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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

You misread. I did not say one DIRECTION.

You can argue semantics all you want, you're still fundamentally not grasping what I originally said.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You can argue semantics all you want, you're still fundamentally not grasping what I originally said.

I am, you just don't want to admit it :D

But frankly, I don't feel like drawing you a pretty picture right now x.x
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I am, you just don't want to admit it :D

But frankly, I don't feel like drawing you a pretty picture right now x.x

No, you're not comprehending that it might be possible to travel along the 4th but not the 5th dimension because you're so used to travelling along all dimensions you can perceivably travel along, and so in your mind, it'd be easier to travel on all time related ones at once than only one.

At least, that's the impression I'm getting.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It all depends on whether or not he travelled along the 4th or 5th.

If he travels back along the 4th and changes a major event, so that in the future he wouldn't travel back, a paradox is caused. Ignore what red rob does after this point, the important thing here is that blue rob won't become red rob. As blue rob doesn't become red rob, there is no red rob, because in this scenario, there is only one such rob, and while he may exist in the same time through intervention, he is still effectively and completely the same person. Without a cause to time travel, Rob won't time travel, and thus is both simultaneously travelling and not. Causing Terry to both exist and not exist.

But if this is the case and you do treat both robs as the same person, although I wouldnt think that would happen, then the second rob steps into the past, an event already is changed. Are you saying his very existence from that point on is IMMEDIATELY changed and effected over the course of an entire future life history instantly by every single moment of his time there, because his very existence at that time is a consistent change to the future, if he wouldn't just disappear completely, depending on which rob in the point in time is the rob to exist of both dimensions.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

No, you're not comprehending that it might be possible to travel along the 4th but not the 5th dimension because you're so used to travelling along all dimensions you can perceivably travel along, and so in your mind, it'd be easier to travel on all time related ones at once than only one.

At least, that's the impression I'm getting.

I didn't say it was impossible, I said it was unlikely and probably hard. There'd be "objects", for lack of a better word, in the way, and these would force you to "alter course". Changing the timeline would be one such object.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

But if this is the case and you do treat both robs as the same person, although I wouldnt think that would happen, then the second rob steps into the past, an event already is changed. Are you saying his very existence from that point on is IMMEDIATELY changed and effected over the course of an entire future life history instantly by every single moment of his time there, because his very existence at that time is a consistent change to the future, if he wouldn't just disappear completely, depending on which rob in the point in time is the rob to exist of both dimensions.

Ah, but would simply stepping into the past create such a ripple. Afterall, until something that affects Rob's past is changed, he will still step into the past once he reaches that time. It's only once the actions in the past invalidate any reason to return to the past that major problems begin.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm going above and beyond paradoxes and am simply discussing personal timeline changes that have been applied because universal timeline changes erased or rewrote their existence. It doesn't matter if the event is "major" because that term is relative. Whether or not he is affecting his future decision to go into the past, he is still changing history constantly with his very being. Any event that has the minutest change in his future, even if it's a blade of grass he steps on as a child is now bent instead of straight, would immediately apply, even if it has no observable difference in his walk, talk, or anything about him. Technically his past is constantly being rewritten in the future of where of he currently is. The question I'm asking is, do all these changes that would happen to his past immediately become rewritten into him as he walks around in the past?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm going above and beyond paradoxes and am simply discussing personal timeline changes that have been applied because universal timeline changes erased or rewrote their existence. It doesn't matter if the event is "major" because that term is relative. Whether or not he is affecting his future decision to go into the past, he is still changing history constantly with his very being. Any event that has the minutest change in his future, even if it's a blade of grass he steps on as a child is now bent instead of straight, would immediately apply, even if it has no observable difference in his walk, talk, or anything about him. Technically his past is constantly being rewritten in the future of where of he currently is. The question I'm asking is, do all these changes that would happen to his past immediately become rewritten into him as he walks around in the past?

Yes. But until he invalidates his own reason for being in the past, he does not cause a paradox.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well in all honesty, I don't have an argument against it at that point except that I don't think that's what would happen. Mainly because environmental differences would state they are different people. We both accept that, except that in addition you are suggesting that a universal clause only applies a single timeline, which would then default the newer "different" person onto the old "different" person until they are the same. And I don't understand why it would have to be forced if they are separate from each other by experience, but at the same time, I can't explain why it wouldn't happen.
I at least hope the situations I had suggested have the same effect on others. If so, we are at the impasse of unprovable hypothesis, good debate my friend.

Now we drink!
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Timeline? Time isn't made out of lines, it's made out of circles. That's why clocks are round!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Don't you be throwing your circular logic around here!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wait, circles? I thought time was made of Bacon. Are you trying to tell me it's made of Donuts?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wait, circles? I thought time was made of Bacon. Are you trying to tell me it's made of Donuts?

Time is made of donuts, it just tastes like bacon
Re: Member Announcements Thread

There's always the infamous time cube!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Gotta say, I like my bacon flavour... in bacon. Flavours don't always transfer well to artificial format to make things like donuts.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

That's why a lot of people don't just eat up time
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Timeline? Time isn't made out of lines, it's made out of circles. That's why clocks are round!

I love you.

In other news, I will be largely absent because of school. If you hear about someone on Georgia who went on a rampage with her textbooks that will be me...