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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Morn', Rash", Fletch sleepily calls out. It takes him a moment to realize what he said. As he does, he has the decency to clasp his hand in front of his mouth. "I, uh. . . Damn, I didn't mean it that way. Sorry, man." He resumes putting om his boots, now and then looking around to see if anybody else is up yet.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Nnnnngg Rashar grunts out in annoyed response as he slowly tries to get up out of his bed.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rosary awoke. She didn't move. She just stared at the ceiling. It was certainly an unfamiliar ceiling. Where was she again? A few moments pass in confusion then a revelation. The vampire stuff from yesterday. She was at that warehouse. Great.

Finally having a grasp of where she was, she sat up in her cot, looking around to see who was or wasn't awake. Then, another question crossed her mind, could kindred yawn? Since they don't... need... to.... she yawned. It happens when someone thinks about yawning, they yawn!

Still another question crossed her mind. Or rather, a worry. The book! She reached under her pillow to find... the book was still there. She didn't need her... sire to hate her for losing it. Among the rest of the Tremere.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny rises from his sleep as the sun goes down, however he prefers to wait in his shadowy corner to see what everyone else does when they wake from their sleep.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve's eyes popped open, and her mind raced before she finally remembered where and what she was. She sat up and blinked around the room. "Mornin ya'll..." her accent was a little more pronounced, since she had just woken up.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Luna awoke from a dreamless slumber, blinking a few times before sitting up in her cot, still dressed in her trenchcoat that was chock full of various types of weaponry. Taking a quick gander at the case which she had brought with her to find it undisturbed, the red-eyed kindred chose to remain in her cot momentarily as she watched the others rising one by one...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Wiping her eyes to clear away the last lingering bits of sleep, Izzy rises slowly to her feet, rolling her shoulders to stretch them. Realizing that she was in the same clothes as last night, she frowned a little, especially as she glanced around the room. Not too big on the privacy down here.

Crouching down, she pulled her things out from under the cot, handing Raven his sketchbook, since it was still sitting with her laptop. "Just a heads up, I think. I'm going to head upstairs and see if there's somewhere to get changed, even if its hiding behind some of those stacks up there. Just look out for the little black flag." She holds up her laptop bag then shoulders it, taking the other small bag with her as she heads for the stairs. Doesn't seem like she's requesting folks, likely the guys in particular, keep down here, she just wants privacy when folks do come up.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The door at the top of the stairs had already been unlocked and unbarred when Izzy reached it, likely meaning that River was already on the other side. Stepping out into the main warehouse, Izzy ((And the other characters, when they come up, hint hint ;) )) Notice that all the pallets are now arranged in tall stacks, making several towers ranging in height from ten to thirty or forty feet tall, nearly the entire height of the building. River is nowhere to be seen...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

(Damn railroaders, Ronny burrows out through the wall. I mean.)

After giving Izzy a respectful amount of time to change and do whatever, Ronny comes up as well. Reaching the top of the stairs he moves to the side toward a shadowy portion of th warehouse to await the others and his sire.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

So... huts ith the renohations? Rashar asks as he slowly makes his way up and out of the sleeping area, trying to make sense of the stacks. Was this some three dimensional seal to use against the agents? It didn't seem colorful enough and he didn't have to supplies to fix it if that were so.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rosary crawled out of bed and headed upstairs. She had just slept in her fresh change of clothes she had had the night before. The book, which still worried her, was stowed away into a messenger bag that she had also picked up and was carrying with her.

She looked upwards at the stacks. "What's River up to?" she asked outloud and to no one in particular.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out when everyone else gets up here."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Byron awakens last of the remaining people in the room, feeling a bit weakened and exhausted, although the feeling of dizziness and sickness seems to have passed some.

He rises, shaking his body a little and lets his gaze drift through the room, seeing that some have already left the basement to check the warehouse. Already curious of what the night will bring, Byron moves up the stairs to join the others, watching the scenery with a smirk.

