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RPG Ci-En [Amatsuchiya] テイクエ (RJ320360)

Hopefully mans taking it on the chin, even if deserved in somebodies opinion, and cracks on with the game. It'd be nice with a tangible update to it.
The thing that worries me is people complaining over delays in the comments is exactly what drove them to stop making games in the first place.
The best way to approach this dev is just "it'll happen when it happens". We won't see it by the end of may (ie. today) but I wouldn't be surprised if it's in a few days that we either get a solid release date or at least updated trial.
If you release a tennis ball from your hand, it will fall down and not up.
Similarly, if you miss a release date without even the bare moral minimum of acknowledging that you are missing it or even that you're still alive, someone's going to complain. Especially if they were looking forward to it.

To expect otherwise is insanity.
I think that's the problem, the whole "Late may" release was literally a ticking bomb, if the dev at least posted an update before hand and mentioned that the game would be delayed i would believe everyone in the comments would be sad but "understandable"

Being quiet just made everyone angry and start throwing trash at the dev. Funny thing that i saw some other developers in the late may schedule release mention on their ci-en a delay... Which kinda weird how DLSITE doesn't update that (But some others got removed from late may to june or the month they would be released)
I've kept up with and watched a lot of games get delays over the course of the last decade-ish, and how the communities reacted over them.

It's pretty easy to see with more transparency of the situation, and realizing the delays are going to happen ahead of time and telling people always results in a more understanding fanbase. That isn't to say there won't be any hecklers, because there will always be some, but it's vastly less. Trying to keep things under wraps, and pooping out delays close to drop-time riles people up really strongly.

Multiple delays though, start being a gamble, and end up spending any goodwill earned earlier in development from whatever interactions garnered it.

Fortunately, i've put EVERY H-game into the bin of "It'll get done when it's done, better to stop thinking about it and be surprised later."
Fortunately, i've put EVERY H-game into the bin of "It'll get done when it's done, better to stop thinking about it and be surprised later."

That's the crux of the issue really. I agree promising a date and then missing it isn't the best, but at the same time, this dev in particular (in their own words) is AWFUL with deadlines, always has been.
And it's something I understand entirely too, since the more delays the less like posting they probably feel, it leads to a vicious circle where the game jsut "appears" one day.

But this dev has also been missing for the last 9-ish years, so even when a date was promised, it's always better to go "it probably won't be then" ESPECIALLY with 1 person dev teams.
Entirely different story when it's an entire team working on it, then dates should definitely be stuck to if they're promised, no excuse really. I guess I just find it easier to forgive a missed date or lack of update from 1 person rather than a whole team.

(Though admittedly this dev did dig themselves a hole by saying people could bury him if he didn't realse by May, that's why all the comments are asking for shovels :ROFLMAO:
I forgot to ask for those before when Saki quest was released

what was the "expected" release date and the "confirmed" release date on the game?
Not that long as far as I remember, it was meant to come out January I think but ended up being around May-ish. Going by that logic, I 'd say we'll more likely see a realease of this around August-ish. Though I could be wrong.
It disturbs me more that he hasn't answered ANYONE. As we move further into overtime, the possibility that he's just withdrawn for whatever issues and might not even be back in the first place exists.
I mean....they vanished for 9 years and still came back. I don't think a permanent departure will happen. And besides. It's literally only been 2 days over what the suggested date of "May" was, so I don't think we need to start panicking yet.
Given how little it takes to post a message, perhaps it might be more serious than you suppose.

Besides, any responsible dev would know that the deadline was unreachable 2 weeks or probably more before the deadline, so it's more like 2 weeks and 2 days of no communication.

Or given that his last blog post was on April 30, 1 month and 3 days of no communication. That length of time would be unremarkable except for the Dlsite deadline... it's kind of a big deal to stiff Dlsite without even so much as a revised due date, even a tentative one.
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Given how little it takes to post a message, perhaps it might be more serious than you suppose.

It's physically easy to type a message. But mentally it's a different story, especially if there's a bunch of angry customers waiting for it. Makes it a lot easier to just postpone it and postpone it and oh look it's June already.
Which just makes a longer delay more likely, because the longer the delay, the more one has to apologize for. It never gets easier, no matter how long you wait.
That's true but people aren't exactly logical creatures.

