Several dots appeared in her general vicinity and slowly grew in size. The various rings located about her form started to fill in, much like a loading bar.
Once the rings completely filled, the dots had grown into small missile shaped objects. "Executing... fire." The projectiles shot downward into the midst of the adbots and unleashed a firey explodey death.
Tsuki sped back down to ground level, near the hole she had emerged from, still floating slightly above on her light board. "End board program," she stated outloud as she stepped off the board. The board faded from existence. She casually glanced around her to see who she had joined in battle this fine day.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito, who had been behind his mound of sandbags, grabs the adbot he had knocked out earlier and drags it along the ground "Nicely done. That's our hacker for ya" he says, hefting the adbot up onto his right shoulder and putting his shotgun away "Let's go. We have a prisoner to interrogate. I'll head back through the tunnel and get this one to the Command Bunker. The rest of you, sabotage these guns and make sure there are no survivors." he says, smiling as he hops into the hole and begins to head back to the bunker
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Having lept up and out, Copper had been a tumbling, flashing blur, tossing out her blades and dodging out of the way of the return fire of the bots. Once Tsuki had reduced them all to a fine powder, she rolled to a sitting position and drew out a cigarette, calling around it as she lit up, "Oi! Burrito, just be careful with that thing. Last thing we need is it waking up on you." That done, she started creeping around the battlefield, pulling knives out of the bots, hissing a little at the crackles of electricy that accompanied them now and again. Once that's done, she does as asked and takes on one of the guns. Studying it for a moment, she then begins to poke at it here and there, twisting with both blade and claw until finally, it simply falls into a heap.

"Salvage if you want, otherwise I'm busting up the vital parts." For the time being, she moves on to the next one, disassembling it quicker now that she knows which pieces to remove. "Oh, and I'd suggest, when we leave, making the tunnel go bye-bye in several places. We don't want to give them a road right to our front door."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

*a sudden gun fire comes from a bunker targeted at them*
"Seems like not all of them was killed" He smiled.
*Throwing the Uzi away, he pulled out a RPG and crouched down*
"You got missles I got granades"
*WOOSH* *A blast of hot air, then another wave of heat and adbots were blown up to ashes*
"Ah... alright, time to take out those big guns." And singing a song, he put he's stuff away and pulled out a couple of C4s*
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon just nods his head, his entire demeanor having changed once the battle started, and again when it finished. He tilts his head at one of the turret weapons, and suddenly says, "I wonder if we can make use of these ourselves, these turrets?"

To accentuate his point, he lifts one of them, carrying it in both hands, aiming at one of the bunkers that was still mostly standing, and pulling the trigger. Within seconds, it is shredded beyond recognition, and a harsh sound is heard. It takes a moment before they might realize, the sound is coming from Siphon, and it's his laughter, evil sounding for sure. It might be the first time they had ever heard him laugh, and the sound of it was simply... disturbing.

"I think I like this thing, I wonder how many rounds it has left? Burrito, any objection if I... liberate some of their weaponry, if nothing more than to study it?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The blonde girl sighed and shook her head, crushing one of the smaller survivors, then simply vanished, as lurker suddenly unburrowed. "Some fight, that," it nods.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Show off," Copper calls to Siphon. "And Burrito booked already, so if you want something, I say take it."

Dropping down to another crouch, she cocks her head to the side, appearing to be listening, her eyes taking on that red gleam again. Taking off in more of a bound than a run, she can be seen stopping, clambering up a small mound. Turning around to look at the others, she lets out a whistle, jerking her thumb downward toward what is, in all likelihood, another bunker for them to play with. Taking off again, disappears from view for a second, after which the sounds of rending metal can be heard. If anyone investigates, they find her sitting on the edge of a bunker entry hatch, lazily swinging her feet, looking a bit pleased with herself.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He shrugs, then smiles at her words, sifting through the area for more ammo, taking sample cores as he goes as well. "Thanks."

He was about to head over to the last standing bunker, when he heard the sound of rending metal. He didn't say a word, he just hefted his new toy, then took off, carefully picking his way through things until he reached the spot he had seen her go up by. He bent his legs, then leapt over the mound, coming down slightly awkwardly as he did, having not quite taken the weapons weight into consideration.

Eventually he found her, with the grin on her face. He spoke quietly with a smile, alerting her to him being there, though he suspected with her hearing she should already know he was there. "Nicely done."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

She shrugs. "I do what I can, when I can. You guys do more damage per square inch than me, so I try to make up for it in pizazz." She glances up. "Nice toy. Compensating?" She smirks.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He snickers at this. "Hardly. Actually I was more thinking of taking these back for mounted use as a defense platform. Anyway, your probably wondering why I didn't take out that bunker with this yet. As reply to that..."

He trails off, concentrating for a moment, and then several dozen yellow lights came down from the sky, absolutely leveling the bunker. "I wanted to test the air strike on it. Admittedly though, I dislike using that."

