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Re: Characters

Name: Sana

Race: Monstergirl

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, late teens or early twenties

Physical Description:

Like most other werewolves, Sana has fur covering most of her legs and lower arms, along with a fluffy tail. She has in particular has a grey stripe running diagonally along her tail, and has a slightly darker hair colour. She has light green eyes, while her skin is more pale then usual. She wears only a short grey with light green taint sheet of fabric covering her hips and slightly below that, and a second sheet folded around her chest as a makeshift bra.

Backstory: Spoilered because of long, skip to "HERE" if you're not interested in a heavily scrambled family history, and just want the Sana's part.

Sana comes from a long line of pack leaders, starting back before even her grandparents, on her mother's side there was a strong and fast werewolf, despite having been challenged nearly every month she was never defeated, and would make a point of it to have the losers taken by the other packmembers, and keeping the ones who actually had a chance to herself. While on father's side there was a captain of a group of specialist weapon masters, lost at sea when a hostile fleet sank their transport ship. The man got back to shore fine after being rescued by a pirate vessel, and had a brief romance with one of the pirates. Some years later that pirate faction became known as nigh unbeatable in hand to hand combat. Back on her mother's side, the wolfess eventually got tired of the challenges, and gave in to one of the challengers, staying defiant as he never really defeated her, she did however stay with him long enough to end up with Sana's grandmother.
This new wolfess was the only known werewolf to hold together a pack of 20 with a combination of power and charisma, which kept together until she retired from leadership, almost instantly causing the pack to split into several smaller ones, During the time it was kept together several interesting children were born, though most notable was Sana's mother, which ended up with the largest share of the pack after it disbanded. There were too many males shared in the pack to accurately measure who was her grandfather, but it was assumed to be a soldier from the mainland she took a liking to.
Her mother then led the new, smaller pack by forcing the others into submission by sheer physical power, and had led the pack for several successful years before she was challenged by a man. That man was Sana's father, while not being as strong as his opponent, he was faster, and outsmarted the werewolf. There was no real other way it could end, the man had always wanted to be in control of a powerful yet lustful creature, and trained for it since childhood. His father was a great warrior before stranding on the island, and his mother was rumoured to be of the lizard people, also great warriors with respect for power. That woman in turn came from a coupling of lizardwoman and ironically, a sailor responsible for sinking the transport of Sana's great-grandfather.


From then on the pack went on without their leader, with the defeated wolf staying with her new master. Several years passed, and at every opportunity the werewolf demanded sex from the man, Sana was not their first, and not their last, though she did seem to excel at what she did. Sana was a mixture of both her mother's strength and leadership, while combining it with her father's speed and cunning. From early in her childhood she has made her sisters see things her way, if not through manipulation then through force, and in her early teens it became clear she would be destined to lead her own pack. As soon as she was old enough to leave on her own she took 4 of her sisters out to form her own pack, which is where she is today.

Fetishes: Besides demanding the best males caught by the pack for herself like werewolf alphas do, she is also into light bondage to prevent the more strong willed men from escaping and struggling. Strangely, it also works the other way around, and she had rare thoughts on the roles being reversed, with her becoming unable to escape. She has been known to be picky when not in season, and at times passed on weak or slow men to save herself for the men she deemed worthy. She also has a strong instinct, and when actually having caught a male she approved of, she can be almost feral in her ways of taking him.
Re: Characters

Name: Alice.


Gender: Female.

Age: 57.

Physical Description: Looks like the girl in the profile, except she has a green dress with green ribbons, along with green eyes and has B cup breasts.

Backstory: Alice was born in the underworld like most other demons. The girl lived there for about 57 years with her birth parents. On her fifty-seventh birthday the girl ended up on an island due to the most recent Black Mass ceremony. The girl found herself in an open field, all alone. Alice was instantly amazed by the new world, it being nothing like her home. Fascinated by her new surroundings the girl quickly forgot all about her home and family as she started to explore the area, looking for someone to play with her.
Fetishes: None.
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Re: Characters


Race: Cat woman.

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Physical Description: Kaila stands at 5'11'', with medium long auburn hair framing her face. She has almond colored eyes and tan skin; the fur on her ears and tail is a light coffee cream color, the tips of each an auburn color like her hair. She has c cups, and a toned body that belies her inner strength.

Backstory: Kaila Milano is known as a dimensional traveler, warping between worlds (almost) at will... That is, if she remembered anything about her past after landing in a world. Her amnesia won't fade until someone she knows gives her quite a shock - but that has taken years sometimes. All she remembers now is growing up as a humble villager on the small island...

Fetishes: Bondage, being dominated, anal.
Re: Characters

Name: Meiyo and Pai

Race: (Meiyo) and (Pai)

Gender: Both female

Age: 22 (Meiyo) and 7 (Pai)

Physical Description: Normally, Pai attaches herself to Meiyo in a bodysuit-like fashion, the pair of them forming an astoudingly curvy shape with a round, jiggling ass and D-cup breasts that blatantly defy gravity. Out of force of habit, Meiyo still wears the tiger-skin skirt and breastwrap favored by her kind; out of smarts, necessity, and occasionally wanting something to threaten people out of their alcohol with, she carries the massive iron club she got from her mother. Meiyo's hair is a light silver-gray, mostly short, with thin braids hanging down from her temples, in the opposite direction of her horns. The pair's colors match well enough that it isn't immediately obvious where Pai ends and Meiyo's own skin begins.

Meiyo, when not wearing Leda, is lean and athletic, without much in the way of a chest; what's there is still firm and fit, though so she stays sexy. Pai, when not pretending to be tits-'n'-ass on Meiyo, forms herself into the shape of a petite, long-haired girl in her late teens; basically everything about her screams "shy girl", probably because that's how she is. It's a good thing for Pai that Meiyo is looking out for her.

Backstory: Meiyo grew up wandering the island with her mother, learning from a young age the things that were really important - how to hunt a meal, how to hold her liquor, how to get men under the table with their pants off, and how to do this thing with her tongue that would make even the clingiest, most jealous girlfriend willing to let her get away with it. Though her mother up and vanished a little over eight years in the past, Meiyo was well prepared for life on her own and made a fairly good life for herself, temporarily settling down in a nice cave and periodically raiding a nearby village for something to drink and someone to screw around with.