Anyways, I'm sure the game will eventually be ready. Just not making any guesses when.
It's physically easy to type a message. But mentally it's a different story, especially if there's a bunch of angry customers waiting for it. Makes it a lot easier to just postpone it and postpone it and oh look it's June already.

Another possibility is that it just feels more productive to put the time/energy into working on the game to release it instead of thinking of how to placate the angry people.

To be fair though, changing the huge main city map into smaller sections probably isn't an easy task (need to move triggers to each new maps, ensure the connections between maps are there, etc) on top of whatever was left to complete.
Given how little it takes to post a message, perhaps it might be more serious than you suppose.

Besides, any responsible dev would know that the deadline was unreachable 2 weeks or probably more before the deadline, so it's more like 2 weeks and 2 days of no communication.

Alright, so this isn't a personal attack or anything. But those are silly points.

1) Dev has stated before that they struggle with posting for a number of reasons (this was years ago but I doubt the reason has changed)
2) You're treating this like they're a professional game developer (in which case I would probably agree with you by the way) but this is just one person,
one person who hasn't released a game in 9 years, it's very easy to underestimate just how long it will take, especially considering they're using a whole new engine from last time.

and 3) Lazycat basically made this point for me,
Another possibility is that it just feels more productive to put the time/energy into working on the game to release it instead of thinking of how to placate the angry people.

To be fair though, changing the huge main city map into smaller sections probably isn't an easy task (need to move triggers to each new maps, ensure the connections between maps are there, etc) on top of whatever was left to complete.

Dev had specifically stated that angry people like that were one of the reasons they stopped making games, it probably is far easier to just go "right, I've missed it, they're going to be mad anyway, may as well just keep making the game until it's done"

TL;DR, it's kinda shitty to hound a dev for updates when they haven't been around in nearly a decade. It takes a while to get the rust off, like, think about it. They haven't had to think about "updates" in 9 years, it's a fairly easy thing to forget if you're involved in something else.
Er, no. They are not silly points, it is not shitty to expect someone to miss a sales deadline and not bother to explain why, and your laundry list of excuse-making boils down to a claim that the dev is emotionally fragile.

Life's rough. It's rougher when you're stupid. I am not dogpiling on the dev anywhere he's likely to ever see it; I'm just observing the hole the dev dug for himself and denying people who make stupid excuses for why people shouldn't react when I've already told you why it's justified and even inevitable that they will.
Er, no. They are not silly points, it is not shitty to expect someone to miss a sales deadline and not bother to explain why, and your laundry list of excuse-making boils down to a claim that the dev is emotionally fragile.

Life's rough. It's rougher when you're stupid. I am not dogpiling on the dev anywhere he's likely to ever see it; I'm just observing the hole the dev dug for himself and denying people who make stupid excuses for why people shouldn't react when I've already told you why it's justified and even inevitable that they will.

Oh okay I get it now, you're just wasting everyone's time looking for an argument.

Basically it boils down to one singular point.

Expecting something from someone who's told you they're bad at it and then getting pissy about it is your own fault, nobody else's.
You're acting entitled to something that you're not entitled to. It's a game. They can release it whenever they damn well please.
Considering the number of games that just stop being worked on. we have a dev that at least has some games under their belt. It's not like the dev bit off more than they can chew (as far as seeing it through to completion). It'll get here when it gets here. Save the complaining for the extreme cases. I'd rather the dev release a better game later than an inferior product now. Maybe if the fans were a touch more supportive, the dev would be more engaging with them. It's understandable to get disappointed in the delay, and its understandable to get frustrated after several, but it seems to go past that really quickly.
Oh I'm disappointed we haven't seen anything, sure. And if it's still not released in 2 months or so, come back to me then, I'll be agreeing 😂
But for now, the truth is, the only date promised was "May", it's only 4 days into June and people are freaking the hell out (I don't just mean here, I mean overall)

And that was what drove the dev off last time. It's great people are passionate, but yikes, calm down like?

Edit : that's not directly at the person who posted above me or anything, just my response overall to the whole thing.

There is this bit in the last post I actually missed on first reading the last post :
"The schedule is undecided, but we plan to replace the trial version with Ver2.00 a few days before the release."

And now I'm done, cause I've spent too long arguing about fucking porn. Jeebus...