A moment as he seems to think of something to himself then he shares. "It's strange, for the longest time, I've had no purpose, no one I can relate to about being... different. Now I meet someone, who like me, isn't human. So forgive me if I seem a little... strange. I'm just not accustomed to being able to utilize my full abilities after having hid them for so long, frankly I'm surprised no one has tried shooting me yet."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There's a low whistle as she watches the bombardment. "I'd call that a wee bit of overkill, but I've seen the footage from the first fight. Might want to warn the rest of the group before you do that again, though." She chuckles. As he speaks of being different, she laughs again. "Hell, man, if we haven't offed Lurker, what makes you think we'd look at you like a freak. We're all just a bunch of misfits united by two things: Our love of this place and our hatred of the 'bots." She looks up at the cannon again. "You seriously gonna drag that thing all the way back to the base?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He nods slowly. "Exactly why I haven't used it until now, I've been afraid of taking out one of our own by accident."

A pause and he smiles, "yeah well, like I said, until recently I didn't know anyone who was even remotely similar to me, although you have a point. Though for all of you, at least you all know your own origins. Me, I have not idea where I come from, the only lead I have is from what you just saw. I've discovered it has three or four different firing modes. That one was... well... the weakest actually."

A longer pause as he considers the weapon. "Well, I was thinking about it. We could use more defense for the base." He considers her for a moment, studying her features. "You think I'm wasting my time with it?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, we're a pretty tough lot. Likely take quite a bit to take one of us out." She looks over at the ruined bunker. "Though something like that might do it. Maybe." She smirks. "And nothing wrong with not knowing. Just gives you something to work toward." Her features are, naturally, human, aside from the distinct lack of color in her skin. Even the cyborgs are likely "fleshier" than she looks. It's sometimes possible to catch sight of her fangs when she talks or gives a natural smile, though that's usually about it, as she's gotten quite adept at hiding them. Even her eyes don't give her away unless they're in low light or she seems to be tracking something. "Never said that," she says of his question. "Just wondering if you can do it, that's all." She chuckles. "And how you're going to get it through the tunnel."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He nods again. "That we are for sure. I should think it would take a hell of a lot to take the majority of us out, and yeah I suppose that kind of firepower MIGHT be enough to take even one of us out, but since that isn't happening, no need to worry about that is there?" He smiles warmly this time, perhaps the first genuine smile he's had in a long time. It seems for now, he's content where he is.

"Yeah, I'm hoping some day to figure out where I really come from. Still, it's definitely fun here."

Another grin, this time at her questions. "I can manage to get it back there, I've carried bulkier items longer distances." A pause as he considers the tunnels. "Though the tunnel might pose a problem, not sure if it is wide enough. I suppose I could walk back to the base though?" It's unclear if he's being serious, or joking, his face remaining neutral for now, though his eyes seem to indicate he's trying to calculate the distance and positioning of potential enemies in his path.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, I dunno. Lurker fit, and he's a biggun'. Maybe we can get a scout or scan of the potential speedbumps and then see. If there's not too many of them, especially after this, it'll be a nice hike. Could get some input from the others, see what they think."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Problem would be leverage. I might be pretty damn strong, but even I'm bound by gravity. The problem really would be since I'd have to crouch, being able to generate enough forward momentum with the damn thing to get it moving to begin with. Once I was going I'd be fine but..."

He trails off as her words register. "I can't ask any of you to just up and follow me like that, but I can't really say I would stop you from coming either. As long as there aren't too awful many of them, the company would be appreciated but if there are a lot of them, I'll just have to leave the thing behind."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, we've been doing okay without them so far, so if you have to leave it, no big loss. You stay here. I'll check on getting input from the others." She pushes herself to her feet and scrambles and slides her way back to the others. If he wants to follow, she won't stop him.

"How's it looking guys? Any more clean up that needs done? Siphon's got a new toy he wants to take home and play with, but we're not sure if he can fit it in the tunnel. Might have to do an overland trek." Grins a little, flash of fang. "I'm willing to scout ahead, unless we can get a good idea on what's between us and home right now. Ideas? Questions? Complaints? Suggestions?" She chuckles.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He nods to her, content to stay where he was at the moment. If nothing more, he had a birds eye view of everything beneath them, and could see if anything tried to sneak in on them sooner than she could on the ground. He did remain standing though, allowing the slight wind to breeze through his hair and cool him off.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Meanwhile, Burrito had already arrived at the bunker, and has the captured Adbot tied up fairly well "Now talk, damn you!" he yells, punching said bot in the gut, oil flying out of its mouth and landing on Burrito's cheek, which he licks and smiles "You use very cheap oil." he says, punching the bot in the cheek and sighing "Talk, or you'll get the gas!" he says, the bot screaming as it suddenly begins to spout electricity from various areas and its head begins to shake back and forth in rapid motions "Dammit." he says, the bot falling to pieces "It killed itself. These things don't make good prisoners" he says, yanking the head off the bot and walking out of the bunker, then facing in the direction of the others and drop-kicking the head off into the distance, landing somewhere at the battlefield he had just come from "That's a nice two point drop-kick" he says, walking back into the bunker and sitting down on the floor, crossing his arms and legs as he sighs and begins meditating