Some four years ago, when Meiyo was wandering around looking for something to get even more smashed on after fucking several guys at once in a drunken stupor, she slipped in a puddle and fell. The puddle was Pai, badly undersexed and slowly starving. After Pai instinctively made a meal of the left-over jism all over Meiyo's body, she panicked and started getting apologetic - which, to Meiyo's mind, was the cutest thing in the damn world. They decided to travel together, became fast friends, and have been making their way around the island since, leaving a trail of empty liquor bottles and satisfied lovers in their wake. Pai might have divided off a daughter at some point, but she's too shy to say anything about it, and Meiyo was way too wasted at the time to remember.

Fetishes: Meiyo really, really, really loves squishy things, which is part of why she wears Pai so much; she also has a taste for strong men and stronger booze (which leads to more men, more booze, and usually some ladies on the side). Pai... is, ultimately, a slime.
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Re: Characters

((A bit late in the night. So I'll probably edit this someday when I'm in a more descriptive mood.))

Name: Mellus

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Physical Description: Shoulder length orange hair (common in the world from whence she came), C-cup breasts, fair skin... Add some green eyes, and you've essentially got what she looks like.

"Are you really sure this is safe?"

Melle, thief extraordinaire and singer of tales, stood at the center of a large blue hexagram which was the base for one of the newest teleportation spells in development, one that would theoretically transport any object to any desired location on any plane at will. Having been for- kindly asked by her long-time extor- friend Enigma, in exchange for help in her time of need, she now had the fortune of being the first living creature to be transported with this spell, and to possibly advance the insan- brilliant magical field to new heights.

"Pish posh dear, it'll be fine, I've recalibrated those crystals five times now. It's perfectly alright~"

Outside the field, near a orfice on the ground where a metallic ceremonial staff was mounted, was Enigma, possibly one of the most brilliant and powerful wizards in the land (or so she said), performing the final checks for the spell and whistling a tune nonchalantly, as if she hadn't the slightest worry at all.

"Isn't that what you said last time, you know with the giant slime that went about engulfing every female in town?"

"Maybe~ But I told you that was a mistake in the spellcraft process no? The dawn star wasn't taken into consideration where it should have been. That's fixed this time~"

Yes... simply another traditional experiment by madwo- the wizard Enigma. What could possibly go wrong?...


"Righto then, Lucis!"

The hexagram lit up, magical energy now flowing through it and rising up to encircle the person that was within its confines.

"Remember dear, it'll take about a minute for me to set up the coordinates and other good stuff, so please stay focused and stay within the circle hmm?"

"Right. Stay within the circle got it.

"Mmmhmm. Alright lets see, target...time period... dest- Oh thank you Jenkins, I could really use that."

Having been offered tea by one of her demon familiars, Enigma's mind wandered from her task momentarily...even turning away from her staff and Melle entirely as her mind wandered off to tea time.

"I say, do we have any scones? I could really use some to go with this. Scones does make black tea taste better you know."

"Um Enigma?"

The energies swirling around Melle had begun to accelerate at this point, even without their caster's supervision.

"Yes, and maybe some jam too. Think you can get that?"

More swirling... more power accumulating...and more panic.


"Might as well bring the kettle over as well. It'll save some time."

"For the love of- Enigma!!!"

"Correct, sugar as well. Got that all down? Good, be off then. Now Melle, what was it you wa-"

A scream, the sudden surge of magical energies...then silence once again. The preparation time of the spell having expired, the spell had concluded...without Enigma's supervision. What was more, was that without proper coordinates and a target, Melle could literally end up in any world on any realm. And most of all, she'd be completely naked and unarmed...without anything but her wits.

"Oh dear... Jenkins? Bring the scrying tools and grimoires too with the scones... I have a feeling we're going to need them..."

Fetishes: Unlike most typical rogues... Melle has 'not' sold her body for the occasional coin, nor has she used it in fulfilling elimination missions thus far. That being said however, due to her involvement in certain magical experiments...she has had experiences with monsters possessing many liquid or solid tentacle like...tools before. You'd have more luck trying to convince a Troglodyte to take a bath then to have her confess that she liked it though. Asides from that, Melle is rather inexperienced with sexual activities, generally finding it hard to get into the mood for such things in her line of work. That said, she has been eyeing a few bartenders and maids of late, and perhaps a certain wizard (although heaven forbid she admits that.)... but has found herself lacking time and courage to go any further.
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Re: Characters

Name: Zoltan Sintoris

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Physical Description: The man is usually seen with a bit of unkempt fuzz upon his face. His hygeine is mostly good even if his smell is of volatile chemicals that most would not consider to resemble a washed man. He is most commonly seen in formal places dressed in white silks with golden trim and a red sash around his waist for a belt. Black furs adorn the sleeves and leggings . A long dagger is strapped at the left forearm under his robes. Strapped to the right forearm are several different wands of different makes. primarily oak, yew, silver and ivory.

Backstory: Zoltan is a potent mage with a deep focus upon transmutation. His social skills have become very poor over the course of his long life even during his studies of the magic arts. He was deep within research and became horribly fascinated with the fabled creatures upon the island though he cannot confirm or deny anything. And even if he was willing to reveal anything he actually did know he would never say as he finds people assume they should have things handed to them. His hope is to study the species and find their potential value to the outside world. However his other hope is to gather some for his own personal use. Honestly he probably prefers the monsters to humans in ways which is why he wishes to establish himself within the island.

Fetishes: Breast Play, Bondage of the Female, Dominance of the Partner, Fellatio, Nurturing

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Re: Characters

Name: Maple, also goes by Red.

Race: Human.

Gender: Female.

Age: 18

Physical Description: Maple has waist length brown hair. Her skin is fair, her eyes are a caramel color. Her breasts are small and perky. Even at the age of eighteen most people think she has a "cute" look to her.

She is usually seen wearing normal clothing and leather boots, along with her signature red hood.

Maple was born in a small village, one that had been started and is still mostly made up of farmers. The original farmers did their best to keep themselves and their village safe from the various dangerous monster girls that lived on said island, having their village hidden in an area mostly unpopulated.

As luck would have it, the farmers managed to thrive, their small village managing to produce crops to eat and warm homes to live in. After a good deal of time, Maple was born in this village, her family being a loving and caring one. Her grandmother especially.

Growing up the elderly woman looked after Maple, her mother and father and even various older siblings usually being to busy working on various jobs around the village to watch her. As a little child the woman read to maple, usually telling her various fairy tales from a rather large and old book that had been in their family for years. One of Maples favorite fairy tales had been the story of Little red riding hood. The girl really loved the story, how red riding hood had managed to keep herself from getting eaten from the wolf and save her grandmother. She'd tell her grandmother that if a big bad wolf ever ate her she'd save her. That always made the woman smile.

