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Re: Hate Thread

I hate having arrangements with someone for rides to school, then have that person BAIL without even apologizing for a) forgetting the arrangement and b) not even returning my fucking texts or phone calls.

Oh yeah, and I STILL hate the public transit strike, as well as the cold.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate driving in traffic at night. I hate that turn signals are optional, that driving with any modicum of courtesy wins you the shaft, that people have to invest in those ridiculous LED headlights and then turn on their brights so that your only hope of avoiding an accident is keeping on straight ahead and praying until you can see the road again. I hate people moving at ridiculous speeds down a two lane road. I hate people who ride my bumper in an attempt to encourage me to speed up. I hate people who don't maintain their brake lights. I hate people who will turn into the smallest gaps so they don't have to wait. I hate people who insist on riding their bikes on the road at night and are then astonished by the oncoming traffic. Man, fuck those guys. I hate pedestrians who can't wait their turn, and little old ladies who are never at fault in an accident even if they hit you and you were stationary and day-glo.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate snow. Sure, I guess it's nicer to look than barren ground, but walking in it is pain in the ass(literally, if you happen to slip). Apart from that, it's wet and cold.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate snow. Sure, I guess it's nicer to look than barren ground, but walking in it is pain in the ass(literally, if you happen to slip). Apart from that, it's wet and cold.

I agree so very much
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not being able to walk long distances until I get my knee checked, less it seize up and much pain ensues. I also hate not being able to afford a $25 1.5 hour massage. Man, do I need one right now.
Re: Hate Thread

The knee part, I really agree with. I went sparring and got nailed in the knee the wrong way. I could barely get myself out of bed the next few days.
Re: Hate Thread

...I hate having to wake up at 6 AM to go to a meeting about Circuit City closing, then not having to work for the rest of my day.

I'd like to ask for the 5 minutes back, but I'm pretty sure they'd take it out of my paycheck...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate having arrangements with someone for rides to school, then have that person BAIL without even apologizing for a) forgetting the arrangement and b) not even returning my fucking texts or phone calls.

Oh yeah, and I STILL hate the public transit strike, as well as the cold.

...are we in the same city? o.0

I also hate the public transit strike. Fuck the ATU.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fact that the love thread is like 506546940 posts above everything else.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate jujutsu, or at least the fact I suck at it.
Re: Hate Thread

The control scheme in the RE5 demo makes me RAGE. There is also no selective reload (reloading with half a clip still in the gun) which feels strange. However, it does up the rush in the heat of battle. There also seems to be a lack of ammo, but somehow it seems okay. It helps with the feel of the co-op mechanic.

Anyway, about 80% of the controls feel awkward. Aiming feels a bit slow, and I found myself pulling out a weapon and fumbling with the buttons to get myself to fire. I'm hoping that the controls get changed for the final release, or at least have some stuff more refined.

On the bright side though, I beat the new chainsaw man. And goddamn is he just as scary as ever. Now to beat the axe guy...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how writer's block is currently punching me in the cerebral cortex.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate for not seeing that L + A is reload in the RE5 demo. Now I feel dumb. ;-;
Re: Hate Thread

The control scheme in the RE5 demo makes me RAGE. There is also no selective reload (reloading with half a clip still in the gun) which feels strange. However, it does up the rush in the heat of battle. There also seems to be a lack of ammo, but somehow it seems okay. It helps with the feel of the co-op mechanic.

Anyway, about 80% of the controls feel awkward. Aiming feels a bit slow, and I found myself pulling out a weapon and fumbling with the buttons to get myself to fire. I'm hoping that the controls get changed for the final release, or at least have some stuff more refined.

On the bright side though, I beat the new chainsaw man. And goddamn is he just as scary as ever. Now to beat the axe guy...

It's out already?
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, the demo on the 360 just came out a few hours ago. The PS3 demo comes out on Feb 5th.