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Re: Hate Thread

Dear Hollywood,


Me and every other child of the 80's.


GOD WHY! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Collapses on the ground, crying
Re: Hate Thread

On the topic of hate threads, I hate my brother sometimes.

Was in germany for a few days, first thing he says to restaurant staff when asked what he wants to order(In german, it was a damn pizza place, he could have just said pizza.)

"Ich spreche keine nazi"

I tried to sit somewhere else after he did that, but my dad seemed to think it was very funny.
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, I caught exactly one word outta that, and I'm pretty sure that's all I need. How'd the guy react?
Re: Hate Thread

Translated it would mean, "I don't speak nazi."

The guy did not like it at all, but as the place was full of french tourists, nobody else even heard it, and we got a different staff member to take our order.

Speaking of the french, I've found that the french tourists there(Close to the border) were all short, and seemed to feel they were better then everyone else, I guess that's just the tourists.
Re: Hate Thread

What an idiot.

He obviously DOES speak nazi
Re: Hate Thread

Translated it would mean, "I don't speak nazi."

The guy did not like it at all, but as the place was full of french tourists, nobody else even heard it, and we got a different staff member to take our order.

Speaking of the french, I've found that the french tourists there(Close to the border) were all short, and seemed to feel they were better then everyone else, I guess that's just the tourists.

wow, if he were my kid, i woulda slapped him.

and no, that's not tourists, that's just the French in general, Dear ;)
Re: Hate Thread

Almost the French in general the ones in Normandy tend to be taller, probably the viking blood. That's also where my families from originally.

Dear god we almost have the same brother, of course I would have smacked mine up side the head myself if he said that.

EDIT: Damn you Hollywood, if it takes my last breath I'm going to hunt you down and kill you.
Re: Hate Thread

. . . I think I may have to rape Hollywood, director by director... who wants to join me and take the producers?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how every day, no matter what time I try to go to sleep, my bed is freezing :(
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how every day, no matter what time I try to go to sleep, my bed is freezing :(

I'll gladly swap beds; mine is always burning up.
If it weren't for the fact that it's flammable and I would therefore notice it gone, I'd swear it was on fire =/
Re: Hate Thread

I'd take it, I like hot temperatures. I can't sleep when I'm cold. Hot at least tires me out until i pass out
Re: Hate Thread

I'll trade with you. I can only sleep when I'm cold. Anything above 70 and I get insomnia.
Re: Hate Thread

Johnny 5 is alive!!

I've been over this topic before. Also upcoming are:

While most of which have never been a movie before, there's a good reason for that.
Re: Hate Thread

Johnny 5 is alive!!

I've been over this topic before. Also upcoming are:

While most of which have never been a movie before, there's a good reason for that.

STOP MESSING WITH MY HAPPY LITTLE WORLD!!! *fires several thermonuclear devices at once*
Re: Hate Thread

No we won't kill them we'll just torture them by making them watch their own movies on a continuous loop while strapped to a chair. At least until they gouge out their own eyes that is,t hen we'll have to find another way.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Wainwright... or Pretendastan, or Wainwrong, whatever the fuck you wanna call it.
Re: Hate Thread

. . . I think I may have to rape Hollywood, director by director... who wants to join me and take the producers?

They're remaking Predator? I hope they at least reference the one good Arnie line in that movie.

But Short Circuit...meh. I hated that movie as a kid, but probably just because I didn't like the robot.
Re: Hate Thread

They arn't remaking Predator, they are making the third one.
Re: Hate Thread

*chuckles* remember that conversation about drivers being dicks? I was on the other side of the debate today... I roll up to a stoplight, and there's four or five cars there, behind a big white SUV. And I'm talking HUGE, almost Hummer-sized. It's a right-hand turn, but there's a no turn on red sign so I'm not too worried that nobody's moving... until the light turns green. That SUV sits there for a couple seconds, then somebody starts making polite tap-tap-taps on their horn. Guy still doesn't move. Ten or fifteen seconds later, three other horns are tapping, including mine, trying to get the guy to move (I have no idea how he doesn't realize it's him). Finally he does move, and because I'm at the end of the line, I have to stomp on it to make it through the light.

But wait, it gets better. The very next light is red, and the guy in the white SUV is in front again, on the right portion of a two-lane left-hand-turn dealio. He apparently sees the other light going yellow/red, because he starts inching forward, until it seems like he misjudged the light order and stops - a half-second before the two green arrows fire. People start politely tapping their horns again. I didn't get involved, because I wasn't turning. What's weirder is, the left-portion of the turn lanes starts moving, but that guy just kept sitting there for no apparent reason. And this whole time I'm laughing to myself, facepalming and wondering how that guy is so oblivious to do this twice in a row. Then I jump about six inches off my seat when the plain-paint police car beside me blares his siren right through my open windows, making me choke on the sugar cookie I was eating.

The guy hops forward like a startled rabbit, giving me the chuckles for the rest of the drive home.