Years went on, and one day, on Maple's eighth birthday, her grandmother gave her a gift, one that defined who she is today. It was a bright red hood that she had sown herself. Needless to say, red absolutely loved the gift. So much so that she wore it every day, she only every took it off to bathe. This got her the nick name of red by one of her brothers, a nick name that caught on and stuck with Maple. As the years past and she reached the age of twelve, a time where she began to explore the outside of the small village in secrete, she still wore her grandmothers gift, even though Maple's neighbors and family told her it was childish and she should stop wearing it. Maple was going to take what they were saying into consideration, and possibly stop wearing her beloved red hood, however the elderly woman she loved so much told her to just ignore them and enjoy the hood.

She continued to do just that and wore the red hood the elder had given to her, giving it touch ups and making it bigger with sowing skills her family member taught her. It remained an obsession.

Now in current time, Maple still wears the red hood. Now that she is a young adult she does have a job, one that consists of her going out into the forest and collecting herbs and other such things for medicine and other various purposes. She asked for this job because the other ones bored her to tears, it really was the most exciting thing she could do.

The boredom of living in the small little farming village has started to get to Red, the same old thing happening every day. Because of this she decided to run off, out of the area considered safe enough to walk around in. Red packed a sack with some supplies and went off from her village, if only for a day, to explore. She girl severely underestimated the island though, having only brought a small shabby dagger she found in her attic for protection...

Fetishes: Breast play, being forced into submission.
Re: Characters

Name: Siehydra

Race: Werewolf

Gender: Female.

Age: 18

Physical Description:

Backstory: Siehydra always travels with her pack. Even though she has spent her whole life with them she acts distant to them, sometimes putting her own judgment above that of her leaders. Even when she acts this way to them deep down, even if she doesn't acknowledge it, she couldn't live without them. In times of danger she has jumped into a fight to protect them without caring about her own well being. She can, at times, make stupid decisions, considering her judgment above any others'. She can also be very clever and deceitful.

Fetishes: Submission, bondage, rape
Re: Characters

Wooo, attempt 2!

Name: Cynthia North (Cindi)

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Physical Description: Standing at 6'0", Cindi has deep blue eyes, and chocolate coloured hair reaching to the bottom of her shoulder blades, which she often wears across her left eye. With a rather average-sized bust and frame, she often wears red clothes under her great coat, which has quite a few scorch marks across the sleeves.

Backstory: Born into a fairly rich settlement upon the island, Cynthia, or Cindi, grew up with a proper education. She, however, was not interested in the common teachings of maths and language, nor the religious teachings that they tried to force upon her, and instead sought teachings from their local wizard. There, she pursued her interests by learning basic fire magic, enough to perform a favourite trick of hers, in holding a small fireball in her hand. For many nights she would entertain herself with small patches of fire, enough to start worrying her parents and neighbours. Aside from her magical teachings, Cindi was taught by her father in basic swordsmanship, and upon coming of age, given her own longsword to wear. Little interested her in the town once she was an adult, and so she left to forge her own path in the world.

Moving around the island, between the scattered settlements of those beings who weren't simply out for rape, she became a roving mercenary, selling her services to whoever needed her, usually as a guard for merchants and such to protect them from the monster girls. The money she earned was mostly spent on necessaties, with little to spare for luxuries, with the exception of a fine little dagger she bought as both a secondary weapon and a survival tool when she was in the wilderness, but she enjoyed this life more than she ever had back home, and she certainly kept her magical skills up to date, though she could still do little more than tiny fireballs compared to more powerful magic wielders. Throughout her life, she has never had straight out sex with any man, nor monster girl, the closest she has ever been being oral with strangers in the taverns, as everyone needs to be drunk every now and again.

Fetishes: Oral (given and received), elves, and either gender is fine with Cindi, but she doesn't like the thought of anything that isn't very humanoid.
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Re: Characters

Name: Avela Kuin

Race: Chaotic Spirit Yoko

Gender: Female/Hermaphrodite

Age: It's a secret!

Physical Description:


Avela, understood herself a powerful being at birth. What kind of being she asked herself? She didn't know, but according to humans, who seemed to hold great respect or reverance to her told her to what she was. Avela would shrug off what they told her and said 'If I am such, then I want a home built for me..' Her directive as it was called by her lead priest resulted in a semi-large shrine dedicated to her. She was revered a fickle spirit, depending on the offering and insults given to her, she would reply in kind with destruction of farms, or sickness, or even that of healing. But, after a long time, seemingly to Avela, she grew tired of where she was and just up and left.

Avela's leaving left behind disorder and chaos, till another of her kind, perhaps stronger, perhaps weaker, took her form to reap the benefits of her worship, slowly turning it to decay and causing the people to claim Avela as a true evil and exorcists were sent to destroy the fake, only to find the fake gone. Avela, unbeknowst to herself, simply continued to travel the world, unknowingly being hunted by demon hunters, and exorcists who believed she was evil. Avela traveling through the skies would spot something a little different from what she had seen, and it had an almost magnetic effect on her. Avela felt a strange feeling that she wanted to explore this place and figure exactly out what it was......

Avela is rather stoic and cold when she's bored or calm. She fancies herself to the liking of both sexes, through she stays true to her female form. Depending on her mood, sometimes the strange cat can be seen around her, and sometimes not. When it is seen, it is usually when she's happy or has something pleasurable and interesting going on... It can also be seen when she's enraged and goign to hurt somebody or.... take some sadistic pleasure from the hide.. She is also to be known to react differently..
Such as, a random person in front of her could pick up a rock and piss her off, while if they threw it, it may make her extremely horny... While the opposite of that could happen..


Strong, thick tentacles, and small wire thin tentacles, she dislikes heavily medium tentacles, believeing that they give less pleasure then the other two.
Is attracted to both sides of the sexes, especially if their handsome/beautiful, through on occasion, she does care for an old one.
If she is caught in a fight and wins, she loves playing the dom and humiliating her opponent.
If she is caught in a fight and loses, she lets the winner to believe she is a sub, till she turns the tables at a... more approiate time. Through if she loses against something that wants to destroy her completely, she will...beg most pleasurably for her life...
Re: Characters

Names: Shetani and Sarmila

Races: (Shetani), (Sarmila)

Genders: Female/Female

Ages: 23 (Shetani), 18 (Sarmila)

Physical Descriptions:
Shetani is a fairly average Arachne, with a glossy black carapace, red eyes, short black hair and pale skin. She has a few scars lining her body, and walks with a slight limp where one of her legs broke and healed crooked, although it does little to hinder her speed or agility. Her usual garb is a black, Arachne-silk, Nightmare-fur-lined coat over a black leather corset of human make. Her default expression is one of permanent cynicism, and she has a habit of hanging upside-down from a thread when she needs to think. When stood up, she is around 5'5 tall and similar in length. She also has small fangs that can inject a sleep toxin.

