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[WIP - Full] SHRIFT Translation Version 2.0 (Machine and Manual Translation)

I apologize if it's already shared or is somewhere else, but..

..Is there a link to any text file or document which has the current translated parts of EX 4? I know the initial part of EX 4 has some translation into it.. but with github it's really awkward to try and parse what is actually relevant at the time.. or what I mean is, it's hard to find text specifically for the part I'm at >.<
I apologize if it's already shared or is somewhere else, but..

..Is there a link to any text file or document which has the current translated parts of EX 4? I know the initial part of EX 4 has some translation into it.. but with github it's really awkward to try and parse what is actually relevant at the time.. or what I mean is, it's hard to find text specifically for the part I'm at >.<

Nothing should be translated for EX4 right now in the regular release. There may be some skills and names translated as part of the backend work I had to do for readying it for v8.06, but on the whole nothing is translated currently.
Behold, my ultimate translating ability! (It consists of only hiragana because I don't know katakana very well and I know 0 kanji at all) Either way, I was finally able to translate more than one word and not be (I think) completely wrong!

(Also please forgive me I don't know how to spoiler tag things)
Nothing should be translated for EX4 right now in the regular release. There may be some skills and names translated as part of the backend work I had to do for readying it for v8.06, but on the whole nothing is translated currently.

I see, I see.. if you don't mind me asking, do you use any tool to machine translate things? Or is there a way to make this easier?~ Google translate is fun but.. it sure is tedious..
I was playing through true mercy again and decided to screencap a few typos that I could catch.
shrift typo 1 sucide.png
shrift typo 2 the the mantis.png
shrift typo 3 her heart set her.png
shrift typo 4 out out of.png
shrift typo 5 makes makes.png
shrift typo 6 instil.png
and this last one's not really a typo, but something probably just overlooked because no one uses it: pressing 'D' in the shop pops this up shrift typo 7 shop screen d key.png
I assume it's just swapping between your inventory and the item box's.


  • shrift typo 1 sucide.png
    shrift typo 1 sucide.png
    41.7 KB · Views: 39
had no idea you could press D in the shop and as for the typos im having a hard time seeing what they are maybe its just my brain skipping some words so i can read it normally but i tested myself to see if i could spot them
pic1 all? so rather then this has all gone downhill to this has gone downhill
pic2 no idea
pic3 the second her got her heart set on
pic4 2 out at end
pic5 extra makes next to the other
pic6 no idea
well there my go at trying to find the typos
Pic 1 is 'sucide' instead of 'suicide'
Pic 2 has one too many 'The's
Pic 6 is supposed to be spelled "Instill"
my brain just skips over double words even when i re-read it multiple times dont know how i missed that one when i saw others with double words

and used my phone to see what the shop message is and its sound like its swapping between inventory and itembox wish i know that so i can buy lot of tea leaves
I was playing through true mercy again and decided to screencap a few typos that I could catch.
View attachment 40556
View attachment 40557
View attachment 40558
View attachment 40559
View attachment 40560
View attachment 40561
and this last one's not really a typo, but something probably just overlooked because no one uses it: pressing 'D' in the shop pops this upView attachment 40562
I assume it's just swapping between your inventory and the item box's.

Thanks, I'll add it to the list. 👍
I managed to break out of Arachne's bind when she pulls you in with her web and got this dialog here
And there's some leftover japanese at the start of Iron Maiden's "from the front" loss scene
Offtopic Discussion - Game discussion in Translation section
after clearing all the EXs how are u supposed to get meira to open the gate to the black fox room
Offtopic Discussion - Game discussion in Translation section
after clearing all the EXs how are u supposed to get meira to open the gate to the black fox room
Nekomata didn't implement that yet, wait for next update
im having issues installing patch 3.3 the patcher is saying I need .net installed and then sends me to the .net website but when i install it doesnt actually let me run the gaijinizer for SHRIFT, this is weird because this never happened for previous patches just this one.

edit: nevermind I got it to work
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A quick status update on how we're doing, since I haven't posted in a while.

Progress is going good, and we've translated most of the first few areas, including scenes. We'll be able to hopefully give an idea of how close we are to completion in about a month's time.

Hope to come back with more news soon!
Just wanna comment to say that you guys are doing God's work. Good luck completing the translation, I don't know where I'd be if I couldn't read any of the game text!
Yeah, really appreciate all the effort on the translation. I've really enjoyed the game and it wouldn't be possible without your translation work.
If you have a save before the abyss touched succubus fight and fight it again after beating ex2 with the same publicdata hyakki says this

tldr: Refight the abyss touched succubus with a save right before it after doing ex2


  • Hyakki untranslated dialogue.PNG
    Hyakki untranslated dialogue.PNG
    28.2 KB · Views: 60
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The patch 8.06. It is asking for a .NET. Which one in particular is it looking for? I tried the Desktop app x64 and had no luck.