'What a nice obstacle course.. I wonder what they have in mind here...", he speaks to Izzy and Ronny. "I am sure we will not simply get away with just jumping crates and palletes here.. would be too easy.."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch hmphs soundly as he stomps up the stairs, hands buried in his pockets. "Shit, what do you guys think? She's gonna make us climb those? Maybe throw us down? Fist fighting in 30 feet height?" A physical challenge - Fletch can take that. As long as there's no fucking algorithm involved he's up for it.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

A fist sized rock landed a few feet in front of Fletch, shattering, with the pieces scattering over the floor as everyone looked up.

River stood on the top of the highest tower, hefting another rock easily. "That's actually not too far off." She says with a chuckle, casually tossing the rock over where Izzy was changing, to make sure she was paying attention. Drawn by gravity alone, the rock seemed to shatter just as easily.

"This is King of the Hill, with some extra rules, because we aren't kiddies. I'll wait up here and toss rocks, and you guys will scamper up to me and try to throw me down. I'm going to use human strength only, and these rocks are weak, so I won't knock anybody's block off, and feel free to use anything that comes to mind to try and set up here and dethrone me. Except the forklift, of course. The hill has to be standing for someone to claim it, right?" She says, reaching down and grabbing a new rock from inside the pallet she was standing on. "Any questions?"

((Alright, to make this more fair for the non-combatives, everybody has officially levelled up one discipline, your choice. Read through them, choose wisely, and stick it in parenthesis in your next post.))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch grins up at his clanmate and produces the working gloves out of his pocket. "If that's what ya want. . ." He grabs one of the pallets and shakes it, approving of the tower's sturdiness. Not waiting for one of the others, Fletch starts climbing.

((I'll take Protean.))

((EDIT: I'll take pillar 1, climbing up 10 feet.))
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

There are nine pillars, spaced as such:


1 is two pallets high, about ten feet. 2 is three pallets, about fifteen, and so on. 9 totals in at ten pallets, and about fifty feet. Yeou can climb ten feet per round, or jump from the top of one to the top of another. If you stay at the top of a pallet, you can shove someone instead of moving, whoever loses the test I make has a chance to fall entirely, or catch on 10-20 feet down. Everyone is clustered near Pillar 1, except Izzy, around the side of 3, and whichever Fletch took.

EDIT: also, it's about as easy to climb as cargo netting, just so ya know ;)
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Khh, tro-ulsone. Still, ih this hels e hight ohh agents then I guess I'll go along hith it. Rashar says before walking about between a few of the palets. To outside observers, Rashar merely goes between towers 8 and 7 and doesn't continues past, probably either climbing or biding his time. Simply put, however, despite not realizing that he isn't currently visible, Rashar walks up to the base of tower 9 and decides to just try the simplest approach and starts climbing.

(Rashar takes another level of Obfuscate and is currently using its second power as he scales tower 9.)
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy lets out a yelp, actually, as the first rock shatters. "How long have you been up there?" comes out rather indignantly so yes, she is paying attention when the second rock comes sailing in her direction, though from the look of things, she's moving her bags out of the line of fire for the time being before coming back. As she's dressed now, it looks like the same pair of jeans, though she's now in a t-shirt and hoodie, earrings gone as well. She's definitely frowning as River says they can't topple the tower, but she looks like she's already starting to scheme, pacing around the nearest pallet (3, still).

"Always hated this part of gym class," she mutters, looking around for other things in the warehouse to possibly use, besides the forklift, that is.

((Let's go with Fortitude. Other two won't serve me wholly well at the moment, nor in th near future.))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"The whole time!" River calls down, answering with a laugh.

The warehouse is pretty much empty, more pallets against one wall, apparently they weren't needed. There's an office and administration area in the back wall, above the sleeping area, but apart from that, only the forklift in the warehouse and people's cars just outside...