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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Mount everything on a wall, put a cover over it (with a door that you have the only key to, of course).

Of course, if the host family has their own internet, I wouldn't pass up the whole 'take your router for yourself' deal.

Third choice: take some valium and chill your head, then get everyone together and state what happened and what you suspect is the reason for it, and see if anyone else knows what happened. Even if they lie as to why, at least if someone confesses, you'll know who did it, though also look to see if they're covering for someone.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You guys know I'm not serious right? Sure I was mad but I would lay money on somebody accidentally bumping the cords out and then futzing up the fix (since the cords really do resemble a nest of some sort).

here's my latest rant: Fox's video player. What the fuck are they smoking?

Go to fox.com and watch an episode of House or Family Guy or Wanda Sykes. Sometimes the player just breaks altogether. Sometimes it doesn't play sound. It's buggy as fuck (although it has gotten better), and to be honest I don't think I should be punished just because I choose not to own a tv, and want to choose when I watch tv, not have to schedule my life around it. My biggest complaint is the commercials though.

Okay. so I can understand it when the television does it. Commercial breaks are around four to five minutes. You can't pause a tv, so people get up and do shit during this opportunity - moving away from the television. Thus, for them to be able to hear what's being advertised, the commercials are generally louder than the show. This is annoying, but it makes sense, and the mute button is really not that far away.

Now we go to Fox's player. They only do one commercial for every "commercial break." Which is about thirty seconds. Nobody in their right fucking mind would get up and do whatever shit they have to do away from whatever device is playing the show in the thirty seconds that they have available to them when THE PAUSE BUTTON IS RIGHT THERE. So why the fuck do they almost double the decibel level of the commercials? Hey FOX! I would REALLY appreciate my ears NOT being blown out just because of your incompetent developers.

The idiocy thickens: Fox's player is Fox's player. They don't go through channels, they don't even use Flash. Theirs is special - even if you have flash, you have to install their special little player.

Now go to NBC.com. Crisp, clear television, using FLASH PLAYER. WOW! What a bright idea! Using a hugely popular application for doing what it's hugely popular for - displaying media!!! It doesn't blow out your ears, you never run into any of the mind blowingly retarded bugs (like trying to fullscreen and getting the image stuck halfway zoomed-in on your monitor), and in fact the only caveat is the fact that the only shows that you can watch full episodes for SUCK MAJOR DONKEY ASS.

Well except for Jay Leno but everybody seems to hate him except me so I guess I can still make that generalization.

TLDR: Dear fox. Please get unretarded. Sincerely, Alias. PS: please don't think I'm actually blowing a gasket.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Wait is it even possible for Fox to get unretarded. They'd have a lot of work to do at the very least for that one.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

i like jay leno...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well actually i like Jay Leno, too. Fox is still going to take some work to unretard though.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

After that one Fox News thing I saw on Mass Effect... yeah. Fox is just plain ol retarded. Plus the fucks cancelled my Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles. Damnit people I wanted season 3 you fucktards.

Fucking Seriously fucking Fox, unfuck yourselves, or is that too fucking difficult a fucking concept for your fucking insignificant tiny little fucking brains to fucking comprehend. You might as fucking well be inanimate fucking objects for the amount of fucking intelligence you fucking display at any fucking point of time you fucking fucks.


hmmm... need more fucks.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

After that one Fox News thing I saw on Mass Effect... yeah. Fox is just plain ol retarded. Plus the fucks cancelled my Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles. Damnit people I wanted season 3 you fucktards.

Fucking Seriously fucking Fox, unfuck yourselves, or is that too fucking difficult a fucking concept for your fucking insignificant tiny little fucking brains to fucking comprehend. You might as fucking well be inanimate fucking objects for the amount of fucking intelligence you fucking display at any fucking point of time you fucking fucks.


hmmm... need more fucks.

I don't think this board has enough holes to service that many fucks.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Then you're not trying hard enough!
You can fit that many fucks into anything, and if you can't, start doubling them up.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Emm... A new forum theme? Unlikely.




While I'm going to assume I'm the only one seeing this, I was wondering, does anyone else ever get this glitch? The forum is looking pretty damned weird for me right now. I find Mr J Stalin lurking in my signature coupled with the text below, a little creepy. Also the Habbo Raider declaring "Thread's closed" is very fitting. Any ideas on what causes this? I know it's connected to my random collection of favourites on Youtube, but I don't know why they would be invading the forum. Only happens here too, no other sites. I'm guessing this is something to do with a cookie cock up. It's normally gone the next time I log on but this time it's sticking around. Makes the forum rather hard to read...

...is confused...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Whatever your computer's on, I want it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You can't have my table, I need it. If I figure out what's causing my PC's hallucinations I can always send you some o that though.

And now it's back to normal... don't understand...

Last time it did this it was replacing peoples avatars and profile page backgrounds as well. Though before it wasn't distorting the page so much, so I was never really bothered by it. Someone, I forget who, was replaced with Ronald McDonald. Should have took screen shots then as well.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

what kind of ronald mcdonald, did it look like this?
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I just thought of a great way to deal with the rate of unemployment in Germany.

Unemployed people are often depressed, right? And did you know that the suicide rates spike during holiday season? So all we have to do is to establish a constant holiday season, and the problem practically solves itself! Also, Christmas every few months! Everybody wins!
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That... was in bad taste.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

it is a solution, a final solution even.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

This... is getting pretty twisted. Even for this place.

*Edit* For the love of Fuck Twisted don't anything smart assey.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Fuck me. That is the single greatest thing to come out this thread. Fuck yes.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

It seems my mean-spirited streak is starting a tad early this year, yes. It must be because it's almost December and we're having a mild autumn weather.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Hey, all mean-spirited streaks are good in my books. Hell, I have one all year round!