Sarmila is relatively small as Nightmares go, at a little over 5' tall and 5'6 long, with a lustrous, silky purple coat that Shetani is always trying to feel. Although it is hard to spot, the fur continues over her human half as a very thin, downy layer, giving her skin a velvet quality and a slightly dark shading. She has the scars of a whip on her left flank, and is quite incapable of standing still, always pacing or pawing the ground. Her fur becomes shaggy around the hooves (like in the picture), and she does not have horseshoes.
Clothing-wise, she wears a coat similar to Shetani's (the Arachne made them both), which she always keeps tightly buttoned up when awake. The hair on her head is long, and usually partly over her face. She never lets go of her dreamscythe, which is quite elaborately designed and set with sapphires. (Note: she uses this to enter dreams, the blade itself is otherwise incorporeal. Borrowed the idea from the Monster Girl Unlimited site.)

For much of the first twenty years of life, Shetani's was no different from any other Arachne. Learning the art of spinning webs, making clothing, and hunting prey from her mother and leaving as soon as possible, she set up in a comfortable mountain-side cave, in the midst of the forest.

At the age of 23, something changed; although she'd taken the odd man who wandered into her territory beforehand, she ran into The One. Although he was initially understandably reluctant to submit to her advances, the Arachne was persistent in keeping him around, and he finally began to return her feelings. Of course, her dominant, predatory nature meant that she still didn't let him out of her cave much... but she saw nothing wrong with that, and her lover put up with it with a kind of weary affection.

That is, until an earthquake caused a cave-in.

Her lover was killed by the rubble, and the heartbroken spider went into solitude, refusing to hunt or eat, and mostly just sleeping in a starvation-fuelled torpor.

After some days of this, she started to have a strange, recurring dream about another Arachne who followed her around, saying little other than a little shy small talk, sometimes questioning why she slept so much. Her suspicions roused after the third time, she forced herself to stay awake the next night, only pretending to sleep. When she sensed something approaching, she pounced on it - and nearly had her eardrums burst by the panicked scream of a young, injured Nightmare.

After being persuaded that she wasn't going to be eaten, and having her wounds tended to, the Nightmare explained that she was being chased by a group of human hunters, and had narrowly escaped being trapped by them. Terrified and alone, she had slunk into Shetani's cave, and out of loneliness, had invaded her dreams.

Pity for the girl roused Shetani from her apathy, and she set about locating the thugs who had whipped and traumatised her new charge. After capturing two of them to satisfy both of their hungers, the rest of the group tracked the pair to the cave and attacked.

They barely escaped with their lives, and have been roaming together in the weeks since. Shetani has sworn never to become attached to a human male again, partly from her loss and partly from the cruelty of the hunters, and most of her spare time is spent in trying to get Sarmila to grow a backbone. For her part, Sarmila is still scared of her arachnid companion, but feels safer with the bigger girl nearby. Both are aware that the hunters might still be on their trail, a thought which spurs them to stay on the move. Relying on wits, stealth and venom instead of webs to hunt has proved a challenge, but they've survived... so far...

Personalities: Shetani is outwardly a cold, ruthless cynic. Recent experiences with human men has caused her to revert to some of her more violent, primitive instincts, and she'll eat a human without hesitation if no easier prey is available. All her affectionate tendencies are lavished upon Sarmila, although their relationship remains platonic. She is fascinated by the Nightmare's soft fur, and will often sleep pressed up against the other girl, her arms and legs curled around her protectively. While she often becomes impatient with her companion's shyness, all is soon forgiven.

Sarmila is the poster girl for nervous breakdowns, and it's a good day when she doesn't have one. Afflicted by the shyness of all her species, combined with her traumatic treatment at the hands of her hunters, she will often hide behind the Arachne if they meet anyone, and will almost never speak. She views her companion with something akin to hero worship, and she does her best to please the spider whenever she can, but her permanent nerves mean that she even finds feeding difficult - a source of no small annoyance and concern for Shetani.

Fetishes: As with all her kind, Shetani loves using her silk to bind up her partners before dominating them - not that she's had one for a while. She's fond of soft things (hence her night-time snuggles with Sarmila), though whether that amounts to an actual fetish is subject for debate.

Although Sarmila would rather die than admit it, she has developed a thing for the feel of hardened carapacing, and Shetani's headstrong teaching and encouragement does lead her to fantasise about dominating another. By contrast, the idea of bondage or being forced to play sub would quite possibly break her completely.
Re: Characters

Name: Lorrence Link

Race: Human. Despite looking like elves, what with the big pointy ears, Hylians are humans.

Gender: Male.

Age: Old enough

Physical Description: It's fucking Link. He's a slightly effeminate man with a serious disposition. He looks cute, until he decides to hand out some ass kicking, then he just looks badass. His wears tights, and a matching green hat and tunic with a big belt. Due to Zealous adherence to the genre, Link was only given a Deku Sword(tm) and Deku Shield(tm).

Backstory: Link was trained to be the ultimate bodyguard and friend to Princess Zelda. She turned out to be a total brat, but when she was kidnapped, he chased after her. Even across the ocean.

In a land far, far, away (of the great many lands that are such) is the Kingdom of Hyrule. It was once a pleasant place, and in many ways still is, but has become quite silly due to the superstitions of its Royalty.

You see, in the many ages that have past, a great and terrible wizard would command an army of darkness and attempt to invade and destroy or conquer the Kingdom of Hyrule. Villages would be pillaged, babies eaten, virgins enslaved and sold as furniture, and all sorts of other not nice things. And to top it all off, the kingdom's beautiful princess would be kidnapped. Then a random villager would pick-up a sword and shield, hop on a horse and ride around the kingdom, single handedly invading every fortress, breaking the dark army, and slaying the evil wizard. Then there would be much rejoicing, and everyone would go back with their lives and move on.

Then after the even was forgotten, it would happen again. And again. And again. Finally, scholars noticed a trend. The three key players in the horrible events always had the same name. Ganon, the wicked wizard. Link the Heroic Swordsman. And Zelda, the Lovely Princess. Every. Single. Time.

