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Re: Hate Thread

I hate every single person who is at a centralstation of some sort at the same time as i am.
Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate? Raisins in curry. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea, huh? Whoever it was deserves a beating.
Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate? Raisins in curry. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea, huh? Whoever it was deserves a beating.

Ick, that sounds disgusting :/
Re: Hate Thread

Indeed it was. My mother said she took them all out but I still managed to find one of the fuckers hidden deep within my rice.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate the New York Yankees. They're the most unlikable, selfish shitty fucking bunch of assholes that I've ever seen together in a baseball team. (You know, other than the Red Sox.) I don't understand how someone could possibly like this team in any way. There isn't a person on there who doesn't have a shitty personality or is likable as a person. I can understand someone liking, say, Jeter, but that's about it.

Go Phillies.
Re: Hate Thread

So let me get this straight. You get to talk to your significant other every single day and you're complaining because she cut one of these daily conversations short, due to the fact that she was at a party, having fun with other people?

Do you like, want to put her on a leash or something, too?


No, it's just that the daily call is something that SHE was incredibly adamant about when she started up college. So it was really bizarre and rude of her to want to just get of the phone with me A.S.A.P. when we hadn't talked at all that day.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate the New York Yankees. They're the most unlikable, selfish shitty fucking bunch of assholes that I've ever seen together in a baseball team. (You know, other than the Red Sox.) I don't understand how someone could possibly like this team in any way. There isn't a person on there who doesn't have a shitty personality or is likable as a person. I can understand someone liking, say, Jeter, but that's about it.

Go Phillies.

I hate how baseball is the only national US sport that requires multiple games to decide the winner of that season.
Re: Hate Thread


No, it's just that the daily call is something that SHE was incredibly adamant about when she started up college. So it was really bizarre and rude of her to want to just get of the phone with me A.S.A.P. when we hadn't talked at all that day.

Yeah... but party. With her friends.

Dude you're going to go through times where you don't talk to your girlfriend for awhile at a time. Longest for me was a month (don't know how I'm still together with her after that one). So... yeah it was rude and annoying, but it's really not that bad.
Re: Hate Thread


No, it's just that the daily call is something that SHE was incredibly adamant about when she started up college. So it was really bizarre and rude of her to want to just get of the phone with me A.S.A.P. when we hadn't talked at all that day.

Yeah, it's a shame when people find better things to do than chatter on the phone.
Re: Hate Thread

No, no, no. You guys don't understand.

She's gotten mad at ME before for just typing up a college paper when I was talking on the phone. She got irritated when I was installing Windows 7 earlier this week when we were talking, in which case I just called her back in 5 and had a normal chat. But meanwhile, I come home after work, and all she wants to do is suggest that I go do some homework or something. It's like... I can't be afforded the same respect that she has me give to her, which made me pretty upset. That was my problem with the whole thing. She apologized later on for doing such a boneheaded thing though.
Re: Hate Thread


People are hypocrites. If you're going to get pissed off whenever your girlfriend does something hypocritical, the relationship isn't going to last very long. When my girlfriend and I were fighting almost every day, the main cause of them were anything very much like that - 90% of our fights could have been avoided completely if we'd just realized that nobody can hold to their ideals 100% of the time. Now that we've come to understand this basic fact, we've become a lot closer, and our fights have almost disappeared. I nag at her when she does something like that, and she nags at me, but we both know it's in good fun and not to take it seriously. If we hadn't done that, I can assure you we would have estranged each other and a decade-long relationship would have gone down the tubes.

But if it didn't cause a fight I guess you don't have to worry about it. Could be just me that had that problem. If so, just ignore my ramblings as the thoughts of someone who loves meddling in other people's lives. GL to you both =p
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how my girlfriend wanted to check a text she got in the middle of our nightly phone call. That pissed me off somethin' real bad.

Well, you didn't exactly do a great job explaining WHY it pissed you off. Just seemed to me like you wanted to talk and you were pissed that she has other things to do.

Also, I hate people who dick around on L4D2. It's cute when I do it, but when somebody else does it, it just isn't cool!
Re: Hate Thread

You aren't the only one alias, I had the same problem, except it didn't go so smoothly.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck the Phillies

*edit* I was going to wait for someone to call me out on it, but I figure, why try to create a misunderstanding. My point is furthered by "Fuck the Yankees too" and before someone assumes my team didn't get into the series, I don't have a team. Fuck baseball completely. It's probably the most uninteresting sport next to golf, which most people don't even consider a sport, so arguably, baseball is the worst existing sport period. You don't understand how anyone can like a Yankee? I don't understand how anyone can like baseball, aside from suspense, because honestly, a sport that makes you stand still for that long can do little more than build suspense. And yes, I've played pretty much every sport under the sun that doesn't involve water or horses in some way, and I find golf more exhilarating than baseball (Sorry for ragging on golf so much, but it's generally viewed pretty poorly). I've even spent well over 7 years coaching the sport, and yes it's almost a fundamental activity to teach children, but that's along with other games they can play. I'd rather they had a national dodgeball league. I still can not wrap my mind around how something revolving around the word "sport" can breed such inactivity and poor shape. Not to argue they aren't athletic, but the "build" of a lot of the players is disgusting. There is nothing about baseball that is fun, active, or enduring, unless you consider "enduring" doing it for years and years.
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Re: Hate Thread

How 'bout that NASCAR? 200 laps have never been so much FUN!

... After you're too drunk to realize how boring it is.
Re: Hate Thread

How 'bout that NASCAR? 200 laps have never been so much FUN!

... After you're too drunk to realize how boring it is.
>.>;; I like NASCAR. And I've never watched it drunk. (I watch for the crashes now)

Ontopic, I hate how people don't consider drum and bugle corps a sport. When the drummers use as much O2 as an Olympic sprinter through the entire 15 minute routine.... i think it should be given some consideration as a sport. Especially seeing as how cheerleading is a sport *sneers* Fuck cheerleaders and their overblown heads placing blame on the band when the football team sucks donkey ass.
Re: Hate Thread

NASCAR is the epitome of American stupidity. I will never comprehend how anybody can get a rush from that garbage. I once went to a NASCAR race when I was a kid. I fucking hated it. It was hot, crowded, the food sucked, and I had to wear earplugs so my little ears wouldn't fucking bleed because of the cars racing by.

The only time I'll ever watch it is for crashes, but not even those are worth sitting around for 2 hours watching a bunch of rednecks go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Fucking riveting.
Re: Hate Thread

NASCAR is the epitome of American stupidity. I will never comprehend how anybody can get a rush from that garbage. I once went to a NASCAR race when I was a kid. I fucking hated it. It was hot, crowded, the food sucked, and I had to wear earplugs so my little ears wouldn't fucking bleed because of the cars racing by.

The only time I'll ever watch it is for crashes, but not even those are worth sitting around for 2 hours watching a bunch of rednecks go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Fucking riveting.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I messed up by a day and Dragon Age: Origins is not released TODAY, but TOMORROW in Germany. I don't want to wait anymore :(