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Re: Confessions

Meh. Shouldn't let some genetic disease get in the way of socializing, unless it keeps you from socializing, like tourettes(sp?) where you'd be cursing every few words, or being a blind mute or something.

Meh, fuck it. Hey guys, guess what? I should have died when I was born! Instead, I have a plastic valve in my heart! It's awesome!
My limitations are: A) I can't do any competitive weight-lifting (lulz, didn't plan on it, but okay) and B) I need pills before ANY invasive surgery, even just getting a tattoo; I forget what they're for, but it has something to do with my blood.....
Oh, and I can't smoke. I can drink alcohol as much as I want, but I can't smoke.
I do have a decent-sized scar on my chest still, though, from where they cut me open; and according to my dad, the doctors were 'quacks', so perhaps I'm luckier to be alive than I thought.
Re: Confessions

Man, I think we all need a group hug.
Re: Confessions

I have literally nothing wrong with me.

Am I evil for being smug about that?
Re: Confessions

I technically have nothing wrong with me but as my friend put it "You're a weird rainbow of happy puke and sunshine ponies."

Or to be more exact except without the drugs
Re: Confessions

I have literally nothing wrong with me.

Am I evil for being smug about that?

You come across as rather arrogant. I'd say that's somethin kinda wrong.
Re: Confessions

I have literally nothing wrong with me.

Am I evil for being smug about that?

Nope. Nothing wrong with saying that. People who think it's smug are just unhappy they they don't have the confidence to say that.
Re: Confessions

Re: Confessions

I'm assuming he meant medically prone to.
Re: Confessions

As one of my friends is fond of describing himself..

Smart, attractive young man with self-perception problem.

And to use a reference most unlike me..

John 1:8 said:
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

Re: Confessions

Yeah, pretty obvious we're talking in medical sense here. Nothing wrong with being happy about having good health. But on the subject of arrogance and egos, don't forget how plenty of people are all too eager to undersell themselves too. That doesn't help either.

I can confess to that. I hurt myself a lot by always playing myself down and not doing my best through some strange paranoia that I can't do something, when I damn well know I can. There are countless times that I've known something, and been plenty certain about it, but still presented it in conversation as something I'm unsure about or pretending I don't fully know, due to a fear of being wrong or looking arrogant. I'd really be so much better off if I could just be honest to myself and say it with the appropriate amount of confidence.

"Deceiving ourselves" on either end of the scale is a harmful thing.
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Re: Confessions

Lost my virginity aged 19. Oral sex happened a year before though.

In any case, the stigma surrounding virginity, for both genders, annoys me. Some people pressure you to keep it, some people pressure you to lose it. Why is this? It's thanks to organised religion, and the days when a marriage could be annulled if the bride was not a virgin on her wedding night. That, and that guys are dicks.
Re: Confessions

Yeah, pretty obvious we're talking in medical sense here. Nothing wrong with being happy about having good health. But on the subject of arrogance and egos, don't forget how plenty of people are all too eager to undersell themselves too. That doesn't help either.

I can confess to that. I hurt myself a lot by always playing myself down and not doing my best through some strange paranoia that I can't do something, when I damn well know I can. There are countless times that I've known something, and been plenty certain about it, but still presented it in conversation as something I'm unsure about or pretending I don't fully know, due to a fear of being wrong or looking arrogant. I'd really be so much better off if I could just be honest to myself and say it with the appropriate amount of confidence.

"Deceiving ourselves" on either end of the scale is a harmful thing.

Everyone does that. It's basic human nature to want to always be right. Using this technique we can fob the blame of error on someone else quite easily on the off chance we are wrong.
Re: Confessions

Lost my virginity aged 19. Oral sex happened a year before though.

In any case, the stigma surrounding virginity, for both genders, annoys me. Some people pressure you to keep it, some people pressure you to lose it. Why is this? It's thanks to organised religion, and the days when a marriage could be annulled if the bride was not a virgin on her wedding night. That, and that guys are dicks.

you forget that girls are just as big a dicks as guys, they just aren't quite as loud about it.
Re: Confessions

you forget that girls have just as big a dicks as guys

I got excited.

I thought humility was a good quality. Apparently I'm extremely critical of myself for some things that are absolutely fine. But it's not things that I think I won't function correctly if I don't get fixed, it's just passable stuff that I think I can do better with and make half-assed attempts to change it, but instead go with how I normally get by and look down on myself for not finding a better way past it.

In the end, at least in that case, i guess there's nothing wrong with it because it isn't ultimately breaking you. It's not a bad quality to want or see the potential for improvement, the only thing arguably bad about it is the lack of motivation to change, and even then, i don't really buy that that's "bad." Sort of like that Boondock Saints thing about how the indifference of good men is so incredibly evil or something.
Re: Confessions

Lost my virginity aged 19. Oral sex happened a year before though.

In any case, the stigma surrounding virginity, for both genders, annoys me. Some people pressure you to keep it, some people pressure you to lose it. Why is this? It's thanks to organised religion, and the days when a marriage could be annulled if the bride was not a virgin on her wedding night. That, and that guys are dicks.

Considering I did an entire paper on the double-standard between male and female pre-marital sex (and got an A), I'm not going to get started on that agrument. Not to mention my general opinion on the subject could have me making a wall o' text about it and I don't feel like going there right now.

Suffice to say, I do tend to agree with the statement, though, that it's only pre-marital sex if you intend to get married.
Re: Confessions

I did mean medically.

@sin: even for you, that was kind of silly. Did you really think I thought of myself as THE perfect human being? Granted, I'm an arrogant person, but sheesh, I didn't know I came off as THAT bad.

In a similar vein: I'm an egotist. If you offer me free food, I'm going to accept it, and I'm also going to take as much as I can, because if there was some sort of unspoken rule that you're only supposed to take so much to be polite, well, you should have told me that. But I don't really think of myself that way. I think of the human race as egotistical; virtually everything anybody does is in their own self interest. Someone who does limit their food-taking to be polite is merely trying to ingratiate themselves with everybody else. The way I see it, the difference between most people and me is that I'm completely honest about it. If I'm taking advantage of you in some way, I tell you how and why I am. If I do something nice for you, I will always be explaining why you shouldn't think that I'm merely doing something nice for you, but how it's in my own best interest to do so. In most cases, it's humorous, not offensive, and it's actually gained me most of the friends that I've considered Real Friends over my life. When someone does take offense to it, well I now know that i'd rather not hang around them.

Does anybody disagree that there is no such thing as a selfless act?

@aika: I was 18, and yet I'd been in a relationship with the girl for 5-8 years before that. The only age I'd consider it bad or wrong to lose your virginity is 35-40, because if you've waited that long, clearly something is messed up in your head, because procreating is a biological imperative. And if you do lose your virginity at that age, 99% of the time you didn't wait that long because you were consciously remaining celibate due to religious reasons (the other 1% is people who lose their faith and decide to have sex, or rape, and I don't really count rape, as I see losing one's virginity as a choice, not something that can happen against your will).
Re: Confessions

I feel that selfless acts are few and far between, but I am certain that somewhere there is a decent act for which there is no suitable reward. I believe that people always act in what they believe to be their best interest, but some don't make distinctions between short-term and long-term benefits because they either don't understand the difference, or are impatient, or don't care.