Figuring that the gods were simply having mortals as a great game, the Hylian Royal family decided to try and control fate by selecting a proper Princess Zelda, and training the mightiest Link possible, so as to try and make the horrible even that was to be not be as bad as possible.
Every generation, the first born daughter of the King and Queen would be named Zelda. (They tried to have a Prince Zordon, but that went horribly wrong) She would be taught everything about being a noble and kind person.
Finding a suitable Link was more difficult. Finding a mute boy that wasn't a retard, or deaf was nearly impossible. So they, every generation they cheated and trained a single young warrior to never speak, but always have great fighting skill and single minded dedication to protecting the kingdom, and the Princess Zelda.

Their attempts to control the role of Ganondorf and create an incompetent foe always ended quietly. The poor sap they choose to fill the role aways figuring out what destiny awaited him, and would run off with whatever carnival tricks they passed off as actual magic and join a circus far away.

Thus comes the current incarnation of Link. Miraculously, this generation produced a kind hearted boy that was strangely incapable of speech (grunting and howling, sure, but no words could ever leave his mouth), but neither mentally deficient, not deaf. The Priests of Time (Royally decreed to train the young hero every generation) took the boy in. The child was a prodigy, to the joyous tears of the priests. His physical attributes quickly progressed, and his ingenuity with unusual tools and inventions impressing even the inventors. Every puzzle presented eventually solved, every gauntlet passed (sometimes in surprising ease). After seven years, the eight year training program that would transform a old boy into a mighty champion was declared complete by Father Time, and Link (originally named Lorence) was decreed fit to guard Princess Zelda.

The current generation's Princess Zelda was a complete disaster. While certainly beautiful, dainty and regal, she had neither respect for anyone nor any wisdom. While certainly never rude enough to outright insult someone, she possessed enough tact to make hurtful comments that most people wouldn't realize were insulted untill thinking about them for a bit. Her only desires revolved around spending money in the bazaar on clothes and exotic foods (chocolate), drinking (despite every attempt to prevent alcoholic beverages from reaching the Kingdom) and ordering inane entertainment from the villagers.

Suffice to say that Link reviled her thoroughly. He had to be in her presence constantly, and most of his tasked revolved around fetching things for her, holding everything she bought (because since he was the ultimate guard, no other servants were needed) and listening to her go on about how everyone was somehow beneath her and unworthy in some fashion. Including him. After a week he was ready to strangle her. After the second, he was ready to throw her off her tower balcony. After the third, he was ready to jump off himself. The only thing he enjoyed about his life as her glorified slave her guardian where the errands she demanded, as that would give him at least an hour to goof off, chill out, or hang out with some villagers before having to bring her some random bauble or snack. She never complained about him being late, oddly.

And it was one of those errands he was out on when she was kidnapped. Late one evening, looked over the balcony with longing for release, Princess Zelda commanded him to retrieve a package from some random shop out side of Hyrule Town. He went to tent that had been setup, and after much hand waving and grunting, the flirty woman inside gave him the sealed box the princess demanded. On his way back into town, several black cloaked riders on black horses and a black tarped blackwood waggon passed him. Actually in town, the guards were scrambling to try and catch up, noticing Link and exclaiming the princess's kidnapping.

After a moment of utter happiness, Link grudgingly went to fulfil his job description. Link ran with all his strength to the Temple of Time and retrieve all the gear he had trained with to meat the kidnapper (and possibly the Prophesied Ganondork) with every trick in, on, under and other wise around the proverbial book. The priests refused to grant him any equipment other than a small wooden shield and his wooden training sword. Then they put him on a wild horse they caught the other day. (They were intending to break it in and give it to him as a war steed, but the figured the current crisis merited it draft immediately.)

Unable to argue, since every moment counted, Link rushed off on the back of the wild horse, underequipped and enraged. He trotted with the temperamental steed, occasionally arguing with, but succeeding in tracking the black riders down out to a fishing village, just in time to catch them readying their (black painted) pirated vessel to sail.

He charged though the town and onto the docks, pushing his steed with all his might. Caught off guard, he clubbed one black figure in the head, his steed trampling another, and jumped onto a third. He raced to the boat, jumping to reach the retreating gangplank, missing by a hair and falling into the ocean. The vessel speeding off, Link climbed onto the dock, to witness the three fallen black cloaked figure dissolve into smoke, and his horse fall over dead from exhaustion.

He was able to quickly requisition a small fishing boat he could manage, plenty of food, and set sail, the pirate vessel still visible on the horizon. The wind at his back, a crate full of food, and a snarl on his face, the mute would-be hero stared out, anger seeping his boots more than the occasional salty splash. Mostly at himself. He hated the Princess, and he was chasing after her.

He sat and double checked the boat. In addition to the food, the boat also held a Ukalale. The trip would be long. Maybe some music would pass the time. He also discovered he still had the box the Princess wanted.

Fetishes: Despite being a virgin, Link has been using some of his free time to try and get into some ladies' bedroom. Being the heroic green tunic and hat wearing guardian is prestigious, which means attractive. Being good looking is also attractive, so when he started noticing girls swooning at his presence, Link started trying to capitalize on it.

He's also been using the stealth skills intended to be used to infiltrate evil fortresses to sneak up on people having sex and watch. For research purposes. His favourite, uh, subjects are lonely nursemaids keeping each other company, and a certain red-headed ranch girl that has recently discovered that her nipples are sensitive.

He tried spying on Princess Zelda, to catch her masturbating, but has only caught glimpses of her nubile flesh while bathing. He suspects a girl that evil is probably asexual. Well, it's more of a hope.
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Re: Characters

Name: Silver.

Race: Half demon.

Gender: Female

Age: Around sixty years old.

Physical Description: Her eyes are a shade of red and her skin is white, though that is not unusual considering how little time she spends in direct sunlight. Her breasts are borderline b cups and just barley qualify as be c's. She is usually wearing an outfit that will protect her to some degree but not slow her down or make it awkward for her to move around in. Such as leather armor. Such armor is usually a shade of blue or red.


Back about sixty years ago, in hell, Silver was born into a noble family of demons. She was the result of her mother raping a rather hansom man she had decided to make her husband. Because of that Silver wasn't always the most popular baby.

She had just about every luxury one could want, and if she had been willing to smile and do as she was told then likely she would still be in hell with her family and rather happy. However Silver was not like that. She craved two things which she was never really given. Freedom, full control over herself and being able to do what she felt like doing, and power. Like her mother, Ayame, she wanted to have strong magical ability's and do as she pleased. Her lusts for these things often got her into disputes with the woman, sometimes being more then just yelling at one another.

