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Re: Confessions

New law: all men's pants must have a built in top-hat on the crotch.
Re: Confessions

you wouldn't nuke me down here would you oni?

being prime minister would be awsome though, i'd get to enact all kinds of crazy laws.

To take a note from Oni's books, 'All female personal will be required to wear TINY MINISKIRTS!!!"

Back on topic, I has a small personal confession- I find it easier to RP as the opposite sex online
Re: Confessions

That's not that weird actually. Online, table top, or however you roleplay. I believe that's why it's called roleplay after all.
Re: Confessions

Takes the old "punching-through-a-hat" gag to new levels.

Re: Confessions

TBack on topic, I has a small personal confession- I find it easier to RP as the opposite sex online

Hah. Same. It's become an in-joke with my RPing circles. I'm also apparently quite good at it, because one friend of mine I met while RPing one of my girls, and she didn't click that it wasn't a female behind the keys until I mentioned it =P
Re: Confessions

I actually read a very good editorial about people who almost always play the opposite gender in roleplays. It was from either Dragon or Dungeon, neither of which is made anymore. I thought it was very insightful and funny, if I can find it I'll put it up.

I myself am just as likely to play either sex in a roleplay. A lot depends on the other characters people around me make though. Since I tend to change my ideas after seeing what others are going to play.
Re: Confessions

I actually play a female pretty much all the time.
a) because most roleplays I get into call for more female characters.
b) I just feel more comfortable playing them. Perhaps I'm the exception that proves the rule?
Re: Confessions

I will admit that I'm more comfortable playing as a male character, but that's because I understand how males think better. Especially if the game is with people I don't know as well.

Now with my regular gaming friends in real life, it's easy to play as either since I already know them all very well.
Re: Confessions

You honestly think I'll be letting anyone survive the nuclear war if I get into power? The best way to fix the human race is to wipe them out completely after all.

Well then, I guess I'd better get back to work on that ULMF nuke bunker I've been building. Guess I can collapse the tunnel that was running to you, though, since it sounds like you're planning on 'going down with the ship'.
Re: Confessions

I can play either, although lately I just don't feel any compulsion to make any new female characters.

My all-time favourite character who continues to be ongoing is female, but she's also very tomboyish. It works for the character because she's a warrior and is constantly pushing herself to be better at everything, so as far as she's concerned, she hasn't got time for things like love.

Or, you know, recreational time. It's always work work work, always more work so she never has time to realise how empty her life is without it.

By contrast, I've also played some very feminine characters, such as my somewhat naive seeming sorcerer who never got going properly due to game cancellation, and my Chinese vampire fem fatale, who got her head bitten off by a western counterpart when someone decided we should ram-raid the Tremare shantry rather than get the hell out of this city that was lost to our kind.
Re: Confessions

That's what happens when you let the Brujah come up with the plan of attack.

Something I have noticed is that the only characters of mine who ever survive are the females. The males tend to get eaten, polymorphed, exsanguinated, and whatever else you can think of.
Re: Confessions

We were playing KOTE, we didn't have a Brujah. We had a resplendid crane, a howling devil tiger, a bone flower and myself, the thrashing dragon.

EDIT: I miss my thrashing dragon... she was cool. She had Yin prana, equilibrium, and yang prana. (All at only 1 or 2 dots admittedly). She was the master of balance and chi flow, despite having a minor yang imbalance in her own chi.
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Re: Confessions

you wouldn't nuke me down here would you oni?

being prime minister would be awsome though, i'd get to enact all kinds of crazy laws.

You do live on this planet, right? Then yeah, you'd be nuked too :p

Well then, I guess I'd better get back to work on that ULMF nuke bunker I've been building. Guess I can collapse the tunnel that was running to you, though, since it sounds like you're planning on 'going down with the ship'.

Oh, I will definitely be 'going down with the ship'. Already got it planned too. I'll be in a tall building, overlooking the chaos down below whilst I sip a glass of red wine. will be playing in the background, and a little while later the bombs will drop on Britain where everything along with myself will be destroyed, though before I am I'll have a smile on my face as I drain the last of the wine and the music comes to an end.
Re: Confessions

Wiping the rest of the world out with you - for people too cowardly to go alone..

Re: Confessions

In the ever unlikely situation that I had an accurate deadline of when I would pass and there was nothing I could do to change it, I would want to know what it's like to have a person's life escape between my hands, which would be best represented in strangling a person to death.

..that's weird right?

But then I'd make up for it by having the most awesome death ever. Probably me fighting a pack of wolves on top of a low flying plane
Re: Confessions

In the ever unlikely situation that I had an accurate deadline of when I would pass and there was nothing I could do to change it, I would want to know what it's like to have a person's life escape between my hands, which would be best represented in strangling a person to death.

..that's weird right?

But then I'd make up for it by having the most awesome death ever. Probably me fighting a pack of wolves on top of a low flying plane

Don't forget the mother-fuckin' snakes.
Re: Confessions

In the ever unlikely situation that I had an accurate deadline of when I would pass and there was nothing I could do to change it, I would want to know what it's like to have a person's life escape between my hands, which would be best represented in strangling a person to death.

It's not fun.
Re: Confessions

I would want to know what it's like to have a person's life escape between my hands, which would be best represented in strangling a person to death.

Oh god, seeing as this is the confessions thread I guess I'll post another; I often fantasise (not the fapping kind, you sick sick perverts :p) about strangling someone to death. It doesn't matter who, it could be a family member, a friend or even just some random person on the street, I just want to see them struggle as I crush the life from them, their expressions changing as they slowly realise they're about to die. Of course, I doubt I'll ever go through with it cos it's only a fantasy. Naturally I blame Battle Vixens because of that first fight between Sonsaku Hakufu and Ryomou Shimei.