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Re: Hate Thread

That's what those combat boots are for.

Re: Hate Thread

Nothing real big, was walking home, about midnight. Decided to cut through one of the shadier parts of town (where I know there are a few coke heads and such about). Usually this isn't a problem, but a guy I know apparantly had a some issues with me, and came after me while going home.

I of course tried to talk him down, but this guy was pissed... and high. So he comes at me with fists raised. Fortunately he's scrawny as shit and couldn't fight worth a shit. So punch to gut, and once doubled over, drove my knee a few times into his face... pretty sure I broke his nose.

Haven't talked to him since. Knee still hurts a little.
Re: Hate Thread

Ah aren't crackheads grand, makes me glad I don't live in Algiers anymore. Considering how seedy that neighborhood was when I was younger, I'm not sure if I want to go visit my relatives this summer. Since it most likely got worse.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when your less than five hours away from taking a trip, then everything starts unraveling and you begin to wonder if you even want to go.

I also hate it when people just can't be fucking up front and straight about things and instead dodge the damn issue. Women in particular with the whole "I'm not ready" bullshit, and then they're sitting in some other guy's lap and kissing and shit two weeks later right in front of you.

Makes me want to pull a fucking Albert Wesker chest impale on someone. And then people ask me why I don't trust women for relationships. HAH!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when your less than five hours away from taking a trip, then everything starts unraveling and you begin to wonder if you even want to go.

I also hate it when people just can't be fucking up front and straight about things and instead dodge the damn issue. Women in particular with the whole "I'm not ready" bullshit, and then they're sitting in some other guy's lap and kissing and shit two weeks later right in front of you.

Makes me want to pull a fucking Albert Wesker chest impale on someone. And then people ask me why I don't trust women for relationships. HAH!

See, at least my version of that, there was a 6 month gap between commitment issues with me to her now boyfriend of 3 years.
Re: Hate Thread

The sad part Inky, is I actually HAVE the materials here to pull off a shockingly good physical imitation of Wesker's looks, clothing and all. Tempted to start that up and see how many people after that want to fuck with me.

And yeah, backstabbers galore abound. Again, then people wonder why I begin to hate humans as a whole and keep wishing we'd just wipe ourselves out already.
Re: Hate Thread

The sad part Inky, is I actually HAVE the materials here to pull off a shockingly good physical imitation of Wesker's looks, clothing and all. Tempted to start that up and see how many people after that want to fuck with me.

And yeah, backstabbers galore abound. Again, then people wonder why I begin to hate humans as a whole and keep wishing we'd just wipe ourselves out already.

Yes well, last I checked we were all human beings here. Thanks a lot friendo.
Re: Hate Thread

Yes well, last I checked we were all human beings here. Thanks a lot friendo.

Y'know, either you're insulting me by calling me human, or you're attacking the whole suspension of disbelief by subjecting us to reality. Either way, knock it off >_>;

But hey, I recently paid $24 to be able to contact someone who was supposedly interested in me to get two very short emails from them followed by silence. Money well spent. Maybe I'll get another hit before the month it out, by my hopes aren't high. It's not even like she got a free drink out of it or something either, I just don't understand how in what little was exchanged she can decide she's not interested unless she really wasn't al that interested to begin with.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is: I hate dating.
Re: Hate Thread

I've pretty much given up on being the one looking until the last semester of college, maybe sooner, idk.

Last g/f I had was fucking psycho and manic-obsessive.
The two before that said I felt more like a 'big brother' than a b/f, and they apparently weren't into incest.
My first g/f went behind my back and kissed another guy - like, jumped on him and dry humped him - right in front of one of my best friends, who immediately beat the shit out of her (catfight, rowr).

Yeah, I haven't had very good luck.....
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when my computer randomly decides it wants to fuck up and freeze the program I'm working in so I lose everything I'd been typing, which, of course, really screws up the thought process to the point of wondering why I'm even bothering starting over in the first place. Especially after having just gotten bitched at by someone that seems to think I'm not supposed to be doing anything but catering to them. God forbid I try to amuse myself in some way other than focusing my attention solely on them.

I'm going to have a lot of fun shattering someone's reality when it finally happens.
Re: Hate Thread

Especially after having just gotten bitched at by someone that seems to think I'm not supposed to be doing anything but catering to them. God forbid I try to amuse myself in some way other than focusing my attention solely on them.

Damn straight. You should be paying more attention to nunu!
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that there's less than 20 episodes of the show "Firefly" in existence. There really should have been a couple more seasons at LEAST. Well, there's still the movie I need to watch...
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, the movie is good, but not as good as the series. It just lacks something, given that it picks up sometime after the series lets off and they couldn't get everyone back properly. Still, at least they didn't do the old replacing the actor trick and trying to convince someone it's the same person like they did in the Dead Link Me movie.

Because 5 minutes of "THIS IS DAISY ADAIRE ALRIGHT?!" head bludgeoning sucks. That's another series I wish hadn't ended.
Re: Hate Thread

Firefly was great, and I do wish there had been more seasons. I actually didn't hear about the series until after I saw the movie... so I kinda ruined it for myself, but like Inky said, the movie wasn't quite as good as the series, but they did a damn good job in tying up pretty much all the loose ends. Still... I hope there's another movie soon. I hate my lack of Nathan Fillion (Castle season 2 better hurry its fucking ass onto DVD soon)

Dead Like Me was also a great series. I hate that they canceled it, and then tried to tie everything up in a movie. Daisy's character was... very off, and I didn't even feel like they wrapped up the series very well. Shame that.
Re: Hate Thread

You know who I hate?!
Racists, all of them are damned ass-holes,

And do you know who else I hate?!

*edit*, ouch, some people dislike my humour xD

*Double edit* And some people do, one +rep from an asian, and one -rep from some guy who doesn't like me.
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Re: Hate Thread

Fillion fix. (Though the site may be a bit wiggy. Youtube is good for it, though.)

I got that on DVD, as well as Halo 3 ODST. Still, I want more Castle damnit. The first season had one of those fucking cliffhanger endings. Now there's something I hate, cliffhanger endings on a television series. There's been plenty of times where I got into a series, really enjoyed it, saw the cliffhanger season finale, and then discovered the series was canceled.

What the fuck
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that there's less than 20 episodes of the show "Firefly" in existence. There really should have been a couple more seasons at LEAST. Well, there's still the movie I need to watch...

I hate that there's only six episodes of FLCL but you don't see me bitching.
Re: Hate Thread


Shit's awesome, whether it is American or weak.