She decided that she would do as she pleased and began developing her powers against her mothers will. She found she had a knack for ice magic, though most other stuff she wasn't particularly good at, if not outright terrible. And as she began to hone her skills more and more her mother snapped, and a fight between them broke out. Silver put up the best fight she could, but was easily defeated. Ayame wiped the floor with her and left her as a bruised and broken mess. She still has a long scar on her back from the conflict.

It was that day, after she had gotten beat up like she did, that she fled from hell and went out to the mortal world, swearing to one day return and defeat her mother. She was around thirty years old when that happened, still considered a child, or teenager.

Since she fled hell Silver has been practicing her magic and has grown to become much more powerful then she was, though not nearly at her mothers level. She has found that there is a reason she is better at Ice magic then any other form of magic. As it turns out, her body is strengthened by the cold. At nighttime, and in cold, dark, overall damp places her powers seems to grow, her magic being more effective then it normally is and her body getting a boost in strength. Though, out in direct light, or in warm places, her body is seems to weaken and even become sluggish, her magic powers weakening.

From the beginning Silver has been on the island of monster girls and demons. She man managed to fit right in and even make some friends. In between her seducing mortals for her own fun and simply resting she is usually hunting down any rumors on magical artifacts or anything that might give her even the slightest increase of power.

Fetishes: With all the sex she has had during her time among mortals and monsters alike Silver has learned a few things about herself. She absolutely loves dominating other people, making them scream out and cry. She also loves it when someone stronger then her is the one dominating her. She also has a thing for girls with large breasts.
Re: Characters

This looks like one of the better RPs going on, I'll throw my hat in, so to speak.

Name: Unya

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Physical Description: Tall, for a woman, red hair, that almost seems maroon. Oddly enough, her eyes are much the same color. Athletic, but not so much that it impeeds her good figure.

Backstory: Unya is the youngest child of her family, along with the twin sister she used to have. She had many older brothers, and they took good care of her. She enjoyed hanging out with them as they worked on their family farm.

Then one day, pirates raided the coast and kidnapped the entire village as slaves. She was the only survivor, as she hid in a packing crate at the docks. The pirates loaded the crated onto their ship, thinking it was full of foodstuffs. Once on board, Unya broke out of the crate and stole a lifeboat, unknowingly headed for the infamous island.

Fetishes: Masages
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Re: Characters

Name: Prudence

Race: Succubus

Gender: Female

Age: After a few decades she really stopped caring. What point is it to an immortal?

Physical Description: Prudence has quite the hourglass figure. Her bust isn't obscenely large, just enough to grab a man's attention, and her ass is proportionately well defined. Her skin is exceptionally smooth and slightly tanned, her face speaks of a maturity that just begs for attention, and her blond locks were so lustrous that people thought it was nearly angelic. Her racial traits, however, are a bit odd. Her wings are practically a joke. If someone were to take a couple of normal bat wings and glue them to Pru's lower back they would be the exact same size as her own, and the long dress she usually had draped over every inch of skin below her neck engulfed and hid her stunted wings from view. Her tail was visible, but like her wings it wasn't standard succubus issue, either. It had a good length, maybe even twice as long than anyone else's, but it was entirely too thin and delicate. Too keep it from getting hurt she'd wrap it around her waist a couple times and tuck the heart-shaped stinger under a loop in the front. It looked more like a string belt that hugged and defined her waist with a small little charm at the end. The only real defining traits that showed she was a demon were her horns. They followed the shape of her skull quite closely, branching back before making a sudden U-turn to head toward her temples before branching out slightly to point toward wherever she looked.

Backstory: Prudence's life was plain, boring, and completely uninteresting, as was her capture in a raid and her time spent as a sexual slave to her captors. The only fact to note was that she loved to bury herself under clothes. Even when she was nothing more than a puppet and battery she would always dress herself after and wander back to her 'home'. This rather odd behavior for someone whose mind should be blank was rather curious to a few, but to a couple others it was a disgrace. A slave should be nothing more than a broken soul ready to offer itself to its masters. There is no need to hide itself. Eventually this was too much for one succubus to bear, and she dragged the poor girl into her own private chambers to fix this disgusting problem. The girl was tied down, fucked senseless and beyond all reason, and finally stung with dark magics that invaded her body. She had become a Lesser Succubus.

If Prudence had been released right then she would have become a normal demon that would have eventually given in to its lust, but her mother had other plans. Still quite soundly bound the fledgling demon was raped of what little magical strength she had. When mom was finished she ordered a slave to feed the starved creature. Then she raped it again. This kept on for hours, Pru being force fed spiritual essence only to have it taken away before it could even begin to sate her hunger. The true demon was determined to make this girl a sex-craved lunatic.

Unfortunately things didn't proceed as planned. To best explain things one should picture two twins, one human and the other demon. The demon Pru was given a nice little cookie to eat, but once it had someone forced a hand down its throat and yanked that cookie away before it could be digested. As one would imagine this was very painful, and the demon Pru was beginning to starve. The human Pru had been mostly sleeping this entire time, but upon hearing her demonic twin cry for mercy and help the human girl rushed to the demon's side and gave it a comforting hug. From then on the human managed to steal away a piece of each cookie that was nearly stuffed down her twin's throat, and after a time she managed to save enough pieces to make a proper meal.

In reality the full demon had since abandoned her original plan. The futa cock she had been using to rape her daughter was pounding in and out of the poor girl's ass without restraint. The sensation from feeding off two souls through one single hole was incredible, and she just couldn't get enough of it. It was probably why she never realized the girl had been stockpiling raw spiritual essence where the demon couldn't reach. The fledgling absorbed it all at once, and with it she created a dark portal that summoned the most massive demon tentacle anyone had ever seen. It rammed itself into the succubus's snatch and stretched her to obscene lengths. As it continued stuffing its girth into her it pushed her forward, her cock popping out of the bud it so loved and pulsing ever so slightly as it rose straight into the air. When the demon was sure that thing had buried itself into her as far as it could go she soon felt a pair of lips wrapping around her member. That was all it took for her to cum.

What eventually stepped out of that room was a demon unlike any other. Prudence was quite clearly a succubus, that much her sisters could tell, but she didn't quite act like them, either. She regularly went through long periods without feeding, she always left on her own when she did finally feel hungry, and when she returned she never brought her prey back with her. She hardly ever participated in any of the raids, and when she did she mostly just went about doing her own little thing instead of fighting to capture whatever looked tasty. But most importantly she was always clothed. Be it full Victorian dresses, simple Roman robes, or even something so mundane as a simple shirt and pants the girl was always covered from head to toe. She even went as far as concealing even the faintest hints of cleavage. But no matter what she wore she always turned heads. Every position she took accented the depths of her curves, and everyone that caught sight of her couldn't help but wonder what treasures lay beneath those layers of fine silk. She was someone who never relied on charms or deceit to hunt, and even then she managed to keep a nearly perfect seduction record. She was a living legend to some, and they simply called her "The Ecchi Machine."

