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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I've never had a bagel before, though to me they've always looked like hte metrosexuals of the bread world. So I've got to agree with Nunu that rolls are indeed the best. Though baguettes are pretty good, and make for decent swords too. That and Subway use them so they're automatically awesome.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

For my 2 pence if anybody doesn't mind... Basically what SirOni said, Bagels aren't anything special, when you can have a good Ploughman's Baguette or sandwich. Then again, different tastes given different countries, not trying to argue. X3
Re: Member Announcements Thread

And yet none of those compare to the glory that is the English muffin.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I only ever have bagels if I'm out of proper bread for my usual piece of toast with teewurst on it.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Toast? TOAST?! Real men eat crumpets my dear fellow.

Though I kid, I am partial to toast in the mornings, though as it's been getting colder I've been having soup recently. It's surprisingly filling.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm not fancy enough for crumpets!

Soup is pretty good when it's cold. I have this spicy chicken tortilla soup that I'm quite partial to for when I have congestion issues or if I want to make something spicy that I can easily reheat. Hmmm, I think I just inadvertently found out what I'm having for dinner in a couple days.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Also, Ranger, you don't buy pre-made ones, you make your own :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

thats another thing i don't so much like about not australia, the culture of tipping.

i hear the economics of it is that the staff are paid less and then survive on the tips to theoreticaly create a more motivated work force. in australia you don't always have to pay more, regardless of situation you are only ever expected to pay the listed price then, if you want, and only if you want, you may tip if you think the service deserves it. so you don't end up tipping twice because everything includes tax, nothing includes gratuity, its all plain and straight.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Also, Ranger, you don't buy pre-made ones, you make your own :p

Love that song, but I've come to like this video better, hehehe.

thats another thing i don't so much like about not australia, the culture of tipping.

i hear the economics of it is that the staff are paid less and then survive on the tips to theoreticaly create a more motivated work force. in australia you don't always have to pay more, regardless of situation you are only ever expected to pay the listed price then, if you want, and only if you want, you may tip if you think the service deserves it. so you don't end up tipping twice because everything includes tax, nothing includes gratuity, its all plain and straight.

Yeah, tipping. Well, the whole "If you think the service was worth it" thing applies just about all the time. Though most of the time, gratuity's only included automatically with certain sized groups. Going out by yourself shouldn't incur that. At least it usually doesn't here in the States. Dunno. Guess I'm just used to sales tax, so it's not a mind boggling concept to me, but I can see how it would be annoying and strange if you're expecting to pay the listed price and they throw that on there on top of it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

In some countries (I'm pretty sure Spain is one of them), waiters and the like are actually extremely well-paid and it is considered a very respectable position in the work force. As such, tipping is not only unnecessary, it's actually viewed as an insult, like saying "you must not be very good at your job thus you must not make very much; here take this small token of my appreciation and go buy yourself something nice."

I feel like more parts of the world should be like that.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, that's definitely sounds like something that'd be part of Spain's culture.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah it's the same way in China. They basically have a no tipping policy, and most servers/massage therapists(I know I couldn't resist) consider it rude or inappropriate to tip. The difference from Spain being I'm sure they could really use the tip. Compare that to the merchants who charge foreigners more than natives for just about everything, and you've certainly tipped some people before you leave. Just not the ones you wanted to.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I just with the tip jar at work didn't exist.

You see, it belongs to the guy who works in that bar the most often, so half the time when someone tips me whatever tiny change they don't want (And we're usually talking the realms of maybe 20 cents) it goes into there rather than handed to me. Which effectively is a tip for Emilio, not me.

Now, if it was always tiny change, meh. But sometimes I get a few dollars from someone, so y'know. The one shift I did in the Gold Medallion Members Bar at the racetrack was awesome for tips, a lot of drunk, but polite and trying to pretend to not be drunk rich people. Sadly, at the end of the shift I totally forgot to collect the tips I'd been collecting in a glass. But the other staff there were horrible so I never went back.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

This Is nunu checking back in, now from vancouver. I flew to winipeg and took a three day train ride across the Rockies, it was awesome.on the train a man called jamez told me that this is renowned as a trip that every Canadian has to take once on their life and by the end we all understood why.

Firstly there is some very beautiful scenery and some glass topped cabins to look at it all from and that is nice but to necessarily the best part, even the excellent food wasn't the best part. It's about all the people on the train as well.

I spent my nights hanging out with interesting people, there where a few canadians just adventuring, some going home, some French, some American and even another Australian. They all had there stories to tell, like the 17 ear old single mother trying to escape from her destiny as a crack whore, the rambunctious social catalyst who was probably involved in organized crime (loads of fun and very friendly, threatened to have me killed at one stage but I was in danger of doing something naughty... In my pants, he then proved this by showing me several two inch tall stacks of twenty dollar bills he just had in his jacket. There must have been at least ten grand. I got out of it with my charming smile though), there was also a computer guy who worked in a soap factory, I hid my own nerdiness but we got on very well anyway, a girl from Victoria on her way home, she didn't have a huge amount to say but enjoyed the view very much (she slept in the bunk across from me), then half way through the trip the other Australian got on and we all became very loud and now we are all friends on face book... Well except the gang dude because he was a bit scary despite buying everyone unlimited alcohol.

I highly recommend this trip to anyone visiting Canada or in Canada, but although it does go from toronto, flying to wynapeg is better as you skip the endless prairies for two days. Also get a bunk, it's much more expensive but it includes meals and a place to sleep as well as being more social than a booth. I should also say that there are a lot of old people on the trip but everyone I met was keen to talk... Maybe it's because im pretty.

Anyway I also checked out some of the stereotypical stuff for Vancouver up by grouse mountain, which IM sure is great in the snow season but was pretty du.l but the suspension bridge next to it was lots of fun, with some of the best forest ive seen. Any way gotta go now so see ya all.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

*Looks at his surroundings*
In comparison, I see a tree and some birds... Completely alone... And I'm hungry. Well have a good day, Nu!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow, sounds excellent Nunu!

Except, y'know, the scary dude.

Welcome back. ^^
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow. I'm jealous now Nunu. That sounds like a whole lot of fun! Is it like a specific "tourist" line to take? I'm thinking like along the lines of the famous "Trans-Siberian Railroad" tourist thing.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow that sounds great Nunu. I never thought a train ride could be so much fun. Maybe it's because I'm too used to amtrak. The bunk idea sounds really great to meet new peope. Definitely adding that Winnipeg trip to my future to-do list. And for the suspension bridge...yay for liking one of my suggestions! :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

hi im new here:D
Martial Arts Wu shu, Hung Gar
Music (Celldweller System of a down)