For decades she lived a truly happy life as a temptress from Hell, but lately something has been feeling off. She managed to come across some rather interesting books in an abandoned human library, and has gone for quite a while without hunting. Her powers had started to wane a bit, and that's when she noticed a rather unsettling heat burning in her chest. It felt like a spark of pure light burning in the very pit of her soul, and for once in her demon life she was truly scared. There were rumors of Jezebel actively trying to capture unusual souls on the Island, and now Prudence was starting to worry that hers would count as one. Jezebel probably had a remedy for whatever affliction Pru was suffering, but she couldn't risk letting her condition be known. The girl truly loved her life as a succubus. She couldn't let that bitch eat her. So what could she do?

Fetishes: Nothing right now.
Re: Characters

Name: Garran Regen

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 21

Physical description: About 5'6, quite an average looking guy but still maintains some muscle. His hair is a dirty blond color and about average length. He parts his hair down the middle and to the side, a curl of his hair for some reason always hangs in front of his face.

(Note: Best example I could get. I can never find pictures where the guy doesn't look 'pretty'. Wish there were normal looking characters.)

Personality: While not being exactly quite, he is rather shy around woman that he might have a crush on, or a minor attraction to. Besides that, he's rather outgoing and always trying to make jokes. Sometimes they turn out to be hilarious while other times he wish he had kept his mouth shot. Being way too naive, he trusts almost anybody he considers a friend right off the bat. This doesn't mean he is never serious however. If there is a problem he considers to be actually legit or worth being concerned about, he'll shift all attention into trying to figure out a solution. Lacking any social smarts, he tends to come off rather brainy, stating facts to support his opinion or view on things and current situations. If trouble ever occurs, he'll try to play it smart, thinking of every possibility he can think of at that time. He needs time to think however, if caught on the moment without any plans made beforehand, he'll tend to do his best to retreat from the situation and avoid it at all costs. In his heart, he honestly cares about how others are feeling, and just wishes to help if any way possible. Friends are something he values very much, as making friends has always been incredibly for him. He's very cautious about trying not to hurt other peoples feelings, despite the fact he sometimes does with his blunt observations, good or not.
He can be twisted in an odd sort of way however, but as he had been living in a world full of laws and rules prevent him from doing the things he wished possible, while the guilty were let off without any consequences for what they did. The most annoying thing to him is if a person does something horrid and brutal to another (rape, murder, etc) and getting away with it. He has a strong moral justice against such things, and would even go as far to make sure whoever did it gets killed... or worse.

Overall, he has strong beliefs in good morals and strives to keep them. However, if a foe intends to harm friends or himself, he has no problem killing.

Background: Loving the water so much, he had built a shack next to the waters edge, containing a boat and other things he would use to enjoy a good swim. He was aware that there were sometimes storms that could quite possibly ruin his home if built upon unstable ground, so his house was at least a 8 minutes walk from the shack, relieving him of any possibility of his home being flooded. So even though he had used common sense to prevent his home from being ruined by flooding, he should of figured that the clouds that day overhead meant a fierce storm was going to come upon him. Obliviously he set out on his boat dressed for a good swim. Enjoying the cool waves he began to notice the winds and waves were starting to pick up, and quickly ventured back into his boat. He had gone too far out though, as the storm eventually caught up with him. The waves pitching and throwing the little wooden boat obviously didn't stand fare chance against such fierce storms, and was eventually tossed out. Quickly his boat was carried out of his sight, and he struggled to remain above surface for air. For what seemed like hours to him, possibly actually not that long at all, he started to lose consciousness when his body was thrown onto the beach of a certain island. Crawling along the sand, away from the ocean as far as he could, his eyes grew heavy with exhaustion, and succumbed to it soon after......

Fetishes: Being restrained and used in a sexual manner/ light bondage, as well as being dominated.

((Note: This guy is from earth. I wanted it to be from a realistic world to this, interactions and response will be much more deeper and able to drive the story better. Pretty much, from EARTH to wherever the hell this is. Since it's fantasy highly doubt we need to be too concerned about how he got there.))
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Re: Characters

Race: Half human half Dragon
Gender: Male
Age: 17
He has pitch-black hair and green eyes. His eyes resemble that of a dragon, and his skin in dark brown. He wears a beanie cap, and has brown boots. He has a brown backpack that was given to him before he left his homeland, and has a huge gash across his back. He has the organs that allow him to breath fire, but the intensity is only that of a flamethrower. He wears a fireproof shirt, and fireproof cargo shorts. He has a short sword that he uses to fight, and an emergency kit in his book bag. He is carefree, and is known to be able to defuse any argument. He has a tail that reaches around his body, and black scales on his back.
Back-story: He was born in a small village at near the sea. He was born from a dragoness wandered from a far away island to the little town. His father sheltered her from the villagers, and she fell in love with him. They had Ed after several months. He was born in a hospital outside of the village, and was kept quite till he was five. He than wandered into the village square, and the townsfolk attacked him. He was shunned for his dragon heritage, and was home schooled. He was known to talk to the children his age, and they all liked him. The mothers were quite uncomfortable. When he went to play with them at the shore, a father came with his sword a slashed his back. He withered in pain, and no one came to help him. His father eventually brought him back, and they treated his wound. He still managed to keep a smile on his face, and secretly played with the other children. They eventually caught wind of this, and tried to drive him away. His mother was driven away from the village in hope that the soon would follow. The father decided it was not wise for him to stay where he was not welcome, and sent him to his brother’s home .He was given a brown backpack as a token of his father always being there. He stayed there, blending in with the monster mix. He was accepted, and stayed there till he turned 17. He than decided he wanted to find his mother, and learned how to use weapons. He favored the short blade for the advantage of being able to speed toward his opponent. He learned from his uncle that the monster girls resided on an island. He immediately set off, determined to find his mother!

Fetish: Happy sex, reverse rape, bondage, Titty fuck, Orgy (I’m not to picky, so go nuts)
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Re: Characters

As you sugested,my saint prehistoric friend,im saying that im holding a spot in the list of players to come.
Re: Characters

Name: Lycoris
Race: Human, demonic ancestry

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Physical Description:
Lycoris stands a few inches under six foot in height. Her body remains fairly lithe and athletic, though she is perhaps stronger than her appearance lets on. Though years of training have dulled her more feminine attributes she still has something of a chest and a curve to her hips. Her skin is pale and her hair remains a stark white, lending her the appearance of being an albino. Her eyes are the only notable source of colour, a deep blood red, affording her a piercing gaze.

While she was born to human parents she has developed a number of features that indicate she has some demon ancestry in her line, all of which she keeps covered to avoid the negative attention her blood would bring. Two small horns protrude from her forehead, normally covered by a headband and her thick hair. Her hands extend in a more clawed fashion so she is never seen without gloves unless alone. Finally she has several patches of dark scales along her legs, chest and her back, so she is always covered when out and about.

A soldier by trade, she prefers lighter armour to maintain her manoeuvrability in combat, normally wearing metal boots, gloves and a breastplate at best. She prefers to use pole-arms to give her a range advantage over her foes, though she often enjoys a nice axe as well.

Lycoris was born into a family that had long been renowned for producing knights, soldiers and mercenaries of notable fame throughout the generations. Needless to say she was expected to follow suite from a young age. When her demonic features started to manifest themselves though she suddenly found herself cut off from anything but highly regulated contact with the outside world. Her existence meant that somewhere in the family line there was demonic blood, a revelation that would almost certainly destroy the family name. Her father made sure she was trained as well as she could be, his idea of a kindness, but on her 20th birthday she was let go. Cast out into the world without her family name and told that she didn't exist as far as they were concerned.

Needless to say this didn't put her in the best frame of mind. She hated herself, she hated her family and she hated everyone else for hating her for some minor differences in her body. It wasn't hard to find work, people always needed a good sword arm and she was certainly not ill-equipped to survive in the world. She was alone however, and that didn't change in the two years leading up to her departure for the infamous isle of monsters. Her own family didn't want her so if she was going to find answers she figured the island would be the best place to look. She had no idea what she was hoping to find there though. Would she be happy killing demons or trying to kill the one she was descended from if it was even there? Maybe she wanted to prove herself as a warrior in the hopes of reclaiming her position in her family. Maybe she just wanted to find acceptance among the demons on the island. Either way she figured she'd be less of a monster than what was on the island, she'd figure the rest out when she got there.

Being dominated
As much as she'll deny it and fight it every step of the way, when she's bested she loves nothing more than being used.
By extension: Multiple penetrations, oral (more so with guys), rape and bestiality.
All that said, she's so used to her demonic attributes driving people away that she'd have no idea how too react if someone was interested in her because of them.
Re: Characters

Name; Asher Koloz

Race; 'Wolf'/Human Hybrid.

Gender; Male.

Age; 25.

Physical Description; Standing at 6'6 with tanned and faint patterns of paler skin, the man looks like a slim, sinewy yet powerful, broad-shouldered specimen of his kind. He has longer-looking arms, legs and fingers with one bright blue eye and one darker teal eye, both with dark rings. His slim, lightly stubbled, faintly gaunt face with often-hidden fangs is framed by shoulder-length black-blue and silver streaked hair that looks rather wild, with wolfen ears poking out with the same general coloration, his tail much the same. His nails look like short but potent claws integrated with calloused fingers, trimmed back but never entirely removed.

Asher prefers to either wear a simple attire of faded green, grey or pale yellow t-shirts with grey-faded green leggings and boots that are comfortable standing on tip-toes with a optional bleached apron, or faded grey fatigues/overalls with tan leather with metal armor covering his chest, lower legs and forearms/gauntlets with a helmet that lacks some of the back to it, beaked in appearance that protects him well, aided by a heavy long-sword, larger shield or Longbow, the weapons and armor crafted for him but maintained by his own efforts, so they look a little worn.

Personality; Quiet and stoic, though out-going and suffering from a slight 'Hero' syndrome, his growly voice does not do the man justice when trying to be light-hearted, instead he communicates far more with body languages and can denote intent of others, especially with any Animal-like creature, from Human hybrid, Monster Girl or Feral species. He does possess a resentful, angry or feral streak at times which shows when he has trouble sleeping or faces a persistent pest, likely to take to arms a little too often and lacking concern for inflicting violence. The moon-light is calming, but makes him feel very lonely, again not helped - what with the abundant levels of Demonic power coursing throughout the Island. His subdued demeanor and un-impressing manners allow Asher to be ignored with ease, happily slipping into the back of people's minds, however when required he is quite capable of attracting attention. Asher has a particular dislike of Magi and those that use and abuse their magicka as well as relying on it and the arrogance that comes from this, believing such people, Human or Monsters, are worthless were it not for their powers.

Back story:
Born on the island within a group of Human hybrids, his mother is the Alpha female or 'Matriarch' as preferred, with a powerful Human warrior as the little known father. The werewolf pack are in company of a few nearby towns (possibly the Centaur/Elf town?), he was raised to be as self-sufficient as he could, though he became more suitable as a fighter and builder, with little patience and interest in politics and finer crafting, with females being a source of resentment both-ways yet intriguing and distracting. He has since grown apart from his peers and took the job of a further roaming Guardian, completing a variety of tasks and taking coinage and supplies as rewards, moving into a comfortable-looking lodge in the rocky woods and keeping an eye on the local game, spending most of his free time rebuilding using his practical experience.

Though a 'Lone Wolf' in some loose way, he does not reject company without good reason nor does he 'angst' very much, if at all, and has managed to avoid intimacy up until this point, or at least placed minimal importance to any previous encounters. However he is not at all immune to the Demonic power that inflicts lust, merely able to control it at the expense of sleepless nights, mood-swings and strange dreams. He pines for the perfect female, the sort of boyhood romance now rejecting and chasing off all other females, due to his highly fickle, picky nature, whom sometimes literally throw themselves at him.

Conscious; Wide hips, Large Breasts, Curves/Light plumpness, consensual, strength (Not enough to take attention away from the femininity) Any or all.
Subconscious; Light Domination/Reverse Domination, Embracing, Blood-letting (Biting, clawing, nothing constituting a painful wound) and Courtship (Repressed, but effective one way or another if a female he felt comfortable around and attached to attempted it). May add more if inspired to do so. He does learn towards Wolf/Lizard themed Monstergirls, ironically.

Notes; I normally don't play Humans due to not feeling comfortable about it, weirdly enough, and doing a history of some-sort has never been my strength. Ah well, I'm hoping this will be suitable... might throw in another bio for a Monster-Girl if she's needed and see what's preferred. Wanting to avoid Loli, Scat and male/male. Anything else will be added as it comes up. Also preferring consensual scenes if they occur,
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